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Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:37 am
Posts: 2850
PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 3:22 am 

Slayer/Anthrax/Death Angel- went to a sold out show last night and my only complaint is that the sets were too short. Death Angel nearly stole the show.

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Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:32 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 6:16 pm 

Seen Nervosa, Enforcer, Flotsam And Jetsam and Destruction at Marseille friday night.

Great show with every band, Nervosa and F&J had some sound problems but there was good setlists. Enforcer and Destruction guys were awesome at the end of concert, thanks guys and girls for this amazing night!

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:14 am 

Geldersch Metal Treffen V, October 7th, combined with Asphyx CD release show for Incoming Death

A long awaited event! Ever since the DVD box Live Death Doom and the marvelous CD Deathhammer I was waiting for new material. It would be my 20th Asphyx show and my third Asphyx CD release show. Snippets of new material blew my speakers away, now I want the real deal! After seeing the song list on MA I did not expect the Deathibel song to be added to the actual CD, maybe the riffs would be transferred. The Incoming Death song is gruesome!! After the date was acknowledged I cycled into Daan (KISSandCOOPER) and he said he hadn’t had much live death lately so I bought him a ticket too. For a change I’d show Martin & Co. the Dutch Denim… see how the guys would react, me in front in a non-Asphyx denim… This show was the second Incoming Death release show, as the first one was Thursday in Turock, this show would be headlining the first day of the fifth Geldersch Metal Treffen, I have no idea what will play on GMT Saturday… don’t care too much too as we head out to Veghel Deathfest then. The Friday would hold Entrapment and …’something’ Nosejob. If traffic doesn’t kill us, we’d be in Arnhem around 7.15 PM, first band 7.30. Daan texted me if I’d pick him up at Amsterdam, as he’s in a practice term now. We replied: ‘if possible get to Amsterdam Amstel, in Friday afternoon traffic hell it’s better not to be picked up in the middle of the city’. Fine.

Coming to Arnhem Daan told he hadn’t eaten yet, he knew we’re more eager to see bands than he was. Not the normal entry of Willemeen now, it took a while to find our way. Weird hobby, on foot now ;). Entering Willemeen we already heard a band playing and yeah, that was Sledgehammer Nosejob. What we heard was some over the top loud mixture of death metal and rock‘n’roll, but it wasn’t death‘n’roll, no it was Entombed combined with ZZ Top in the same song. Maarten D (msd) soon hung around my neck, along with Brammerman. Maarten on water, booze tomorrow; the other way round for Brammerman ;) and me ;). Sledgehammer Nosejob clearly aren’t the best musicians, Marco of Distillator is clearly the best musician in the band ;). I got patted on the head by Martin, even though I wore my Dutch Denim, felt an arm around my shoulder and found his Liza attached to it ;), Alwin and Christel nearby, Utrecht Pim, Sonia, Inken, Byron (why do I keep forgetting his name *roll eyes* ) and Izegrim Jeroen; most of them happily having a beer and a good time. Even the break music was loud as fuck, ranging from Kickstart My Heart to Cause of Death it was nice; kept my earplugs in as long as possible. Daniel said Willemeen always overpowered everybody audibly…

Second band tonight was Entrapment, now with their own singer. Instantly I saw the Graveland Deathfest Entrapment singer too ;) and let the deathgrind wash all over us. Mighty Mighty Burptone, was this loud or what? Problem was, the sound was muddy as wet cement and as the songs soon sound alike, we didn’t really enjoy it. Best song of the set was The Deviant Stench of Death, that was the only song title that was decipherable. I decided to surprise Daan with a normal edition of Incoming Death and was greeted by more Asphyx girlfriends (Liza, Alicia and the chick that seemed to be Stefan’s hothead). The ladies pushed each other to get me some of the free Asphyx goodies haha, as they were supposed to charge € 1 for a button or a signed business card. I got away with three free buttons, a business card and paid for the CDs and the cotton Asphyx bag. :) All bands played on the same backline and Stefan’s drum kit, so the breaks between bands were unusually short. The smoke machine tried to dampen my mood, but failed. Good. Asphyx started, roaring loud, mix a bit wobbly in the begin, with an intro that wasn’t theirs and then The Quest for Absurdity. I got Martin’s set list *THANKSSSSS!!* after the set:
- Intro
- Candiru (Martin already comparing the Dutch and German cheers ;))
- Division Brandenburg (clearly the Dutch are louder *cool*)
- Death The Brutal Way (first mayor pit behind me)
- The Krusher (hey, they don’t often play that! Sharp as a blade!)
- Incoming Death
- Subterra Incognita
- Forerunners of the Apocalypse (the same moshers get annoying! Always seeming to target Sonia! Tripping over, not really moshing just drunken oafs stumbling!)
- Scorbutics (Juan, HeeJo’s former band’s singer gets the mic and Martin is surprised ;))
- The Grand Denial (Martin explaining about the horrors the female prisoners of war had to endure beneath the hands of the Japanese. These girls were nothing more than sex slaves! After the song Martin seemed emotional that the crowd reacted with dignity and he thanked all of us for it.)
- We Doom You to Deeeaaaathhhh ;)
- Wasteland of Terror (my neck lands outside ;))
- It Came From the Skies
- Wardroid
- The Feeder
- The Rack (just before the song I got complimented by Martin for showing up. Again. I really got in TRANCE during the song, feeling heavenly; enjoying my ass off. So far I never experienced that during an Asphyx show)
- Death The Only Immortal (last song? Nah *cool*)
- Last One on Earth
Just before Wardroid I shouted to Alwin if I could get some of his water, as he kept drinking beer and didn’t seem to need the water. He gave me the entire sixpack of Sourcy! That was easily divided amongst the most fanatic Asphyx fans at the first row. Still the non-metal moshers raged into the stage, but now there were some bystanders trying to protect the real Asphyx fans. Kudos! More cool news: Macabre will play next year’s Stonehenge!!

According to the volume and the mix it wasn’t the best Asphyx show ever, but my rear neck muscles are longer now and the front ones are shorter. Wheelbarrow of goose bumps. Ear plugs on the floor. Paul showing his new bag of guitar picks, rapidly spreading ;) Sonia in ‘my’ Asphyx shirt, picture with her. We’ll meet again, as she has to work tomorrow. A hand written set list! Smiles wider than Clinton’s fake hair, cheers louder than Trump. We need nutrition, so we head out, saying goodbye to band members (not just the Asphyx ones ;)) and friends. In the car I already got a glimpse of FB with me on the front row. First gas station in, balletje mayo and Bifi, not stopping the second gas station ;) (I thought) but why the friggin’fkuc, doesn’t Rijkswaterstaat signal the dyke Lelystad – Enkhuizen is out for business BEFORE Laren? Now I have to drive some 60 km more, doofs! So, as a result, we did get our second balletje mayo :/ and I deliver the boys home. Exhausted, my neck in a funny position, arms to the floor, raging headache too, but totally satisfied I open up one HJ and upload my pictures to my laptop. I’ve felt Candiru in my head, I was Krushed, found myself on the Wasteland but metal is The Only Immortal! Awesome!

More on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/geldersch- ... rty-17745/

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:07 pm 

FROST & FIRE II was a pretty deadly festival, buds.
promo track track from 'Another Dimension' LP
"The best speed metal album of the year"

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Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:24 am
Posts: 127
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 3:32 pm 

Katatonia with orchestra - Plovdiv Roman Theater September 22th

So I don't know if you've heard, but bands come to Plovdiv to play with the Plovdiv Orchestra. Some bands are Anathema and Paradise Lost. both of which have realsed DVDs from those concerts. I missed both these shows unfortunately due to not being home (I am from Sofia, a city about a hour and a half away from Plovdiv). So Katatonia being one of my favourite bands I couldn't miss this one.

Anyway we arrived in Plovdiv and the 22th of September is our Independance day, so the city was full, there were a lot of traditional Bulgarian arts all over the place. The city itself is really beautiful and is located between these hills. The Roman Theater is on near the top of one these hills and that where the old city is. It is just magical and I've seen the Theater some years ago during the day, but seeing it during the evening was something else. So that set up a really nice atmosphere for the show.

So Katatonia went out at 20:00 and played The Great Cold Distance in its entirety with the Orchestra. I have to say that added so much depth to the album it was probably the best show I have been to ever and they played some of the songs for the first time ever. The Orchestra was loud and clear and were not drowned out by the band. After that they played a second set without the Orchestra, which was also really tight in its execution. I have to say that Katatonia is a really good live band. The Roman Theater added to the show it was just amazing, the acoustics were phenomenal.

Anyway just a great show and here is the highlight of the night for me Soil's Song:


Its not my video and the quality is not so good, but its good enough

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 3:38 am 

Veghel Deathfest, feat. Unleashed, Soulburn, Carnation, October 8th

This festival is quite new, it’s the first edition. And not a silly one ;) featuring Unleashed (have known the band since the early nineties), Soulburn (befriended band members for a long time), Lifeless (great band) and Carnation (friends since Death Shall Rise II ;)). It was Daniel that spotted this one and it’s been quite a while since I last saw Johnny Hedlund or Bob Bagchus, I was all over it. Ahh, Asphyx and Soulburn in one weekend :) He also got the tickets; Veghel is doable for driving too. Booked a late hotel and we’re off! We already knew msd and Brammerman would be there, along with Pim Utrecht, the latter explaining in depth he might get to Maryland Deathfest! I promised him to contact Scott and Missy about his plans, he might need an address or two ;)

The hotel wasn’t really in the same street as the festival location, but it was perfect for a stroll through Veghel. The festival was located in an ancient cattle fodder factory and held ‘the best burgers of Holland’ so we tried those too. Yep, excellent ‘Decadence Burger’ ;) The burgers were so good, we nearly missed Paper Doll Decay in the ‘big hall’. I wanted a beer beyond the blunt death metal/deathcore the men + woman put to the table. Pity it was Bavaria, sure headache tomorrow… We gladly hooked up with msd, Brammerman, Pim and Laurens before heading out to the ‘small hall’, which wasn’t as long, but nearly the same width as the big hall. The smoker’s depot was bigger, so it seemed, but Dead Will Walk didn’t really bother there were only some 25 people present. The band has ‘early Bathory and ancient Sodom’ written all over their bald heads and the volume was pretty high. Ace Börje Forsberg would be proud. Back to the big hall for Burning Hatred. With the different pace the band played according to their singer I couldn’t do crap with this band, but Daniel liked it, so it seemed. Fine, I wandered through the merch stands with Brammerman and bought him and myself a nice Revel In Flesh album. Brammerman was highly pleased with this oldschool addition to his collection, telling me he’d been digging deeper and deeper in oldschool metal bands lately. We were searching for Bob or Eric as Brammerman wanted a shirt of a different size than the one hanging. All and all there were several different shirts in the plastic container, mostly too small for Brammerman. We were greeted by nearly the entire band Soulburn and headed off to the small hall for Ceremony. Another bald man’s oldschool death metal band, but as we heard only toms and bass, we soon skipped that. We had more luck in sound and likeness in Procreation, the Zwolle one (see http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Pro ... 3540395182 ). The band plays fast, uncompromising death metal, which I liked a lot. Pity I didn’t see if the band brought any CDs or merch, I certainly wouldn’t have left those untouched ;)

We stayed behind for the sound check of Carnation and we were happy to do so. The blunt, brutal death metal went through the corpses like a sawmill. I can use the set list as setlist or as poster, the promotional poster was torn in four to put the hand written list on it:
- The Whisperer
- The Rituals of Flesh
- Cemetery of the Insane
- Hellfire
- Sermon of the Dead
- Necromancer
- Cenotaph (yep, the tribute to Kiddie, R.I.P.)
- The Great Deceiver
- Explosive Cadavers
- Fathomless Depths
The band must have been writing songs for a while, the EP Cemetery of the Insane holds only five songs. The band was übertight, loud as a canon and sharp as a zombiewalk. Daniel got himself a cool hoodie and I got Jonathan’s guitar pick. Thanks my friend! Daniel also got me a Veghel Deathfest shirt, muchos appreciado mi amigo! We couldn’t linger at the small hall as one of the main reasons to go to Veghel was checking sound: Soulburn. The band went full throttle, the audience went full throttle and the sound was full throttle. I got Twan’s set list (Thanks!!)
- Apotheosis Infernali
- Under the Rise of a Red Moon
- In Suffocating Darkness
- Crypts of the Black
- Where Splendid Corpses are Towering Towards the Sun
- I Do Not Bleed from Your Crown of Thorns
- Absinthesis
- Hymn of the Forsaken (Pim and me had been discussing whether they’d play it, yeahhhh!)
- Claws of Tribulation
- Feeding on Angels
- outro: Al Bowlly + Eden’s Last Sigh
I never heard of Al Bowlly, but it’s no reason not to get my greedy fingers on the new album Earthless Pagan Spirit, to be released November 18th. I will consider this my own special Sinterklaas gift :evil: My neck and arms did overtime, the esophagus still trembles… shortest explanation: leckaaahhhhh!! I had fun, that’s simple. It got even better as Remco put the Imperial Anthems single in my yearning hands, might as well get it signed. After Lifeless, that is. The band had a great sound, vile, dirty and loud and went totally to the bottom. As they started with my favorite Lifeless songs the band assured I’d stay put on the first row of the small hall… and freaked out to:
- Godconstruct
- Seed of Hatred
- Moribund (owww what a great song!)
- Sworn to Death
- Insanity Reigns
- Perdition of the Whore
- Invocation of Chaos
- The Truth Concealed
I LOVE THIS BAND!! The stage was so wet of all the sweat it took a while to get the set list dry as I didn’t want to tear it even further. I know this band made friends tonight. I wasn’t really friendly to Unleashed, so to speak. I was getting tired of that wicked Bavaria beer and didn’t do much more than try to get Johnny on a nice picture and trailed off through the venue. I decided just to wait for Daniel, I already picked up my Maryland Deathfest hoodie and waited. I got Bob to invited me backstage for the signing of the Imperial Anthems 7” and had a nice chat with Eric, Remco and Twan before getting out again. I have no clue whatsoever what or how Unleashed played, sorry guys. It’s not like I’d never seen Bajen Death Cult blow up a hall or a crowd, I was getting fed up. Or fed down, the excellent burger must have been worked out. I was hungry, but not for death metal anymore. I yearned for a nice bed and maybe a shower. Think about aspirin in the morning, I thought. Daniel told me before ‘when you said you had a headache yesterday I instantly packed a box of paracetamol’, how considerate!

Morning came, aspirin badly needed indeed, we checked out and I got to my currant buns and cheese and sped off. We had no idea if the dyke Lelykstad – Enkhuizen would still be out of order, so I drove around Amsterdam instead. Playing God Dethroned and Bodyfarm on the road home enlightened my spirit so much I typed this with Stream of Passion playing :o . Death Metal No Lifeless Soulburning Compromise!!

Reactions: http://www.mruforums.com/f22/veghel-dea ... 8th-17747/

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 11:56 am 

Legion of the Damned anniversary tour of Malevolent Rapture, also feat. Cliteater, Sisters of Suffocation, P60 Amstelveen

Legion of the Damned is THE band I’ve seen more often than any other band, so far Maurice & Co. propelled me to 23 shows in four countries; hardly ever a letdown to be seen. OK, a few glitches in sound here or there or the first time I saw the band as a five piece, but apart from those two occasions it’s always been bash, bash, and bash even more. Ever since 2006 I’ve been following the band, always buying Legion of the Damned special editions, merch and CDs to spread. I don’t think I even have one ‘normal’ edition of their material ;) This edition would be a special tour to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release of Malevolent Rapture. OK, there had been a special ‘In Memory of..’ edition when former bass player Twan died, but those were only a few select shows. Now it would be a Dutch tour, so to say. Five shows in two weeks. Daniel bought me a ticket for my birthday (thanks again!), I thought Tom wouldn’t want to miss this (even though he had seen the Malevolent Rapture show at FortaRock). Who would join us? Ahh, Stip will drive us. Thanks!! That could mean that we’d have a balletje mayo even before the show :lol: but he could restrain himself… he knows I always want to see the first band ;). Tom got to my place around 6 PM, first beers around, we were both pretty tired so the HJ tasted great. Stip is a rabid Manowar fan, but to play 3 Manowar CDs in a row made me frown a bit. He just laughed and drove on. I instantly decided to buy him at least one Legion CD “for the road home and the gasoline” :) At the parking garage we were already summoned not to spoil HJ cans in the garage by some not-understanding coppers before entering the café of P60… To my surprise we were too early hihihi. We COULD have stopped for a balletje mayo haha. Inside we were instantly greeted by Jort and Bram Vis and let the beer flow! Maurice was happily surprised by my Occult – Disturbing The Dead shirt and Harold was happy with what I did to a beanie cut up for the Dutch Denim :) Hey, Goddess stand is here too, Harm’s companion Jerry instantly shouted ‘HJ patches available!’ so I bought three: one for Jort, one for Bram and one for me. Never too late to add another HJ patch haha. On anything haha.

The Sisters of Suffocation were fiddling with their sound when we got inside, clearly the band members had been inside the venue way before we were. It wasn’t really crowded, but it’s still early, right? Sisters of Suffocation started with a guitar sound very similar to Grave and vocals resembling old Caliban a lot. The four women nearly tilt their speakers, the sound is lovely gruff and the band sure can play. Pity that after some five songs the latter songs resemble the latter Caliban too :/ For the HJ patch I got a Sisters of Suffocation patch from Bram. Thanks my friend! I might have to regroup some of the Dutch patches to fit the SoS one, but it’s very much appreciated! Stip got me an Accept patch and during Cliteater, which I didn’t like at all for some reason, I found another GSBC patch. Yeah, even though Tom and Daniel were banging their heads quite rapidly towards Cliteater, I didn’t feel it this time. It seemed to miss the ‘normal’ grindcore audience, I guess. No offense.

But one OK band and one disappointing one doesn’t make me less eager for the main dish tonight: LEGION OF THE DAMNED!!! As it’s the tenth anniversary of Malevolent Rapture I thought the band would do that album integrally, but even before the second song I knew it was a ‘regular’ show, whatever that might mean, look at the set list I got from Maurice (THANKS!!)
- Legion of the Damned (marathon banging starts ;))
- Mountain Wolves Under a Crescent Moon
- Taste of the Whip (Daniel FREAKS OUT COMPLETELY!! They NEVER play that song anymore!! Awesome!!!)
- Armalite Assassin
- Werewolf Corpse (another of Daniel’s favorite LotD songs, mine too *cool*)
- Pray and Suffer
- Cult of the Dead (oww such a killer song, including that awesome intro! Nearly all songs have an intro tonight, so it seems. I like that!)
- Doom Priest
- Diabolist
- Death’s Head March (KILLLLLLLLERRRRR!)
- Bleed for Me (my esophagus snaps!! For the full 3:58 I don’t care about talking with consumption :lol: )
Just before Death’s Head March starts I realize I do have most LotD member’s guitar picks, apart from Hein’s. I ask him with how many guitar picks he usually needs and I get the thumbs up. Ahhh guitar pick secured :lol: I’ve heard so many fan favorite LotD songs tonight I wonder why not more of my (Westfriesian? Hilversum? Zaandam?) buddies have shown up tonight. The band is in friggin’top form all night, the sound is loud as an executioner kicking his own axe and I love the sound tonight. With Tom and Stip present, and me returning from front row nearly every song, the pit is great too. Maybe few people pitting but it’s powerful. Ohh, there’s that hot black haired slim chick again, nearly decapitating me three times (…) in several pits. My head wobbles on my neck… but another great Legion of the Damned show is over. We agree Stip needs a big Manowar patch and we head off to the parking garage, all saturated in the starred brand and eager for a balletje mayo. We enter the wrong side of the Amsterdam Ring for Landsmeer, but to our dismay the Zaandam gas station has been rebuilt to house Annoying Heijn? Godverdomme, the balletjes mayo have been replaced by some hipster IKEA shit counter!! Fukcccc!!! Daniel does get his drippy yoghurt mix and I’m off with a too small Bifi… Luckily Stip stops at another gas station, but these meatballs are simply not as good. Good for him: he found a Dio – Holy Diver CD and plays Kreator now ;). Tom is asleep before reaching the A9 and later before hitting the A7 and I’m pretty tired too. I have to work tomorrow (environmental chain of surveillance) and try to sleep a bit too. A bit hard when Stip also plays Boudewijn de Groot :) Damned, I know these lyrics all too well ;) and not sleep ;)

It took literally 10 years for the band to be able to do some headlining shows in our own country, but they sure deserve a fuller venue.. The band is sharp as the blade felt (on the third CD ;)) and the support acts can thrill, the one more than the other of course, but still… I expected at least 250 – 300 people, but now I think there were some 150 present. Hell, they could have played Manifesto this way :(. At least, we gave everything, most of us head home with new shirts or other merch, each wallet sufficiently lighter than before :). Legion of the Damned is top thrash metal! Looking forward to my 24th Legion show, Oberhausen here I come! Make Me Taste the Whip again! Cult of the Thrashers! Thrashhhh for Méééé!!!

Reactions: http://www.mruforums.com/f22/legion-dam ... een-17752/

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Joined: Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:41 am
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:31 am 

Loud Park 2016 was amazing. I saw Lords of Black, Candlemass, Armored Saint, Exodus, Queensryche, Blind Guardian, Dokken, and Scorpions on Day 1. Saw Savage Messiah, Kuni, Terrorizer, Riot, Uli Jon Roth, Symphony X, Amorphis, Nightwish, and Whitesnake on Day 2.

All of the bands that I've chosen to see have absolutely killed it.

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:42 am 

Cripper and Izegrim, double headling tour, De Flux Zaandam Nov. 4th

Izegrim is clearly a band in the lift. Over the years the shows got better and the albums rose in quality. Cripper is a talented band, also in the lift, but in a rate quite a bit slower than their Zutphen friends… and they’re about to tour together. I had seen them on my 70K, not really on the same day, but what the heck; and on my first Death Metal Birthday. I kinda expected them to do more gigs together, so, here it is: the double headlining tour through Germany (five shows) and The Netherlands (two). With an entrance fee of some 8 euros I didn’t think I’d need a pre-order, just thinking ‘who else but Peter will join me?’ Turned out, Peter has his birthday the same day, he wasn’t allowed (…) to skip a feast he had totally no interest in… but Alex had been nagging for a while if there would be another metal show not too far from home. He wasn’t sure at first, how would the tiredness develop, volleyball, whatever, but only a few hours before heading out to Zaandam I got the message ‘I’ll join if that’s possible’. OF COURSE THAT’S POSSIBLE :)

I had totally forgotten if De Flux had coins or cash, so I grabbed my box of left over consumption coins, took the ones of which I had no idea where they came from (with devil horns ;)) and took care of a lot of cash. Coming to Zaandam we couldn’t use the regular places I used so often, as HeeJo’s former house has several new owners now and the nearby free parking is double parked… We got to a parking garage near a mall and were told (we both wore denims, no regular dance frivolities) the parking garage would close at 9PM. Ouch, return for another space outside. With an exit bar… would it be functioning when we return? That’s of later worry. Entering De Flux we got a nasty surprise (Alex had picked up cash too) : PIN only! Huh? What’s the point? In that case, get your gear together, missyprissy! It had started raining and the queue behind us grew… oh damned no cash at the bar as well! No coin machine too? Some chick behind us was all excited, it’d be her first metal gig…

I got the hoodies and jacket to a locker, but only had a €2-coin, so I needed the friendly bar man to use his own money to change. I got one normal euro and one completely blank one, hey, isn’t that counterfitting? :) Soon greeted by Izegrim members Bart and Jeroen the first band took stage. The excited chick had asked us whether we knew how to headbang (…) and Dauthuz began. I told her, not to rush in, start slowly, warm up the muscles, but she was already impersonating a cam shaft… ‘I’ve been to PinkPop once, I headbanged there and I was in turmoil for three days’ she said happily. Err, what? Three days? I said ’I might not bang my head to every band I saw, let the band convince me first’; she already quit listening. To the band: yeah that was cool. I started banging my head (slowly at first :lol: ) the first song, as the death/thrash sure beat some puppies to sausage! The band sounds like a cross between (blunter) God Dethroned and Malevolent Creation (vocally, bass sound)!! The band also played a duet with Marloes called ‘Dying Breed’ for a video (?). Check out www.dauthuz.com or https://nl-nl.facebook.com/dauthuzdeathmetal/ I even managed to grab a set list:
- Intro
- The Hunt
- Made in Blood
- As the River Flows
- Near Death
- Dying Breed
- Killing in the Woods
- Face the Fury
- Intense Rage
This is cool! On the set list there’s “Omstemmen” [re-tuning all guitars or the final three songs, I didn’t notice the difference :o ] between Dying Breed and Killing in the Woods, the singer apologized for not bringing their original singer Robbe to this show, but as I was fetching beers I didn’t hear why this man Dennis Jak took the mic. He turned out to be one of the Unlord members and sure hasn’t lost that vile touch; my dirtiness, could he grunt!! Alex sure wanted to jump into the pit, tried to drag me into it, but as some brotherhood of douchebags were acting Brazilian I was hesitant to leave my excellent spot in front of the stage. Later more on the brothers.

The headbanger chick turned to Beerbutter chick as she clearly was horny as butter but there had been quite some beer poured into her too. Alex later said she had been humping my legs for half the Dauthuz set, but I never noticed. At least she was honest enough to tell ‘this music is a bit too dark for me’ and left with the boyyiefriendyy, clearly intoxicated too. What they’d been using we’ll never know, but she was right about another thing too: one band wouldn’t play tonight. Beerbutter chick ever wore a Cripper shirt, but they turned out not to be able to play. Britta has lost her voice completely the last few days, the band apologies to all when Izegrim is building up. So, not knowing if Britta is up for the gig in Little Devil next, we wish you all health! On the tour they also played Hannover, I’ll ask the Hannover Ladies if they played there… But indeed, Izegrim was up next. The Douchebag Brother now were shirtless and the elbows flew again. Even Alex backed out, he wasn’t in for a beating… but Izegrim K.I.L.L.E.D.!!!!! The band had a razor sharp sound, plenty of volume, even more fun on stage and were thanked by a (albeit capoeira, but still) fierce pit. Jeroen sorta complained it was hot, Alex yelled ‘take it off!’ (he wore his usual denim), Marloes said ‘bah, blah blah’ but I corrected Alex saying ‘he meant Jeroen’ :lol: Marloes looked at me relieved ;). Between the songs I kept looking for the capoeira kids as I didn’t want my teeth smashed. Amstel 0,0 and HJ on bottle, nearly no one drank Jupiler off tap (plastic fust… ) and I got myself the Dauthuz demo. The bass player insisted I wasn’t allowed to pay more than a fiver ‘for just four songs’ ;). I got Marloes bass pick, but I asked for the set list… spoiled bastard ;)
- White Walls
- Deathstrip
- Endless Desire (when Marloes announced it I thought ‘huh? No Endless Strife?’ *oops* fool herrieman *oops* )
- Reclaim my Identity
- Relic of the Past
- The Legion (of which Alex is a member now too ;))
- Point of no Return
- Insanity is Freedom
- Celebratory Gunfire (announced as ‘our singalong, I want all throats open’ Make sure you use shoutable words next time :lol: *tongue breaker*)
- Deliverance (hey, that’s really an oldie!)
- Time to Run (started off as a Bryan Adams lullaby ??? :shock: Nah, it doesn’t :) )
- Endless Strife (yup, my favorite Izegrim tune as encore)

Checking out their FB (just looking ;)) there are plenty of shows planned, my and Peter’s first one will be Ruhrpott. I am looking forward to that, as this band simply delivers. They enjoy playing any venue or festival to smithereens, the audience is eager, the lights are doable and the sound is great. What else do you need? Food. When we got into Zaandam for cash Alex already spotted two döner chebab joints next to each other. I gave my final round of the evening for tasty veal döner and now the last part of the journey: would the bar be up or down? It was up, no need for the darn machine after all; it was approachable as the mall was open, now that machine was barred off? Pfff, why bother if the bar stays open? ;) Alex clearly had enough and I was eager to see my pictures, so no more balletjes mayo tonight. Alex is getting more into death metal lately, which I will support to the fullest! Balletje mayo more or less doesn’t problem me ;) I got home with two Cripper patches, one Izegrim one, Marloes’ bass pick, a Dauthuz demo, two Izegrim beer mats and a bunch of Izegrim stickers. I think I know a nice Sinterklaas metal gift already…

I won’t poke Peter’s eyes out with this stack of goodies, but he sure missed a cool gig. Cripper or not. Izegrim is ready for the bigger tours. Metal!!

