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Gorefest > Erase > 1994, CD, Nuclear Blast (Metal Box, Limited edition) > Reviews
Gorefest - Erase

To hell and back! - 100%

zgole, December 7th, 2008

Gorefest was, is, and probably will be one of the most underrated bands in metal history. Reason for this kind of situation is unknown, but one who heard them, knows what their albums could offer: quality and energy that is very sharp and unique.

You got everything you could wish from metal on this album: monstrous and powerful riffs, groovy drums, fantastic rhythms, solos from a dream, vocal straight from hell, simple and intelligent lyrics and unique arrangements and production. Everything is in the right position - Erase has perfect balance of songs; every song have ideal structure; every drum beat, or guitar tone, or vocal roar is making insane pleasure for a listener.

Gorefest is a band with lot of musical virtues, and every album speaks for itself – being hard rock/blues, or more brutal death metal oriented. Erase is one of essential European death metal albums, although quality is unquestionable on every single album these Dutch legends make. And they are with us again from year 2005, making great albums and blowing the stages up to hell and back.

There is no mistake with this piece of music history: quintessential energy of its own. True death metal experience - You can’t beat it!

Please ‘erase’ this restrained crap from history - 25%

morbert, August 30th, 2007

Gorefest had released two superb albums earlier that both sounded differently. We knew a third album could turn out to be equally surprising. Well it did! But unfortunately not in a positive way this time.

The production was horrid this time. It was extremely polished and utterly dry. Not a single instrument sounds human enough anymore here. Secondly Jan Chris started grunting in the least dynamic way possible. His vocals had become very monotone and straight forward. Almost computerised.

One up tempo death metal song can be found her, being ‘Peace Of Paper’ which in fact is the only song from ‘Erase’ worth mentioning when discussing the DEATH METAL band Gorefest. On the other songs some up tempo moments could incidentally be found, but neither of the songs reached full death metal power and persisted in restraining themselves. ‘Restrained’ is the best way to describe this album. It never leaves the ground to bomb the listener.

Oh how I have tried liking this album since they were one of my favourite Dutch death metal bands. I bought it on purple vinyl back in the day and played it over and over. I’m sorry to say it never grew on me. Gorefest had become death metal based Pantera acolytes.

Don’t Listen To Boudewijn! - 85%

Warpig, March 15th, 2007

This is one of the most unique, most respected, most liked and… most hated Death Metal bands in the world. Some people love everything Gorefest have ever done, some hate pretty much everything and others like only certain releases and the reasons for this are just as diverse as their albums.

Gorefest started out playing Death Metal on their first two albums “Mindloss” and “False”, they ended up playing Death ‘n’ Roll on their last two albums “Soul Survivor” and “Chapter 13” and in between there was 1994’s “Erase”.

“False” is still widely considered to be one of the best and most unique Death Metal releases of all time while “Soul Survivor” is one of THE Death ‘n’ Roll classics, i.e. one of the albums that helped define that style and, again, it is one of the best releases of that genre. (I would even consider “Chapter 13” as well but I guess I’m one of very, very few.)

Many people, however, regard “Erase” to be Gorefest’s true masterpiece, as it combines the best of the two worlds. Therefore it could be interesting for Death Metal fans and Metal fans in general alike. However, the band doesn’t seem to belong to this group: “It is - looking back - a typical in between stages album. The music is perfect. Only the power is lacking. It is a musician’s album: too complex and too complicated.” (Boudewijn Bonebakker)

“Erase” mainly consists of slow and mid-tempo songs and although there is an up-tempo part to be found now and then, Gorefest never really hit the gas, the only exception being “Peace Of Paper”.

Just like “False” this is one of the most unique Death Metal albums ever. First of all, I can’t think of any other Death Metal band with Thin Lizzy-style twin guitars, in that regard Gorefest are closer to Epic Doom bands (e.g. Trouble, Solitude Aeturnus or Thunderstorm) than to other Death Metal acts. Another peculiarity are the often Arabian sounding solos that, by the way, ALWAYS add to the songs. I would even go so far to say that Gorefest’s highly creative and always interesting lead guitar work is among the finest ever recorded. Last but not least Jan-Chris’ brutal yet pretty understandable growling and Ed Warby’s outstanding drumming do the rest.

I consider this album a masterpiece, because it is a unique collection of brilliantly crafted songs, be it the catchy opener “Low”, the driving “I Walk My Way”, the dragging “Goddess In Black” or the diverse “To Hell And Back”. The two songs, however, that stand out even more are the title track of the eponymous “Fear” EP and especially the title track of this album, the divine “Erase”, one of the 10 best Death Metal songs of all time! (It wasn’t without any reason that promo videos were shot for these two songs.)

This album stands as a unique Death Metal album packed with great songs and executed with brilliant musicianship. After this album Gorefest would go on to play Death ‘n’ Roll and record two classics of that genre before splitting up. In 2005, however, the band would reform again and release an album that probably no one would have expected or even hoped for, the massive “La Muerte”.