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1932 > Orgullo nacional > Reviews > PlanetUranus
1932 - Orgullo nacional

What the hell is this? - 0%

PlanetUranus, May 25th, 2024

I thought black metal from an Central America would be interesting, but I was shocked at this garbage. This is 'bedroom black metal' with no redeeming features.

The guitars have obviously been plugged straight into someone's computer, and it literally sounds like those 'black metal surf music' videos you see on YouTube. It has the same tone and same reverb. Tremolo riffs on a surf guitar. They aren't interesting riffs, in some cases (like the title track) it's literally one note strummed over and over... is this a little kid or something?

Drumming is completely incoherent. A cacophony. I like fast and nasty drums but this is so fuzzy and poorly produced/poor recorded that you can't even make them out. All you can hear is a layer of static fuzz over the music and some cymbals that don't line up to the music. The percussion out of sync with the guitar. Drop a stack of pots and pans on the floor, that's your drumming on this album (when you can even hear it).

Vocals are equally shit. He's blowing... or inhaling... up close to the mic to try to create a "windy" sound like Orgy of Carrion. The difference is Orgy of Carrion is actually enjoyable, and this is so badly recorded and produced that it's just another layer of indistinguishable fuzz.

So to sum it up: you have 20 minutes of one-note riffs played by the black-surf meme videos, a layer of static that's supposed to be drums, and another layer of static that's supposed to be vocals. I almost made a crack about how this could be for Merzbow fans, but I don't think even they could enjoy it. 0/100, absolute trash.