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Sarcasm > A Touch of the Burning Red Sunset > Reviews > shantanupatni1991
Sarcasm - A Touch of the Burning Red Sunset

An underrated experimental masterpiece - 95%

shantanupatni1991, February 4th, 2009

I’d describe this as more of an experimental black metal record than a death metal one. The vocals are somewhere between harsh and shrieky, the atmosphere is evil and the beats will blast your speakers. But it doesn’t stop there. Don’t mistake this for some uncreative, monotonous flat piece of shit. We have extremely impressive riffs & solos coming out of the guitar, and the bass lines are not only audible, but mind blowing! These four songs are impeccable in just about every aspect.

The ambience created by the keyboards and additional sounds keeps you in character throughout this amazing experience, thereby amplifying the joy you gain out of it. The songs are rather complex in structure, only giving more proof of this criminally underrated band’s talent. Judging by these four songs alone, I’d say these guys are very much in the league of more widely known avant-garde bands like Arcturus, Diabolical Masquerade, Dornenreich or Mirrorthrone. You think I’m exaggerating, don’t you? Maybe, maybe not; but one think I can say for sure is that this band has everything you’re looking for.

Metal was born in England, took more/better shape in the US, and crossed all limits of creativity in Scandinavia. This demo proves the above statement quite convincingly.