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Mortal Slaughter > Lepers > Reviews
Mortal Slaughter - Lepers

This Is Intense - 89%

Inoculated_Life, October 24th, 2011

Mortal Slaughter's one and only album Lepers is absolutely amazing. I don't even recall how I even got this CD but wow I am glad I did. This is definitely a top 10 or 15 in my best death metal list. The music is very straigh forward death metal with some thrashy influence. The guitars have an amazing tone and every instrument is heard, except maybe the bass is a little low. The vocals, I really don't know how to describe them all that well, the best I can do is say maybe a mixture of Chuck Schuldiner of Death and L-G Petrov of Entombed.

The first song, Commissioned Murder, starts of with an intro that goes about a minute long, which I am not a fan of to be honest. But at about 1:07 or so comes this amazing grooving death metal riff with some awesome double bass drumming behind it, after that there is some awesome thrashy drumming a very death/thrash guitar riff that just makes you want to bang your head. With the Intro aside, this is definitely my favorite track on this album.

The second song, Lepers, starts off with a nice riff and some bass drum and ride intro style and then a very cool almost 80s rock guitar mini solo. This song has some nice blasting and double bass rhythms and some sweet groovy riffs.

Third song, Nobody's Words, is a good death metal song. Not much that stands out with this track, but still a worthy death metal song to a fan of the genre. A nice blend of thrash drumming and grooving double bass rhythms.

Fourth song, Masterful Religions, is a great tune with a cool creepy guitar and drum intro. Reminds me a lot of Dead Skin Mask from Slayer. After the awesome Slayerish intro, the song moves into some sweet blasting and a weird guitar thing, I don't even know what to call it. This song does go along with the rest of the songs in having that groovy guitar riff that I would say they do the best.

Fifth song, Freedom, has a beautiful guitar intro. After the truly amazing intro, a guitar riff and some double bass and tom drumming come as a build up. After this build comes this amazing chugging riff that just makes you stop and say "Holy shit." Then comes an awesome, once again, groovy riff and some double bass drumming.

Sixth song, Uncertainty, is kind of a filler for me. I don't hate it, but I feel this song would probably be my least favorite one.

Seventh song, Glass The Abyss, starts off with a tough riff and some sweet drumming. Although not really anything special here, this song sticks out for me with the awesome riff and sweet drumming. Definitely one of the favorites for me.

Eighth and final song, Why, is a standard tune once you've listened to the others. It follows the same rhythm as the others, which is a grooving guitar riff and some double bass drumming. One thing this song has which I think is pretty cool, is at 1:05 is a cool bass and drum part. I love it when bands do those bass guitar and drum parts.

In conclusion, if you can actually find this CD or record, BUY IT! Definitely a stand out Swedish death metal release that deserves so much more attention than it already has (which really isn't any).

Favorite tracks, Commissioned Murder - Masterful Religions - Why