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Hate Eternal > I, Monarch > Reviews > Orbitball
Hate Eternal - I, Monarch

Hate Eternal - I, Monarch - 90%

Orbitball, June 12th, 2022
Written based on this version: 2005, CD, Earache Records

What a BRUTAL release, probably one of the best Hate Eternal releases I've heard though I like their latest it's pretty good too. But I think the music is better on here. I disagree with critics saying it's "typical Hate Eternal." That to me is undermining this excellent release. The songs are tight and intense! I was hoping for a good release since I'm not a big fan of their latest Infernus. This one has a lot more balls and grit that's what I'm hearing listening to this album. Eric did a good job at riff-writing for this one! Not a lot of lead guitar work just riffs that baffle the listener! Total kick ass songs!

This album was actually recommended to me from an old friend. Spot on, what an album! It's intense the whole way through! Good fresh riffs flowing fantastically! I don't have any ill things to say about this release. I liked it the whole way through! Eric's vocals are pretty low they fit the music wholeheartedly! I love the rhythms and the sound of the album. It captures the listener totally! The back-up vocals are good and appropriate, they give a little variety to the album. I think the highlights are the riffs, the production quality, and the mixing. They did a good job getting this sounding great!

I have trouble listening to a lot of death metal for a while, it's not my favorite genre. I've had to take breaks in listening to this, but all 42 minutes of it is worth it! I thought it was sounding interesting. The title track is pretty killer and well pretty much all of them have great riffs to them! If you like brutal death metal, you'll like this. It's extreme, intense and original! "The Plague of Humanity" is a good track to check out as well, but all of them are streaming. So that's not a problem! If you aren't convinced and you think this is a waste of an album, that's on you not Hate Eternal. They bring forward their masterpiece to you!

I liked this album through and through. I don't have any beef with it. It's got balls and the music is top quality! I'd have to say out of all the Hate Eternal albums I've heard, this one is tops with me! Just listen to it on Spotify or YouTube. You'll hear what I'm talking about if you're open minded. Don't listen to the critics because they're off on this. Show support for the band and get a physical copy of this album! I liked it so much that I bought it! Do it if you're still buying CD's not just streaming music. Hopefully, you'll come to terms that this is a gem of release and there's none from them like it!