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Mallcore Kid

Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2003 9:14 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:38 pm 

is my updated version of that Gardy Loo review removed too?

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:13 am 

penis wrote:
is my updated version of that Gardy Loo review removed too?

Well I still disagree with you on alot of what you said, but it is better. The only problem I have is that you still dont talk about the guitar playing, or drums, or anything other than:
A. "Generic Metal" - bull shit IMO
B. "Speed Metal Riffs The Mix" - something like that

You simply bash the album, talk alittle of how the vocals dont fit, and thats it. So any one who hasnt heard it will not have even that slightest clue as to what the album would sound like.

I say blitz the updated review too.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2003 9:14 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:21 am 

Danthrax_Nasty wrote:
penis wrote:
is my updated version of that Gardy Loo review removed too?

Well I still disagree with you on alot of what you said, but it is better. The only problem I have is that you still dont talk about the guitar playing, or drums, or anything other than:
A. "Generic Metal" - bull shit IMO
B. "Speed Metal Riffs The Mix" - something like that

You simply bash the album, talk alittle of how the vocals dont fit, and thats it. So any one who hasnt heard it will not have even that slightest clue as to what the album would sound like.

I say blitz the updated review too.

you just want the review gone because you disagree with it.. just write your own... if you can do it better, than do it better... i'm not a review expert, i just like posting my opinions

i don't think its a good album, deal with it...

it's hard to describe the riffs because they're just fucking generic, the only band i can think of that is similar is early Gwar.. and thats a MAYBE...

how is my review any worse than:

"John Cage was a famous composer who followed the school of thought that said that everything was music; every single sound and every possible combination of sounds was music, including the complete absence of sound. To that end he composed a piano concerto entitled 4'33", which is exactly four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence. I've actually seen it performed live. The pianist sits down and just stares at a blank page. It's even divided into movements and everything. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Why am I telling you all this? Because these guys seem to hold the same beliefs about music that Cage did. Instead of creating silence, however, Cock and Ball Torture made noise. A lot of it. All packaged up and split into indistinguishable tracks with explicit names designed to draw your average horny teenager. What you get when you play this . . . music is a combination of noise and vocals that sound like normal voices electronically slowed down to sound really low and unintelligable. Everything else is just noise. I don't even hear any death influences in here, because I can at least tell what the different instruments are doing in your average Death Metal band. Here . . . here I'm not sure what the hell's going on. Whatever it is, it isn't music. At least, not to my ears.

I can understand people who like Death Metal and all that. I can follow that people feel the powerful explosions of pure, undiluted emotion that are the hallmarks of Death Metal. I can sympathise with people who feel the need to thrash with raw anger and all that. But with this Grindcore shit . . . I mean, there isn't any difference in the sound during the album! It's the same fucking noise the entire song, and it's really annoying. I can't see any reason why people would enjoy this shit besides some stupid angsty need to "be different" than everybody else. And, to be frank, that's a dumb fucker of a reason to listen to this bullshit.

Go get some real music."

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:33 am 

I think that review is pretty good untill it gets to the last paragraph which it turns into a bashing of Grind Core, which I also would agree with. I liked the first two paragraphs and for that I think it should stay. The only reason the music really isnt discussed much is because, as the review says, it has none.

Maybe I am just being a whiney bitch, but if your gonna bash something than do it by bashing the music. If you dont like a song, explain why it sucks, and what makes it generic. If its generic than you have heard it before, and therefor should be able to associate it with other bands.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2003 9:14 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:47 am 

Danthrax_Nasty wrote:
Maybe I am just being a whiney bitch, but if your gonna bash something than do it by bashing the music. If you dont like a song, explain why it sucks, and what makes it generic. If its generic than you have heard it before, and therefor should be able to associate it with other bands.

write a better review than me.. thats all you have to do...

Rabbi of Riffage

Joined: Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:43 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:19 am 

Man, penis can't go a single day without jumping all over OSheaman.
LordSlash wrote:

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:51 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:40 am 

