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Voivod > Angel Rat > Reviews > SpeedMetalPunch
Voivod - Angel Rat

Colossal - 91%

SpeedMetalPunch, October 27th, 2022

Since they were created, Voivod has experimented with a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot of different sounds and rhythms, always putting something new in every single album they released. At first, they were an aggressive thrash metal band that, in three years, perfected and polished their style into something more technical, and then, jumped into the progressive scene with the amazing Nothingface. After that, Voivod continued their evolution, changing and evolving. I've known Voivod for years, but it was recently when I really got into them through albums like Killing Technology, The Wake, Dimension Hatröss, and I must say I haven't been so addicted to a band since I discovered how good Rush were. Anyway, lets get into Angel Rat.

First of all, and maybe the only things I do not like about this album. First: the artwork. Voivod has some impressive artwork in their albums. Look at The Outer Limits, or Killing Technology, those albums have engaging imagery and are distinctive among the genre they play, but what the fuck did Michel Langevin smoke to say: Hey, I've heard about this new program called Photoshop and it's fucking great, man, lets use this drawing I made!? Maybe it represents something I don't get, but I don't really care: it is so goddamn ugly. And also: what is an Angel Rat? I've been trying to find why this album has that name, because maybe it was some kind of pun I don't understand, hoping it was me, but no, this album really has that name just because.

So, lets start with the music. Is it good? Hell yes, it is amazing. This album came inmediately after Nothingface, which was a huge success in Voivod's career and a monumental album in the progressive metal scene. Nothingface still had that aggressive touch that defined Voivod in the late 80's, but Angel Rat turned 180º and became even more progressive. Some people think that was a bad decision, but with this new step Voivod stablished even more their own sound, they became more Voivod, they did what they thought was more loyal to their identity, they were brave enough to commit to what made Nothingface so goddamn good: the experimentation.

The instrumentation is so complex, so unique and so smooth that you have to play this record several times in order to catch how they combine. Blacky's basswork is so, so important here (even if he despises Angel Rat, he still slaps) and his lines are essential to the sound of this album. If you focus only on his bass, you'll be amused on how he drives the rhythm and creates the base of every single track. Then, Piggy always delivers fucking amazing riffs, catchy melodies that stay in your head for days. When I first listened to Best Regards, I had to instantly play it again, and then again, because I couldn't get that gallop riff in the chorus out of my head. He creates amazing riffs in this album, fun and engaging, making every song different between them.

One of the main issues I have with this album is his inconsistency. The second half is not as good as the first, and it feels sometimes like a different record. While the first 20 minutes holds the best songs, the latter are weaker and not as memorable.

When I read the reviews from this album, one stood out. It said If you don't like Angel Rat, I'm sorry, but you don't like Voivod, and that's 100% real. I must say this record represents what Voivod truly is: they took risks, created their sound, experimented, developed and were loyal to their personal preferences. So, do yourself a favour and play Angel Rat. Is so good, different and amusing, you won't regret it.

- Panorama
- The Prow
- Best Regards
- Twin Dummy