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 4:36 pm 

Inhume, Rectal Smegma, Manifesto Hoorn, Nov. 26th

Jessica did it again! Bring some underground extreme metal to cycleable distance, great price and, as it held Rectal Smegma, party with at least The Bovenkarspel Boys. I had not seen the boys for a while, but no worries. They will show up again. I’ve seen Inhume and Rectal Smegma only once so far, on different occasions too. At first Braincasket was the third band, but the band had a double booking and Teethgrinder was put in as replacement. I knew Tom was in for another gentle push and I thought I heard Alex say he was in for another bump as well. I explained Alex about grindcore a bit, mentioning Napalm Death mostly, the blow up doll parties and the confetti. You never can be unprepared, I guess :) . We’d begin with coffee at eight, get my VW Golf Diesel Mk II for the trip and a taxi home. Coming to Alex’ house it seemed Thirza wasn’t in for moving off the couch, as she was tangled in her bf’s arms ;) . Fine with me though, there will be other shows. Coming to Manifesto we already saw Axel and Big Gino, but no Kees, no Tijmen, no Jelle? Uhm, OK. Who I didn’t expect was Steenwijk Bart, he’s known Inhume quite a lot longer than me. Might even join him to Lords of the Land for Autopsy. Bram Vis invited me for Old and New at his place, got a beer from Ching Hue and let the confetti fly!

Rectal Smegma was on first, as Teethgrinder had car problems and wouldn’t enter Hoorn before 10 PM. The band went in like a blow up doll and it was fun to watch. The 17 songs were over in some 25 minutes ;) and I grabbed the set list:
- Sacred Semen Altar
- Double D Deathpunch
- Fuckface
- 2 Girls 1 Cupcake
- Slime Swine Swing
- Boftygrinder
- Shit Squirting Sandy
- Walter Draagt Vrouwen Ondergoed
- Flashpass to the Death
- Ballad of Balls
- Zombie Zuigtocht
- Crème Bukkake
- Animal Panic Porn Planet
- Kruisvocht in Spijkerbroek
- Ritardo Ricardo (first encore)
- Captain Kut

No confetti, but this was fun. The partypit was happening from the third song and didn’t stop. The sound was surprisingly sharp, even for porngrind. It was fun. Not like fun in Teethgrinder, the band that could have stayed with their broken car if you ask me. All they do is ‘keep as angry as possible’ but they clearly have more tattoos than talent. Of the singer it’s said that he did a face splatter meeting on stage, but I didn’t even see it. I spotted something I thought odd, as two men were selling Skullhog merch along with Inhume stuff? I complimented the men with the excellent Stonehenge show. The men instantly told me the Skullhog men were delighted to share a split CD with one of Chris Reifert’s side projects: Violation Wound. Camera ready, they're in Inhume too. Tony was behind the CD player and as a special treat he played Manowar’s Battle Hymns for Alex and we totally freaked out. I must have given my camera to Daniel or something, I now have some 10 pictures of me and Alex trying to be epic :)
I also showed my MDF wrist band to Dennis Schreurs of Severe Torture, he noticed it was us shouting ‘Kut Hollanders, spelen rukkers!’ :) and got another photo moment here.

I kept being given beer from different angles, so I got up and down the coin machine several times *cool* . Inhume was the highlight of the evening. The band had some 100 men in front of them, Alex even noticed there were quite some females present too. He later said ‘with this music in mind, in all extremity, I never expected even one female to show up’. I soon was switching conversations between Tessa, Jessica and Monique, to make his point ;) Inhume played these songs, thanks to Loek for the set list:
- Inescapable Destiny
- Blood Orgy at 7th Street
- Cadaverous Abortion
- Dead Man Walking
- Prelude to Human Confinement
- Pandemic
- Phobia
- Squirming Parasites
- Missing Limb
- Wretched Worm
- Meatcleaver
- Airplane Crash
- Chaos Dissection Order
- Hate/Kill
- Grind Culture
- Process to Decelerate
- Tiamat

What would have been of the world without Napalm Death, I asked several people. OK, there has to be a hint to old Carcass too, along with Autopsy, Terrorizer and Repulsion, but clearly the band is influenced by these grind gods. The mosh pit was violent enough to make all females retreat to the bar :) and Alex, Tom, Gino and Axel made enough mileage ;) on the floor, as Jossel’s and Daniel’s hair also travelled halfway around the globe ;) . We had such a blast the people behind the bar weren’t really sorry not to close *grin* I had forgotten my phone so Tom got us a taxi. We helped Alex enter his own house ;) and we both didn’t need afpilzen anymore. I was in for a short night anyway, as I promised to help Toon empty out his garden from 9.30 AM on… I awoke at 9.33 and as my car was still in Hoorn, I never made it in time ;) Toon wasn’t bothered, he could clearly see I needed the coffee desperately :) . I wonder how Alex’ Sunday was ;) but he said he survived grindcore! Grind for Life? :lol:

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:18 am 

Ruhrpott Metal Meeting 2016, Dec. 2nd, 3rd Turbinenhallen Oberhausen, Germany. Bands confirmed: Blind Guardian, Saxon, Iced Earth, Legion of the Damned, Izegrim, more.

Last year’s Ruhrpott Metal Meeting was a blast. This review is of the second edition of this indoor festival, combining some one-off shows (Blind Guardian, Legion of the Damned) and some tours (Saxon – Battering Ram tour [without Phil Campbell And The Bastards this night; I could have liked that] and the Headbangers Ball Tour: Iced Earth – Kataklysm – Ensiferum – Unearth) with some German bands (Desaster, Rage, Darkness http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Darkness/1849 from Essen). After Antwerp Metal Meeting I clearly hadn’t had enough Kataklysm, but the Dutch date of this tour wasn’t of my liking (Monday). Actually, I convinced Peter (Lord Belial) to join me and possibly Rob Tiller when Legion of the Damned was announced and I’d seen Izegrim would perform too. The usual knickknack with booking money abroad didn’t temper me at all ;) I also booked the same hotel as last year, but wait with that reservation until Rob is certain he can (and wants) to go. No more hassle with tickets ;). Peter and me had ticket numbers 60 and 61 :lol: Take a day off and off to Oberhausen once more!

New to this edition is a second stage, called Flöz (Seem ??), where Nailed to Obscurity would open the Saturday (?) and held one of German Darknesses and a split show of Rage Meets Refuge. Wouldn’t there be food and merch then? We’ll see. Peter and me met several times last week [Inhume, train], we’d drive early. If Rob would be able to go, he’d go by car anyway. We’ll leave early, as last year’s Christmas Market was plain fun. With a minor glitch around my car (wind shield wiper nearly froze off Tuesday) I thought we’d be allright. I might even ask the hotel if I could reserve for the Persistence tour in January. Driving in a frosty Germany is great. Nature can be sooo soothing! Also, going early meant tourism and old fashioned German mushroom schnitzel and Bit! Before entering Turbinenhalle we already found Steenwijkers Jurwin and Bart, but Jurwin seems so deaf now I had to shout in his ear to make him turn around :o We were greeted by Izegrim Jeroen too, got the replacement Satanklaas shirt from Izegrim, up to the lockers and the first band was already at their last song: Nailed to Obscurity played, at least that one song, like some Opeth- or old Moonspell tribute. Not bad for starters, but not too long: Izegrim got to stage. 20 minutes to mayhemmmmm!! By the coins of the ferryman, was this THE. BEST. IZEGRIM. SHOW. EVER. OR. WHAT!! With aching cheeks Marloes, Bart, Ivo and Jeroen played the Turbinenhalle to snot! The sound was marvelous, the mix was perfect, the volume was German (aka louder than in Holland *cool*) and according to Peter’s FB the next day, the band got a full pack in front of them! All I was a bit whiny about, was the command to shut off my flash of my camera, so I hardly made pictures… but this is what I wrote:
- White Walls
- Endless Desire
- Reclaim my Identity
- Insanity is Freedom
- Celebratory Gunfire
- Time to Run
- Endless Strife

The lighting was so weird, with the revolving green and yellow lights it seemed Izegrim had a fifth member? ;) haha. Awesome!!! Killer show! Standing front row, my esophagus more bent than an archer’s bow, fire in our eyes, yeah we loved it! We instantly decided NOT to need Unearth now, so we started wandering the merch hall and from Goddess Harm I bought a handful of patches and Peter finally found a big enough Nile patch at Riffs Merchandise! Damned, forgot to buy a new belt for my Asphyx belt buckle soon to be delivered! We came back for Kataklysm. Even though I love the band to bits, I seemed to be ‘still recuperating’ from the Izegrim show and heard ‘just’ Crippled and Broken. Jurwin and I didn’t agree whether To Reign Again was played or not, I haven’t seen the first couple of songs anyway. Kataklysm never lets you down anyway. No, then Ensinogwat. We watched the last songs of the show with Jasper, the roadie/merch man/president of the Izegrim fan club. Fun fact: without solos some riffs Ensiferum plays, they sound like Celtic Frost and Iced Earth in one minute? Pffhahaha, whatever, dude!

Then, Iced Earth. It had been some two years since I’d last seen them, but if Stu does any MORE effort to sound like Barlow, I get annoyed. I notice I just lost interest in this kind of heavy metal. Strangely enough, the band itself sounds more brute than before? Huh? MORE brute? Yeah! OK, this feeling is mostly based upon the volume in the hall, but still. OK, the band IS TIGHT. I just don’t feel it anymore. Peter agrees that Vengeance is Mine is an OK song, but we head out to the hotel. We have a great meeting with wheelchair beauty Nina and her husband and beer and wine is spread without a second thought. Peter has befriended her on FB, if all works out we might hook up for another MDF! Not 2017 of course, but metal is probably so influential on friendship we agree to get in touch! Very, very cool, but also a recipe for… hangover. Of course, what would you expect?. Mixing three brands of beer with red wine, not the smallest glasses around, holy blood of any faith, it was hard waking up.

We wanted to go to the Christmas Market like Daniel and I did last year, but couldn’t find it one bit. It didn’t help we were both hung over and Peter nearly emptied his intestines the sour way in my car. We decided to try to eat and got us some really excellent noodles. The city is frosty and slippery, so we got an instant taxi to Turbinenhalle, right from noodles on. Entering the big hall Sister was already playing, but how misleading can a logo be? The logo looked to me like death or sludge metal, but it turned out full blown glamrock: make up, tights, scarfs and twisted hairs included. I. Fucking. Hate. Mötley. Kut. And. This. Band. Are. Their. Whore. Sons! Only good thing was, the second venue opened also and Teutonic Slaughter plays Thrash To Kick Someone’s Ass!! Up here the volume was only slightly lower, but the intensity was higher! Not too much crowd present, but apart from the Desaster members no known people showed up. Shame, this band was pretty cool. At Flöz stage we seemed to have missed two bands to begin with…

After some more patch-wandering we returned to Flöz stage for Words of Farewell. Ehh what to say about Moonspell (Sin/Pecado era), but with kut sound, kut lights, kut mix but not a woman to be seen on stage? :) Ten minutes is enough, then time for Bliksem. We didn’t really get near the stage but it couldn’t have been a bigger difference towards WoF… friendly lighting, reasonable mix and sound, but the band doesn’t really impress us. We kept walking, so to speak. We ended up in Flöz hall when Darkness got to stage (see link above), but this is too German for the both of us, too much yelling, not enough quality. Like a drunk female version of Assassin… nah. Happily, Desaster was up next in Ruhrpott hall. The band played a sharp set consisting of a cool cross of their entire career and got the full German Monty: a nice pit, shouting contest and truckloads of headbangers! I met guitarist Infernal just seconds before leaving for a taxi, but the bands weren’t over. By far! The mighty LEGION OF THE DAMNED took stage, planted their flag and conquered all!! What a K.I.L.L.E.R show! Again! 24 shows, hardly a bad stroke of guitar/drum/bass/vocal to be heard in ten years! Let’s say I looked like a raving lunatic, eyes no longer shutting, fire behind the lenses, fists raised, mouth open, roaring like a bull in distress, hunting the pit for these songs:
- Legion of the Damned
- Mountain Wolves Under a Crescent Moon
- Taste. Of. The. Whip!!!!
- Cult of the Dead
- Werewolf Corpse
- Pray and Suffer
- Feel the Blade
- Black Plague
- Death’s Head March
- Sons of the Jackal

Exhausted, dehydrated, wet like sour herring, smiling evil all over, The Legions totally SLEW!!!! Peter saw me clutching shoulders to keep walking, he just smiled. I’d made friends in there. Metal comrades, eager for aggression but violently friendly. I just HAD to buy Peter a Legion shirt, but the designs weren’t really of my liking; the demon I had on my shirt was restyled but certainly not to my liking. Plus, the Dutch tour dates were on it and as Peter hadn’t seen those, I felt no sorry for not buying that one. I did buy a black-on-black impression of what I call the third logo, you know, the near-Baroque letters and the skull, but the vile skull that is. Sharper edges in the eyes of the skull. Hell no, he’d never fit that, but some girl walked by and I simply put the shirt in her hands and walked off to the bar smiling. The man behind her was probably her boyfriend, the lady was delighted but the man nearly made a jump at me. His woman calmed him down, I didn’t care at all. I tried to be friendly, that’s all, no need for a domestic battle with me in the center of it. Jurwin and Bart already joined Peter and me, he saw I was no harm and ordered an arm full of beer. Hubby agreed, woman still muttering thanks. Pity we didn’t meet any Legion members… No need for Rage too. I Never liked Peavey’s band to begin with; even though I still never saw them. Fine.

One of my main reasons to actually go to Ruhrpott wasn’t just Ruhrpott, Oberhausen, Christmas Market of metal with friends, it was Saxon too. Last time I saw them must have been Wacken 2004, having missed them on Wãldrock 2003 too. Good’ol Saxon is still battle-worthy! The band simply wraps Turbinenhalle round their fingers with joy in playing, Biff in excellent shape (physically and vocally), still relevant to modern day metal releases. It’s a Long Way to the Top as intro (never a complaint haha) I soon heard Never Surrender and one off the recent album Battering Ram and just smiled. Somehow I do dig THIS kind of heavy metal, Iced Earth or not. Dallas 1 PM, Stand Up And Be Counted, Strong Arm of the Law, yeah Biff directs his eager audience effortlessly and with visible fun! The band is tight as a wet kitten, the sound and mix are fantastic and the band easily wins the shouting contest the set time overdue or not. Blind Guardian can wait five minutes, right? But how in the hell is it possible with BG in the Ruhr Area, only 35 minutes from home, highlighted announced, to have a friggin’hollow sound :?: Hardly any effort from Hansi to reach out, vocally and front man-like? The band is a vehicle of Hansi, so it seems, I got pissed off quite a lot, as in those 10, 15 minutes before the entire Imaginations From The Other Side I get totally disgusted with the form the band is in now. Peter doesn’t really understand, as I did explain IftOS is my favorite BG album, we’re off to the taxi instead. Happily we’re joined by Nina and her friends, but not so dripped in booze like the night before. I set my phone to 9 AM and get out. Paid for the round of drinks in the hotel bar and with grumbling stomach we head out to Hünxe for some soup and bread. We hardly should have done that, as I already agreed to visit my big-friend-in-a-small-man colleague Tecle and his recuperating wife Aghberet. Cancer. But they are stronger than any disease; love, devotion and friendship conquer anything! I was so downed by the fact we had to leave so early, but my family is already waiting for me. Sinterklaas. I delivered Peter at home and rushed into Lutjebroek, but I seem not the be the last one entering :) My family is my gold, my goodness have I been spoiled and helped? I made one rhyme for myself, thanking my family for all the support over my rough year. I am not alone, even though I do live alone. I have family and friends, I have metal and made new friends and even more metal plans for the further future. Looking back I have had a great week, albeit demanding. Izegrim killed. Legion of the Damned killed. Saxon killed. Desaster killed. Thank you Tecle, thank you family! Metallll~~

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:30 pm 

Bliksem, Distillator, Patronaat Haarlem, Dec. 10th

This was a last minute decision for a … last Dutch show of Bliksem? Huh? Wasn’t their album Gruesome Masterpiece considered a Belgian thrash masterpiece the previous Summer? :o I also don’t have it, I do have their first demo. But having seen Bliksem last week, not really being impressed, it only got interesting when I saw they’d play with Distillator. I had been checking out bands and agencies for Eindhoven Metal Meeting I just had to see the District 19 site. I found it refreshing to see which bands are represented all over Europe and beyond. Distillator is one of them. I had tried to have an extremely calm weekend, as I’ve been very tired last time but heck, it’s in Haarlem! Patronaat it would be. Up until Friday I didn’t even know about this show, but hey, for Distillator I will drive. Texted Daniel and Tom, heard nothing or too late they wouldn’t come. Plus point: if I would get tired, no one to stop me from driving home earlier than that last chord or that last wobble of tattooed boobs on a Dutch stage… I had been cleaning out the shed my brother in law uses for his cauliflower company, they have to deliver it empty in two weeks… drove a lot today, so to say.

Haarlem is a friggin’nuisance for driving. All the streets seem to look alike, streets are slim, it was raining like hell and it was dark. Add a bunch of bumperfuckers and I’d be stressed, but not tonight. I parked my trusted VW Golf Mk II diesel, opened my door and heard… Ram Jam – Black Betty. Instant smile, rain forgotten, nearly forgot my parking ticket ;) and headed out. Tonight there would be combi tickets available for both halls, as Dutch singersongpoprock band De Dijk did a gig in the big hall. Nope, even though it’s sentiment of youth (very pleasant memories by Geldgebrek en Rock’n’Roll [I should translate those lyrics once :) ] I came for metal! Entering the small venue also brought back memories, how long since that awesome evening with Vader – God Dethroned – Severe Torture, with a pit climbing up the stairs? First acquaintance I met was a pissed off Timmetje Deathcore, angry because I missed his band Anger Machine again? This way you never make me get there on time, dude! First friend I met was Dave Pennekamp, with whom I share a picture in Aardschok with *cool*. We hadn’t seen each other since that FortaRock day and had a great chat when Disquiet got to stage. I certainly never had heard of them, but he Utrecht – Amersfoort – Haarlem based band has a great vibe, monstrous energy and a sound between Amon Amarth, Malevolent Creation, Unleashed and Testament. The band swirls death metal, thrash metal and melody into a great mix. Volume was OK too, the first gf headbangers present ;). I grabbed a handful of stickers ‘for my collection’ haha and waited for Distillator. The band went in full, as if they’d instantly need their own bullet belts for battle! Here’s the set list:
- Guerilla Insurgency
- Saturation Bombing
- Shiver in Fear (now I see the secret in three-men-straight-and-tough-thrash-combos: normal bass in verses, distorted bass in solos! *cool* )
- Distinct or Extinct (hey, isn’t this the album Revolutionary Cells integrally? Yes, Laurens confirms right after this song ;))
- Revolutionary Cells (Laurens announces new material to be released early 2017, ‘keep an eye out for it’, ”Yes I will” - laughs)
- Bloody Assault (hey, was this or was this not on the CD? Yeah, it is ;))
- Suicidal (what a KILLER bass riff!!)
- Death Strip
- Sacred Indoctrination
This was 34.54 minutes of casual, relentless and worry-free headbanging! The sound could have been a bit sharper, but as Dave pointed out, in this venue the sound quality differs every step you make. During the first Disquiet songs we stood at the bar, it definitely improved only two steps closer to the stage. During Distillator, of course, we stood first row. I would have liked another oldie or a cover (Destruction of course, else Slayer for lack of improvisation :lol: ) but Frank, Marco and Laurens thanked Bliksem and Disquiet for playing with them (note: not Anger Machine ;)) and were off. I got thanked by Frank halfway the set, Marco hung around my neck afterwards. I decided to surprise Dave with a Revolutionary Cells CD and was a bit bummed the RC patches were sold out. I also met Disquiet singer Sean Maia briefly, as Bliksem was about to begin. I did buy the RC CD for Dave and the older album by Disquiet, as I wanted the rougher band more than the ‘developed’ band ;) I noticed Bliksem was more eager than last week, the mix was better, the sound was sharp as a blade and the band clearly had more fun. We also had fun, but I was getting tired. Now it was Dave’s time to surprise me, he handed me the ‘developed’ CD :lol: and I talked to Sean Maia some more. Turns out he’d been in dB’s most of the times I went there (Nervecell, ’77). I can’t do the next Disquiet show in dB’s, because that’s the bro-weekend-in-Dublin-with-Asphyx for me. Very cool guy. I was a bit sweaty as well and knowing it was still raining I also bought a Distillator longsleeve to keep warm. At the wardrobe I had a great discussion with an elderly woman WITH a combi ticket, she was positively surprised by… metalheads :lol: *cool*. Talking to her the doors to the big venue were opened for a second or three, I instantly recognized one of my all time favorite Dijk songs ‘Groot Hart’. Smiling widely I left the building, no longer bothered by rain or the disturbing road and traffic around Patronaat. Haarlem is kut, Patronaat is OK.

With my new medication I know I should not eat late nor use any alcohol at all for a while, so I got home hungry and thirsty for beer. Not now. I’m fucking exhausted, had a roller coaster of different emotional stages once more (satisfaction, anger, stress, love, metal, fun, friendship, sentiment of youth, lust, hunger and exhaustion) but I had a great day. Friends! No tattooed boobs seen ;) Surprise two ways in! Several times :). And metal.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:29 am 

Sonata Arctica show was great. One of my favorite bands since high school, so I decided to commemorate this by not printing a ticket until the last minute, and having to do a work thing at 4 pm on the exact other side of town two and a half hours before the show started. Then I went to the downtown library and went through every hoop possible to print it at 5:45 before the 6 pm close time, including paying a $1.50 fine I owed for some reason, which was starting to drive me slightly insane. Then I wrote the story for work (as a journalist, for those who do not know) at the House of Blues restaurant while eating after barely touching food since lunchtime hours prior.

Then the show...

Openers Ominum Gatherum were a melodic death band, were fun for about a song or two, a pretty fair amount of energy. But I got tired of it after a while.

Then Leaves' Eyes came on. Basically exactly the same as Nightwish, but with slightly more folk influence. Good though, very energized and the lead lady singer was fantastic. The guy lead singer was kind of shitty, but he had a lot of energy and really riled up the crowd, so that was cool. These guys were insanely European... it points out exactly how different the culture is there, how metal music is so jolly and fun and accepted in daily life in some fashion, much different than here where it's a pastiche caricature of rebellion in the popular eye.

Sonata Arctica themselves were fucking incredible. A huge wall of sound with singer Tony Kakko bellowing out front, a mixture of insightful poet and theater actor. I was amazed he was able to nail down those huge novel-like wall of texts that their lyrics usually are, and sell it with as much aplomb as he did. Tremendous fucking energy. The songs from both the old albums and new ones were very well done - the ones from their newbie 'The Ninth Hour,' as pensive as they were on record, were huge, emotional, heavy tour de forces live, and old tracks like "Fullmoon" and "Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited" were thundering. Closing track was "Don't Say a Word" - holy fuck, just manic energy and havoc. Great show, I'd see em again.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:50 pm 

Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2016, headliners: Destruction, Watain, Mayhem; Dec. 15-17 Effenaar Eindhoven

Not needing an agenda can be cool. This festival is a must go for me, ever since its first edition in 2009 I was present all days and I keep it that way. All I have to do is make sure I have some days off left over for work, book the same hotel and wait if there actually is a pre-party or not. First announcements for the 2016 edition were Destruction, Hail of Bullets and Batushka, so I was all in for it already. Got myself one early bird ticket, as I don’t want to linger about extra tickets too much again. I thought Thirza would like to join me again, I’d like to give her a present for her 25th birthday, but her work/college provided that. Don’t worry, she’ll get something else :). The line up got wider, Necrophagia and Mayhem early announced, along with Memoriam (Karl Willet’s new band) and some special sets: Moonspell doing a Wolfheart – Irreligious set, Mayhem doing a De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas set and Watain performing Casus Luciferi integrally. For once I decided to check out some bands in advance as there were plenty of bands that I’d never heard of before (Mantar, Schammash, Emptiness, Caronte amonst others; there are 7 Caronte’s on MA, this is the Italian one. Furthermore, this one of nine Emptiness’s is from Belgium). This way I could direct my path inside Effenaar a bit, not wanting to miss much. I’d be distracted too, as there would be both Soulburn and Soulburner (Chile? Colombia? Or Mexico? Thank you Roman, it’s the Colombian one ;)). Checking out Memoriam makes me chuckle as Karl is reacting personally on YT to the many thanks the band gets. Beforehand I wonder how many ‘special’ Bolt Thrower shirts will appear ;). Little problem came up end of November: Necrophagia had cancelled the entire European tour, the EMM website mentioned ‘As previously reported the entire European tour of Necrophagia is cancelled and we are not in the financial position to fly them in from the USA to perform at just our pre-party’. That’s an honest excuse. The organizers managed to book Belgian death machine Carnation and Dutch grinders Inhume as replacement, I don’t complain! Roman couldn’t lower the price for this evening, above the discount ‘regular’ visitors already had, so he offered everybody a coin for a beer/fizzy drink. Uhm what, coins in Effenaar?? Err, Soulburner never made it onto this bill ;)

Daniel had his own ticket and wasn’t interested in Necrophagia nor Pungent Stench so there was no need to pick anybody up. I had all the time in the world, I took off the Thursday ages ago ;). Checking out the most beautiful smile in the world before hitting the road was a a great idea ;). I got to Eindhoven way before Thursdayay afternoon traffic hell and checked in. Ahh, all expenses already paid :lol: except tourist tax and parking. I took a small nap and headed into town refreshed, as I know most restaurants aren’t open until 5 PM. Petty macho Italian, uhh what? Restaurant full of PSV photos? I had gotten a text message of a number I didn’t recognize, someone wanted me to get a Saturday ticket? Oh no, it’s not Kimberly, right? At the door I already met MDF survivors Agga and Erwin and headed into the smoking booth for the first beer. Steenwijkers Bart and Lange Peter already ruffled my hairs as Carnation was setting up. The band, drowning in Fleshcrawl- and Grave-love did a great set (Jonathan wore a Descend into the Absurd shirt, I wore my Flesh Fucking Crawl shirt ;) and Revel in Flesh cap). Meeting the men was cool too. Here’s bass player Yarne Heylen’s set list: (thanks!!)
- The Whisperer
- The Rituals of Flesh
- Cemetery of the Insane
- Hellfire
- Necromancer
- Sermon of the Dead
- The Great Deceiver
- Explosive Cadavers (I kept belching that lyrics all weekend haha)
- Fathomless Depths

Just before Inhume got to stage I met singer Dennis again, he’d thought the pre-party was in Dynamo Metal club, but he was surprised he wasn’t on the artist list and the audience was very young instantly? It turned out Caliban was playing Dynamo tonight :o smart move Dennis hahaha. Gladly this little incident didn’t interfere with his singing, as Inhume got full throttle. I got thanked by Inhume- and Skullhog-members Loek and Ben being around ;) and the band went in like a saw: sharp, harsh, violent. Pity both singers don’t differ their reach much, as for example Extreme Noise Terror always did. I don’t complain though, it was fun and the audience made the first pit of the day. Grinning like an undertaker we underwent Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench, to my surprise I liked it more than I expected. This is simply a professional band, hands down, just not my favorite band. For God Your Soul For Me Your Flesh early in the set, nice and swampy, warm and dirty. I said goodbye to my audience- and band friends and returned to the hotel with a Carnation shirt, gave one away to Erwin, a compilation CD of a festival Carnation played on.

