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King Diamond > The Graveyard > Reviews > axman
King Diamond - The Graveyard

Can you say insanity? - 80%

axman, August 6th, 2002

The Graveyard is definatly the darkest King Diamond album, no question. Telling the story of an escaped lunitic (King) The Graveyard focuses on a twisted love, revenge, and an "old perverted swine" named Mayor Mackenzie. This album is so dark even King put a warning on it. Featuring the same line-up as The Spider's Lullabye, The Graveyard is probably my second least favorite King Daimond album coming in right after Fatal Portrait. Performances are top notch as always with the exception of drummer Darrin Anthony. Andy and Herb deliver shredding solos as expected and King literally sounds insane. After the great intro The Graveyard the album kicks off with one of it's best songs, Black Hill Sanitorium. Then going into the even better Waiting and topping off at track four with the godly Heads On the Wall. After that the album weakens somewhat but not to much. Other killer songs include Trick or Treat, I Am, and Digging Graves. The story, as I mentioned is fucked, King fails in all his attemps at revenge and WARNING SPOILER!WARNING SPOILER! eventually dies. SPOILER OVER. While not the best album by King it's worth it just to hear King's insane vocals. I mean he IS literally insane on The Graveyard. Diamond fans should like this and people who like insane vocals should too. And don't forget 18 is 9.

Yes I am awhere that 18 is 9 has nothing to do with the Graveyard, but I couldn't help it.