Blasthrash - Beer & Mosh - 98%
Written by lanight on March 10th, 2004

Foram feitas 500 copias em k7 dessa demo gravada à 7 de abril de 2002, acompanha o k7 um encarte muito bem feito, com letras das musicas, agradecimentos produção, etc..., banda paulista, o som da banda é bem trabalhado, contando com um jogo de guitarras entre Felipe Nizuma ( guitarra solo ) e Dario Viola ( guitarra base e vocal ), o vocal lembra muito os thrash americanos de 80. Destaque para a primeira música ( Beer and Mosh ) contendo riffs muito bem trabalhados e a bateria bem executado pelo Paulo Oliveira, a música mescla bem a agitação do thrash com uns solos muito bem executado pelo Felipe, encaixando perfeitamente na música. A segunda faixa mais agressiva e trabalhando melhor os back vocals, a Terceira faixa mais trabalhando as melodias sem perder a agressividade e contando com os solos de Felipe e contando com a maior parte sendo instrumental, a última faixa "Face Your End" contendo uma introdução bem mais longa que as demais, e trabalhando muito bem as melodias, que alias são muito bem trabalhadas durante toda a música. A banda mostra como o thrash 80's não esta perdido, depois do bywar vem se mostrando muito bem na cena paulista, alis o thrash aqui em São Paulo anda crescendo bastante e com muita qualidade. Faixas: 1 - Beer and Mosh 2 - Nudity on T.V. 3 - Flash of the Pain '2002 4 - Face Your End.


Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:53 am 

If I could read it I am sure wouldnt like it either.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:54 am 

Pyrus wrote:
Man, penis can't go a single day without jumping all over OSheaman.

You mean Osheaman cant go a single day with out being blasted by penis.

No one cares about your title

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 8:29 am 

It's a curse. I'm like Ben Affleck that way.

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:03 pm 

For Amon Amarth's Versus the World:

Very Melodic and Amzaing - 100%
Written by filosofem on October 11th, 2003

WOW, once the first song came on,i was blown away by the rythmic sounds of the guitar to the growls of the vocals..to the nice timed drumming. What can I say about this album other then AMAZING!!! It has all the righ components in such a wonderful and superb album. Of the growls of the vocals,to the perfect timing of the drums, to the rytmic guitars that play excellent in every song,from the harmonic bass. This album is fucking perfect,The lyrics are great as well!!!! If you don't have this album,get it now!!!!

EDIT: Holy shit, I just realized he misspelled "amazing."

Last edited by Osmium on Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mallcore Kid

Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:17 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:05 pm 

^that's horrible


The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:12 pm 

For Dimmu Borgir's PEM:

Written by Warriorofmoderndeath on May 7th, 2003

This album is so worthless,I think the most dissapointing thing about is that this band actually has some good musicians on it but yet they can't make a good album.Last time I heard Dimmu Borgir was around their release for Enthroned Darkness Triumphant which was pretty shitty but not as shitty as this.
I'll have to say that in total there is about 3 minutes of good music here,whoever said that Clean vocals work for black metal?whoever said that this guys abuse the keyboards?whoever said this band sucks?all those things are extremely correct.
"Puritana" is probably one of the worst songs I ever heard,I wanted to cry when I first heard this,I thought that it was almost like a bad dream and I wasn't waking up,unfortunatly it is reality and the reality is that the music on this album is terrible and no one can stop it.
I'll have to say the only reason this gets a 10 is because of the Twisted Sister cover,which isn't really that great at all,but it provides good laughs at seing how pathetic this band,no words can describe how much this band sucks..if you like poseur black metal you will drool all over this one..if you want true Grimness and black metal pick up some early darkthrone material.

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:22 pm 

For Dimmu Borgir's EDT:

Pure Brilliance - 99%
Written by Antikrist on February 8th, 2004

For black metal fans you must buy this and for non-black metal fans this album has the power to convert! Dimmu Borgir found the perfect balance on this album. On their first two releases there were some great songs that I enjoyed, but they seemed lacking in something which is that they showed a great talent but weren't completely focused as if it was just scratching the surface of something great, and on Enthrone Darkness Triumphant they found that great thing.
Let's go through the songs...

1) Mourning Palace (9.5/10)
2) Spellbound (9/10)
3) In Death's Embrace (10/10)
4) Relinquishment of Spirit And Flesh (9/10)
5) The Night Masquerade (9/10)
6) Tormentor Of Christian Souls (10/10)
7) Entrance (10/10)
8) Master Of Disharmony (10/10)
9) Prudence's Fall (10/10)
10) A Succubus In Rapture (9.5/10)
11) Raabjorn Spieler Draugheims Skodde (11/10)

The last song is actually a remake of a song from For All Tid, but wow, they did it absoutely perfectly this time. It's one of the best melodic songs I've ever heard and I have heard a lot. Tormentor of Christian souls I would actually give a 9.5, but it's so popular among just about everyone else that listens to Dimmu Borgir I know that I pushed it up to 10. The only reason I didn't give the album a 100 was that I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect album but this one comes extremely close, and I think it's among the annals of all time great albums like Pantera's "Vulgar Display Of Power" and In Flames's "The Jester Race"...You'd only be cheating yourself by missing out on this.