HEMA breakfast was cheap and good, along with a lovely smile I ate with taste. It was time for some cultural behavior, as I’d seen the sign ‘DAF-museum’ near Effenaar. This was WELL WORTH it!! I found out even DAF-cars can be pretty brutal, if I ever do a restoration project I will probably hunt for a DAF 66 Coupe 1300 Marathon from 1974! What a cool car! I might even paint it orange to resemble General Lee :) Coming back to the hotel brought great news: SC Cambuur kicked Ajakkes out of the KNVB Cup! Feyenoord had an easy evening with ADO Den Haag *cool*. Daniel called, he was in Eindhoven and wanted to eat. Still with all the time in the world we got to the Effenaar and Burning Hatred was setting stage. The band seemed a lot tighter and had a much better sound than previous encounters with the band, good start of the festival! Think of OSDM with a rare Show No Mercy riff under the surface ;) Cirith Gorgor opened up the big stage, but these guys have more smoke than thrill, if you ask me. There would be a LOT of black metal anyway this weekend, so I soon skipped this band. Illdisposed didn’t do much of my liking too, somehow I wasn’t impressed at all. Meeting the Hannover Ladies during Bleeding Gods was a better idea. The band is blunt, loud and has some fuck-you-we’ll-play-what-we-like attitude. I dragged the ladies into the small hall to be able to stand first row during Soulburn. The band, also watched by Bram Hilhorst (Bodyfarm) Wannes Gubbels (Pentacle), Stephan Gebédi (Thanatos, Hail of Bullets) and Stefan Hüskens (Desaster, Asphyx) had a vile, filthy sound, loud as fuck and an excellent mix. Just before the band went on stage Eric, Bob and Twan thanked me for showing up and Remco provided the set list: (thank you!!)
- Apotheosis Infernali (intro)
- Under the Rise of a Red Moon
- Withering Nights
- In Suffocating Darkness
- Crypts of the Black
- Where Splendid Corpses Are Towering Towards the Sun
- Absinthesis
- Claws of Tribulation (such a cool song!!)
- Feeding on Angels YEAHHHHHH befoul your angel wings with BBQ sauce and SHOUTTTT!!! ;)
- Eden’s Last Sigh (as outro)

Me and Pim Utrecht had been discussing which Soulburn album was better, we agreed on Earthless Pagan Spirit, which Pim bought on vinyl. He has been filming videos for the band and as Century Media is content with his efforts, who knows what it will bring him? Here’s one Pim made: https://youtu.be/rOJwm3q5wSw I felt some bumps to my back, looking behind me was a small but pretty violent pit. At least I can no longer lift my arms any higher or shout even more, as this was a really good gig. Gasping for oxygen I had to hurry, as Hail of Bullets had already begun! I wormed my way up to the front row of the big hall and had an excellent view on the band and especially Dave Ingram. He really hit the jackpot this time, the band was even sharper than before and the chemistry on stage is absolutely present. Here’s Paul’s set list (I need bigger pockets for all those lists hahaha, thanks a lot!)
- Intro
- Swoop of the Falcon
- Operation Z
- General Winter
- DG-7 (such a killer chorus!)
- Advancing Once More (Dave really topping it!! Great!!)
- On Coral Shores
- Red Wolves of Stalin (BEUKENNNNNNNNN!! Such a great pit!!)
- Tokyo Napalm Holocaust
- Ordered Eastward (voetbal pitch of goosebumps!!)
- Air Raid Siren outro

MAGNIFICENT!!! I totally, totally freaked out! Probably the best show in a long time!! I stuck around for Destruction, or to say the other way: no need for Endstille. No need for a diet as well, as Schmier seems to have gained all the kilos I lost and the band doesn’t really impress as usual. I don’t know what happened, but Destruction can KILL, they simply didn’t… Strange, as if the band was on autopilot or something. I ended up in the Heavy Vetwal with the ladies from Hannover along with Alicia (now officially Mrs. Baayens, congrats!), Liza (without Martin this time) and my good friends René and Dave P; he bought me a 30 Years of Cursing the Gods shirt! I didn’t have the balls to tell him I already have an Eternal Devastation shirt, but the friendship is stronger than that. Thanks a million Dave! I’ll wear the shirt with pride! Not interested in Watain/Mayhem/Protector I made an early trip to the hotel, but even with a written direction I still walked about half an hour longer than needed :o

Back to HEMA for another great AND cheap breakfast, a different smile this time but no less welcome ;) I would visit my buddy of 27 years Clemens and Susanne and had an ultimate fanboy moment: near some hotel I met Destruction guitarist Mike Sifringer and thanked him for 30 years of thrash excellence but didn’t mention yesterday’s show ;) He grinned and Susanne made a picture. We ate together (another thank you Susanne!) and I was widely on time for Der Weg Einer Freiheit. I even had time to call the strange number, it turned out to be Zalesa. She really didn’t mind too much the festival was really sold out and thanked me for the effort of calling her. Daniel had checked the band out and he really wanted to see them. OK, atmospheric black metal, highly referring to old Dimmu without the keys or old Satyricon without bass. The ‘without bass’ part can be named literally, as there simply isn’t a bass player on stage. Not bad for starters. What was bad? Komah. Friggin’boring metalcore, what a waste of voltage this band. Next band would be Schammasch. I liked the YT I found, but again atmospheric black metal? Nah, I’d rather have a good discussion with Stephan Gebédi about Thanatos’ show in Hoorn (not in 1994 haha) and the excellent Hail of Bullets show I’d seen. I wasn’t the only one that had enjoyed it, so to speak :) We were both waiting eagerly for… MEMORIAM!! Oh goodie goodie goodie, this really was the excellent and natural follow up to both Bolt Thrower and Benediction!! The band, formed by long time friends Healy, Whale, Willets and Fairfax, got the welcome they deserved: a full house shouting, moshing, banging, thrilled to the bone death metal audience! I also went off my rocket, shouting every part I could think of. Songs: Memoriam, one more, Resistance and one I thought to be named ‘For the Fallen’ but that was the Kiddie tribute this band has been started for. Actually it’s Spearhead, comically enough one of my lesser favorite Bolt Thrower tunes, but now it sounds a lot better to my spoiled death metal ears. Powder Burns, what a great experience! Karl mentioned ‘now get all your cameras ready this': Dave Ingram joining Willets in singing Inside the Wire. I managed to keep my arms up for some three minutes for a great video heh heh. Awesome!! Of the last two titles I have no idea if they were Bolt Thrower-, Benediction- or Memoriam-songs: The War Rages On/Never Forget. Such a cool sight to see Karl Willet’s GRIN once more, Dave Ingram HAS the GRIN too, my cheeks hurt and I’m not alone in this ;). I retreated to the Heavy Vetwal, only to be picked out the confetti out of my hairs by Marloes :lol: We had such a great time, talking about Ruhrpott Metal Meeting and older sets, energy between band members and fans, the cruise and so on. Alicia was disgusted by Ineke’s confetti too :lol: Great chats, ladies!

Back to the big hall for Aura Noir. I’d never seen the band before; somehow I always seem to be double booked concerning this band. I could have kept it that way, I guess, as I had totally nothing with the “Peter Pan Speedrock-ripped-off doing it the black metal way”? I’d rather hand out a beer to Bartman, who enjoyed Soulburn too ;) and gathered momentum for Pro-Pain. It had been years since I last saw ‘the Motörhead of hardcore’ and it was FUNNN!! The band had a great sound and a setlist of old and new well balanced. I bashed in so hard, I think I knocked out Liza in my hurry to reach the pit. I saw her holding her head and rushed to the bar for some ice cubes in a towel. She was thankful for that and hooted down my idea of hitting her. It wasn’t me, she assured me! Pfft, thanks, needed that! All we have to do now is to get one of her smaller cameras back, it had been knocked out of her hand. With a pit raging it’s not a good idea to keep looking at the floor, I can assure you that! Pro-Pain got jumped on stage by some 10 other band members and their party was complete. Luckily Liza got her camera back at the end of the show, one guy in the audience had seen who did hit Liza, corrected him and kept the camera for a while, not wanting to leave his spot first row.

In the small hall it was totally packed when Bölzer got to stage. The band, accompanied by the Hannover Ladies, did manage to impress me finally. Don’t ask song titles, I don’t know. I clearly remember the clear sound and pure emotion the band delivers. Not too long for me, as I used to be a big fan of old Moonspell and this band does, as announced, a Wolfheart-Irreligious set. Goose bumps all over me, tears in my eyes, this was special to me! As if it were Dynamo Open Air 1997 all over again! Perverse… Almost Religious, Opium, Awake, I totally freaked out once more. I didn’t want to tarnish my 1997 memories too much, as I went away after some 10 minutes, still with my heart in the back of my mouth… I needed a second alone, also without Tiamat and went outside to cool down a bit. I could have chosen to see Emptiness, but simply couldn’t stand it. Rather a cold back than being bored by loud as a cannon bull black metal. I hated it. Good thing was, Ineke had been nearly out of confetti before Gutalax, her favorite band of the day along with Pro-Pain. The band made the term party more party-ish and had a full house in front of them. I was actually surprised I’d made it that late, it was already way pass 1 AM when the band begun. I skipped a few tunes to see Batushka, but the scent of frankincense brought back VERY nasty memories of the days I still was a church acolyte… I really liked the sound and the songs, but the memories drove me back to Gutalax. I’d rather have poo than frankincense, I said to several people. It got more and more crowded at the small hall… For the first time, I was thrown out of Effenaar!! I was literally the last one to leave the small hall ;) that was a novelty for me :lol: Smiling widely I chose to walk the GOOD direction for once, it wasn’t even a fifteen minute walk after all :) Waking up at nine I decided not to awaken Daniel yet. I needed some more time alone and I think he wouldn’t have liked to hear Kowai and latter Amon Amarth on the way home ;). Had another Sub, no Lisa but a shave, SC Cambuur and Chinese.

In retrospect: I return. No matter who will play or who will join me. I return to Eindhoven Metal Meeting. The ninth edition will hold death metal, black metal, whatever, I will be there. This was an excellent weekend! OK, I haven’t eaten one single bite in Heavy Vetwal, but I didn’t need to. My hunger for metal was satisfied easily. From Carnation, Inhume, a not so bad Pungent Stench to the real vile stench of frankincense, it was all great. Again, as always, saw and made friends. Beer buds and friends of over thirty years. Metal friends. Forged in love and metal!!! Not confetti *gloat*

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:10 am 

Hedon Zwaar Nieuwjaar, feat. Evile, Dr. Living Dead!, Inhume, Hedon Zwolle, Jan. 7th

Thé Dutch Metal New Years’ Drink was there again. Over the years the name switched between Zwolsch Zwaar Nieuwjaar and Hedon Zwaar Nieuwjaar, but that’s for naggers. Something I don’t nag about is a chance to see Evile and Dr. Living Dead! for the second time, combined with my fourth Inhume show, my first Neckbreak Nation show (the sideproject from Izegrim’s Ivo) and some other bands I don’t really know or haven’t seen before. Tom had been accompanying me to previous editions, with a blistering loud Grand Supreme Blood Court, Vanderbuyst and Distillator. He couldn’t make it, he explained the morning of travel, he’d be still in Friesland somewhere at the time the second band would begin. Daniel was on an extreme brutal death night in Zaandam, along with some others. I’d go alone, see my Steenwijk-, Apeldoorn- and maybe my Spanbroek-friends, make sure to drive home safely (…) and have live metal. A safe drive would be a guess, as King Winter reached Holland Friday night…

The schedule was a bit weird to me. Four bands in the small hall and only three in the big hall? Knowing my Overijssel friends I’d be lucky to see two bands in the small hall :lol: I chose to drive early again, grab a bite near Hedon and get in. That bite was one of the best burgers (Argentinian Angus!) with the hottest waitress in a long time ^^ Returning to Hedon I already found Pim Utrecht, got him a HJ patch (hi Jerry ;)) and the first band was to begin in minutes: Menschwalsch. The band is utterly Dutch, ancient Dutch (compare it to South African) song titles, Dutch guitars (Serpent King Guitars, no Henri to be seen ;)) annunciations in Dutch (dùh) and blunt as a pike after a visit to the Delta Works, somewhere between Xerpentor-, Obituary- and Grave-like OSDM. Singer Olivier announced it was the first ‘real’ gig (if there ever was an ‘unreal’ gig???) and they clearly had fun. The little hall of Hedon had an excellent sound and every instrument was clear. But blunt ;). This was cool! Check out https://nl-nl.facebook.com/menschwalsch/ (they’re not on MA yet). Best song: Graffenwaffel (about the after-alcoholic stench :)). Hope they release something or do more gigs.

Meanwhile, in the big hall, I found Steenwijkers Bart and Jurwin. Jurwin was displeased to see me with an orange soda in my hands, claiming I should have contacted him before; taxi or BOB later (Bart, that is) With the four of us, we had two BOB’s now :/ and Syndemic came to stage. The false grin on Jurwin’s face stayed on, as the band tried too hard to put too much breaks in one couplet, too much metalcore, not interesting enough for us to remain longer than two songs. Back to small hall for Neckbreak Nation, the side project of Izegrim’s Ivo. The band makes musician’s music, ‘look how many riffs I can befoul in one and a half second’… Marloes and Jeroen were there too, time for merch-hunting. Jerry also didn’t understand why I build some shorts for a festival I dislike now: Wacken. But to me, it’s the creativity that counts, for myself at least. I found a really cool Suffocation patch, along with patches of evergreens like Eaten Back to Life, Wheels of Steel, said HJ and The Ultra-Violence. Seeing Dr.Living Dead! enter stage made me wish I’d ever seen these guys on Wacken as well, as they sure deserve a spot on many more denims to come/be. The band combines Suicidal Tendencies (Trip at the Brain-ish), Body Count (There Goes the Neighborhood-ish) with Sick of it All (Step Down-ish) with more hints to Suicidal: Institutionalized-ish. This show reminded me of S.O.D. on Wãldrock!! The sheer pleasure, the mess in front of and on stage (people taking selfies with band members still playing/singing), the enormous grins on so many faces… yeah this was amazing! We cooled down a bit with a good conversation with Pim and Loek and Ben of Inhume about the entire Limburg metal scene ;). During that chat suddenly people started taking their shirts off and raising fists to some doof Manowar song??? Suddenly I found out Loek loves old Manowar too ;). In the small hall I spotted Undawn for some 25 seconds but wasn’t in for more melodicgroovemetalcore-ish. Back to Loek. I found the statue of Herman Broodin the foyer a bit daunting, as he clearly stated ‘the best part of my life started leaving Zwolle behind’ and grabbed a really cool flyer of Lemmy Lives, the already- in-the-past Zwolle tribute to Motörhead.

We had such a great time, Evile had already started. The staccato riffs went like round scissors through small twigs, but I found the vocals too lovely for this type of thrash and lasted only two, maybe three songs. I chose to see the entire Inhume build up and sound check, which was a lot of fun too. The band goofs between placing cymbals and amps with Manowar- and Judas Priest-sound-a-likes and simply shows F.U.N. and F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P. for over 20 years. The band had time to sign my newly bought Moulding the Deformed CD and advised me to bring the CD to any Snaggletoöth- or Cliteater-show to get the rest of the original band members to sign the CD, with friendly regards from Loek, Dorus and Ben ;). Inhume clearly came to P.A.R.T.Y.!! The band invited all crowd to join the party with a round of Jäger shots, crowd surfing (Dorus), selfies (don’t hassle Loek too long :lol: ) and exactly the same set as in Hoorn. So, here it is, from picture to paper to digits:
- Inescapable Destiny
- Blood Orgy at 7th Street
- Cadaverous Abortion
- Dead Man Walking
- Prelude to Human Confinement
- Pandemic
- Phobia
- Squirming Parasites
- Missing Limb
- Wretched Worm
- Meatcleaver
- Airplane Crash
- Chaos Dissection Order
- Hate/Kill
- Grind Culture
- Process to Decelerate
- Tiamat
The band got the organization to fulfill the party with some five :!: encores: intro to Run to the Hills, half of Battle Hymns (no male nudity now :)), some Judas Priest-gloat and two of their own songs, which ended with another round of Jägers being poured into women’s mouths :lol: and nearly a beer from Loek. As a driver, I had to refuse it, but I also didn’t get a closed can to extend the party at home… spoiled brat herrieman ;). Dorus explained the band didn’t do more of their own song as the drummer ‘still needs to practice more on our old material’ (he’d been in the band for some year now) :lol: but no harm done. I said goodbye to the band members of Inhume and Menschwalsch, the Steenwijk Dudes, some drunk chick and the Izegrimmetjes, before helping Pim into my car. He said he wouldn’t mind spending the night on a train station, but it’s nearly freezing, dodo! :) I had to do my hobby in the polder :/ and got home without any glitch, no slide, no ice whatsoever. Good. Until I emptied my entire stock of cold beers (all four ;)) we had a great discussion about metal and people in common, thanks for that! After a bit of a short night (I slept at 4 AM, awoke around 9 AM) I got Pim coffee and a zip of bread before delivering him to Hoorn station. Missy got the selfie he made ;)
So, from Limburg to Goes, from Steenwijk to Zutphen and from Friesland to West-Friesland: have a happy heavy metal new year!

To be found on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... ile-living and share reactions on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/hedon-zwaa ... ead-17838/

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:23 pm 

Buze Live Massacre, feat. Izegrim, Braincasket, Jan. 14th

This wasn’t the killing of Ed Kowalczyk nor the reunion of Rick Rozz’ band, but a nice extreme metal event in the refurbished Buze in Steenwijk. I was curious what ‘they’ would have done to the little, cozy, straightforward youth/cultural center of Steenwijk. At Hedon Zwaar Nieuwjaar I was offered a place to sleep at Jurwin’s house so I wouldn’t have to drive home for once. It also meant I didn’t know if Jurwin (or Bart or Lange Peter, in any case) would accept I would bring anyone with me, so I went alone. I haven’t even checked if there was something else to do, nor if people had other plans. Should I be sorry? I don’t know. I wasn’t really in for conversation as I had had quite a heavy conversation with my eldest sister, I also needed some time to think about what we discussed. I e-mailed Bart and Jurwin I’d be there as early as possible, the venue would be opened at three PM sharp. But my beloved VW Golf Mk II diesel had the flu, after having the lights on for about two hours the battery was completely drained. Even with help from both neighbors I couldn’t start my black beauty, so I needed Road Assistance once more. Err the car started in about three seconds after the proper amperage was used :o and I drove off, thanking the man in yellow. Parked my car at city hall, entered for a mere € 7,50 and got myself coffee. Always good to have coffee if a day could be so long. Oh yeah the new Buze is tighter in many ways, but the nice little grass field is plastered. No more room for a nice stage outside, those days are really, really over now. Nice to see decent toilets for a change. We must hear ourselves if the sound is up for it.

I soon got asked if my friend Jeroen would celebrate his birthday in Steenwijk, but no, but good to see you again, André! Jeroen was somewhere in Oude Pekela or Niedorp, something. Not in Steenwijk, that’s for sure ;). The first band was already checking sound, good to see old Pestilence- and Vader-shirts in a band that is about to begin. They even played Evil Dead as a warm-up, so I already became fan of the band. They’re called DeadSpeak and they’re locals to Steenwijk. They play somewhat of a cross between Vader and grindcore, but clearly the band is young. Some instrumental passages could be a hint sharper, but for a young band that’s no problem, I guess. It was also a bit static, but once again I guess… they’re a bit nervous. The band ended with another version of Evil Dead and the nerves were gone. So was the band, obvious. It had turned 4.30 PM and the Steenwijk Dudes entered, Bart had picked up Jurwin; Lange Peter was on his own today. We looked at the second band called Hamerhaai (translated: Hammerhead shark). They were formerly called Dirty East Godverdomme :lol: and play something in the direction of Pungent Stench, but faster and with three vocalists. I liked it, but can’t find anything on YT nor MA, just like DeadSpeak. So, pity, no links. Yet.

I had eaten quite a lot of leek at home, but that works out after some five, six hours so I tried the tosti and bockwurst bread. Nearly tasteless, but I didn’t want to miss any band tonight. Apart from Fumes of Decay, that is. The boring grind made me turn to the bar once more and have a nice chat with Jeroen of Izegrim once more. The band has quite a busy schedule nowadays, working on more material and preparing for a full European tour end of March and halfway into April. Braincasket was next and my holy grind, needed I that pit or what? I showed some karatekid the way, cooled him down by warming up myself hahaha. The double vocals have been developed since the first time I saw them, now they sound more diverse than before. The band is also tighter than before so all and all it was a good gig. Zipped a few pictures, handed my camera to a smiling Bart and went off my rocker :) The 45 minutes were gone in a sigh and a curse ;)

Could Izegrim ever surpass the great Ruhrpott gig? Nah, they came close but because of the weird lighting I wasn’t really pampered tonight. The sound couldn’t have been better though. Here’s Marloes’ set list (thanks!!)
- White Walls
- Deathstrip
- Endless Desire
- Reclaim my Identity
- Relic of the Past (singing contest :) )
- The Legion
- Insanity is Freedom
- Celebratory Gunfire
- Deliverance
- Time to Run (to the pit of course ;))
- Endless Strife
- encore: Point of No Return (if I were to say, don’t get off stage :) )

This is really an excellent band!! I hope they get a fair spot on the tour they will do, because this. Band. Massacres!! Excellent show! Loads of fun on and off stage, as Marloes returned my bokbier from last week ^^ and made sure I got Ivo’s drum stick! Thanks a lot lady!! Highly appreciated!! Bart also thanked Bart and rounded us up to go. He brought me through villages I know of my mother’s youth and delivered me at Jurwin’s house. Yes, he stood ground and got me a nice matrass to sleep on. Halfway the afternoon I got up, got myself about a gallon of cola as he doesn’t do coffee at all and made me schnitzel! That’s a nice change for a breakfast :) Jurwin also showed me his birth place and Bart’s house, see if I can ever find it on Google ;). Thanks a gazillion for the hospitality and friendship!! On the way home I got called by my sister again and all things are set straight again. Pfoei! As for her privacy I won’t mention too much, but I am glad to have helped. And I’m glad Buze is still in business, for metal! Jurwin, Bart, Ivo, Marloes, Jeroen, Bart, thanks!!!

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:58 pm 

Dutch Memorial to Ian 'Lemmy' Kilmister, Jan. 21st De Nozem en de Non, Heemskerk

This is a show I’d been looking forward to since Wapenfest. I’d met Roel Sanders then and told him I’d seen the one and only bad Asphyx show of my life… with him on drums :x He laughed about it, as Asphyx had been a tough band back then, no hard feelings. He was pleased I liked the Kill Division album so much, but that band didn’t last long enough for live gigs… In fact, Roel plays on some awesome records as God Dethroned – Passiondale (my absolute favorite [death] metal album of the first decade of the new millennium), Inhume – Chaos – Dissection – Order and said Kill Division – Destructive Force. Big plus: my work buddy Niels would be there too, he mentioned this gig first to me. Maybe Kees Bloemkool will join, who knows. Which incarnation of Tank it would be, just keep looking if you see something familiar (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/rockhard-2 ... hen-14459/ ) or it’s the ‘other’ Tank. No info on the website of the venue, though. Little addition: it’s the Tucker/Evans line up (with Bobby Schottkowski and ZP Theart)

The day started with a condolence for my godfather Oom Herman, but Alex’ daughters misheard it and they thought it was THEIR oom Herman that died. No worries girls, it’s Goduncle Herman, not Uncle Herrieman we’re talking about. From here on, this review is for Herman van Galen. Rest in peace, caretaker of kids and their education, I play some CCR in your honor. I hardly had time to eat coming back to Westwoud, but at least I’ve seen most of my cousins on my mother’s side and it’s been a swell ride. My ride to Heemskerk was a smooth one, parking the car literally in front of De Nozem En De Non, for free! Hah! But my good spirit damped QUITE a bit, as I was told to leave my denim behind? No fucking way, what the hell do you think? Where are my motorcycle club colors? Fuck off, it’s Gorefest, Jovink and After Forever, no surrender :evil: no Flanagan :evil: no Son of Sam :lol: [do you get the hint? :evil: It was sold out! I’d never been to this place, formerly known as Donkey Shot, but pissing me off about my denim isn’t a good idea! Good thing: Sicco and Paul from Final Heiress are there too, telling me they’d would have liked to bring Jan along too, but couldn’t reach him :/ My former W’netteke metal buddy Ad Patat was there too, but he’d been clearly drinking in before the bands even begun… OK I stay sober anyhow.

No more nagging, time for the bands! Finally! What do you think a band would sound like if they’re called Dead Men Tell No Tales? Yup, it was a 10 song Motörhead tribute from Haarlem and beyond, featuring the tallest guitarist in the world haha. I’ve known these guys from sight for a long time, but never heard a name and they know me, but not my name. One of the huge brothers also played in a band called Murder One (supporting Death Angel in 2005) err sorry Murder in Progress. Anyway, I made a picture of the set list:
- Iron Fist
- Fire Fire
- Stone Dead Forever
- Too Late, Too Late
- Emergency (hey, isn’t that a Girlschool cover? Yeah and nay, it’s on Headgirl EP St. Valentine’s Day Massacre ;))
- Love Me Like a Reptile
- Leavin’Here
- The Hammer
- Dead Men Tell No Tales
- Motorbreath (not even with an umlaut haha)

The band has quite some experience, but the vocals are too well pronounced and, to be honest, too civilized for a Motörhead tribute, if you ask me. ‘OK, but could have been dirtier’ is my conclusion on this band. I had seen some cool shirts (Snaggletoöth and a Motörhead-themed shirt of a local brewery) so I haven’t seen the entired DMTnT set. I was waiting for Roel to sign my Inhume CD and his own Motörhead tribute Snaggletoöth. I wasn’t let down. At all. The band has a Lemmy look-a-like (without warts and the specific tattoos, but the rest was there) and plays on instruments the classic Motörhead line up (Kilmister, Clark, Taylor) played on: Rickenbacker bass, Gibson Explorer and Les Paul guitars, one-bass-drum-double-pedals drum kit, Marshall stacks but no Murder One top. The guitar player also looks like Fast Eddy Clarke haha, but the band is übersharp!! The first three songs the guitar player was troubled by a faulty guitar cable, but that doesn’t affect the rest of the band at all. Here’s the set list I got from guitarist John Knijpers (thanks!)
- We Are Motörhead
- Stay Clean
- Irön Fist (for a colleague of Kiltmister Lloyd Koolen, who committed suicide in front of his students last week :!: , ‘voor een hart onder de riem van zijn studenten, een steek in het hart voor degenen die hem ertoe dreven’ something like “comfort for his students, stab at the heart to the ones that made him kill himself”)
- Shoöt yöu in the Back (as his boss is going to do that ;))
- Killed by Death
- In the Name öf Tragedy
- We Are The Röadcrew
- Röck Öut
- Damage Case
- Thunder and Lightning
- I Göt Mine
- Bullit/Snatch (medly of Bite the Bullet/The Chase is Better than the Catch, but in a Limburg dialect joke I quite didn’t get)
- Nö Class
- The Hammer (dedicated to Roel and the hangovers they shared)
- Brötherhoöd öf Man
- Burner (dedicated ‘to the man himself’; nice pit going on)
- Orgasmatrön (the pit gets a bit obnoxious)
- Ace öf Spades (the pit is bigger but no longer obnoxious :lol: )
- Bömber (no flying rig…)
- Överkill (John pointing at my Electric Age shirt :lol: )
- Över the Top (in italic on the set list, as they weren’t sure if they had enough time to play it; the did 8-))
In the meantime some of my acquaintances got to know each other: MartinMotörhead, Kick, Eus, Niels (from the office) and Michel and I got myself a round of drinks and a tribute shirt. I am going to cut that shirt up, I simply HAVE to HAVE Snaggletoöth on my Dutch denim and I’m planning to buy a black longsleeve or hoodie to put the front of that shirt on.

One band I’m certainly not going to do a tribute to is Tank. OK, the band is OK, but the singer is an asshole. Within two songs he starts moaning ‘Och Gott is this going to be one of those nights?’. Don’t fucking piss off your audience! Clearly singer Theart is still used to gibbling teenage girls or something, his disgust is showing all too well. So, I say goodbye to my friends and head out. I’m out of cash anyway, as the shirts were paid in cash, the drinks were cash only on the biggest bar but that bar doesn’t have the 0,0 per cent Jupiler I’d been drinking? I was getting tired of non-alcoholic beer and Tank didn’t stop me from staying. At all. Pity I haven’t seen if Bobby was behind the kit, I only made a trip to Tank-net typing this. When I left the building some local was still trying to get in, as if he waited for me o: Wat sneu :-|

None of the BK’s on the way home were open, I had no desire for Macca but had some Snelle Jelle in the car. I craved for the beer they have on tap in De Nozem… HJ!! Friggin’HJ!! Kutterdekut, was I for a real HJ or what? Racing home I only thought of the golden label, even keeping my engine running to the point my doof neighbor came out and asked me why my car wasn’t turned off? :evil: Heemskerk – Westwoud is normally a 45 minute drive, I made it 40. So, my beloved VW Golf Mk II Diesel needs to cool down before being shut down. Is that Motördamage or överBurning? :) Nah, it’s metal.

