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Haemorrhage > Apology for Pathology > Reviews > KayTeeBee
Haemorrhage - Apology for Pathology

Can anyone say 'fucking amazing'? - 90%

KayTeeBee, March 24th, 2006

This is how Grindcore should be. Heavy, brutal, short, straightforward, and the thing most bands don't understand: good production. A huge amount of Grindcore bands think they can get away with shitty riffs and production. Lighten up folks, Grind isn't as simple and/or easy to play as people make it out to be. The spanish band Haemorrhage have been working on their sound for over 10 years now, releasing 5 full-lengths to date and releasing tons of splits and whatnot throughout the years.

This is the craziest grind album you've ever heard. Tops Nasum's 'Helvete'. It's just so fucking amazing. Riffs riffs riffs. The band bludgeons out riff after riff of mind-fucking-blowing memorable (that's right memorable, not just random brutality), brutal music. 'Festerfeast' and 'Frenzied Genital Carbonization' instantly come to mind. The production and guitar tone is modern, with just the right amount of old-schoolness that makes me go absolutely crazy. Every instrument has its own sound, you can hear every instruments, the drums aren't just blastbeats (and that's really interesting, the drum beat are very noticeable). And the vocals. What the hell? A mix of low, guttural vocals, high-pitched screams a la black metal, you name it. Halfway through 'Surgical Extravaganza'...a solo. Slightly reminiscent of Aborted's latest work, but 10 times heavier and just plain better. The album starts with complete brutality but ends in a semi-melodic tone. Normally, I wouldn't like that, but right here it adds variety.

This is just plain chirurgical madness. It's layered, so it keeps you coming for more. By saying that i'm not saying this is overly complex music with tons of influences, nor am I saying this is just plain uninspired modern grindcore. The brutal death injections are amazing. Haemorrhage are the new band to watch out. Enter the syndicate of sickness.