Not one bloody sentence describing the music.

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 8:23 pm 

For Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast:

classic Maiden before the cheesy days - 87%
Written by satanicfleshthrone on April 28th, 2003

This album is among Maiden's best (along with Killers and Powerslave). There are really no bad songs on this album but there are ones that are better than others. The standouts on this album have to be "Run to the Hills"(which also has a highly entertaning music video that can be seen on the remaster of this album) and the title track "Number of the Beast". One of the great things about this abum and Maiden in general is that they don't take themselves too seriously. They sing about Satan and all sorts of ghastly figures of the occult but you would never see any mebers of Iron Maiden out sacrificing goats to the dark lord. It's purely for fun and it is most definitely that, and i applaud them for it.



The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 8:40 pm 

For Judas Priest's Painkiller:

This is, the Painkiller.. - 100%
Written by UnleashtheHeathen on March 16th, 2004

This is by far my favorite Judas Priest album to date (behind this is Screaming for Vengeance). Sadly, this was the last album with Halford (THANK GOD HES BACK), and we had to deal with two horrific albums with Ripper Owens (thankfully, he's in Iced Earth)..

Meh, I'm rambling here like a dimwit.

Painkiller is an all around great album, with tracks like "Pailkller", "All Guns Blazing" "Metal Meltdown", and "Touch of Evil", you can't go wrong! This is a heavy paced metal album, with raunchy guitar work and terrific vocals (Halford sings his heart out). This album should have been done in the 80s, probably after "Screaming For Vengance", sadly it wasn't, we could have enjoyed this masterpeice early on. This is an album you will find yourself singing and playing air guitar to, and is one of the best Judas Priest albums.
The two bonus tracks, "Living Bad Dreams" and a live "Leather Rebel", are very nicely done (although, I much rather prefer "Fire Burns Below", but "Living Bad Dreams isn't bad at all).

Go pick up "Painkiller", and enjoy the finest Judas Priest has to offer. it's an easy album to find these days, along with their other previous works.


Pointless fellacio.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 6:16 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 4:07 am 

Another example of incorrect scoring...

Latest review for Somewhere in Time.

A perfect album - 100%
Written by natrix on March 30th, 2004

I always skip the song "Heaven Can Wait," because it just isn't one of my favorite songs. In fact, apart from the "whoa, oh, oh" part in the middle, I don't care for it much, but it is listenable, unlike other poppy Maiden songs that I don't care for. Other than that, I find this album to be the pinnacle of what Maiden can do (Seventh Son... is great too, but "Can I Play With Madness?" brings it down a bit).
This is far from thier grittier early albums, and sure, it's not as heavy as Killers, but Somewhere In Time really shines as far as bass and guitar interplay, well crafted songs, interesting riffs, great vocals, powerful drumming, and the best melodies that Maiden has ever done.
"Caught Somewhere In Time" immediately hooks you in with a great riff and then propels off into a long and very fast (for Maiden). "Wasted Years" has a catchy chorus, but I can stand it. "Sea of Madness" is heavy, but following an excellent dual solo, there's great solo that eventually dies down into an amazing slower part where the bass plays most of the melody. Cool shit! "Heaven Can Wait," I've discussed. "Loneliness..." has more catchy riffs, but a few heavier ones, like the chorus. There are some great solos here too. "Stranger In a Strange Land" is bass heavy, and slower than the rest of the songs on here. Adrian Smith gives his best solo at the end of this song, too. "Déja Vu" is probably my favorite song off this album. The bass intro is cool, with guitars over it, and lots of crazy bass lines throughout the song. "Alexander the Great" is another Harristory, but builds well, and the lead trade offs are totally wonderful.
The futuristic vibe of this album is quite different from what you'd expect from Maiden, but I feel that it works great, and the album is very consistent. Check it out.
How the fuck can this berk doll out 100%-Perfect Album when claiming at least one of the songs is unlistenable.
Please blitz it.

Crone of War

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:14 am 

Guys, can you post links as well? It'd make our job easier...
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 11:07 am 

Morrigan wrote:
Guys, can you post links as well? It'd make our job easier...

How do I get the link?
:panda: Every band page is just shown as:


Joined: Sat Sep 13, 2003 5:02 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 12:20 pm 

Right click on the review's page and choose "open in a new window" (or whatever this function is called in your version of Windows). When the new window opens, the URL for that specific page will be displayed, so you can just copy and paste it.