First written for http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... ister-21st

Last edited by herrieman72 on Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:01 pm 

Persistence Tour 2017, feat. Suicidal Tendencies, Municipal Waste, Turbinenhalle Oberhausen

Tom and me have been Municipal Waste fans since our encounter with The Waste on Hole In The Sky 2008. It was one of the most violent and fun shows of the entire festival, in between the blackest of black underground black metal and the deathest death metal you can find. That feeling of ‘we showed the Norwegians how to pit’ never left haha. On the 2016 edition of the Persistence Tour we met Tony and Landphil of Iron Reagan, but missed the MW show on Jera on Air. So, along with our mutual friend Ineke, we longed for more Waste. And The Waste returned! Somewhat halfway July this tour was announced and we hurried for tickets. Not really necessary, as the Turbinenhalle is quite big, bigger actually than the Vredenburg venue we last saw Iron Reagan. After a cozy night of drinking Tom noted we’d better get a hotel, not needing to drive sweaty/drunk/exhausted/… whatever. For two and a half hours *grin*. During the Ruhrpott Metal Meeting I booked for this night. Reminder to self: the next date for Ruhrpott Metal Meeting is already announced: December 8-9! Tom no longer works entire Saturdays, so we could drive early. Get a schnitzel or mosh trying ;)

At the office I was warned I needed an Umwelt-sticker for my car, is it getting as obnoxious as in Rotterdam and Utrecht or is this another tax in disguise? At the ANWB store they said they needed a 5 day term, apply in threefold too? Ugggh, bureaucracy… We will try at the border… What’s the use of an Umwelt sticker if German farmers are not fined for burning their weeds and superabundant grass?? Coming to the hotel we were warned there would be a big demonstration (against Umwelt-stickers? :lol: ) happening Sunday morning, but that’s of later worry. Within three minutes a taxi drove us to the Turbinenhalle, the first band was already gone. Another hobby, I guess. Before the first beers we were already spotted by Agga and that first beer was great! I had a sixpack of HJ in the car for Tom, only hint: save one for me ;) Agga just said ‘name this band “Band Number Two” and be done with it’ :) Tom called Burn ‘knee bending tap music’ and I agree, some part thrash, some part hardcore. I’m not going to choose which of the +1000 YT-thingies to show which Burn this band is ;) We were more lucky with Down to Nothing, starting with the Beavis & Butt-Head intro is always a good thing to us. Thrash to grind your fellow men to pulp! So, as Tom said ‘perfect for warming up to The Waste’ and dove in. Pretty cool band! Now for the main reason to travel 240 km: Municipal Waste!! Strange: I read a review of the new Iron Reagan album, with a hint ‘declining interest in Municipal Waste’? What? Is that just Aardschok asociality or what? The band, whoever, had no interest in such biased story, they MASSMURDER!! I only had time to swallow one final zip of beer, I’m not going in sober:
- Mind Eraser
- You’re Cut Off
- The Thrashin’ of the Christ
- Idiot Check
- Thrash is My Business, And Business is Good!
- The Inebriator
- Beer Pressure
- Sadistic Magician (yup, the Radagast-look-a-like was there too :))
- I Want to Kill the President (including shirt for Kimberly)
- new intro
- Slime & Punishment
- Unleash the Bastards
- Born to Party

What a killer band! What a killer show! What a murderous pit! Friendly, but kiezelhard! The sixth encounter with The Waste was a worthy one!! The band thanked all bands that played with them, partied with them and took them all over the world… so grateful. I later met Ryan Waste and thanked him for this murderous pit, he was a bit reluctant to get a picture taken with a very, very sweaty herrieman :lol: , clearly still exhausted, wobbly, but still raging on ;) He even remembered the awesome time the band and audience had on Stonehenge 2013 *big grin* and Tijmen flying by :lol: *cool* :lol:

We had plenty of time to recuperate, because Walls of Jericho did everything to keep Tom and me out of the way, Agga liked it though. I think he looked like he could easily fuck their singer, so what? Good time to share said beer with Ryan and buy Tom a ‘Speed Metal Drunks’ T-shirt ;). Going to Agnostic Front shows can be an adventure in it’s own. The band has a wide fan reach with punks, hardcore kids, metalheads, bikers, revolutionaries, anarchists and Satan knows what else, but the shows I’ve seen were mostly great. This one showed Agnostic Front doesn’t need exactly much to excite an audience, as the pit started right at the intro. And they went!! My Unholy War, what a party!! The sound was fingerlicking good, ear candy to the trained music lover, the set list consisted of new material and golden oldies like Police Violence, For My Family, Friend or Foe and, of course, Gotta Go. The foyer wasn’t even safe for non-pitters! Great show! I think the stage was some 40 m wide and the pit was at least 40 by 40 m strong! What a madness *cool* Such a pleasure to see such a band and crowd go totally apeshit!

Suicidal Tendencies had the heavy task to overpower The Front and The Waste, but nearly didn’t succeed. Singer Mike Muir sometimes wants too much focus on himself, but now he seemed ‘just’ happy to be on a stage, in front of his own Suicidal Army. The band was tight, yeah, what do else do you think with Meister Trommler Dave Lombardo behind the kit? The band let the music do the talking and the Army went nuts from You Can’t Bring me Down to the encore Pledge Your Allegiance. Only song titles I wrote were Possessed to Skate and I Saw Your Mommy. I was still recuperating, meeting my Iceland-to-come friends Jasmin and her boyfriend (already forgot the name *sorry*) and having a beer with them. I smiled when the band announced ‘everybody is welcome on stage’ and the nice chaos that got along with that ;) I even considered texting my former house mate Jelle about this gig, he's huge on ST, but remembered too late I no longer have his phone number…

A taxi was, again, a matter of minutes and in the hotel we did one final afpils for good times’ sake. That’s the third brand of beer today ;). Of the planned demonstration we only saw about a hundred police vehicles, loads of rubber and goretex and went on unhindered. No parking ticket too ;). On the road home we discussed when it would be fit Tom would bring his girlfriend Ellen along, she might like Into the Grave! With two coffee-and-smoke breaks I delivered Tom right on time for his next appointment ;) and we meet again Thursday, when Kreator will pleasurely kill Tilburg. *cool* The Waste for Life!

Reactions on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/persistenc ... 8th-17851/
and the picture of me with Ryan Waste on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... ipal-waste

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:53 am 

Kreator – Gods of Violence tour with Sepultura, Aborted, 013 Tilburg

Of this tour suspicion arose early it would be a great one before any new music was around. Kreator was very sharp on Into the Grave last year, last Sepultura show was killer (Epic Metal Fest 2015) and Aborted can hardly put anyone down if not dismembered ;). Two of the top league thrash metal bands to tour together, goodie goodie! Kreator always tours with bands that can challenge them, I noticed over the years. If it’s not Death, then Voïvod, Morbid Angel, Sodom, Arch Enemy, Biohazard or even Caliban, upppp with the limbs! I wasn’t the only one eager for new Kreator and Sepultura material, as Tom tapped me on the shoulder long ago, saying we could crash at Jordi’s place no problem. I tried to get Alex and Thirza along too, but school and work prevented that. Come to think of it, of course, I take Alex to Dublin next week :): Last week our Westwoud buddy Gerwin was at my door, asking whether he could drive with us. Fine, he once surprised me big time by telling me he had tickets for Satyricon in Melkweg; not even knowing he liked it anyway. He also asked what albums to check out, he already knew Sepultura; I answered ‘never a bad deal if you take Hordes of Chaos and Pleasure to Kill’ ;) I’d get home early for A27 hell (Gorinchem :/), decide what time to drive as Tom still has to work the entire day. We might miss Aborted, but a man’s gotta eat, right? If we’re lucky the schedule is changed a bit, as I really don’t have a clue what was the last time I saw Soilwork and to be frank, I don’t care about these Swedes anymore. Too clean. Especially on tour with Aborted :evil:

Tom texted me this week he’d drive home so we’d meet Jordi at the bar. Little problem: no way we could drive earlier than 6 PM. On the plus side, we’d not need Tom’s or Bart’s Seat, so we won’t have to sing to each other during the trip :lol: Coming to Tilburg, having heard Sepultura for over an hour in a row ;) we already hobby’d ourselves the wrong way out of the parking garage :/ First acquaintance we met was Tilburg Pim, sharing a big beer and smiling widely of having seen Aborted :/. Sepultura was already playing for about half an hour, we guessed as they quit after five songs. First song we heard was a new one, but I have no idea which one. Tom’s goose bumps moment followed: Inner Self! The band had clearly fun on stage, it was tight and that drummer Casagrande, my oh my does he hit hard? What a great band Sepultura is nowadays, joking about Cavalera isn’t the right move now :lol: Third song was Resistant Parasites and that song along made me want to buy Machine Messiah instantly. I forgot when my goose bumps moment was announced: Territory, followed by Refuse/Resist. My graveyard, what a stamina Derrick has! Whoah! Even Gerwin got what he wanted as the band closed their set with Roots Bloody Roots. It was absolutely a just choice for Kreator to bring their long time pen pals on this tour. They ROCKED! Kreator has their self inflicted task to overpower the Brazilian/American violence by this set list:
- Choir of the Damned
- Hordes of Chaos
- Phobia
- Satan is Real
- Gods of Violence (that chanting of ‘We Shall Kill’ 8-) and my slaughter, they KILLED! Pit was amazing!!)
- People of the Lie
- Total Death (AWESOME!! I’ve hardly ever heard them play this!!)
- Mars Mantra
- Phantom Antichrist (another violent pit! First entry of Sherman the Tank, destroying the circle pit 8-))
- Fallen Brothers (including pictures of the fallen: Bon Scott, RJ Dio, Steele, Witchhunter, Cliff Burton and even Bowie, Cohen and Prince dabbled by. Paul Baloff had another worthy tribute on his death day (1960-2002, RIP)
- Enemy of God (with wall of death, I’ve seen at least one boozo splutter blood :evil: Did I do that? :evil: )
- From Flood into Fire
- World War Now
- Hail to the Hordes
- Extreme Aggression
- Civilization Collapse (having to recuperate, helped by Jordi, Kim and Kimberly :) )
- The Patriarch
- Violent Revolution (explaining to Gerwin about the end of their experimental period :))
- Tormentor
- Flag of Hate
- Under the Guillotine (whoah! Haven’t heard that one live in quite some time!)
- Pleasure to PITTTTTT!!!
- Some Johnny Cash song as outro (I think)

Kreator proved, not for the first time, they are absolutely Europe’s biggest and best thrash band ever! What a madhouse of a night! The sound was of near-CD quality, the volume great but not too loud, the lights differed from ‘casual’, ‘appropriate’ during Fallen Brothers to annoying and back, the crowd sang over the tops of their voices, the pit was friggin’brutal but still the right way (not always the right direction *cool* ). 20 Kreator shows, and by Any Civilization That Might Collapse, there will be a 21st, a 22nd and at least a 23rd Kreator show for herrieman. Killer!

Walking pass merchandising I met Grave Violator, formerly of Sodom and had a picture taken. Getting back to the car and thus, home, was a nice ride. We talked widely and had a nice burger somewhere near Amsterdam. Gerwin forgot his wallet, I can’t find my bank card and Tom had the shortest night of the three of us. Thanks for driving, buddy, appreciated! I just smiled at my new Kreator beanie, the CD is spinning while I type this and I don’t need to count bruises as there are plenty again. My neck is extended, but with Revel in Flesh playing tonight, I can’t worry too much now. I had Kreator, they killed and we were all metal!

Originally uploaded to http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... ed-tilburg

Last edited by herrieman72 on Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:56 am 

Revel in Flesh, Willemeen Arnhem Febr.3rd

I love the way Germans salute Old School and especially Swedish death metal. Fleshcrawl is great, along with Deserted Fear, Dawn of Disease and of course and one of the metalheads I share a birthday with: Ralf Haubersson from Revel in Flesh. I’ve seen the band some four times now, mostly in Germany but now in Holland, as Daniel got me a ticket for this gig. They play with Caedere, which I’ve seen and liked on Rotterdam Deathfest 2015 (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/rotterdam- ... oeg-17420/ ; as long as the link works ;)) and Rotten Casket, which I’ve never seen so far. The bands would begin at 8 PM, so we had all the time in the world not to get in traffic jams. In the car we already made fun about HM2 pedals and what do we hear entering Willemeen: ronk ronk guitars haha. We were welcomed by Entombed’s The Truth Beyond.

At the bar we soon met Marcel III and IV and let the casketgrinders roar! I saw a Stonehengefestival poster I really wanted, but before I detached the first Duct tape, I got tapped on the shoulder ‘It’s’been hanging there for just three seconds’. Huh what? OK, I soon switched to ‘negotiating mode’ and found out it’s Mark, one of the organizer of Elsrock and he can send me some posters. As of now (and last year) Elsrock has come out of hiatus and had to downscale the festival to how it started: regional talent, one or two Dutch bands-to-see (for instance Disquiet) for a good price. No hassle with Extreme Christians :) More info on www.elsrock.com . Nice bloke, share an alcoholless beer and Rotten Casket started. The old school death metal is simple to the first ears, but it’s surprisingly blunt and effective. It hacks and rolls well! ;) The band thanks all other bands tonight, all visitors and specify Revel in Flesh as ‘Old school voor in je fucking smoel’ The gig is ended with a nice Eternal Solstice cover. I got myself a Rotten Casket patch and it was the last one :) / ??

Caedere means ‘To Kill’ in Latin and at least this singer looks like he’s about to eat you alive, including Barney Greenway-like moves. Daniel soon mentions ‘this is a different singer as the previous one was three foot high, this one’s near seven foot’ :) but why has one of the guitarists such an ieniemienie guitar? *grin*. This band surely hasn’t forgotten about their Rotterdam Deathfest adventure, as if they play with Suffocation instead of Cancer. Hah, we’ve seen both bands in Baroeg *cool*. At least the Barney connection is there too. One minor comment on Caedere: most of the set was like covering Suffocation, without tongue and dreadlocks OK, but to put in a totally dissonant prog piece was quite annoying! I had been hunting for a pic with my birthday buddy Ralf as he gathered the entire band for me! Whoah, great picture, thanks!

That picture was made only seconds before Revel in Flesh themselves got to stage. Stage… some 20 cm elevation to a wonky floor, on which many stumbled… but we found the front row and let’s make some neck mileage! It was the very first Dutch show of Revel in Flesh, the band was eager, the sound and mix very good for such a small venue, let the headbangers fly free when In The Name of the Flesh was used as line check ;) I got Maggesson’s set list (thank you!) :
- Emissary of all Plagues
- Casket Ride
- Shadowbreeder – Until Hell Freezes Over (Marcel already on top of three moshers ;) )
- Servants of the Deathkult (dedicated ‘to the few deathbangers around the world, we are not with many but we kick ass’ :lol: )
- Torture Throne
- Death Kult Legions (some doof in a non-metal shirt bashing my back! Look where you jump, ass!)
- Cryptcrawler
- Fortress of Gloom
- In The Name of the Flesh (hah, there it is! Rrroooaaarrr!!)
- Graveyard Procession
- Subconscious Terror (highly appreciated!)
- Rotting in the Void
- Doctor Doctor (some of the older fans go extremely wild!)

I bought two copies of the new album Emissary of All Plagues and a shirt, mostly to give away. I have all four studio CDs now and I never will fit that shirt. It’s a birthday gift, see? Haubersson, Maggesson, Gotzberg, Vögtsson and Hermannsgard (what’s in a name :lol: ) we will meet in Munich! This was great! Coming outside the venue it was time for some Monty Python joke as the band’s van had a simple print saying ‘Band Willemeen’ as if parking guards would fall for that :lol: and we headed out to my trusted VW Golf Mk II diesel. No more death metal for a while, time for a dry shirt, a snack and a pee break, off to West-Friesland again. I am a member of the Death Kult Legion!!

First uploaded to http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... rnhem-febr (band picture too)

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 9:57 am 

Asphyx Voodoo Lounge, Dublin, Febr. 11th

This Asphyx gig was meant as a surprise in more than one way. I’d be able to surprise my brother Alex with a trip to Ireland and I could surprise my death metal friends in Asphyx to a gig they would never have expected me to show up. This long weekend would be a combination of travel, beer, fishing, Dublin and death metal; Alex had been nagging for years to take him with me to a trip to Ireland. I made sure Alex had enough days off for this and made him miss his prep school reunion… he hasn’t seen his class mates in some 35 years… :o As a gesture I paid the flights and the tickets, we’d share the hotel and other costs. Booking through an Irish Ticketmaster held a not so nice surprise, as the country to ship the tickets to were closed to the UK and Ireland… as I found out only 10 days before actually flying. I got a nasty e-mail saying my address was insufficient? Unable to deliver? Mailing back didn’t help, I just got the same notice again... insufficient address or undeliverable. I called, the nice man said the tickets had been sent to the Irish Westwood, not the Dutch Westwoud… He’d make sure our tickets would be at the Box Office and I said ‘OK, let’s see you Saturday then!’ :lol: he replied “but I’m not going to any show this weekend” so I said ‘better get a ticket soon, Asphyx doesn’t frequent Ireland HA HA HA’. Friday off, fly, fish, beer, Asphyx, more beer, tourist, fly again, train, voetbal, Monday off.

At Schiphol the first problem arose: Alex only has an ID card, no passport. At Customs we were both waiting, not having seen the different lines Passport – Other IDs. All and all we were split for some half hour and suddenly we had to rush to get on time aboard. We were literally the last ones entering the plane. No problems in Dublin, rented a car there as I was told there wouldn’t be a charge for Own Risk renting a car. Now I had to bail for some € 1,500 for the possible damage? Huh? Flying early meant we had the entire Friday to be tourist and headed out to St. James’Gate, the Guinness Storage House and museum. Impressive building, nice layout, but trying to make pictures with a busted camera (my fourth? Fifth PL55?) Yeah right, as if Alex’ phone is a better camera… it kept pulling in updates so the storage room for anything else was strictly limited. We tried e-mailing pictures to make room, tried to find a mini-SD card, whatever… On a bar quest we hooked up with a German couple (Simon and… already forgot) and headed out to the alternative rock bar Fibber Magee’s. Some AC/DC-played-by-two-cellos later we found the ‘Cosmopolitan Bar Bruxelles’ and they had Trooper on tap! Good! Simon had been telling us they’d been waiting for Alan Nemtheanga. Who showed up instead: the entire Asphyx entourage! The band, Christel, Alicia and Anna included! Soon Alan did join us, being happy with Alex’ Primordial shirt. Alex never knew who gave him a hand until I recognized the beard and the Grin, which was fun. We had a glimpse of the Voodoo Lounge and waddled off. Totally happy and pretty drunk :)

Our plan was to go hunting for fishing grounds on Saturday. We drove all the way up to Longford, Moate and Athlone, but we were a month too early for any fishing, we found out on the road. Beautiful drive though. Back in Dublin we headed out to the Voodoo Lounge to get to the Box Office. We were let in, but again, too early. No need for passports ;). We were showed the way by a man in a wheelchair and before I could thank him he rolled back, into the rain, to the front of Voodoo Lounge. The first band started only minutes after we were at the bar for our first beers in the venue, one little problem though: the band logos of the other performing bands were nearly illegible. I could make out Virulate (sp?) and Apostate Viaticus or Viaticus Apostate? None of the above, it was Apostate Viaticum. I’m sorry, I always hated Latin so I didn’t check :lol: Apostate Viaticum had a sound similar to an illegitimate child of DeadHead (bark-like vocals) and Marduk. I never expected it to be soooo loud ;). The Voodoo Lounge is some 14 m wide and nearly 60 m long, it wasn’t sold out by far. I felt a rub on my head and a comment ‘Incredible, the first head I see today is him again’ :lol: hello Martin, are you alright? Yeah, fine ;) I introduced Alex to Martin yesterday, but with Alex wearing my Dutch Denim I can see the confusion. We’re both sons of Cornelis Joseph van Kampen, plenty of similar bald spots on our heads :lol: Second band tonight was Vircolac and they also have quite some black metal as influence. Even Alwin hadn’t understood what the band was called, ‘I simply show up for the ride, often hardly knowing where we play and with whom’ :) OK, this one was quite loud too, but a bit more repetitive. I bought two Asphyx shirts and Alex showed me his copy of Incoming Death, to be played in the car tomorrow. We’d been listening to a shitload of news, sports and Be-yond-the-Nnneeeee-like shit pop music, as this particular Volkswagen had a totally different auxiliary input than USB… damned. I later bought a CD of the third band, as Martin gave them his thumbs up: Overoth. Martin told me he’d been playing with them in his Bolt Thrower days and was quite impressed then. Now it was my turn to get impressed, as this band has a style between Kataklysm, Bolt Thrower and old Behemoth! The band members are covered in dirt and have some spooky keyboards off tape to go along. I liked it so much I also gave them both thumbs up! Cool guys too, as they returned to the venue, all clean again, to chat with those interested in any merchandising, regardless of the band ;). So far Apostate Viaticum had 25 minutes to play, Vircolac and Overoth 30 minutes each as Asphyx was given full headliner status: 90 minutes! Ahhh, cool!! As far as I kept writing, this is what was played:
- The Quest for Absurdity (still talking to Alicia, handing out links to this site ;))
- Vermin (I had to struggle hard to get to first row, first stage diver present)
- Incoming Death (whoah, what an aggressive song that is! Bound to stay on the set list for ages ^^, first big pit in front of stage)
- Wardroid (Martin claiming ‘this show is not for sissies, we give more than the given 90 minutes, we’re going to do one hundred!’ Cheers )
- Death The Brutal Way
- - band impressed with chanting Olé Olé Asphyx Olé; wasn’t that used to cheer the Dutch national voetbal team? Martin acknowledges ;)) –
- MS Bismarck
- Deathhammer
- The Grand Denial (again with emotional reactions *goose bumps* )
- - the band is impressed by the number of non-Irish people present, Latvians, Slovaks, Romanians, Russians – no Dutchies? Yeah, I met at least two more… or they met me. Accents can’t be oppressed always ;)
- Black Hole Storm (this song is hardly played at all, it’s an exception as it’s the very first Irish Asphyx show ever!)
- Candiru (huge pit, from now on I try to keep the man in the wheelchair safe. You helped me, I help you ;))
- Forerunners of the Apocalypse
- We Doom You To Death (oooh, nowww it’s time for Martin to thank me and Alex in person *blush* )
- Wasteland of Terror
- Asphyx – Forgotten War (one of my reasons I love death metal so much, it’s such a killer track!)
- He Came In her Eyes :) – It Came From the Skies
- The Rack – another killer pit!!
- Scorbutics ‘as we’re on curfew now, might as well do a fast one’
- Death The Only Immortal [the curfew meant the organizer STOLE STEFAN’s DRUM STICKS to make him stop playing, totally pissing off Martin and Stefan!]
- There must have been one other song, but forgot to keep writing; seeing Martin so mad :S

DAMNED. I. LOVE. THIS. BAND!!! Another KILLER show, KILLER audience, KILLER sound, beautiful shirts (not just the doomed demon of the album release show), so much fun, pleasure, thrill, friendship, do I have to explain more? I even went back to the bar to keep Alex pitting, but in these thin plastic cups it’s harder to get it near the pit without spilling than to keep drinking ;). It was Heineken Ice Cold, not the most flavored beer…

What was that with the organizer and his curfew? The band was scheduled to perform from 9.30 PM to 11PM and they could build off for nearly an hour. There was some huge gay party meant to happen in the lower venue, no need to mix those with metalheads? Uhh, OK, nobody of the metalheads were eager to leave after such a great show, so we were asked to get to the second floor. Hah, that was a wise decision, as that wall was covered in ancient and new metal album covers and tours. Even Rory Gallagher's Top Priority tour hung there. But the blasphemy: a tour poster of Highway to Hell, but with another poster over Bon’s head? We met Dutchie-gone-Irish Sander and had a great chat about Dynamo Open Airs and Eindhoven Metal Meetings we’d been to. Paul was on tiptoe, as he had a little secret to spare, but he told me to hush up about some German event, somewhere nearing winter, 30 something, OK understood. I have another date set, see who’ll join me. Martin was more frivolous about that secret, but no one will hear from me until there’s an official announcement.

Sunday meant sleeping in, as we were both sore and nearly hungover. We decided to head out to the ocean, maybe get some fishing done after all, but ended up in Turlsk and had a great beef meal there. Still without proper music, as there wasn’t a CD player after all! Damned!! Strange to find out you CAN be happy with one simple Guns’n’Roses track in one day of mostly sports we couldn’t decipher, news of no value and music of ever less quality… We even tried to put MP3 files off my USB stick to Alex’ newly bought 3 GB mini SD, but as the Chinese-shop-covering-whitewash-operations-including-terribly-little-understanding-of-English-and-USB-sticks pissed us off greatly. We decided to get back to Fibber Magee’s and hit jackpot within two songs: Rory Gallagher – Live in Europe. Ahhh it feels so great to hear Rory, in Ireland, good volume and people enjoying it. I even nagged for a Motorheaders poster (of a tribute for Lemmy next December, not even needing to travel back to Dublin to get the picture ;)) and got it. We later also found the Rory Gallagher’s Corner in the city itself. Later on we heard a shitload of flamenco inside the same venue, as there seemed to be a class reunion of Spanish chicks near us. I had been given a coupon for a free drink at the Hard Rock Café but that was already closing, at 10?? Uhh, American chain of bars closing so early? We ended up in a typical Irish bar with live music. One Irish man was pissed off about us complaining about the 10 PM curfew of HRC he yelled ‘Irish have to work on Mondays, you goon’. The Whiskey in the Jar was doable, but those Irish dancing (or jumping irrationally? ) makes me totally unhappy, not even bothering we’d just paid top price for a beer: € 8,50 for a pint of Hinneken, that’s even more expensive than in Miami/on 70K! I found out I’m just not made for Irish music, apart from Rory or Primordial… Alex did like the jumpy boobs, that’s for sure… Breakfast was a bit thin, as we could still tasted the huge beef of yesterday and had a hell of a tour to get the car delivered back on time. Why the hell are some maps too simple while others aren’t full at all? Uhgghhh! Coming to the airport they finally found the last iron peg I had in my bag, it’s been there for at least three years, no metal detector ever found it so far. As if I’m going to hurt anyone on purpose or NOT in the pit ;) We nearly missed the flight that way, as Alex insisted on buying jewelry for his ladies at home, one Irish rugby shirt for his son and another new camera for me. No more Samsung… Thus, we were literally the last to enter the plane :S. I had to use the upmost back place for my bag there was in the entire plane so we were also literally the last ones to leave the plane. The train ride home was abysmal, as we had to wait for over half an hour to finally get to Amsterdam, had an abysmal set of fries and snacks and with 15 minutes delayed train ours was packed double. I was too tired to wait for Alex’ wife and daughters to see the reaction to the jewels, but at home I got another nasty surprise: I got a text message saying 80 per cent of my Gold Card buffer was already used? For what? Nasty surprise number 15 something, no internet? How the fuck am I getting this onto the net?

I just wait. Voetbal first, MT and MA later. I had a great weekend, as the weather was pretty good nearly all weekend (apart from the last 140 km, which Alex drove) and seeing such friendly band-, entourage- or audience members was really cool. I had Asphyx in Ireland! First Irish Asphyx show ever!! Irish Hammer!

Original pictures included on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... -febr-11th

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:23 pm 

Onkt, Satan’s Mineons, Swaf Hoorn

Of a weekend without any plans nor planes there is the second concert review of the weekend, as if I wasn’t tired at all. Here's the link, it's folk/punk, not metal. http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... -febr-17th
Jessica and Maarten Vet invited me to see another show by our mutual friend Raymon and his band Onkt. They would perform in Swaf, the alternative rock bar in Hoorn. At the Ferocious Dog show we laughed about owner Nico’s plans to travel to Portugal by tractor, he’d been saying he’d leave for years. He has transferred the business and responsibilities to others, but I don’t know how the new man is called… that’s of later worry, I think. What worried a bit, was that on Onkt’s website the band would perform at 8 PM, the Swaf website mentioned 10 PM. OK, better early than sorry, I picked Jessica up at 7.30. Coming to Swaf we already heard English, the second band was already present. Hey, there’s Maarten too, good to see you buddy (especially with that dreadful dreads cut hihihi) and a nice round of HJ off bottle is shred. No, the band did not start at 8 PM, even though it didn’t really get busier in Swaf… I soon met Verderf Jan and Shredded Ed and had a nice chat with both, regarding Denmark, extreme metal and other travels ;)

Onkt started off with a legendary bad sound, but that’s no news in Swaf. The venue actually isn’t more than a slim shop turned to bar ages ago and acoustics is a no-go area there. Nice to meet my therapist in a different setting, but the band couldn’t really wind me up. They claim they play progressive thrash/death, but with such a singer the term metalcore still lingers. Include his look-at-me-slam-so-hard movements and I’m out. It’s nice they celebrate ‘Nico’s in the house’ ;) . To whom it may concern, the set list (picture taken)
- You Burn
- Raw
- Godless
- 4 < 2
- Pressure
- Refuse / Resist (hey, finally a tune I recognize :o )
- 2012
- A Bitter Home
- Kaos
- Bother

Satan’s Mineons (can’t they even spell their own name right? Sorta, as there are five vinyls with the same mistake(…)) is a band stuck deep in old new wave tradition, but gone old, gibbery sound, weird noises on stage and off, weird dances, whatever. The drummer had seen soon enough I wouldn’t head out to the stage and asked whether I could look after the merchandising? Heh heh, am I trustworthy now? In one second? (rofl) Of course I could have stolen the entire stack, but who to sell it to? I don’t have a clue who likes/liked new wave in the first place haha.

