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Messiah > Extreme Cold Weather > Reviews > StanXcalibur56
Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather

Now You're Frozen Dead You Fool! - 75%

StanXcalibur56, July 19th, 2022
Written based on this version: 1987, 12" vinyl, Chainsaw Murder

Messiah have always flown under the radar in the metal world, staying rather unknown to most metal listeners. The people that do know the band are probably simply familiar with the infamous album cover for Extreme Cold Weather, which is often regarded to be one of the worst album covers out there. However, don't let the cover fool you. The music on this album is mysterious and thrilling.

Messiah's style of playing is arguable, but the best fit is to place it in the "death-thrash" category. Throughout the album, we are treated with extremely fast riffing with screeching, pained vocals that sound like the vocalist is being tortured as he sings the high notes. The flurry of guitars and drums eventually slow right down into gentle keyboard ballads before flinging itself right back into the blizzard. Each song is very unique from one another, with vastly varying time signatures scattered throughout the album. One thing that is consistent, is the airy reverb effect that lays over all the music like a gentle blanket of snow, this helps balance out the music and saves your ears from the thrashing onslaught.

The bass is not very audible and is left in the shadows by the striking, piercing guitars that carry a very fuzzy tone. The drums are not anything to write home about, but at least they keep in time. The lyrical themes of the music varies quite a bit despite being an album focused on winter. The song "Hyper Borea", despite not having any lyrics, delves into the themes of hollow earth, and the title track describes a town frozen over by the titular Extreme Cold Weather.

Besides the actual album content, the flipside of the album is simply live versions of their previous album, Hymn to Abramelin. It does have some interesting live content, but its just not the place for this sort of thing. Extreme Cold Weather is far too short, and the other side could've been utilized for new material but is instead wasted on live songs that could've been put onto a separate record.

In conclusion, this album is a must-listen. Don't be fooled by the very literal album cover; this is an album that you need in your collection, just make sure to wear some warm clothes.

Top 3 Songs: Extreme Cold Weather, Hyper Borea, Mother Theresa