Crone of War

Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:27 am
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 2:51 pm 

Lord_Jotun wrote:
Right click on the review's page and choose "open in a new window" (or whatever this function is called in your version of Windows). When the new window opens, the URL for that specific page will be displayed, so you can just copy and paste it.

That, or right-click the link and select "Copy shortcut" in IE or "copy link location in Mozilla or Opera. Then paste it here and voilà.
Von Cichlid wrote:
I work with plenty of Oriental and Indian persons and we get along pretty good, and some females as well.

Markeri, in 2013 wrote:
a fairly agreed upon date [of the beginning of metal] is 1969. Metal is almost 25 years old

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 6:47 pm 

From now on I will. Are those that I posted above nuked?

No one cares about your title

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 7:21 pm 

I think so.

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 8:13 pm 

I hate picking on some poor Engrish dude, but these are pretty horrid:



No one cares about your title

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 8:18 pm 

The second one is useless, but I won't delete the first one because Engrish by itself is not a deletable offense.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:51 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:28 pm 

Good Start, Now They Sell Out - 88%
Written by Samana88 on March 30th, 2004

I have always thought Behemoth is gay, even now more than ever because of the current releases which shame Black Metal so much it makes you want to KILL! This album however, calms me. Everything has this distant feeling right from the haunting start (good use of acoustic on first track, really adds to the music). As the title suggests, this is From The Pagan Vastlands!

Behemoth really does some good original music on this album. Nothing was shit Black Metal with Death Metal influence, it was, believe it or not... Pure Black Metal of the darkest and also bleakest sort conjured up by a Polish band besides the great and indestructible GRAVELAND!

Not only was the music original and full of suprise, the production was good too which is very hard to believe when you first look at the cd (has this ancient look to it that just calls to you). Id just like to say, thank you Behemoth for giving BM a really good album, but id also just like to say, Fucking die Nergal!

Too bad this band soon ruins their great beginnings with such crappy albums!


Is this is an actual review? Or is he just slandering the band? Either way...:gay:

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:33 pm 

Osmium wrote:

headbanger wrote:
All four of the songs I mentioned have lyrics, instruments, and just a great overall feel to them

Vagina Junction What's Your Function?

No one cares about your title

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:19 am 

Reaper, your sig kicks immense amounts of ass.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:42 am 

OSheaman wrote:
Reaper, your sig kicks immense amounts of ass.

Vagina Junction What's Your Function?


Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2004 11:48 am
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:19 am 

My 2nd favorite song on Epica. ;)


Joined: Sat Sep 13, 2003 5:02 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:46 pm 

Morrigan wrote:
Lord_Jotun wrote:
Right click on the review's page and choose "open in a new window" (or whatever this function is called in your version of Windows). When the new window opens, the URL for that specific page will be displayed, so you can just copy and paste it.

That, or right-click the link and select "Copy shortcut" in IE or "copy link location in Mozilla or Opera. Then paste it here and voilà.

Nice... that was too much to guess for my limited computer understanding ;)

Faustcoven wrote:
Good Start, Now They Sell Out - 88%
Written by Samana88 on March 30th, 2004

I have always thought Behemoth is gay, even now more than ever because of the current releases which shame Black Metal so much it makes you want to KILL! This album however, calms me. Everything has this distant feeling right from the haunting start (good use of acoustic on first track, really adds to the music). As the title suggests, this is From The Pagan Vastlands!

Behemoth really does some good original music on this album. Nothing was shit Black Metal with Death Metal influence, it was, believe it or not... Pure Black Metal of the darkest and also bleakest sort conjured up by a Polish band besides the great and indestructible GRAVELAND!

Not only was the music original and full of suprise, the production was good too which is very hard to believe when you first look at the cd (has this ancient look to it that just calls to you). Id just like to say, thank you Behemoth for giving BM a really good album, but id also just like to say, Fucking die Nergal!

Too bad this band soon ruins their great beginnings with such crappy albums!


Is this is an actual review? Or is he just slandering the band? Either way...:gay:

So... this release has a "distant" and "pagan" feel, there are some acoustic guitars at the beginning and the cover itself looks ancient; most important of all, it's nothing like the gay Behemoth of today... :scratch:

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:07 am 


Another Great CC album - 90%
Written by Morteizen on March 15th, 2003

This album is pretty good. The guitar is impressive along with the drums. The song Pounded Into Dust is the best song on here. This album is a must buy for Cannibal Corpse fans but if you are just starting out on them I'd say to go for their Tomb of the Mutilated CD. This album is great and there's only one thing I don't like about it. It can get boring when you've gotten to like song 6 or 7 and you just get tired of it. But if you listen to about 3 songs at a time, it's really good. Eleven brutally-charged songs with no breaks just is a little too much to swallow for some people in just one sitting. But this is a great album and I highly recommend it.