With all the friends around I hardly have time to finish one HJ before another is presented. There goes the idea of lessening drinking :S so after half an hour of new wave I waddle to my bike and head home. It took me to 2 PM to finally get out of bed, yesterday’s taugéh found again… uhgg. Not enough metal…

Not much reactions on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... febr-hoorn but this what I wrote it first for...

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:25 pm 

Netherlands Deathfest, feat. Bloodbath, Gorgoroth, Abbath, March 3-5 013 Tilburg

‘Mooi feestje, sjef’ is what Tom always calls when we plan something. Netherlands Deathfest, or before Neurotic Deathfest, surely is worthy of such a call. We’ve been hunting pits in 013 since 2010 and I haven’t missed one day since. Yeah, I missed several hours in traffic, hurt or totally off my rocker drunk (forgetting a Westfriesian or two :o ) but I was there. At least, halfway the day :lol: This second edition of Netherlands Deathfest was already announced the last day of NDF 2016, first bands were thrilling already: Bloodbath, Repulsion, Cancer and Demolition Hammer. So, not wanting to risk another last-minute-way-too-small-room-for-exorbitant-money-hotel-room I informed about the 2017 edition as soon as I could. NDF is one of our pinnacles, each year. Daniel would be at Jordi’s once again, we tried to drive early. I had gotten a few Icon – Behold the Atrocity CDs and stickers from singer Shredded Ed to divide, he knows I try to get those items to passing-by musicians, see if they pick it up. Could be nice. I once gave their demo to Shane Embury and Twan van Geel, but I never got any reaction to that. I just bring them along, one every day ;) A week ago I got a text message from Ineke if I could pick her up. She’d be there only Friday and had hotel in Eindhoven. Why she brought Laśkó beer (of all brands :/ ) I will never know, but I brought HJ for ‘on the parking lot’ and divide the rest ;) We delivered Daniel and Ineke to the 013 venue, we’d go on to Auberge. As usual ;) we didn’t have to rush, as grind combo Collision was to open. Yeah right, first band we really wanted to see was Exhumed and it rocked! Of course their Sadistic Medical was there and the band delivered! I already had 7 band members (Asphyx, Hail of Bullets, Legion of the Damned and so on) and 5 friends around me, one of them even from Gothenburg Deathfest ;), first hand of consumption coins was too soon gone ;). Exhumed had forty minutes to fill and those minutes were too short :)
We stuck around for Discharge, as I thought it would be nice if this influential band got a second chance. They grabbed the second chance with two hands and together with Tom and Ineke we made the first pit miles *cool*. Awesome, the quarter fell the right way ;) and the first casualties were to be seen during Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing. I would have liked to see Ingrowing again, but that could have meant I’d miss my front row spot for following Repulsion!! The band went over the top, Scott Carlson and co. were thrilled to be on this stage again! Another cool moment followed when I found the Exhumed guys next to the pit, picture please ;) and Scott himself is now the proud owner of the Behold the Atrocity CD *cool* Problem was, I got a kek to the nose second song of the set (Radiation Sickness) and bled so heavily I was pushed towards the bar… fun fact: Repulsion also did a Venom cover (Schizo; not the most played Venom song ever :)). The sound is superb, the bands so far ungodly cool and there’s not even the end of the excitement: Terrorizer is to rip the World to Downfall again! Molina, Harrison and Sandoval are true masters of death/grind!!! OK, of course you know what’s to happen next during a full World Downfall set, but it. Stays. Great. To. Hear. This!!!

I thought Bloodbath couldn’t top this, but I have to admit I’m not the only one slightly disappointed in Nick and the Swedes. The jokes are getting a bit old, the band lacked fire… Wasn’t the third super band in a row underwhelmed or overexcited? I don’t know, but I’ve seen Bloodbath WAY better before!! Of the choice of songs I can be short, it’s great whatever they play, but Outnumbering The Day, So You Die, one newer one, Breeding Death and Cancer of the Soul couldn’t enlighten me. Cool part: meeting the Exhumed guys, the Dave Ingham, Harold Gielen, name them ;) Worst part: Ineke had brought confetti and that shit kept popping up for three days! Fuck, I hate confetti! Ineke, nice woman of course, please, please don’t litter me again….

Tom had a little adventure of himself too, as he went out for a bite and he couldn’t pay! The wallet was in the locker… Asking if he’d be able to do the dishes didn’t really satisfy the owner of that venue, but Steenwijk Bart helped him out… Empty locker, taxi, not even waiting for Cry My Name nor Eaten, we’re off. In the morning there were at least two sour faces… my nosebleed wasn’t the problem, but probably the four brands of beer necked us both… Coffee as a band aid to grinding sprockets inside… We soon found Patrick and had a couple of HJs with him on our favorite terrace, soon to be accompanied by Daniel, Kevin and Bart. We had a bill of exactly € 66,60 hahaha. Ahh soothing HJ, off to the bands again! Orrr, off to the merch stands in the venue across the street, Goddess was there, there was a Nuclear Blast stand, the man that sold me the D.R.I. backpatches (nice Gorefest pins for Andree and Kathe :)) and that same venue held a stage. I had seen Birdflesh would play there, but that was way later on the day. We’d return. We already missed Disavowed (again… :o) and Dead Congregation was on main stage when we got in. Dead Congregation surely isn’t prone to sloth, so the band hit pretty hard. I don’t know song titles, but it was fun. Off to the small hall for Malignancy. With such a name and logo I’d thought it to be more gruff than actually happened. I surely hadn’t expected this band to be too technical for my liking, so I moved out quite early. I knew I had seen Malignancy before, but the memory didn’t last. It was MDF2010 … Another band of which I knew I had not seen them before was Myrkskog. Is that Destructhor? Yeah probably, the link to Morbid Angel stayed on, as this band is in my view some Morbid Angel Gone Black Metal or something. One remark by the band ‘You’re an awesome crowd’ was a bit misplaced, as the audience did absolutely zilch for this band :)

I must say I had not expected Kevin here! He was operated, got a blood infection and even a pyelonephritis (kidney infection, nice for a band name, try to say this word three times :)). Are you a trooper or what? His first fact was to scare me off in violently nuclear green shorts and shirt, second was to keep me away from Impaled Nazarene :lol: Friesian Jan found it a cool show ;) I told him I don’t have much with the ever changing mood this band inflicts itself in, so we moved out for Defeated Sanity. I’d met Max Phelps yesterday and thanked him for keeping Chuck’s music alive, along with his own band. Daniel said he’d seen them before, I had not. The band has great musicians, but it’s too Obsideo to me; I want food and return to the main hall for Nifelheim. No Tsjuder for me ;) Nifelheim is a band I think is simply fun to watch and the fluffy hairs bob all around the stage again. I simply love this performance! Again, don’t ask for song titles, just like during the following Birdflesh show in Patronaat. Jocke Svensson and Co. have a great time on stage, so do I. The venue is a lot longer than I expected, but as it’s not that wide it’s hard for me (173 cm small) to see something so I head out to the second row and have a great view on the costumes, masks but the music is cool too! The men grind as if it’s the last thing they can ever pollute the earth with :lol: and the 35 minutes are gone in seconds. Or haven’t I seen the entire set? With this type of grind I can hardly tell ;). I return to the main hall for more Swedes, as Candlemass does an entire Nightfall set. I just don’t get it. Nightfall is a great album, but I certainly miss Messiah Marcolin. I know, it’s not fair to nag to this band of old and special (one of my first shows ever was during the Ancient Dreams tour in 1988) but as I don’t recognize one single riff, I drag Tom to the taxi. Maybe this band isn’t cool enough to headline a Deathfest…

For a change we’re too early to enter 013! So, Tom, me and Patrick retreat to the Kleine Heuvel for a great club sandwich and a few Heinekens. Urr, am I going to make the same mistake twice, have three or four brands of beer combined? Tom still has a headache, mine is gone after the excellent bread. Pity there was some over the top hungover Russian behind us, spraying puke like a fountain! Probably hadn’t eaten at all, as the fluid was just like Bavaria :/ I do hope he paid a big tip for the lovely waitress!! But we’re in Tilburg for bands, not brands. Corpsessed is on first, another newie to me. The band has an ultradeep vocalist and extremely blunt guitar work, but the songs are interchangeable after the third attempt… Better see God Macabre then! This band is cool, period. The sound is clear, the volume high and the audience in for a nice battering of real, real old school death metal. Great gig! Another band with ultradeep vocals is Pseudogod, but as I meet a lovely girl I don’t recall much. Pity Dora didn’t want to share a drink or, smaller than me, a nice place on my shoulders :o and I’m off for Craft. The screechy black metal shoed me away soon, I don’t have made one single picture. I’m waiting for Cancer anyway, passing the time walking around, meeting Andree and Kathe (thanks for inviting me to the Death Metal Birthday in a couple of weeks! Looking forward to that! Soulburn!! ;)). Cancer simply hits the hardest way possible: Cancer Fucking Cancer, soon to be followed by Tasteless Incest, Die Die, Hung Drawn and Quartered and To the Gory End make me happy, simple as pimple! The audience, in the big hall now (finally justice ;)) goes to the limit, as the band has a lovely loud sound, well mixed and a great set list! First casualty: me, hitting the underside of my back hard on the floor, nearly dislocating my elbow in one go. :/ Highlight of the day so far!

The boys head out for some more food, but I’m not hungry yet and I stay behind with Andree and Kathe, Dave and Dave, Erwin and his lovely new gf, Eric and Bettina and loads others. Great fun to have so many friends around, waiting eagerly for the absolute highlight beforehand: DEMOLITION HAMMER!!! My goodness, the band makes an entire width of the venue jump, hit, climb, bang, shout, pit, mosh, slam, I don’t know what else, but it’s FUCKING FANTASTIC! I was put to crowd surfing again! My day even gets even more better when the entire band hangs around for Triptykon and Abbath later on! The Hammers only have 45 minutes, but I see NO ONE NOT SWEATY, happy, satisfied or in higher spheres after this excellent show! MEGAMOSH!!! First aid has some serious work ahead of them :evil: Best show of 2017 for me, Tom, Daniel, Kevin and Deconstruction Machine Knows Who Else, AWESOME!!! Good thing was, Triptykon couldn’t care me less and when Abbath starts doodling some Immortal tunes I think it’s fine, enough, over, presto, finished. I had not expected Abbath to play All Shall Fall but as I haven’t heard At the Heart of Winter it’s all fine with me. Also, I didn’t want to tarnish the memories to Demolition Hammer one second too long with another band that I think unfit for headlining a Deathfest… as was Gorgoroth. Tom had seen them though, but as all we could talk about was Demolition Hammer, I don’t really know what he thought of them or in which set up they played. At first I thought Repulsion, Terrorizer and Bloodbath would headline, but Candlemass? Gorgoroth? Abbath? Nah, not for me. I also have quite a list of bands I haven’t seen, but you can’t have it all and as it rained quite a bit I wasn’t sorry for not crossing the street for Patronaat more often. Again, no Ghoul, no Wormrot, no Gorgasm, no Sinister, what the heck. I had friggin’Terrorizer, Cancer, Demolition Hammer (do I really have to spell it out once more :lol: ), met so many band members and friends I think it’s good this way. On the leaflet it said ‘see you in 2018’ our NDF quests will be expanded already. Booked Auberge again (I think I already paid for that ?? ;)), had coffee and a tosti at Jordi’s (thanks!) and let Tom drive the last hour. We’ll meet again! 44 Caliber Back Surgery!!!!!

Text, reactions and pictures on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... terrorizer

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:22 am 

Death Metal Birthday IV, feat. Soulburn, Hypothalamus.de, Rheine, Germany March 18th 2017

One of the coolest ways to celebrate a birthday is inviting bands to play, I think. I’ve had plenty of bands on my birthday, varying from Entombed, Within Temptation and Jovink to Metallica and Megadeth; it’s simple: you invite others to go to the same concert, grab a few rounds of beer and you don’t have to worry about not getting all your guests cold beer ;) nor cleaning your house :). This fourth edition of Sig and Lampy’s birthday feast would hold at least Soulburn, as I’d been invited by Kathe and Andrée just a few weeks ago. I brought a Motörhead babysuit for my former colleague’s newborn son Karel and I’d deliver that too.

Saturday came, slept long but not too long, brought yesterday’s surviving cod to Alex but found his door locked. It was raining, so I didn’t dare put the paper bag in bright rain, put it in the recyclebin [for plastics, pfoei], made a picture and apped that to him, saying I’d have to move on. Safety-wise not the best decision, but I wanted to have the opportunity to be a tourist round Andrée’s place so I drove away right afterwards. I absolutely detest wasting food, but I had to. I called Henric if he’d be home on Sunday but he had so many things to do on Sunday I probably wouldn’t fit in… I came to Westerkappeln in pouring rain, so not much tourism done today :/ but the welcome was warm and the Herforder Pils was cold haha. Soon we were joined by Caro and Christian who’d been to the previous DMBD too. Blasting Metallica (Andrée’s all time favorite band) and Legion of the Damned (my pick) the neighbors weren’t so happy :) but we got to Rheine well in shape ;) Hypothalamus.de hasn’t changed in a year, but we seemed to be too early to get in yet? We regrouped in Kathe’s favorite bar one block away and let the Jack&Coke spill ;) The first band soon started their grind/death but the audience hardly reacted. Not enough Bit for watchers of Terrible Sickness? I liked their cross old Cannibal Corpse – Wormrot style, but I seemed to be the only one. OK, let’s have a beer with Marcel III and IV then. I had not eaten since noon, now it was some half past six and I’d better eat. Let’s say I’ve had better, but the chicken schnitzel had to get in and the fries were way too salty for my liking. Fun to see that the waiters kept making mistakes who’d ordered what, there was a group of about 20 loud non-metalheads eating too ;) No tip for you, guys!

The band that followed wasn’t really worth a tip too. They’re called Disminded and way too big fans of Lamb of God, Soulfly and Pantera; dreads, an obnoxious walking stick and stupid jumps included. I shouldn’t nag, as the band got some feet wandering over the floor… just not me. The third band gave me a sight I’d not seen before: a sit-in pit. This band was called Maximize Bestiality and they’re quite influenced by Kraanium and Rompeprop, so I heard. It was a funny sight, to see people trying not to hit the sitting people, but the band encouraged their ‘fans’ to keep doing what they liked best. If that means sitting down and harassing people who want to start a pit, by lack of confetti and blow up bananas, be my guest. I said before I hate confetti so I wasn’t too bothered by this band nor it's fans. Instead I got Christian a copy of Feeding on Angels, Caro a Soulburn shirt, Andrée a signed LP of Earthless Pagan Spirit, the ladies some buttons and myself a nice Soulburn patch. Fanboyness: plenty :)

The fourth band tonight wasn’t really a hard guess to think what they’d play: half legible spiky logo, demon in the name, ‘Death Metal’ as tattoo, Grave- and Death-shirts on stage, death metal no compromise sound and volume: here’s Demonbreed! This mixture of Grave and old Suffocation was MUCH to my liking! I should have spent some of the Soulburn money to this band, I think, this is good!! I got the set list as thanks, I will find that CD Where Gods Come to Die, I know!
- Where Gods Come to Die
- Red Countess
- Empty Grave
- Rupture on the Coven
- Vultures in the Blood Red Sky
- A Thousand Suns will Rise
- Summon the Undead
- Barren Wasteland
- Blood Colored
- Perish
- Seeds of Ferocity
The band members all have played or are still in bands like Lay Down Rotten and Milking the Goat Machine, so quite experienced! One other surprise: I got a tankard with a crack in it and I had to pay double because I had demolished it? Tha fuck, dude! It’s not my fault people want to say ‘cheers’ to me?! People can know I am one of the biggest supporters in any venue with Bitburger on tap, now I have to pay twice for a beer that I didn’t finish? I don’t want my stomach punctured, you know! Enough with the complaints, Soulburn is checking sound! Even in the sound check the guitar tone sounds like a thousand corpses being swallowed by a fire, charring into a black cloud, as it should be! The drums thundered, bass was fluent and well placed, Twan’s venomous voice killing everything in a mile wide radius, Blackened Death Metal in capitals, baby! Fanboy Herrieman has the lot again, I got Remco’s set list, my EPS signed, the LP signed, I got three plectrums, Bob’s drum stick, mostly personally handed to me but that happened after a set where I literally was the only one freaking out in front of the stage! I even shifted between Twan, Eric and Remco to cheer them all!! Tha fuck, Germany? What’s going on? The band goes absolutely to the limit, the sound is vile as it should be, but everything is noteable in the mix, everybody keeps near the walls or the bar, I don’t know what went wrong here. The set list was no excuse for lameness in the audience:
- Apotheosis Infernali
- Under the Rise of a Red Moon
- Withering Nights
- In Suffocating Darkness
- Crypts of the Black
- Where Splendid Corpses are Towering Towards the Sun
- Absinthesis
- Claws of Tribulation (shouting harder than I should ;))
- Hellish Entrapment
- Feeding on Angels (yess!! Man, is this song cool or not?)
- Outro: Al Bowly/Eden’s Last Sigh

No Hymn for the Forsaken this time, but the band is as sharp as the guillotine in the logo ;). At least Andrée, Kathe and me kept shouting for more, but the lights went on and the band drooped off stage. It must be very sobering for a band to see such an audience, apart from the one fanboy going out of his skull, I think. Kathe longed for her Jack&Coke so we eventually got our stuff together and went back to Westerkappeln. The following hour was spent with a lot of booze and loud, brutal metal but I sneaked out, used my earplugs and fell deep into dreamland. Before brushing my teeth I had the last surprise: I found a Soulburn shirt on my pillow, thanks a lot for that! I showed my gratitude on the way home by making a selfie with the bottle of Coke I got ‘for the road’ ;) Breakfast was great, but Caro and Michael already left without even saying thanks/goodbye and after about an hour I noticed it was already near 3 PM, I still had voetbal to watch and Chinese to order. As a present for Karel I did deliver the package to the letterbox but as the house was full I decided not to enter my friend’s house and move on. Alex apped he’d enjoyed the fish ;) so it wasn’t spilled after all *pfoei* and I saw the distance between Feyenoord and Ajakkes getting bigger again. With my new Soulburn shirt on my shoulders I express my thanks to Andrée and Kathe once more, whenever something cool plays near me you’re invited of course! Jack and Eric Daniels to the rescue! Metal!!

Picture and reactions via http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... t-soulburn

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:25 am 

RockMeer March 25th 2017 feat. Fire Dow Below

This was a combination of some birthdays, selected guests and bands, without needing a municipal permit to do so ;) A private party doesn’t need security, right? Many of the organizers are long time friends, as I ‘put the boys in metal’ in our early teens. Mark, Marcel (II, :lol: ) and Kamiel all shared classes with me; Kamiel was intrigued about my metal band shirts and did in math class little more than drawing those logos :) The group of friends name themselves AV De Schuimkraag, translated Alcoholics United FC Foam Head ;) Over the years they had organized Schuimpartys, translated as Foam Party. I still have and use the Severed Survival-printed beer opener of the 2003 edition. This year it was Alex that got me onto it, as he often meets Marcel’s brother Gerjo in his job. Gerjo is one of the (nine? Sort of) organizers and he sold the tickets to us. Like before, pay a fee, get in and stay in. As Alex kept the tickets, I had no idea who or what would perform. Last time they had The Unforgiven, one of the best Metallica tribute bands of the country. I had a hunch, nothing more, about tonight. Cycle along, meet friends, have free beer and live music. We’ll see. I’d bring the Paradise Lost hoodie I denied Richard for so long, see Dokk’Em Open Air review http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... -moonspell ;)

Alex urged me to be on time, as the ticket said ‘live music starts at 8 PM, so be on time’. It was some 23 km on the bike for me, 15 for Alex and he has such a sloppy bike we had to stop for an energy drink halfway ;) Coming to Spanbroek brought back memories about kermisborrels, agricultural practice periods and former wanna-have-as-girlfriend girls ;) Joost and Kamiel were the first to greet us, we were quite early anyway. Inside the production area of a tulip farm there was some ancient pause barrack, to be filled later ;) The first band did start at 8 PM sharp and it was Shepherd’s Pie. The boys do their Talkingheads- and Iggy Pop-thing, but this time it sounds a lot better than the first time I’d seen them. It simply sounds cool ;)
Alex found a set list, spelling mistakes included:
- Baffling SS
- Psycho Killer
- Baile Out
- I will be Okey
- Videogames
- Washington BC
- Fuck Forever
- Hate to Say
- Daily Business (on the list as My Dayli ;) )
Note: the EP only has five songs, I’ve heard some tunes on it I remember from the first show. Different names, fun to the band, I guess ;)
Mark had asked whether I’d be in for a little game with Alex, so I followed them to the barrack and there it was: crown throwing :) Idea was to sit opposite of each other, both with a beer in hand and an empty beer with a loose crown seal on it. Throw with crown seals to get the one of, score one point and the opposite has to swallow quite an amount of beer. Easypeasy. I lost 6 : 3 hahaha. Well spirited we met the Shepherd dudes and got the demos signed. We encountered the second band Fire Down Below as we should: Kamiel had told us this was actually his personal favorite band of the night and he was right. The band plays a lovely combination of laid back stoner, ancient heavy metal like the cross Orange Goblin – Kyuss and Blue Cheer. The band has over € 3,000 worth of guitar pedals LOL Mark and Kamiel totally freaked out :) I must admit I don’t know a lot of stoner, but on the right occasion I can surely enjoy it and this was such moment. Euros well spent on merch and some CDs 8-)

In the barrack there was another fun thing: a mini cruise. It meant playing moshable music extremely loud and have as much people inside as possible :) The barrack rocked, featuring a crowdsurfing Alex as well LOL. This was great! After the third band Shepherd’s Pie would do an acoustic set named The Super Nintendos but first Pene Corrida. The band was announced on the ticket as ‘pop covers in metalcore style’ and they did. They did bad covers. They did it metalcore. They didn’t do it with style. It was a sloppy representation of songs I have nothing with, like RHCP – Under the Bridge, Stone Temple Pilots, some Nirvana doof and with arrogance, bleh. I’d rather be picked up by, yes, there she was: Saskia! It took her some time to realize who I was, confused me with Alex doing so, but we had fun. She never understood why her sister Patricia didn’t hang on to me, had I known that I would have asked her instead of her sister… But as we were getting drunk, no need to linger longer about that. I made a bunch of pictures, but the ones with Saskia are amongst the fuzziest… We mounted our bikes well filled, filled with beer, CDs and friendship. I hope another great party like this happens next year (or so), I’ll definitely be there! Foam Heads for Mayor!

pictures of the gig on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... -2017-fire

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:57 am
Posts: 14
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:15 am 

Lords of the Land 2017 - Glasgow, Scotland (1st April 2017).

I don't usually bother posting much at all on here, but from what I can see there's been little said about this pretty amazing line-up for Lords of the Land. I don't say much I guess either, but here's a quick rundown of the gig for those who are interested.

Rotten Sound

Despite being around for what seems forever, I've not really given this band much of a chance. Their straight forward grindcore in the vein of (good) Napalm Death or Nasum doesn't hold my interest long, but in a live setting they came across really well, and gave a great performance. The crowd was pretty dead, as it was very early in the day, but regardless they blasted through their set and were a good warm up for the rest of the day. Great sound too, may actually check their albums out. 7/10


After a short stop to change the gear on stage, Memoriam were up next. Very death metal by numbers. Don't get me wrong, I think their material is pretty good (especially the demo material), but it's just that I've heard it all before, and better. It really pains me to say this, as they seem like decent blokes, but if their album was released back in 1990 it would have been excellent, but 25+ years on it brings nothing new to the table at all.

That said, they were much better than the last time I saw them, could actually hear the rhythm guitar in the mix this time. They could really do with a 2nd guitarist for live shows though. I've heard complaints about Karl Willets voice being strained on the album, and fair enough it does come across that way (at little) on CD, but live I can't fault him, he sounded great.

Their set comprised of most of their album tracks, along with Drone Strike from the Hellfire Demos. I could have done without Corrupted System, which just sounds like a punk song, and I would have recommended putting in a Bolt Thrower cover version...because let's be honest, I think most people buying the album, and catching them live, are doing so as Bolt Thrower don't exist anymore.

I appreciate this is a bit scathing, as they are providing a public service by giving us with some great death metal. I'd go see them again for sure, and will also be buying whatever else they release. 7/10

Acid Reign

"Gah, what the fuck are these doing on the bill, I want to see some quality death and black metal"...that's what I was thinking when I saw these on the line up. I remembered them from back in the day, never really heard much of them, other than Goddess and Motherly Love, as I was too busy listening to Slayer, Nuclear Assault, etc. during the golden era of thrash. I mainly knew them as the band that went on to be Cathedral with a different vocalist (however, none of those who went on to be in Cathedral are in the current line up).

However...band of the weekend. What a revelation. I've not had that much fun at a gig. Ever. Had a grin on my face from start to finish, never been so wrong with my opinion about a band. I've no idea what most of the songs they played were, but the fact is they played their arses off, and had fun whilst doing it.

The frontman new exactly how to get the crowd going, and a strongly recommend checking YouTube in the future to see if some kind soul has posted their set online.

They're first on my list for the next band a I see live, and will also be checking out their recorded material. As the frontman said "Not bad for a band with only half an hour". Too fucking right. 10/10.

Dragged into Sunlight

Load of bollocks. No idea what this band were trying to prove. Had two TV screens on stage, one of which didn't work, showing people being shot, mauled, drilled, jumping off buildings, etc. I don't want to see that kind of crap, thanks very much. Band came on, stood with backs to the audience, no participation with the crowd. Terrible songs, terrible sound, I just didn't get it. Extreme for the sake of being extreme. I'll avoid this pile of crap in the future like the plague, perhaps the worst band I've ever seen by far in the almost 30 years I've been going to gigs. Maybe I just don't get it, but I don't want to get whatever they're trying to do. However, I took a leaf from their book, turned my back on them and went to the pub across the street for the rest of their set. 0/10

Venom Inc.

This is the real Venom as far as I am concerned, Cronos has always sounded like crap, and his current backing band are pretty poor to say the least. This incarnation of Venom, with Tony Dolan fronting them, are so much better (of course Abaddon and Mantas are in this performing line up as well). Played all the classics, great sound, good banter with the audience. Not much more to say. 7/10


They blasted through Heaven Shall Burn When We Are Gathered, and chucked in another couple of songs at the end including Panzer Division Marduk. Lacking a second guitarist as it sounded quite thin overall, and the drummer needs to lose the triggers, as they just sounded stupid (minus two points for the drummer). Did enjoy them though. 5/10


Bored me in the early '90s, bore me now. Seem to crop up at too many UK festivals, but I guess it gives people time to go to the bar or grab a bite to eat. No idea what the appeal is. Tiresome. 0/10


Performed their entire De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album. Never been a big fan of anything after that album, and when I saw them in the '90s with Maniac I thought they were terrible. However, they were great this time around. I've loved the album since it was released, and they appeared to be pretty much note perfect, with the bonus of some theatrical idiocy (in a good way) to set the mood. Fair enough, it's hardly the Mayhem that produced the actual album (only drummer and vocalist were there tonight for obvious reasons to most people who know the band's history), but really couldn't fault them. For some reason there was a mosh pit, would have never have seen that for Mayhem "back in the day". Great stuff, would have been a suitable headliner if it wasn't for the next band up. 9/10.


Awesome. Only managed to catch them live once before in the over 20 years I've been into them, but were even better than last time. Very good set list, mainly from Severed Survival and Mental Funeral, with a couple of new ones thrown in for good measure. Flawless sound and performance, with a little banter from the Chris Reifert. Quite a mosh pit going, lots of fat men with their shirts off trying to look hard, quite amusing to watch them get tired after a song or two and have to take a rest as they were so unfit haha.

Apparently it's 27 years since they last played Scotland. I guess they'll be in their 70s if they leave it that long again...so probably a good idea I saw them this time, as I suppose they may never return to the UK again (last time, as far as I recall, was in 2012 when they played with Bolt Thrower).

