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A lot more black metal and lot less RAC - 85%

PlanetUranus, May 25th, 2024

This was the first of four LPs the band released in 2018, and it's one of the better. The sound on this is a lot more traditional black metal, and a lot less of the Oi/RAC style that you hear on the later albums. It's also shorter which works to its advantage and keeps it from getting boring.

The vocal style of this one-man-show is not a typical high pitched shriek, but a strained rasp like he's tightening his throat... it sounds like he'd get red in the face sometimes. His performance hasn't changed at all between the releases. Production is a little strange, I can't call it clean but it's not your typical raw sound either. It's still lo-fi but the guitars have an almost electronic sound to them. There's a halo of fuzz around it but it's barely noticeable.

The drums stand out a lot on this album which is not normal for Tlateotocani. He's really creative instead of just keeping a basic 4/4 beat in the background. Several tracks have machine-gun snare drum pounding, creating a fast tempo which was not heard on the later albums from 2018. It's an obvious influence from Transilvanian Hunger on those songs. Tracks 6 and 7, 'Escudo de Armas' and 'Quetzalcoatl' are in this category. He uses the triangle a lot on 'Xenophobia'. So altogether, there's more variety on display in the drumming department and it's a major upgrade.

As a whole this music is more riff-oriented. It's classic black metal tremolo picking instead of the Oi/RAC "inspirational power chord" type of playing. There aren't any songs on here that I would call RAC except for the Absurd cover - but I'll get to that. He's not singing all the time so you can enjoy the guitars. There's room for the listener to absorb the riffs. 'Estados Unidos de Israel' sounds just like Stremmen fra Tarnet by Burzum.

The album ends with a cover of Absurd's Gates of Heaven, one of their most iconic songs. The riffs and solo are great with this guitar tone and production - but It's off-putting because he does clean singing for the first and only time here, right at the end. Of course that's how the original song was, but it's still jarring.

Overall, I like this album a lot. The band had a more traditional tremolo riff style of black metal and ends strong with some of the fastest drumming and a good if slightly weird cover of a famous song. Recommended.