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Gatecreeper > Deserted > 2019, CD, Relapse Records > Reviews > rience
Gatecreeper - Deserted

Meh... just meh - 55%

rience, May 22nd, 2024
Written based on this version: 2019, CD, Relapse Records

Arizona's Gatecreeper are just one of those bands, that get spilled into your Spotify or Youtube algorithm. You heard the band name many times, but never actually checked them out. With the sheer mass of emerging modern death metal bands I always wondered what all the fuss around Gatecreeper was about? A few months after I asked myself this question I found their 2019 release "Deserted" in a tiny record store somewhere in New Orleans. This time I made sure I got my hands on it and finally lift the secret around this band. After re-listening this album for what feels like the 1000th time, I can say that Gatecreeper are just okay. Not more, but certainly not less. But do they life up to all the hype they get? Hell no, I can't see it! At least not when listening to "Deserted".

The album's name is, in fact, ironcally fitting for a piece of modern death metal that leaves you stranded somewhere in the middle of nowhere emotionally and atmospherically. It just feels like Gatecreeper want to do too much, too quickly. And when you do too much, too quickly it becomes messy, when it becomes messy the listening pleasure gets spoiled. You can see where I am going with this: this release has no clear path to follow and subsequently it lacks a lot. Melodies? Yes there are a few. But are they coherent? No, most of the time they aren't. High quality lyrics? Not really. Storytelling? I can't see it. Brutality? Yes, but it doesn't immerse you because again, this album is lacking too much. Highlights (Puncture Wounds, Barbaric Pleasures) are followed by let downs that are either too long to work (Everlasting, Sweltering Madness) or are too simple/stupid in terms of songwriting/lyrics (Ruthless). Also there are songs that are just average in my opinion (Anxiety). Putting these at the end of the album doesn't really help the overall quality.

But there are really some things that are a glimpse of hope. For example the vocal range of frontman Chase Mason is amazing. His consistent output helps to push the overall composition quite a bit. I also have to admit the serious talent behind the guitarists, there are some neat solos scattered througout all 11 tracks. I watched their live performances online and it just seems like a band that is better live than they are on their releases.

If we come back to "Deserted" I can conclude, that this is not a fun release by any means. Up to today I am finding it incredibly exhausting to listen to all tracks without skipping or switching to a completeley different one. I am really sorry for you diehard Gatecreeper fans out there: this one is just what my rating of 55% says - slightly above average. It is lifted up by the vocals, the production and some highlights in terms of musicianship. Else, this one would rank way lower. I am still hoping to catch the guys from Arizona live one day, maybe they can change my mind if they deliver on stage. For now I have to put this release fairly low.