Shame they had to cut their set short due to the curfew. 9.5/10


Well worth the 4+ hour drive to get there, and at about £40 for the ticket was a bloody bargain. Great crowd as well, no trouble at all. Most of the merchandise was pretty cheap at £15 a shirt, shame I couldn't get an Acid Reign one in my size though, not surprised they pretty much sold all their stuff. Will attend again in the future if they have a similar kind of line up. Best festival I've been too in a long time.

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:44 am 

hey, I went to Lords of the Land too haha. Kudos to the story!! Thanks. Here's my adventure:

Lords of the Land Glasgow April 1st

This festival was somewhat of a guess to me. Not because of the bands (Autopsy was announced first, no other Autopsy shows in the UK/Holland this year) but whether I’d go or if someone else would go. Hmm, wait a bit, Steenwijk Bart had mentioned Autopsy before… When Primordial and Acid Reign were announced I thought ‘heck, I go’. I spoke to Bart on Hedon Zwaar Nieuwjaar and he said he had a hotel and a flight, e-mail details and book!! Later on Venom Inc. and Memoriam got announced, my festival became a lot cooler ;) We fly on Saturday, see the bands, grab a pillow and off home on Sunday. Only two weeks before the show I got another set of two e-mails: one from the ticket.org and one from Bart: the doors would open at 11.30 AM already! Soooo, do we rebook the flights or do we miss Rotten Sound? The latter. We’d take a cab from the airport straight to the venue, check-in hotel later… until we actually got to the plane itself. I’d had a hard week, Tom wanted to pre-pils to my festival and I’d slept great (nearly the first time this week *\roll* ). Parked my car at Toon’s house, off to the train with as less stuff packed as possible. At Schiphol I still hadn’t heard from Bart, we’d board at 11 AM but at 11.10 I still had not seen him. I called, he stated he thought I was pass security yet; now I had to rush, even being earlier at Schiphol than Bart was… but I made it. Inside the plane the outdoor security employee nearly got a free trip to Glasgow :) but she was let out just in time ;) At the plane we already met Frenchman Benoit (short Ben) and we shared a cab to the venue with him. He’d have a short night whatsoever, as he was scheduled for a 6.30 flight home…

Coming to Barrowland Ballroom we already got a firstie: if you had a wristband or not, would you like to enter again after 7 PM you’re denied access? Huh? Many people came from far to see this gig and I guess many were unpleasantly surprised the entrance time was advanced… We got ourselves a festival shirt and the sound of Rotten Sound already died… Even before seeing one band or have the time to get to the (one) bar we already met Dave! Soon to be followed by George of Apostate Viaticum! Beers and cider flew around ;) First fanboyness too as Chris Reifert got to the left side of the stage!

Very cool dude, thanks for the picture! Within seconds after meeting Reifert Memoriam already started. The band was in for a great gig, but the overall sound was below par. It also is clear Karl lost certain timbre over the years, he sounded as if he had a slight infection near the uvula… but the 40 minutes the band got were well spent. No single Bolt Thrower song this time, but only songs of the debut record For the Fallen. Especially War Rages on sounded like an angel burping sweetness to me :) . Interludes between bands were short, as most of the bands played on one single drum kit. More time for the bands, you’d say, but following band Acid Reign also got some 40 minutes. What a great fluffy mess that was! The band certainly doesn’t take life too seriously and it’s plain fun, Fun & FUN!! Even a 200 kg big man was seduced to crowd surfing! Singer H was pulled onto the audience, their bass player requesting ‘Can we have him back please, we’re not finished yet’ :lol: The band was proud to maximize the security from one lonely man to five :) as many people flew, including me. I was lucky enough to put my (normal; my pit glasses are still in Germany :o ) glasses in my protective box but the view, even without glasses, was great. H even stated ‘if you get on stage, you get my mic and you can finish the gig. Stay away from our fridge though’ Of course, first great pit of the day was celebrated too. Best songs: Humanoia (of course!) and a new one: The Man Who Became Himself. Great gig!

None of us was interested in Dragged Into Sunlight and we still had to check in into the hotel. Camera nearby, tourism baby! Glasgow is an old, but a bit battered city. Clearly not as rich as, say, Dublin, but cool enough to walk through. The hotel wasn’t that far after all, but the hoodie was welcome nonetheless. Coming back to Barrowland I got more fanboyness presented to me, as I finally have a cool picture with Karl Willets and thanked him for showing his big grin to an eager audience; bad sound forgiven. [no I will not show that earlier picture I have with Karl :/]

Venom Inc. is announced to do a full classic-Venom set, as there were quite some ‘special’ sets announced: Autopsy did their first Scottish (not UK, that is correct, they played Boltfest 2012 and that was KILLER) show in 27 years, Mayhem’d do a full De Mysteriis set, Marduk had this one as UK Exclusive 20 year Anniversary Heaven Shall Burn set (quite a mouthfiller ;) ) Armed with a huge but nearly tasteless burger we watched Venom Inc. start off with an abysmal sound, but full of fire. Fire as in playing sharp, playing with ‘fun’ on the faces, not as in pyrotechnics. First song was hardly recognizable, second song Leave Me In Hell was already some more earcandy to us. Live Like an Angel, Die Like a Devil was the start of a great pit, which even surprised Mantas followed by Don’t Burn the Witch and Welcome to Hell. That.
Welcome to Hell.
36 years old, still exciting people to tears, shouts, goose bumps, whatever comes to mind when you think ‘this is great!’ No matter at what age that happens, it sticks to ya. As introduction to Black Metal Mantas starts off ‘some say this song was the creation of an entire genre, but fuck off, just say the words BLACK!! METAL!!’ The rest of the set: In Nomine Satanas, Bloodlust, Warhead, Sons of Satan, Witching Hour, Countess Bathory. Sons of Satan was announced as tribute to all metalheads worldwide but in the same song Mantas shows his darker self: he blew up a Marshall top and is quite iffy about replacing it. He even starts counting off with his fingers… 5,4,3,2,1 as warning he’d get off stage for good… He acted like a spoiled kid, if you ask me. Then again, he hasn’t lost his humor, as he keeps asking what time it was… yeah right, before starting Witching Hour of course ;) Venom Inc. made friends today. Including me, as I got to talk to Mantas and Demolition Man, thanked them for getting metal its first extremity and keeping the old spirit alive. Great picture, thanks to Bart and an enormously thick bass pick from Tony further widened my collection :) I also bought a festival shirt for George.

In the meantime Marduk had started. The band doesn’t need introduction of course, the Heaven Shall Burn album from 1996 is well known. The band started in absolute bloodthirsty form, raging like war between heaven and hell and diabolically loud. The band did one song with Alan Nemtheanga before ending the show with Panzer Division Marduk. I must note that the ferocity of the beginning of the set didn’t last the entire gig, somehow. When I returned from my chat with two thirds of Venom Inc. I simply thought ‘oh, it’s STILL Marduk’ and lost interest. I was regaining hunger or something, even though I didn’t like the first burger I ordered another one. Self-punishment or not, I could not get out again once Primordial had started… Primordial also played blisteringly loud, but the sound and mix were sublime! The band played a lot of new material and they’re absolutely in top shape tonight. I kept wondering what CDs I have from the band, as I gave The Gathering Wilderness away at some point and never got anything after To The Nameless Dead. Uhh, time for an update, the band sure earned it. Strange, only song I recognized was As Rome Burns ;)

We weren’t sorry one moment we totally skipped the Mayhem gig afterwards. Bart later said he was getting drunk, needed some rest as he had stated before: ‘I have come to see Autopsy and I sure as hell will see them, nearly sober or at least fit’; I had a lot of fun with three Primordial members and Morgan of Marduk. The guys fooled around so much I didn’t bother them with any fanboyship, but thanked Alan by giving him an Autopsy shirt. He was so baffled he got backstage, not to return, not even for Autopsy. Autopsy was here for one simple routine: MAIM, KILL, MASSMURDER, MUTILATE CORPSE, NECROPHILIA and the likes. What. A. Fucking. Great. Gig!!! There was a nice pit going on, the guys had fun with each other on stage and off, loads of crowd surfers, Bart on front row only just missed by the return of the 200 kg crowd surfer, I made amok in the circle pit and the normal one, stoked up the wall of corpses and shouted every syllable I could think of. I made a picture of the set list:
- Twisted Mass of Burnt Decay
- In the Grip of Winter
- Severed Survival
- Strung up and Gutted
- Voices
- Arch Cadaver / Fleshcrawl
- Torn From the Womb
- Slaughterday
- Savagery
- Disembowel
- Critical Madness
- Burial
- Pagan Saviour / Embalmed
- Ridden With Disease (I still get a scent of corpses when I think of this classic)
- Destined to Fester
- Gasping for Air
- Service for a Vacant Coffin
- Charred Remains

The floor was ridden with blood, sweat, torn shirts, black and blue limbs, hairs being torn out, the occasional set of glasses (not mine pfoei!) and a mountain of plastic beer cups. Autopsy came for savagery and got it, 1,000 per cent! Absolutely amazing! I instantly understand why Bart goes to PartySan this year, Autopsy in this form is a cure for any sore you can think of (in my case: one particular colleague :evil: ), sound was great, plenty of volume, no annoying lighting, top of the bill set list and a crowd wanting to die over it! The band had Severed Survival shirts, but those were of the censored sort and, come to think of it, XL of all variations sold out quickly! We staggered to the exit, helped by worried Barrowland crew, but no worry: we’re just enthusiast LOL and a bit tired LOL I have no idea if this festival will return, but with such a varied line up I will keep it in mind for returning. I still have some 30 Scottish pounds left and couldn’t change those to euros on Schiphol but who knows?

The hotel was found swiftly and the beds weren’t that bad, but breakfast gave a slight problem: we hadn’t ordered it and I was happy not to, I have some weird experiences with (youth) hostels [remember AC/DC in Ahoy’ or Tongeren Metalfest?] and opted for a Sub or something. We ended up in a shop where anything we bought we got the remark ‘it’s two for one pound’; too late noting it was ‘only’ a Poundshop. Urggh, if we don’t want more, we also don’t want to be buggered with it! The trip back to the airport was a crazy ride too, who’ll ever expect to do a train ride from Central Station, get out at the first station, then ‘150 meters from the exit of the station’ but no mention where the damned bus station is? Turned out we headed out the wrong direction (…) and missed at least one bus to the airport this way. Good thinking in being on time, but at the airport itself the wobbly noisy bus nearly missed its final exit and the badly needed coffee was so damned hot we still had to hurry to get to the gate! Of course, it was the most far away gate imaginable (…) and we only just made it in time. We also met George and the band, that was fun. In the plane home I saw the hottest stewardess ever but as I sat near an exit she nearly hit me explaining where the exit was Let’s say I wouldn’t say no if she did hit me indeed At Schiphol I already noticed Feyenoord was NOT to beat Ajakkes this time, as I hoped I could keep that information to my bucket of Chinese afterwards. No I didn’t. I was still recuperating from an awesome Autopsy pit, an occasional crowd surf in a great city and more. Musicians! Friends! Beer! Metal!!

the reactions: http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... il-autopsy

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:09 am 

Havok, Warbringer 013 Tilburg, April 6th

‘Thrash, thrash, thraaaash’ is what Tom sometimes calls out when we discuss, say, Kreator ;) . Or Exodus on Hole in the Sky/Into the Grave, Warbringer ‘about anywhere’ haha. So, when the Havok Conformicide Tour was announced we only needed one glimpse: we go. I soon got us two tickets, later to be followed by a third one for Tom’s girlfriend Ellen. Who’d join was of later worry, or mosh, or drink, whatever ;) On Wednesday Gerwin stood at the door if he could join us, tickets weren’t sold out by then. That the show would be on a Thursday is only a problem when I get an early call on Friday, as I have back-up service on this day. I’d have to drive with my own car to any water related problem between Amsterdam, Utrecht and… couldn’t shift it as I only do loose days, meaning I do the days people have their regular day off, their mom-days or oldies-obliged-days off. Fine with me, as I have to do an entire week I’m totally stressed out by the end of Thursday. Yeah right, Thursday. Just like this show, to begin at 7.15 PM. Hopefully we’d be a bit on time, as Exmortus opens and yeah, that’s the only band of this tour I haven’t seen before.

Tom got his first HJ at my house when Gerwin already pressed the door bell. Ellen couldn’t make it in the end, so you might suggest Gerwin shouldn’t have bought a ticket himself, but this was a real last-second-cancel. Amsterdam was hell, it nearly took an hour to get from Coentunnel to the entry of the A2. Usually it’s the wretched A27 highway that slows us.. :/ we got to Tilburg knowing Exmortus had already finished, they had had 35 minutes. When we got in Gorod was already in the last second of one of the three last songs of the night, so we did see them but weren’t really impressed (anymore). It’s the third time Tom and me see this band, nice for musicians along, but not for thrashers like us. The death metal is well played, but the metalcore-ish vocals kill it. Fanta, white wine and Jupiler along, as Warbringer was setting up. They brought a fantastic backdrop and an Epica-like intro, but the audience did absolutely NOTHING the first song?? Huh? Whatever happened to the city that can boost that Warbringer played five times already, in five different halls, five times madhouse? According to Pim van Gool this was an OK show, but not as thrilling as the one in Little Devil… rub it in :S After the second song Woe to the Vanquished it finally got on! Tom, smiling broadly, gulped his beer and dove in. I just enjoyed the set from the side with Gerwin, pushing back people once in a while 8-) This is what I wrote:
- Silhouettes
- Woe to the Vanquished (meeting Ronald of Overruled, how’s your band doing, dude? ;) )
- Remain Violent
- Shellfire (I thought it was the newest one, not on the new album called Under Fire, silly me ;) )
- Pray for Death (wall of death)
- Living Weapon (now the old thrashers get their spin ;) )
- Living in a Whirlwind (funny to actually feel the air whirl around the pit *cool*/^literally^ ;) )
- Combat Shock
Everybody can spill venom on not playing Total War or another mastodon metal songs, but this was a great set and nearly the entire hall enjoyed to the fullest. Jordi and Kim found me and we had a great time talking denim *instantly buying Kim some Havok- and Warbringer-patches* :lol: , as it was only a couple of minutes before Havok conquered stage. The band did get a full mosh pit on the first song, contrary to Warbringer. Moshers usually don’t bother about the sound, but standing aside (again, old man!) I noticed the bass was on top of the mix and only one guitar was audible. No worries, Havok got the biggest pit I’d seen in the renewed ‘little hall’ of 013 so far. Somewhere near the beginning of the third song the sound got from bad to better to great. The band was in for it, it was the sixth date on 30 days tour, 28 shows in all. Singer Dave Sanchez is a smart guy, he wants all to have a great time, but just not bash each other’s heads in too much. He suggests ‘not a wall of death, but you guys on the left take the left turn and you guys on the right take a right turn’ What a madness evolves! HA HA HA, great to watch! Surreptitiously, it DOES look like a wall of death HA HA HA.

These are the songs I wrote down:
- Point of No Return
- Hang ‘Em High
- D.O.A.
- From the Cradle to the Grave
- as an encore the band does some classic intros (AC/DC – TNT, Iron Maiden – Prodigal Son and so on)
- Give Me Liberty… or Give me Death
Seeing setlist.fm I noticed they must have played at least 10 songs, but I just wandered. The band isin great form, the sound was good from the second song on, I just wandered. Met some Tilburg Pims (Dronken Pim, Dronken Pim and, surprise, Dronken Pim :) ) along the way. Got pushed beer into my hands and Pim I and Pim II were off to the pit. Amongst the stagedivers I see familiar heads like Pim vG, Pim V, Ronald and one 7 foot tall man, I was surprised to see 013 security folk doesn’t react. Surprised, not let down, I love a crowd getting the opportunity to go nuts the way they want. But to see a 7 foot man, probably +150 kg big, sprinting towards you with a big smile and his arms stretched… I wasn’t near stage then 8-) Funny thing: a man in a relatively sober denim with an Asphyx back patch found me and he said ‘I know you from Dublin’, turns out he was one of the other Dutchies in Voodoo Lounge :lol: Picture to be added to FB, I guess. I don’t FB.

Tom had been The One Active Participating Member Of The Westfriesian Pit Crew during both Warbringer and Havok, the entire sets, so he needed a dry shirt! That’s a rarity :) and he gave me a Havok patch, grinning like an old farmer (Dutch saying, don’t need toothache to say it :) ). Kim and Jordi provided gig posters for the three of us (THANK YOU, APPRECIATED!), they got invited to my Birthday BBQ next June in return ;) I was tired, so no personal thanks to John Kevill, Pete Webber and David Sanchez this time, even though they were only three meters away. I was hungry and I could imagine Tom hadn’t eaten; since he’d been at my place straight from work, through the shower and off to my place. First Macca had the big M burning, but no opening found. Second Macca just flipped off the big M when I drove on the highway exit. BK is closed after midnight anyway, off to Gorinchem then. With today being April 6th I simply had to play some more AC/DC along the road, as it’s exactly 26 years ago I first saw Angus & Co. Delivered the boys home, even doing my hobby in my own village :) I was home near 2 AM. No need for afpilzen; even Pim vG mentioned that ;) Friday is going to be calls, calls, calls, but at least I slept great. Havok was great, Warbringer was cool. We already spoke about the Napalm Death show due, as Tom probably has made a double booking. No need for Gerwin to buy his own ticket, we don’t need another spare one ;) Give me Liberty in Metal!

Few reactions on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... warbringer

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:40 am 

Metal Manifesto: Anger Machine, Infantry and Onkt, April 8th 2017

Nearly every month I get my dose of live music in Manifesto. I’ve been asked many times why the Westfriesian metal scene is dead, but all I can do is disagree. Yes there are bands, yes there are fans, yes there are venues who contract metal bands, but not every metalhead has the same agenda. For instance, I thought it would be Bovenkarspel Kermis this weekend, but that seems to be next week. At least the price couldn’t be a hindrance, but come on! € 5 presale, 8 at the door? Alex joined me, he had been longing for more metal since RockMeer haha. Maybe bring Thirza along, fine. Just be sure to choose your clothing, early April, temperature during the day reaching 18 degrees Celsius already, night temperature falling to 4?

Coming to Manifesto we soon found Jessica, Peter and Daniel, beers flew. Not too much for Alex though, he has a volleyball match early on Sunday. First band started already, but it wasn’t Infantry as I expected. No, it’s Anger Machine, featuring Timmetje Deathcore on vocals. Err should I say vocals? The band does somewhat mixtures of strange bands tonight, one song I hear a thrash variety on Sabaton (?), second is their YT hit Unbreakable I Am, third songs has a Maiden-esque double guitar line, then some Lamb of God riffing, including scarecrow performance by Tim? Give us another hint, this time to South of Heaven-riffs and we’re out, as this bunch of thieves doesn’t have a face nor sound of their own. Make up your mind and create something of your own! To return for Onkt and their technical death/thrash. The band does a swell job, even some movement in front of the stage, but apart from some pictures I don’t do much now. Alex is in for a pit (in my regular denim ;) I wore my Dutch Denim) so go ahead, brother! Most songs of the EP Charge are played and a cover I forgot to write down. The band is working on new material, so I've heard.

Instead of opening, Infantry from Zaandam and region, got the headlining status. The band doesn’t linger a second, fullblown old school thrash is what we get. Pity not many stayed around for the band, as they gave it all they got. Check them out on https://nl-nl.facebook.com/InfantryTheband/ or their YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/InfantryNL and here’s the set list I got:
- Infected Annihilation
- Brighter than the Sun
- Shellshock
- Make War not Love (NOT a Pro-Pain cover, but the name of the upcoming CD)
- Terminal
- Rotting Corpses
- Choo Choo Motherfucker
- Medieval Warfare
- Baby Head Floor (yup, the joke song :) )
- Sexual Pleasure
- Carpet of Death https://youtu.be/BjkcQnm0IOg
Sodom-, Warbringer- and Slayer-fans would love to see this band once! It’s been my third show I’d seen, I hope to get some more. Damned, I’ve forgotten to check the band’s merch, some patch would be welcome! I said goodbye to all, rounded up my denims (three this time :) ), all nicely tucked into my NDF hoodie and off. I came home totally green, as I made a slip somewhere on a piece of pasture just mown but I’m OK and so is my bike. Metal and grass, shown West-Friesland isn’t dead!

last remarks on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... 7-infantry

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:31 am 

Dark Easter Metal Meeting, feat. Asphyx, Deserted Fear, Memoriam April 16th-17th. Headliners: Mayhem, Memoriam

When Asphyx announced their new album Incoming Death I knew they’d be announcing new gig dates too. Daniel always said he wanted to return to Munich after the Chaos Blast Meating and I’d take Alex on an All-Men-Weekend, combining our hobbies travelling, fishing, death metal and beers. Daniel got me hooked on this one: a cool festival in Easter weekend, in Munich, with other bands to be announced. End of September we decided to book flights and a hotel, each ordering one. Give or take 70 eurocents, we both paid the same amount, € 220 :lol: November it got even better: Deserted Fear was announced for the pre-party! I’m so happy we fly early on Saturday!! More announcements: Mayhem – full De Mysteriis set, Memoriam !! , Batushka and Revel in Flesh ;) . The previous edition held God Dethroned, My Dying Bride, Sear Bliss and Bölzer, to name but a few. Beforehand, we had no idea how big this actually would be; but the Saturday was sold out! Fly early on Saturday, maybe some sightseeing and off to the bands!

Saturday the weather was so good I thought I could do with just a shirt and my Tribute to Lemmy hoodie and a slit of coffee at my brother's. The trip to Munich was actually quite a quiet one, as bike – train – walk – fly – train – walk isn’t so interesting, apart from one town the last train took us through: UnterschleiBheim, nearly sounding like UnterscheiBheim, House Shitted Under? Quite immature, I know, but I laughed. The hotel was only a three minute walk from the Haubtbahnhof and the trip to the venue Backstage would take some 35 minutes. It was dry so we walked. The venue itself held three halls, two of them weren’t open yet when the first band got to stage: Swedish black metal blasters Avslut. We agreed this band could be a Marduk tribute in style, speed and aggression. A hint of Impaled Nazarene came by, but with double vocals? Daniel got me a Deserted Fear-tourshirt (THANKSS!!) as Mahne and Fabian from Deserted Fear greeted us ;) Problem with the smallest venue was, just like on Sunday, if plenty people show up on time, they would never fit the hall! Add a complex internal structure with a bar at the opening of the venue and you’ll know what mess this could be. Getting beers, but not able to deliver them to the balcony. And then some musical coating, as the small hall served Glenn Miller and other forties- and fifties music? At least to make a statement to the bands, so it seemed, as Imperium Dekadenz gave us vile doom/black metal with a hint of folk? Strangely enough, we both felt this music was well fit for long car drives after a show? Daniel said something about ‘taking serious’ twice but I missed the context here, so explain please ;) This band is clearly influenced by Alcest, old Immortal, some Primordial and Satyricon. Their last song was a cross between Black Water Park-era Opeth and World Funeral? I can’t be sure, but I think it was this song: https://youtu.be/r3Wdxn68ul8 Keep an eye out for these guys!

Deserted Fear was up next. What else can I say? Battalion of Insanities early in the set, Fabian in his trademark shorts + white shirt, Mahne’s grin, Simon’s thundering drums… I loved it so much, during Field of Death I banged my head so vigorously I thought my head was going to explode of pure joy? I had to slow down at least two gears, or else I might invoke my own cerebrovascular accident! I just missed Fabian’s guitar pick, but Mahne provided another hand written set list (again in gold lettering :) ) :
- The Fall of the Leaden Skies
- Kingdom of Worms
- Battalion of Insanities
- Mortal Reign
- The Carnage
- The Black Incantation
- Field of Death
- Face our Destiny
- Bury Your Dead

This band is friggin’great!! The set list was awesome, nice cross between all three albums, looking those up on setlist.fm shows the band varies their sets quite a bit, sound was very good, not too loud, not too soft, what else do you want? OK, I want Deserted Fear on Maryland Deathfest once or twice, but how hard is it to get German bands to Baltimore?? Try Revel in Flesh too, cool to meet Haubersson already.

I had been checking out some bands before, something I hardly do. With new bands I just want to be surprised, even more than thinking ‘what have I missed?’ Ravencult was such a band I checked before. I liked some stuff off YT, but live they fucked me up with tons of strobos and a bad mix. Black metal à la, but I thought it wasn’t tight at all. I took some rest in the smallest hall and got greeted by Louis Armstrong. My father used to love Satchmo, but apart from his own memories he never saw him perform in Blokker. I looked it up, that was 1964 and he wasn’t in Holland then. Sorry this legend of yours wasn’t true but I still think of you >< Back to the middle hall (the big hall only held merch today, tomorrow the biggest bands would appear there) for Sarkom. I was instantly reminded of Marduk (again :-/ ) but also vileness like Urgehall and old Dark Funeral. Still, I managed to stay for their best song imo: https://youtu.be/Edbf7S6hPIY

In the meantime I got myself a festival shirt and Daniel a Memoriam one, as this band simply deserves our love and respect. Memoriam kicked off as headliner in the middle hall and already in the first song I noticed Karl has a much sharper voice than two weeks ago and Daniel stated it was a lot better than Eindhoven Metal Meeting. The band is better oiled as well, the cooperation in the band seems a lot sharper and the overall feel is a lot better too. Unless my ears cheat me, the bass could have been a bit less prudent, otherwise the mix was good. Maybe it’s because they’re headlining tonight, so they can play another Bolt Thrower tune or more, maybe the venue fits them better I don’t know, but this is the best Memoriam show so far! Reduced to Zero sounded great, they did a Sacrilege cover but I didn’t get the title. I explained EMM survivors Jürgen and Silvia about THE GRIN, so obviously present at Willet’s and my face :) before buying them a Deserted Fear shirt. The band also played Drone Strike and Spearhead along with a few songs I didn’t write down thanks to a great pit. Memoriam was great! We thanked the Deserted Dudes and Daniel pushed me into a taxi and paid for it. Thanks a lot; I wouldn’t have walked it so easily ;) What a great day!

Easter Sunday held some sightseeing before heading back to Backstage. We saw the awesome Marienplatz, made pictures of trains for Peter (Lord Belial), again we couldn’t find Münchener Biergartens (open) found the biggest beer mug in history again, found a conference-beer-bike and when we finally found a bar, with beer, open and ready to tap, what did we hear: Friggin’Guus Meeuwis! I didn’t know yet PSV had equaled ADO, bye bye championship :evil: or even second place :evil: [inside joke]. We met Salzburger Alex, took him along to the venue but didn’t get much beer in return :( Today the different venues would open at separate hours?? Huh, why create the same problem as yesterday, there were quite some people present when Valborg opened the small hall and it was PACKED AGAIN! The band was clearly overwhelmed the first song, but the Totenmond-/Godflesh-like near industrial black metal sounded as if Stip had been shitting bricks again. Another band I had checked before going was Décembre Noir and I got what I expected: a mixture of My Dying Bride, old Opeth and November’s Doom. Daniel heard one lasting blast beat and instantly thought of Gojira? OK, that’s new to me, but still. I was waiting for Hailstone to begin, but got to Mourning Beloveth the big hall first. I hardly could get more doomy than this, but Salzburg Alex loved it to bits. To encourage the beer flow I bought him an Asphyx tour shirt, but that money was sourly spent. In the small hall Hailstone did get it on! What do you expect when band members walk in shirts of Deserted Fear, Asphyx and Revel in Flesh? ;) Full Throttle Thumping Death Metal baby!! Mental note: buy their album Epitome! Their last song was Epitome of Failure and IT KILLED! Audience went nuts too, including me. Alex and Daniel had been searching for me for a while, but I sneaked to the front row of the show and spit fire! Great band. MA qualifies the band as melodic death/black metal, on CD maybe, but live it was full blown DEATH METAL in capitols! Only having heard the band once I can’t say if this song was played, but it gives an idea of their energy: Meeting band members is always good, Stefan Hüskens present, Alwin Zuur, Gotzberg, name them and a man telling me about his band Iseghaal. WaB hier passiert ist egal, doch?