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:16 am 


Exodus - "Tempo of the Damned" - 88%
Written by DanFuckingLucas on March 3rd, 2004

Okay, well, first off, I'm total shit at reviews.

Secondly, this album is FUCKING KRIEG!!! The video for "War Is My Shepherd" is fucking awesome. They're playing on a fucking aircraft carrier man! How fucking metal is that!

I popped this thing into my CD player today, and I'm like, fucking "YEAH!!" and headbanging and shit. "Scar Spangled Banner" PWNZ.

"War is my Shepherd" is just fucking awesome.

So are the rest of the tracks. This album isn't for pussies, it will rip off your face and intorduce you to the business end of Steve Souza's steel toe-capped boots.


The two posted above are terrible.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:45 am 

:lol: at the last one.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:26 am 

Sammana88 wrote:
My First True Metal Cd - 75%
Written by Samana88 on March 30th, 2004

Yes it is true, this is the first real metal cd i ever bought so of course im going to do a review on it.

When i first gave this a listen i really didnt know what i was in for and later, what i was listening to. It was hard to determine what they were saying, occasoinally id hear them shout matando gueros or some shit like that, but i didnt think much of it, to me it was pure noise... But after various listens everything came together, they dont really suck, this is just how they are!

What do you mean this is just how they are?

Well yes, Brujeria is pure violence and aggresion, who cares if they sing songs about killing white boys, the music is just amazing! Like Seis Seis Seis, that song sounds like utter shit but there is a hidden beauty in it that can only be discovered after some serious listening. Brujeria is a band that has this crappy image only because they want to remain raw, this is just how they are!

Is this really a Greatest Hits album?

Eh, it has some very good tracks but they are missing a few that all Brujeria fans really enjoy (la ley de plomo, mecosario, and so forth). The tracks on this album like i said are very good, it begins with this raw underground sound which slowly starts to change into a more technoisch feeling, especially on that Marijuana song, what were they thinking?!?!

Are there any tracks that really stand above the rest?

Yeah, id say so, Seis Seis Seis has this very raw brutal sound that you just cant quit singing to, still when i walk ill start doing a death metal grunt singing the words, "seis seis seis seis seis seis!" Another track that stood out, mainly because of laughs was that Marijuana song towards the end, yea its techno and it sounds lame as fuck but it does have a very humorous feeling, you just sit there and say to yourself, "silly mexicans, silly mexicans."

A really good album full of good garage sounding Brujeria mixed with some newer Brujeria material. Thank you for getting me more interested in Metal Brujeria even though im a "White Boy."

Ummm... I don't know if it is realy blitz worthy, that's the mods' decision, but the last line is pretty sad/funny.
Vagina Junction What's Your Function?

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:53 am 

That one is acceptable, I think. However, the two above it are not. *hints mods to nuke them*

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 6:25 am 

BARD_Jean_Pierre wrote:
Ripoff riffs, imitating a ripoff band - 25%
Written by BARD_Jean_Pierre on February 27th, 2003

What is so fucking special about all these bands. I am a total fantasy geek, but enough is enough. Blind Guardian doesnt want 50000000000 more bands copying the Power/Speed Metal fantasy style they created. And to top it off, this band is basically just a rework of another Blind Guardian rip-off band, in Rhapsody. Be original for once.

This gets a 25 for muscisianship

It loses 75 for gutteral uncreativity and riff ripoffs (have you heard their song "a new world" WTF!?).

oh and BTW, dont be fooled that this band sounds original due to a female vocalist, she sounds the same as any of those Italian BG wannabe losers.

One more thing, their cover of Helloween's perfect Power/Speed classic "Halloween" was disgraceful, and butchered the songs good name.


I think this is blitz worthy.
Vagina Junction What's Your Function?

The Hateful Raven

Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:18 am
Posts: 474
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 6:28 am 

I'd keep that one, actually. There really isn't much to say about clone bands except a comparison to the original.

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Location: United States
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 6:30 am 

Hmmm... that is true, but isn't that a matter of opinion, I mean they aren't very original, but don't you still have to somewhat describe the music. Someone who hasn't heard Blind Guardian before (I don't know how that's possible) would not have an idea of what the reviewer means. Granted that there are other reviews, but that's just my 2 cents.
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Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 9:40 pm
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Location: United States of America
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 8:36 am 

Fuck you. Dark Moor is *not* a clone band.

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