Time for a bite, it was getting near 5 PM already. Yesterday’s chili was great, but not enough. The burger went in smoothly and waiting for AHAB I talked to Jürgen and Silvia again. Silvia is a Solstáfir fan like I’m an Asphyx fan, I have to say hello to the band on Eistnaflug. She was jealous I’d go to Iceland About AHAB I can be simple: I was bored shitless by the doom. I met Haubersson again, saying we’d stay up for his band, but first my main reason to head out to Munich: Asphyx! The band made the big hall (named Werk; little hall was called Club, middle hall was Halle ?) blurry with hairs, pieces of throats, sweat, beer spit, gurgling sounds and the likes, THEY KILLED! My 22nd Asphyx show, not the 23rd I told Salzburg Alex and his number 23 tic, was awesome! Loud as a steamhammer, sharp as a mountaineer pick, clear as Big Bertha and fun like the best Laurel and Hardy slaps, this is a band of my heart. The set list snatched before my greedy fingers, given to me, picture, returned with a smile:
- The Quest for Absurdity
- Vermin
- Candiru
- Brandenburg Division
- Wardroid
- Death The Brutal Way
- MS Bismarck
- Deathhammer
- Forerunners of the Apocalypse
- The Rack
- Death: The Only Immortal
- Last One on Earth

I had one douchebag in front of me, he did NOTHING all set, wouldn’t make room for a real fan so I shouted him totally deaf! Non metalhead, short cut, short sighted moron. Some of my shouting must have attracted some band member attention, as the guitar picks and drum sticks all got near me. I happily handed them out. After this awesome show Daniel and me looked at each other, no one needed to bring up the little dilemma: we both wanted to see Revel in Flesh or at least Hauberssons Grin, but had no need for Marduk and no interest in Mayhem. I did make one little detour past the signing session, delivering me a near short cut by Martin, he was so happy to see me again. Said thanks and goodbye to Paul, Alwin, Stefan and Martin and we’re off. Sorry Haubersson!! It had been raining on and off all day, but no real threat here. We decided we could use the clean air and walked. At Haubtbahnhoff we got another round of excellent bread buns and we’re back in the hotel. It was sultry in the hotel room, had to get a drink of water at least three times before finally getting out of bed. The third Sub in two days was a bit too much, we thought, so I got just coffee at Haubtbahnhoff and excellent Bolognese at the airport before heading back to Amsterdam. Being annoyed by a near-fucking couple in small airplane seats is abysmal for your mood, especially when my MP3 player died soon and Daniel hadn’t brought one. Eating BK when the train nears is no fun, as I didn't know if my favo Hoogkarspel restaurants would be open on Easter Monday. It had started raining and hail fell when I got to my bike, tripping three shirts over each other didn't really cycle easily. But that’s only of minor interest, as we had a great weekend, some great known bands and some cool new ones, met half of Deserted Fear, Asphyx and Revel in Flesh before their shows, Munich is beautiful, hotel affordable [albeit without € 22 breakfast per person per day] and the weather wasn’t that bad after all. We might look for another edition of this cool little festival, but keep our minds open if another edition of Bristol Deathfest is about to happen or not. I wouldn’t mind returning to Munich, that’s for sure! Metal! A little less doom next time, allright? Metal.

Accompanying reactions http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... phyx-april

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:42 am 

Ecocide reunion show, Dystopia album presentation, Patronaat Haarlem, April 21st

Ecocide was a shortlived death/thrash band from region Haarlem, without as much as a burp they quit in 2015, leaving nothing more than an EP, one full length and one single. I’d seen band members in other bands, but in different settings or in different conditions at least I didn’t think it’d work out. So, surprise surprise, a reunion show as announced with Phlebotomized. Hey, wasn’t this one of the earliest jazz-death-electro combos ever? Patronaat website wasn’t as positive as I thought they could be, as they described the Ecocide show as if they didn’t know this show to be a one-off goodbye show or a new start? Hmm, Phlebotomized is off the list as well, but Dauthuz was added! Ah, nice. Add a CD release show for the new Dystopia (Den Helder) album and OK, I get a ticket; Daniel already had his. That it would be on my brother Theo’s birthday, uhm, scuffle some sorry his way... No need for sorry, as my brother wanted to celebrate on Saturday himself. Ooohh, fine. Daniel would go by train, but I wasn’t even at home when he suggested to take the train. We’d meet in Patronaat then.

Turns out, I hardly did have time to eat. I heard there was a huge amount of traffic jams, one near Amsterdam or Alkmaar, so I went earlier than specifically needed. Coming to the parking garage I was nastily surprised: only place in the garage left was bathed in piss. Ughh, don’t ask from which species :-/ but entering Patronaat I got my Dauthuz patch, a free Dauthuz button and compliments for the denim and met Daniel in seconds. Daniel said there was some double booking made, so the metal bands were directed to the café, which is even smaller (and less steep ;) ) than what I thought to be the ‘little venue’. Dauthuz began way later than the website noted, but it was great! The feel of Morbid Visions, the drums of Effigy of the Forgotten, some Banished to Live screams and Massive Killing Capacity growls clearly fit the thumping band! I should have bought more than one patch rofl . Halfway the set I heard "this song is dedicated to the very youngest visitors of today, you can see the earmuffs, ‘As the River Flows’ ". Haha, there were indeed some 3 - 6 year olds running around, probably kids of singer Manoloxx. Uhm, MA isn’t really helping, as I think I’ve seen Dauthuz with a different singer last time or with different guest singers. The band is working on new material, as the show was longer than the one with Izegrim ;) find out for yourself: http://www.facebook.com/dauthuzdeathmetal/

We got company from Mutator Alex and his lovely gf and shared some lentebock, Jopen, Palm and… alcoholless Heiny. Ughhh, better try the 0,0 Wieckse (not Radler) which filled me up a lot but didn’t taste that bad. :) ). The band was to do their CD Eye of Wicked Sight integrally and kept joking about the fluffy first demo and EP the band released but did a great job as well. Sometimes they sound as if I’m reading the first Nuclear Assault concert review I ever read ‘like a dog trying to catch its tail, going faster and faster’ but Alex misunderstood me and said ‘don’t you like chaotic music?’ “Yeah, I love Nuclear Assault and especially their chaos, this is the death metal variety on Nuclear Assault”; Alex satisfied. I heard old Sodom being played as death metal, loud as a brick on a stomach, thumping big-drums-off-a-small-kit ;) violent guitars and roaring bass. Death Metal The Speed Way! During a Napalm Death cover ‘You Suffer but Why, but in a different remix’ :) in a six meter wide venue there was a 3*3 m pit instantly But I was getting tired and felt a headache rising. I almost left until this intro was played: https://youtu.be/1yoAXi5-kiQ Alex and me FREAKED OUT, held a fist jousting contest, nearly hit his gf and the onlookers, so cool! Apologizing to his gf and the families of band members (…) I made clear I was going to leave, but I did that in the last Ecocide song. So, even with a headache I can end shows, but it tired me so much I still left. I said to Alex about Dystopia ‘I’ve missed this band way more often than I’ve seen them’, he replied ‘I’ve played with them so often I think I’ve seen them a bit too much’ ;) Turns out, I’ve only seen Dystopia once but my head felt like fireworks in a toilet so I dug up my Dissection hoodie and headed out for something to eat. I found the most delicious cookies of sentiment of youth (“pindakoekjes”) and had a grapefruit just to be sure. The piss had dried up :evil: . I ate the cookies AND the grapefruit swaggering on A9 highway and N245 regional road and nearly got an angry follower on my back: I kept throwing the peelings out of my car and he thought I was getting rid of incriminating paper :o

Got home, emptied my last 0,0 beers, saved my pictures and tried to get the voetbal summary of tonight, but my head prevented the latter. Again no Dystopia, but Dauthuz and Ecocide were great! Can’t wait for more Dauthuz material and I still don’t know if Ecocide did a one-off goodbye or a real reunion. But it was metal!

reactions on Dystopia at http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... ease-april

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 5:17 am 

Aborted, Korpse P60 Amstelveen April 29th

Belgian hyperdeathblasters Aborted were on the loose again! The band is touring on and off with their latest stillborn Retrogore and for the Dutch date they chose Korpse as undertaker. I once have to look up how many times I did get to see Aborted, but I do know one thing: their shows ALL have been awesome! Don’t matter if you see the band in Belgium, Germany or London, it kills! So, the day off after King’s Day well spent (aka didn’t do much ;) ), ending with a great beer session with Tom, I made a shortlist of the trip to Amstelveen and back. Bike, train, bus, walk all included. I also knew Daniel would enter this show, so we hooked up at Hoogkarspel. BVO packed, reading in the sun, waiting for a train. Daniel had different transportation plans (metro instead of bus) so my schedule was worthless :) . We’d be so early we could finally test the ‘magnificent’ P60 kitchen, with a coupon or not I wanted sateh! Entering P60 was already cool, as an older man in a The Shavers shirt saw me lifting my Dutch Denim 8-) we both had fun. The bands were having dinner too, we had Douwe of Akrasial and Pim Utrecht as company. Daniel offered to pay for the chicken, thanks a lot my friend! We could hear some noise from the venue and decided to duck the line. Ahh, there are the Bovenkarspel Boys too (no Kees, but Hugo) and Jerry of Goddess of Desire stood with a shop. Fine, go hunting for Motörhead-related patches between bands, as Korpse was on soon. The band didn’t leave much interpretation open, as the roaring grind made a brick wall of sound and had a nice volume along. The description on P60’s website was a bit of a goof, as it said ‘will make the audience hungry like wolverines and they turn speakers into weapons of mass destruction’ ; that’s mostly commercial talk, as Axel and his gf Tessa were nearly alone in their grind circle run, including waving hands. Thank some wizard of gore they didn’t bring confetti! The band got some 40 minutes and it was nice. I don’t know titles or differences in songs, so I teased Jerry with another moan for HJ patches haha and found some suitable stuff.

My long time friends John, René and the other Friesians present, hey there’s Dora too, nice. She was a bit let down when I stupidly admitted not having seen the entire Korpse show, but you can’t have it all, right, I don’t own anything Korpse-related but she does. In the meantime Axel and Tessa were hoodling the Korpse merch ;) but as they had no patches I couldn’t be of any value here. Value was short anyway, as I brought nearly 20 tokens from previous visits to the hall (Legion of the Damned, Six Feet Under) and kept handing out beers.

Aborted hardly needed a sound check, as the drum kit was already fully operational when Korpse played; hand out tops and cymbals, OFF!

The band went in like in the best Carcass days (just before Necroticism :) ) No time for second class flesh, just Meticulous Invagination, Termination Redux and Retrogore to bash every piece of humanity to unrecognizable flesh, divided by sharp hooks, dipped in the most vile toxins, burning like a magnesium fire. From three moshers it got to 5, then 7, then 9 and I entered. Anton is an easy sweep, but some bodybuilder thought it necessary to keep standing ;) He didn’t. :) Aborted is top class live entertainment! I asked Sven if he had a set list or something but he just smiled and pointed at his head. Seeing setlist.fm showed they don’t really differ their set list nowadays. Pity they didn’t bring any merch or I would have surprised another bloke or two, at least not the sucker on the toilet afterwards. It took so long I shouted ‘use your stinking drugs somewhere else, bozo’ and a man nearing greenness got out. Smeared the entire porcelain blotchy, he’d been throwing up like a fountain :(

I was a bit surprised Jelle, Axel and Kevin didn’t enter the Aborted pit, but they were already gone when I wanted to ask why not. I said goodbye to all friends and hobbled to the metro station. Another different route, another time no need for my bus scheme ;) Daniel needed some more food and got me some chicken burger as well. Another thank you is imminent here! Cycling home I felt happy as a barbeque and took one last afpils and hit the brush/pillow/… Aborted is really one of Belgium’s best export products! Not just beers, but Metal!

firstly compiled for http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... april-29th

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 5:20 am 

Vorst in de Grond festival 2017, April 30th Patronaat Haarlem, feat. Napalm Death

This visit to this festival was both a mistake, a good thing as much as it was unplanned. Mistake as in ‘see Napalm Death and Brujeria twice in three weeks’, good thing was meeting Jeroen and Contradictions and unplanned as in ‘buy ticket one day before’. The mistake was that I had not seen Napalm Death would play two Dutch dates instead of ‘just the one in Eindhoven’ and of course, letting Iron Reagan off the tour was a mistake I had no part in. Bummer yes, part no. Returning from the Aborted show I needed some cold, funnily enough and I got that by swimming outside for the first time this year. Refreshed I took my beloved VW Golf Mk II diesel for a new driving belt and got to Haarlem. Before entering the parking garage I already spotted Agga, Gino and the Bovenkarpsel Boys!

The festival itself was a silent protest to the happenings around King Wim-Lex’ 50th birthday and the wastage of public money with those festivities. The flyer held the king in Napalm Death-Scum/Frankenstein setting, his kids as zombies and on nuclear waste, not for the faint hearted I guess. Vorst in de Grond is a play on words on King Winter. With this flyer I think Municipal Waste or Toxic Holocaust would have been a swift replacement for Iron Reagan, but that’s only personal. There would be 14 bands today! First band in the café was a three man punkrock explosion called Übergang, which can be seen as a play on words on nagging women growing older, but the announcements of the song were naggingly puzzling. Swiftly off to the big hall for A New Scar. The band had a guitar player, but no one heard him, it was bass, bassdrums and a vocalist sounding as if his LEGO was stolen. The overall sound had a link to Satanic Malfunctions, for whoever this name might ring a bell. Satanic Malfunctions had no bass player, strangely enough. YT-thingie: https://youtu.be/esPpqwrMXzk Third band I’ve seen was Boycot. According to their accents I think they’re province Groningen-based, they had two singers which had to replace each other every song :) shouting so hard. Their music was influenced by GBH, I think. Blunt, fast, loud. Off the Patronaat website: https://youtu.be/ZQCzpg-Qn2w

Anyway, most bands today are not to be found on MA (yet) as Stabbing Device also wasn’t checkable beforehand. This band plays music in the vein of Sick of it All, but less variated in style and vocals. Doable, I thought and moved on after four, five songs. Back to the big hall for Impact [ https://youtu.be/LTaRohHeXWw ]. I was greeted by Jeroen, Sven and David from Contradictions and David and me agreed: ‘the drummer needs to pound harder’ and ‘the guitarist should do effort to play at least a third different riff’. The band sounded unitary in every aspect: drum patterns, guitar sound, vocals; as if they played one song over and over. We decided to head out to the merch stands, where some Mexican or vegan wraps were sold. David, having worked in catering for quite some time, was disgusted: € 7 for a single wrap, hardly anything special as we needed sambal on every bite we took. He said this one wrap had a bare purchase price of 70 eurocents max…

Hard to notice we’d seen five bands already and every band lacked at least something! Tense Reaction was the Dutch equivalent of Extreme Noise Terror but with a singer who wanted to resemble Billy Milano to the max ;) Two slower songs were passed into the set list ‘as the drummer is getting tired’ (where have I heard that before? :) ) and in the last song the singer belched out so many lyrics it seemed as if he wanted to read the entire Bible aloud in one hour :P Time for a band that has divided my attention a few times already: Lock Up.

Finally a band with a decent sound and mix, the band bashing in HARD!! Accelerated Mutation of the Pit!! Brethren of the Pentagram Mosh! Slaughterous Slam! Kevin Sharp sounded like his name, Shane Embury freaking out and Anton Reisenegger totally gluing the sound tight! We found Ineke and Charda [it seemed I totally missed her during the Aborted show :o sorry!] and saw Gino, Axel, Mr. Greenpants and at least two singers of previous bands go apeshit 8-) . Ahh finally some movement in front of a stage! We decided to stay put, as Power Trip would be next in the big hall. The café is too small anyway to host all visitors between the bands in the big hall, but beforehand I have not seen nor heard one single band performing there. Power Trip was via YT ‘sort of’ announced as the next big thing, but it took quite a while to get the audience started. The first songs seemed too slow to be called thrash, but too heavy to be called heavy metal (?). Later on, opinions on the band started turning more positive and a huge circle pit was started by Jelle. Strange, not to see Axel and Gino join that circle, to be honest.

As a reaction to David’s own remark on catering we headed out for a snack. We’d be back in time for Brujeria anyway, but when we got back in the crammed part of the entrance of the big hall the ‘F*** Donald Trump’s were all too obvious. The band sounds sharp, but there’s no hint of anything mysterious anymore as the entire band is recognizable… Shane has such a characteristic wig the blue handkerchief works on my mood ;) My mood didn’t get better trying to get out of the crowded entrance, many angry faces surrounded me for wanting to pass so soon after I got in. I was getting done with it overall, but wanted at least to see Nuclear Devastation. I had had a few possibilities to see the death/thrash/crossover/punk band from Amsterdam, but was instantly let down the first two songs. The band clearly has two guitarists, but all I heard was bass drums. No vocals to be found, no guitars, not even in the shredding solo parts. As this wasn’t getting better the third song in, I decided to duck the headliner (Napalm Death and some band with a sickening joke on voetbal fans) and head out home again. My throat was stingy to begin with and tomorrow is just another working day, Tom and me see Barney & Co (and Embury doing his third set of the evening) in three weeks. Calmly I drove home, totally splashing by the enormous amount of alcoholfree Wieckse (and Heiny :-/ not everybody understood the difference between W and H :( ) all day. Got home, took my pictures to my laptop (‘the SD card is protected against over-writing’? thaaaffff?) and thanked Jeroen by app for this great picture: [to be seen on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... palm-death ]

Vorst in de Grond is a cool initiative, but I’m too much of a thrasher to enjoy an entire day of punk, grind and hardcore; let alone with at least five bands ‘missing something’. Note that there were no bands interfering each other in print, but the difference in the two halls is simply too big not to miss encores or starts of bands.

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 7:44 am 

God Dethroned CD presentation The World Ablaze, May 12th Underground Lelykstad

God Dethroned is a band I have known since the early nineties. The band supported Gorefest then and was totally blown away by Jan-Chris and Co. I even remember making a mental note ‘this band sucks and probably can do a lot better’ and walked away laughing. How much has changed? Uhm, apart from Henri’s evil grin, quite a lot. The band had been a train station for band members and it’s been disbanded at least three times but also released my absolute favorite album of the first decennium of this millennium: Passiondale. The reunion shows in 2015 and 2016 were friggin’amazing, quite a steady line up for a change, rumor started about fulfilling the World War I trilogy (Passiondale – Under The Sign Of The Iron Cross – newie). The first songs released were pretty good, not as overwhelmingly hateful as UtSotIC but … to be honest, not really of Passiondale quality to me as well. Henri sounded a bit less biting like he did and I missed this fire a bit when I heard At the Wrong Side of the Wire. Daniel got us tickets, I got a call from Bram Vis a couple of days before the show. Oh, they’ve done a CD presentation gig already? Or..? So far they played three shows with at least two new songs, oh well. According to the website of Underground this show was one of only two club shows in 2017 and the band would be supported by Disquiet and Visionary666.
Coming to Enkhuizen I noticed I had not brought any paper for my scribblings, so Daniel provided that ;) Thanks! Picking up Bram meant the Gothenburg Deathcrew was united again ;) The trip to Lelijkstad was a smooth one, talking about Sweden, death metal and the likes. Coming to Underground there was a small line waiting, but being greeted by Michiel van der Ploeg as first paying visitors was fun 8-) First mate we ran into was Pim Utrecht, as he would film the Disquiet show. No beer for him so early, he said ;) Disquiet soon started but the sound was like a shoebox in the rain the first songs. The band doesn’t get sidewinded by their sound as their tightness and plain fun does the trick: it grooved, it thrashed, it twisted, it deathbed and it beuked! ;) When the band finished I bought 4 patches of Disquiet, also to be shared with a black metal dude we’ve known by face for a long time but never heard a name.. Here’s the set list I got from guitarist Fabian Verweij (thanks!) :
- Ascending
- The Condemnation (the set list says ‘tent afbreken, are you with me’? not spontaneous the interaction I expected :-S “blow the place up” or something )
- Fist of Persistence
- Born to Dissent
- Great Divide (the set list says ‘we stick around WW I a bit haha’ literally)
- Trenches of Blood
- Killing the Silence (set list: ‘Frank: Get yourself heard for Visionary666 and God Dethroned’)
- Indignation
- From Essence Deprived
Daniel freaked out, he bought both CDs. Bram headbanging furiously, nice to watch ;) When Visionary666 was checking sound Frank entered and as I haven’t seen him in quite a while (job, house sold, temporary house, new house christened by a Martyred for a Mortal Sin poster 8-) ) we totally missed the band. Daniel and Bram were ecstatic about the band, let them explain, set list included, for now: until next time, bud! I met Henri Sattler and when I bought a normal edition of the new CD we agreed Metal Blade screwed up again, as my SE of The World Ablaze would only be delivered a day, maybe two later… I got the normal edition signed by three members, being a drummer Van der Ploeg had other priorities :) . The band went in smoothly, as the Call to Arms intro was played: (I made a picture of the set list)
- Call to Arms
- Annihilation Crusade (killer track!)
- The World Ablaze
- Villa Vampiria (Henri surely hasn’t lost his vile! Cool!)
- Boiling Blood
- Poison Fog (with Henri doing the clean part exceptionally good! He can actually sing! ;) )
- On the Wrong Side of the Wire (live sounding better than the teaser track)
- Escape Across the Ice (on the set list as White Army)
- Nihilism (goose bumps shared with Frank ;) )
- No Man’s Land (the clean part played as guitar part?)
- Sigma Enigma
- Soul Capture 1562 (yup, introduced as The Flying Dutchman, where’s Marcel IV when you want him :) )
- Under The Sign of the Iron Cross (I had that piece of lyric in my head nearly all week ;) )
- Soul Sweeper
- Henri states: ‘this is our last song as we want to beer now, pay attention because it’s a pretty fast one’ :) : Storm of Steel
Hating Life was between inverted comma’s, but probably we didn’t shout hard enough, not the right song to be played (I shouted for Warcult, I heard 2014, Frank wanted Firebreath :) ) so the band didn’t return after Storm of Steel. Sweaty, arms in odd positions, neck landing somewhat cranky on my shoulders, this was a great set, cool setting, they had a sound that could/should have been a tiny hint better, but swhoah. God Dethroned is back with a vengeance! We retreated to the bar in the foyer, gaping at merch (Visionary666 had already left), I got a black GD shirt for Frank, a white one for myself (Frank bought his own white one for warmer days ;) ) said patches and the signed normal edition. Happy but hungry we left, did an involuntary tour of the ugly city but got excellent chebab as reward. No need for afpilzen, tomorrow Veghel Deathfest, and early… metal!

1:51 heh heh who? https://youtu.be/fJSE2LyzPqU :lol: Bram and Daniel are visible too, albeit from the tops of their heads. Reactions: http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... stad-may12

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 7:47 am 

Veghel Deathfest II, May 13th 2017

Last year was the very first and very cool edition of Veghel Deathfest, soon after the show the second edition was announced. At first Thanatos was announced as headliner, but they got cancelled. I never knew why, but as Belphegor was announced as replacement I didn’t complain (long ;) ). The rest of the line up was cool too: Wombbath, Skelethal, Dauthuz and Incarceration; I’m not familiar with the others nor have I seen Obtruncation before. Yet. Daniel got tickets, I booked the same hotel as last year. See if the weather would be the same too ;) On the Death Metal Birthday I heard Andrée and Kathe are going too, fun! On the God Dethroned gig I was asked by Pim Utrecht if he could join us with Maurice, so a full Volkswagen Golf Mk II diesel heading to Noordkade in the South of Brabant! But I came home from Lelijkstad around 3 AM, I would never make it to 9 to drive already and Daniel soon said he needed at least until 10 AM to be ready to go. But even 10 AM I couldn’t do, I was exhausted. Coming to Utrecht it took a shaggie to make Pim and Maurice find us, Pim said he was asked to film Dauthuz? Uhm, they play at 11, we will never get there in time… We delivered the boys to De Noordkade and checked in. Weather was beautiful so no biggie to walk from the hotel to the venue. Maybe, maybe the boys had some three minutes of Dauthuz, we first wanted the ‘best burger of the land’ and trembled the place to find the entrance… First gig we did see was a short one, as Ill Trusted was working on their last song when we entered the small hall. Music? Euhhh, Arch Enemy Dutch Style? Nah, that’s too much credit.

Walking to the big hall for Pictura Poesis (no idea what it means, I had to spell the name to believe it wasn’t about kids telling dripping rhymes in a flowery book) I met Alwin, Paul and Stefan from Asphyx, not knowing Alwin was about to perform (see later). Nice chat followed, as Pictura Poesis made a wiffy interpretation of old Gathering, too much keyboards and without female vocals. Instead I had beers with Erwin and Agga, Stefan and Anna and met a glowing Marcel III, his gf is pregnant. Hence the orange sodas haha. Another Marcel around, Masha explaining about her alcohol problem: she likes alcohol but doesn’t like beer *grin* During the sound check of Klont I got tapped on the shoulder with a beer, hello msd and Brammerman! The sounc check of Klont sounded bored, wobbly and ill-mixed, but with the bloody coveralls and redneck worker shirt + beard it sounded a lot cooler ;) I think of Grindhoven, as I heard of a mix between Peter Pan Speedrock, Rompeprop and Hayseed Dixie. At least the band had fun haha, but it wasn’t that bad at all. The band has an anthem ‘this is what Dahmer said to his dad when he confessed his seventeenth murder ‘I really screwed up this time’ 8-) some footage: https://youtu.be/4SEIzAA7A3s or try https://www.facebook.com/klontmetal [nice picture of the smoking area, we met Erwin and some non-Feyenoord-but-region-Rotterdam-couple there, was fun. Agga seems to be a rabid Feyenoord fan, Erwin couldn’t care less about voetbal haha. No need for another broken foot 8-) ]. Turned out, Thanatos had to cancel due to a break up with drummer Yuri and not finding a fit replacement on such short notice.

We hung around the merch (bought myself two identical Iron Maiden patches to make one Ironic Maiden one ;) ] and didn’t enter the big hall for quite some time. We had no idea what to expect from Morfin, but sure as hell made sure we’d watch the final songs (thanks to Sonia!). What a killer band, mixing Massacre and friggin’Demolition Hammer! Intense, gut grinding thrash-death, played with lava for strings, cumulonimbus for drums, lightning for lyrics and a sound… fuckin’awesome! Within minutes after the gig I got at least singer-guitarist Jesus and drummer Edward for a picture, sweat still lingering haha. Best song: Inoculation https://youtu.be/hplx6Xp5_lk Orrrr… I should pick something up from this band ;) Not too long though, as Daniel pulled everybody to the big stage for Bleeding Gods, but why I don’t really get. The band plays some death/thrash, but I hear an annoying tape in the background and don’t really enjoy it. I had a better time with Alwin and Stefan, to be honest. Some talk with Kutshurft friend Michael about financing bands, wth? If I hear Cannibal Corpse had a day to spare and could play for about € 1,000, the uffck wouldn’t I risk it? To me it’s no risk, it’s nuts that, say, Manifesto didn’t do it ‘in Summer the venue is closed’ uhhh what? Only a thousand? I don’t need money, I need metal! Live metal! Good thing: I met Wombbath’s Jonny Peterson, excellent resort to get away ;)

News spread as Obtruncation had to cancel and the schedule was refit, so Sonia’s band Sepiroth wouldn’t have to play at 1 AM but now! Oh, hurry to the small stage then! Within seconds me, Maarten, Daniel, Brammerman, Pim, Marcel III and IV were banging their heads as if it needed to function as a bowling ball... Awesome! Not only is it a tight band with a great singer, great mimic too, but Sonia plays like Cliff Burton used to play! Fast and furious, so to speak. The music: a mixture of Terrorizer and old Sodom ;) The joy is visible, you can feel it too, the small hall got busier along the way, not without reason I might add. This band is great!! I even met a man with a smile wider than De Kuip, enjoying everyone that enjoyed the band. Turned out, he’s Sonia’s father :) I got a set list:
- Ketuba
- The Ethic Divide
- Letters from the Unknown https://youtu.be/eLUtfTidS8Q
- Until Proven Guilty
- Unending Echobrain
- Their Heads, Our Glory
- Thousand Yard Stare
- Abandoned
- Sniper Alley
- Resolution 836 https://youtu.be/7udJ3lYLU2g
- Ten Day War
- Breadline Massacre
Panting we moved out to the big hall for Wombbath. The sound is excellent and the band is thankful for a wide grinning replacement for guitarist Al Riglin: Alwin Zuur! The band went in like a spiky hammer onto a bunch of overripe pears, totally smashing everything near the stage including Agga, Pim, Maarten and herrieman… until I got a headbutt. Daniel was pushed to the left but hit me instead, so again, I couldn’t do shite about it but knew instantly it wasn’t right… I dropped everything, grabbed my camera from the floor and headed to the back, accompanied by a worried Daniel. We chose to skip the rest of this awesome band, I just had to. Daniel offered a final burger, but I nearly didn’t taste anything. He was great, he got me to the hotel, missing at least Cut Up and Kafir knows what else. He got the hotel access card and I fell to the bed, only to awake way after 2 AM when Daniel got in the room himself. Telling awesome tales about Root and Skelethal, disappointing ones about Belphegor, but I had had it. I awoke around 9:30 AM, not feeling too bad but was it the hit or was it the Bavaria Bull? I don’t know. We got to De Lucht for a weak coffee and an excellent bread, delivered Daniel to his grandparents (hello Mother’s Day) and off home. I got Chinese for after the Feyenoord game, not needing wobbly driving to get some nutrition. Beers along, as Dirkie Kuyt made his 100th Feyenoord goal only 38 seconds in! Feyenoord Champion! 2 – 0 in 12 minutes! Again Kuyt FC Groningen finally beating their arch enemy FC Twente, but I had metal! Death Metal! Feyenoord! Metal!

reactions via http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... -belphegor

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:48 am 

Campaign for Musical Destruction 2017, Napalm Death, Lock Up, Power Trip Effenaar Eindhoven May 21st

To be honest, this gig had different expectations to it. At first the tour was announced with Iron Reagan, later I saw the very same tour would do Haarlem too; both on a Sunday. Tom would be all over Brujeria, Iron Reagan for me too. Iron Reagan got the boot and was replaced by Power Trip, which none of us knew so far. Ellen wanted to join us too, so another visit to ticketmaster or laayenlichter.com, whatever. Ticket OK, service costs known, pay extra for iDeal too? What’s next? Parking fee beforehand? Sunday-piss-Christians-off-implement? Clean your boots bill? Everybody but the band seems to want money from such tours, but what to do? No more Napalm Death? I read (somewhere in March, I think) that Iron Maiden is putting names to tickets to get rid of ridiculous overpaying of tickets, mass dealers off sided? I don’t mind paying € 25 (first fee included) for a band like Napalm Death, simply because I sure need live music, but the extra payment for iDeal, which should be free in my opinion, pissed me off. A bit, as I never bother about money much. So much for the complaining, we’d head out to Effenaar once again. Tom couldn’t make it in the end, he’s painting his Summer doors and to get them right in their hinges they must be dry ;) so Gerwin joined me.

But, as I’d seen Contradictions and a shitload of HJ the Saturday, the Sunday was hell. Never ever have a vitamin supplement if you’re hungover, as you keep tasting the bile all day :-S I chose to get some last ten minutes sleep but Gerwin had to call me to wake me.. there goes the first band so to speak. I had coffee and a meat ball on the way, see if it kept down… entering Effenaar I spotted Kevin Sharp again, here’s a thank you for knowing Brutal Truth for 25 years and now Lock Up ;)

I asked Agga if we’d missed anything in Dirty Protest, but he said it was a goofball local punk band. Noted. Lock Up soon started, albeit in front of decreased main hall (huge black banners on all sides, no stairs to be manned) it was great! The band was energetic, Nick Barker was ‘complaining’ it’s too quiet but most visitors and band members have fun. 120 years of stage experience brought together! Cool! The band thanked all bands on the tour, all roadies and all members individually, so they could have chosen to play another song or two ;) Fans of past, present and even future were hailed. A little girl behind the curtain with the biggest ear muffs in the city was beaming for seeing the band go nuts. Probably a grandchild of a band member, I guess. Was cool to see. Next up was Power Trip. The band combines energy, elementary thrash with an enthusiasm seldom spread. The mic standard had a hard time, as singer Riley Gale kept doing gymnastics with it, throwing it aside, fingering it, whatever :) Mr Greenpants Marto was the first to start a great pit.

Even with a former hangover it’s not a bad idea to eat, not needing to see the entire Power Trip set and trying to avoid farmagangsta Brujeria we got out for a great salad. We met two patched denims and I got, out of the blue, a patch of the band Gore Thrower, see if I could attach it to another denim and support the band. See what MA says about them: Hungarian death metal, only released one EP called Gore Temple, sample: https://youtu.be/SFJta0S0lG8 Found a picture for a feast Crash is going to love, probably:
[Cannabis Liberation Day in Amsterdam :lol: the weekend of my birthday, so you’re invited ;) ]
We had a great coffee and salad but couldn’t avoid Brujeria. The band does a goof attempt to coolness, but it was Gerwin that commented: ‘these are no gangsters, they are Mexican cowboys’ haha. The Spanish interludes and Trump-hate bored soon. What’s the point to have two singers who nearly exactly sound the same? Good thing: short time left for them to play. The Napalm Death banner gave me energy, strangely enough. It’s still the same ‘Life?’ banner as 25 years ago, but the tension in the crowd grew. Brujeria had some pit easily battled by the Power Trip one, but I think most people still showed up for Napalm Death tonight. During the sound check it was celebrated that Shane Embury was doing his 72nd show in 24 days :) and Barney Greenway got the start: Evolved as One! Hah, that brings back a lot of memories! That beautiful Birmingham accent, the smashing bass and guitars, and a finger licking set:
- Evolved as One
- Smash a Single Digit
- Stunt Your Growth
- Scum
- The Kill
- Deceiver
- You Suffer
- another one-second one :)
- From Enslavement to Obliteration
- some old school leftist propaganda ;)
- The Code is Red… Long Live the Code
- Twist the Knife Slowly
- ‘one song we don’t play because we didn’t relearn it’ :) after some shouts from the audience
- On the Brink of Extinction (with Riley Gale streaking, it’s the last night of the tour, remember :lol: Barney asking whether anyone actually noticed it :lol:
- Dear Slum Landlord
I was getting tired and I know Eindhoven well enough to be able to do my hobby once more… yeah the show wasn’t over, it was great, but we left. It’s still a two hour drive home and.. we got lost in Eindhoven once more. It’s not that hard, you know :( but we had a great chat walking around. The drive home was one filled with thrash and death metal, as if we had not seen some six hours of music already ;) I had to borrow money from Gerwin to make the day round, but I had a great time and as I’ve been paid today, I will repay him asap. It was cool to hang around each other, discussing a possible visit to Eindhoven once more, as I offered to share my hotel room for Eindhoven Metal Meeting. See if Gerwin’s intestines and sleep is up to it, the line up is already inviting to me, at least. Napalm Death, please find another name for a tour please, as I think I’ve seen seventeen ‘Campaigns for Musical Destruction’ come by over the years. Lock Up, thanks for getting me thrilled twice in three weeks. Power Trip is not a pussy to handle without gloves (Dutch saying ;) ) and Brujeria, grow the fuck up. Extreme music for extreme people!

picture of me with Kevin Sharp on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... palm-death

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:21 pm 

RockHard 2017, Amphitheater Gelsenkirchen, June 2nd-4th

It simply has been too long, me on RockHard. I love this festival because of a few reasons:
- It doesn’t get bigger than 8,000 visitors, simply as the venue isn’t bigger
- The venue is awesome. No matter where you stand, because of the round shape and the stairs you can always see the band. Even when you sit you can see nearly everything!
- It’s in Germany. I love Germany, Germans and German beers
- There are always bunches of friends. Friends with swing barbeques ;)
- Usually loads of German band members present *fanboy*
- Prices are good
- Last but not least: bands! Everything between Accept and Asphyx, Overkill, Epica, Bolt Thrower and Behemoth, Fleshcrawl and Fates Warning
- Germany usually means: awesome hardcopy tickets ;)
- Minor point: it’s often the same week or weekend as Maryland Deathfest
So, for this edition the choice not to go to Maryland wasn’t as hard, as Thirza celebrated her 25th birthday and I had seen (after Behemoth, Candlemass and Exodus) Asphyx would perform! OK, I have nothing with Fates Warning, but the ABC-bands were enough to me. I got helped with Thirza’s ticket by my sister Gemma. I’d been helping her muck out her company shed and the home garage… 5 trailers of muck recycled or thrown away! People at the municipal waste center wanted to hang my picture at the door ‘don’t let him enter, he’s friggin’here too often’ LOL. So, Thirza’s ticket is a combined gift from me and Gemma. Enjoy! Soon after December 2016 I got us two tickets, we might be accompanied by Pim Utrecht, Maarten Vet or maybe Peter Lord Belial *old MRU member* but Pim goes to MDF, Maarten is between Vikings and Peter couldn’t make it also. OK, we travel to Veltins Country on our own LOL. Opeth was soon acknowledged as ‘real’ headliner, but the Asphyx introduction to the website was ‘Die Vater aller Tülpenschlächter’ HA HA HA so this could mean the band will get a nice, nice place on the bill… I had to make sure Thirza would have enough days off, as I wanted to visit the metal karaoke again ;) Not wanting to overextend my back or not wanting to walk three times from car to camping I bought a trolley, but the first one broke on first try and the second one wasn’t in the same shop, so I toured West-Friesland the day before. ;)

The road trip was an easy one, not really interesting though. Coming to the Amphitheater I had to do my hobby again and retrimmed my ThirzaThirza on the spot ;) We got ourselves a nice place near the river Emscher and let the HJ be shred! At first we entered a spot which wasn’t clearly set off, so I spread some more HJ to keep the neighbors happy. The pre-party was just a huge metal DJ set in the tent, but it was fun, meeting Claudia and Ursula once more (Sander couldn’t come in the end, friggin’same company like mine, stupid different rules for a formal goodbye? Strange but apperenly true). Night came, lovely weather continuing, as Dust Bolt was to enter RockHard first. And yes, it’s a long tradition a German thrash band opens and again, like my previous three RockHard appearances, the first band was cool. Period. Nicely headbanging in the sun, beer and friends around. I already met Stefan Hüskens, Pim of Officium Triste (very, very happy with my Feyenoord cap :) ) and Marcel III to VI ;) and their better halfs. Not much better was Robert Pehrsson’s Humbucker, even worse, this was some thirteen to the dozen eighties rock thing I clearly want to forget. I had more interest in Mantar, as I’d never seen them before. I was let down, I don’t know why so many people wear shirts from this band. I think it’s mediocrity all over, combining thrash, death and something in between I can hardly place. Time for a stroll on the metal market, buying a shirt, some RockHard editions (two with split singles Kreator – Overkill and Sodom – Running Wild and one with a really cool Lemmy patch in it), some RockHard Schnapps of Death ;) and I got a handful of stickers, beer openers and lighters! Thanks! RockHard surely brings most creative in the heads of visitors: [three fun pics removed]

But not every band can be cool. The Dead Daisies play some boring Poison/Mötley Crüe tribute I have nothing with. I got myself something to eat instead and missed the start of the Candlemass show this way. They did another Nightfall set, but way better played than the last time I’d seen it. Bewitched, Well of Souls, very cool! I also met Nina and her husband, she showed me a ‘what to expect when’- list I found extremely accurate and funny: ‘Asphyx – Mr. Van Drunen kann wat. Für mich der heimliche headliner des Festivals. Richtig geiler Old School Death Metal. Fett fett fett!’ Not that Asphyx was on yet, but at least he didn’t expect Blues Pills to headline the Friday. The band can play, sure, the woman can sing, sure, she has charisma too, but it’s not a band I expect to headline a heavy metal festival!

As thank you for the funny list I got Nina an Asphyx shirt, support your local scene ;) of course. I kept beering with the Marcels until late in the night, this was fun. The morning came with at least three rounds of Thirza’s coffee :) and on to more relaxation in the sun. Monument came on stage first, with that logo I thought of some thrash metal, but got very Maiden-esque leads and fills. Second half of the set consisted more of a Saxon feel, which did fine for us. Keeping around for Ketzer meant a cross between Deströyer 666 and Desaster, but a bit slower. Warming up my muscles for Asphyx, but The Night Flight Orchestra was on first. Cooling down my neck in the shade with the Helmond Hard Hitters Ed and Tim as this was way too ‘Savatage+even more keyboards’ for us. Food: Bratwurst. When in Germany, do as the Germans *grin* Back to the Amphitheater for Skyclad. I think it has been more than 10 years since I last saw them, but without violin this time it was a small collection of hook-in-and-swirl songs most of us do know and appreciate. Booze songs and serious songs, nicely balanced. Hah, now it’s getting time for the real deal: ASPHYX! The band finally has announced the special 30 year anniversary special long show with guests, friends and cool support acts for November 18th in Turock Essen and is IN FOR THE KILL! I got myself a huge beer and got to first row, standing dead center in front of Martin, who clearly enjoyed to be on RockHard once more (Hail of Bullets also once played there). I think I can start looking for Rockpalast shots and vids with me shouting my esophagus into the Emscher river rofl . Not minding any photographers, filmers or whatever, I freaked out. It was ‘crowdsurffest’ from the The Quest to The Last One! I got Alwin’s set list from Christel, many thanks for that:
- The Quest for Absurdity
- Vermin
- Candiru
- Brandenburg Division
- Wardroid
- Death The Brutal Way
- MS Bismarck
- Deathhammer
- Scorbutics (Martin handing out water to me, my beer was already gone :) )
- Der Landser (sang entirely in German ;) )
- Forerunners of the Apocalypse
- The Rack (hey, there’s that feeling of utter peace again! )
- Last One on Earth
During The Rack I started helping the security, as the amount of crowdsurfers was absurd. I ended the set hungry, thirsty, busted, fishing for my esophagus and acknowledging Martin (and crazy enough, Stephan Gebédi) ‘Die Käse sind wieder da’ and walked away smiling like a whale, wetter than a whale, more hunted than a whale. It seems even Thirza surfed the crowd but all I recognized was Marcel ;) I chose to brush my teeth first, as I knew I wouldn’t survive next Exodus show. I stalked Nina again, her grin was priceless too; returning halfway the Exodus set. From the camping it already sounded cool :lol: I kept standing high in the Amphitheater as I definitely had not recuperated from the awesomeness that was Asphyx. Exodus clearly didn’t mind a crowd that was already nicely warmed up, band and audience went all the way to the moon and back. I wrote:
- And Then There Were None
- Blood In Blood Out (enormous pit going on)
- Pleasures of the Flesh (being introduced to Dory, one of the German ladies helping me to my hotel for Eistnaflug *blush* >< )
- Zetro claiming ‘we stick to the title tracks from now on’ :) 1989
- Fabulous Disaster
- Body Hammer (meeting Alex of Bodyfarm, lol)
- Children of a Worthless God
- Black List
- The Toxic Waltz
- Strike of the Beast
Strike of the Beast made the entire Amphitheater tremble, as it got a huge wall of death in reply to the ‘hold, hold, GOOOOOO’, everybody bumping on everybody, flying arms, bewildered looks on sweaty faces, this was great! Gänsehaut für Jeden!

Time to cool down entire Gelsenkirchen. D-A-D was on stage and it already began with a near-stage-width-drumkit-shaped-like-a-couch, twelve feet (fake?) speakers on stage and a bass player that wanted to improve Killswitch Engage jumps, basses and a spermatozoon as helmet. I was done for today, having seen three decent and two amazing bands, out of money, needing time on my own a bit, heading out to the car for my credit card and off into the city. I would meet the Helmonders in the 24-hour tent but found none. Better get drunk on Saturday than on the day before heading back, we thought. That I missed Behemoth entirely wasn’t a problem; Thirza did have seen them and was mildly impressed by the show the rabid radiating Poles can give. Another discussion followed about the choice of headliners this weekend, be in list or on what evening. Exodus wouldn’t have blemished the trust given to conquer Gelsenkirchen and Blues Pills was maybe scheduled so people could leave on time? I missed the last part of the Dutch discussion, I was stone drunk for starters. Nighty night!

The night wasn’t really long but I slept great on my little white matrass. One that clearly had not slept in two days was Ursula, handing out her last beers to anyone with an appetite for Amstel. I met a man talking about album covers and to my surprise, it was Axel Hermann himself! The creator of artwork like Asphyx, Morgoth, Desaster and tons others! I couldn’t linger too long, as Night Demon was about to start the final festival day. And they ROCKED! The solid heavy metal sounded like a clock with new wiring and the audience picked it up too. The band got quite a following downstairs and they clearly made new fans. Drink From the Chalice was played, Screams in the Night (with so much Diamond Head influences it got scary :) ), the Black Widow screamed, before Wasted Years made me freak out totally! Ffffffff’g awesome! I was happy I made a picture of Thirza and me shouting the Maiden lyrics, but can’t find it now? Uhm, maybe it was her camera, I don’t know. Within minutes after Night Demon was finished, Blood Ceremony was on stage. The band has a female singer that resembles Ian Anderson in a few ways: sound of her voice and the use of a horizontal flute. For the list: it’s occult metal but on two legs. I found it a bit weirdly planned and didn’t last the entire set. No Secrets of the Moon for me too, to be honest, but I wanted Demon to rush me into NWOBHM. I must say I hardly know the albums, but one song always stood out for me: Don’t Break the Circle. The band clearly is experienced, but the lack of knowledge of the band makes me miss half the set, hearing the anthem song from the chicken shack next door. I also heard Standing on the Edge of the World which I liked, but in pouring rain [only rain of the entire festival] it wasn’t really fun. Helmond Tim helped me to a delicious pot of meat, thanks for that, needed that too! It was a thank you for the seemingly endless stream of beers I deliver rofl . The liter cans were eagerly divided amongst the Dutchies, as the Marcels also hooked on and one big fat woman claimed I had to shut my denim because my belly was befouling her? Fuck you nagger, I don’t know you and clearly I don’t get to know you too! Uhgg!

Now for something different: Ross the Boss would do a ‘full-Manowar’ set, consisting of the first four albums. Forget last week’s picture of Alex and me epicing out, this was SHIT with Capitol Brownness! It seemed like Joey DeMayo still wanted some money for ‘his’ songs, so negative was the attitude on stage. Not in front of the stage, the denims all equipped with at least one Manowar patch sweeped. I couldn’t even stand to hear Battle Hymns, FROM THE BIERGARTEN ON! Of course, I didn’t see any Fates Warning too, for that the cozyness, comfort of company (hey Dory!) and shade was too good to move. What I did want to see and sure as hell wasn’t the only one thinking alike, was Dirkschneider’s Farewell to Accept show! The entire Amphitheater, or at least what stayed after Saturday, rocked, sang, banged their heads, banged their fists to those classics:
- Starlight
- Living for Tonight (river Emscher reduced to a minor ditch because of all the goosebumps flying through the air ;) )
- London Leather Boys (uhm, skin and leather in two sentences? ;) )
- Midnight Mover (with a man showing his legs to show how cool he thought it was, Thirza was revolted LOL)
- Breaker
- Princess of the Dawn (TJM vK-vG *heart* , but why the hell did the band screwed up especially this song? :-/ )
- Restless and Wild
- Son of a Bitch (also not sharp, the hell?)
- Up to the Limit
- Screaming for a Love Bite (thinking of Boet’s remark four years ago)
- Losers and Winners
- Metal Heart
- Fast as a Shark (still, 3,000 strong going insane, airguitaring like it was a contest ;) )
- Balls to the Walls
This set only knew winners! Pity Opeth screwed it up for quite a lot of people. Clearly Michael Åkerfeldt didn’t like it when a two thirds of the audience walked away after sentiment of youth, returning only a third! He wasn’t the only one screwing up though, as the band did everything to kill the vibe Dirkschneider had created, pissing on ancient metalheads, pissing off death metal fans by playing Napalm Death – You Suffer TWICE ‘this cover is for the really drunk ones’. To hell with Åkerfeldt this way! I am even thinking of removing Opeth patches from denims I haven’t worn in, what? 10 years? But why the hell did the band do play half of Demon of the Fall then? I got fed up, not just because of the bad crepe I just had, but with Åkerfeldt especially. I know he thinks his Bloodbath days were no longer relevant, but to certain people it still is worthy, dickhead!

I made one final stroll over the metal market and headed out, saying goodbye to at least Nina, Dory *blush* , Jasmin, Alwin and Christel and headed out. Again, sleeping was good but short. First time I awoke it was only 5:55 AM, so turning and turning I hoped for some more sleep. So, around 9:30 we got outside, having brought the used stuff + cooling box to the car the night before (clever, ey, not having to bind it up to the trolley three deep), I got to the car and returned to the anthill that was the exit of RockHard. Chaos is a too mild description for that stage lol. Coming to the Dutch border I needed diesel and a coffee, but on a four-place parking spot a man in a way too big BMW had both doors open and simply refused to shut them! Asshole! Now I have to park my beloved VW Golf Mk II diesel between way to big trucks ;) and move twice too much space between coffee and car :) At home I was happy not to need the sewer cleaning company for all the jute-like hairs I had to rash my comb through, all the filth from my body + nose combined. Tent hanging, clean shirts, new shirts, new patches to be sown, clean teeth but no Chinese (not opened on Monday :-/ ) and no voetbal so pizza will have to do. MT/PB/… later, RockHard 2017 is digitized once more. Now I want Rockpalast to see myself go nuts to the Forerunners of Death Metal TheBrutal Way!

Reactions on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... hyx-exodus

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:26 am 

DevilDriver, Victorie Alkmaar June 13th 2017

This little gig came as a surprise to a lot of people. Me, Tom, maybe even Alkmaar themselves. Pleasantly surprised, as I love going to such small gigs in between festivals, minor surprise it’s on a Tuesday. I got tickets as soon as I heard Dez & Co. would perform; Victorie is one of the smaller venues I’d see the band over the years. Gigant Apeldoorn was only a hint smaller; 013 and Poppodium Romein are bigger. Thirza clearly was in for another memory train to Graspop, she’d seen DevilDriver too so I bought her a ticket. Small surprise beforehand: Victorie is cashless? The fffk? I’m sure the bands won’t be cashless, but better you know than get surprised like in De Flux. Big pile of cash, no means of using it :-/ Little search for consumption coins, see who’s the first to get a drink ;) Uhm, found none.

Picked up Daniel, Tom and Thirza and headed out to Alkmaar. In Hoorn Tom found out he didn’t have his debit card on him, even though he adjusted his finance when we stood waiting… The description of parking facilities at the new Victorie (out of the city center now) wasn’t really clear, so I turned to Karperton instead. Mistake. We roamed the city in exactly the wrong direction… friggin’hobby :( It dampened my mood instantly to see I could park some 5 meters away instead of Karperton. Coming to Victorie we soon found out you could still pay any way you wanted, as there are no coins and they simply accept cash/PIN! Tom looked aghast, as he had left his wallet at the car, thinking it would be useless with only cash, so once again ‘To be paid for by H.C. van Kampen’ :) it was 70K all over http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... ll-izegrim Uhm, OK, there’s a band playing, but with the description ‘the death-thrash that links once in a while to metalcore, but characterized by crossover-passages’ didn’t land in the two minutes we saw MagnaCult. The Dutch metalcore is, even though it was short, mediocre to our ears. Soon Tijmen and Tessa spotted us and we knew Axel was there too, so wait for DevilDriver to begin. The leaflet said they’d perform from 8.30 PM to 10 PM, but after a mere 65 minutes Meet the Wretched ended a show that gave multiple emotions: Tom’s anger for lack of aggression, Thirza’s joy, Daniel’s satisfaction and my opinion somewhere in between. Here’s a set list I made a picture of:
- End of the Line (5 man pit)
- Not All Who Wander are Lost
- Fighting Words
- Grinfucked
- Cry for me Sky
- Daybreak (Dez thanking everybody that showed up and gave the band such a high entry in the charts. Probably didn’t know Holland doesn’t do album charts anymore :) )
- I Could Care Less (nice, everybody shouting together ;) )
- My Night Sky (Daniel telling ‘it’s a lively crowd, even for Alkmaar standards’)
- Hold Back the Day (ah! Finally some heads moving)
- Sail (Thirza explaining it’s her mom’s favorite song \m/ ;) )
- Before the Hangman’s Noose
- Clouds over Calfornia (Dez thanking a Mohawk kid, inviting him to every show in the present, free admittance. Finally Tom enters the pit, albeit short)
- Ruthless
- Meet the Wretched

Some Irish dudes spoke to me, wanting DevilDriver on Dokk’Em Open Air, it took quite a while to figure out I’d been beering with them. Oh yeah, Dokkum it was. Dez thanked us all, band members, catering, road crew (they all had cool shirts with ‘Don’t FKKK with the Road Crew ;) ) for a gig on a week day, between festivals, but there’s a point in Tom’s and Daniel’s criticism as well. Dez seemed to spare his voice, as the growls all went wrong so he stopped doing those. The audience was literally Graspop-audience, as young and easily-satisfied they were. One crazy biker bitch even threatened to hit Daniel in the balls, he even apologized for touching her hair unprovoked and unwanted! The bitch freaked out! Damned back seat cocaine sniffer! The venue is artistically right, but logistics is a nightmare (hello stairs, care to give Tom flying lessons again? See http://www.mruforums.com/f22/releasepar ... -5th-7644/ [had I not put this one on MA yet, oh well] , two small entries, one bar in the far corner, glasses full and empty together…). It just wasn’t hitting hard enough! Imagine Sepultura on Pinkpop, douchebags making out to Roots Bloody Roots because they heard it on 3FM! :-/ So, mixed emotions, we left. Indeed, half an hour earlier than the webzzz inclined, we sought afsnacken instead of afpilzen. Twice. Next stop for me: D.R.I. in Baroeg, let the adrenalin return! Please! Please, REAL crossover, REAL metal!

Daniel's reaction on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... h-victorie

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:26 am 

D.R.I. Baroeg, June 20th 2017

D.R.I., or Dirty Rotten Imbeciles for musician’s fathers ;) , was on tour again. I’ve known the band since my early school days, the band was considered the’ fastest we’d ever heard’ for quite some time by quite some Hoorn metalheads. Crossover was new in 1984, so to speak, so we listened to D.R.I. and Suicidal Tendencies, S.O.D. and name some more. First time I saw the band was a bummer, to be honest, as Spike was recovering from an illness Kurt recently acquired… heavy flu in a plastic tent, in blazing heat, nah, that wasn’t good. The band took revenge for one of the few below par shows ever on Wãldrock on 70K and MDF 2015. Especially that show in the big theater of the Majesty of the Seas was memorable. So, whenever D.R.I. announces a new tour, we are interested. Effenaar little hall, man oh man what a madness that was. See if they’d do it again, as D.R.I. has played Baroeg often. Baroeg is even smaller than the little Effenaar venue ;) During the celebration of my birthday Ellen and Ching Hue announced they’d like to go too, so heavily intoxicated I ordered two more tickets and mailed them to Ellen. I had a printer ages ago, but my latter computer never found it so, no more printer at Friso666. Ching Hue would pick up his ticket at the door, he’s been living in Rotterdam for two years now, studying.

Coming to Rotterdam we knew where to drive and where to park to keep this gig affordable ;) but no Ching Hue? I’d spoken to him just this afternoon, but left my trusted Nokia 6310i at home. Fool! Gladly Ellen brought her FB and we’d meet Ching Hue soon enough. Not before Harold Oimoen thanked me for showing up again in WFPC, Tom’s was apparently somewhere on the bottom of his shirt layer.. I waited outside for Ching Hue, Tom’s description of the first band Isolated was ‘standard hardcore’ so I might suggest I haven’t missed much. I sure as hell didn’t want to miss Insanity Alert, I’d been trying to get Tom to see this band three times before :-S and Heavy Kevy and the boys got to stage. Insanity Alert did what I expected them to do: wind up Baroeg with witty hardcore, funny thrash and a nice pit (sound could have been a bit sharper, but swoah). A few titles written down:
- Macaroni Maniac
- Fuck that Shit, Let’s Circle Pit
- Confessions of a Crab Man
- one more, hearing Heavy Kevy’s accent isn’t always easy in the brawl of a venue ;)
- Alles Kaputt (announced in Austrian :) )
- Why Is David Guetta Still Alive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjhIRbQW6PE
- Metal Punx Never Die
- Desinfector (walking into the venue with beers and applejuice I got tapped on my shoulder by Kurt Brecht, another thanks \m/ )
- another one
- Run to the Pit, Mosh for your Lives
I know I missed half the titles getting beers, apple juice and merch, but my goal is accomplished: both Tom and Ching Hue entered the pit, leaving it smiling like a moshburger haha. Many smiling sweaty heads accompanied my smile, that’s for sure. Quickly Tom headed out for a smoke, as a leaflet near the entrance said D.R.I. would begin within some 15 minutes? OK, 25 it became, but we’d lost each other nonetheless. In the dark of Baroeg it’s hard to spot yellow on black or a damp AC/DC logo on a bleak shirt haha. D.R.I. hacked, mowed and mashed Baroeg up again! The band, free of any physical problems whatsoever, slashed in with these evergreens (put back to the written simple quotes) :
- Who Am I
- Snap
- Rather be Sleeping
- Violent Pacification
- Argument then War
- Slumlord
- Dead in a Ditch
- Suit & Tie Guy
- Acid Rain
- Thrashard
- Manifest Destiny
- Against Me
- Anonymity
- As Seen on TV
- Mad Man
- Couch Slouch
- I Don’t Need Society
- Beneath the Wheel
- Abduction

Harold is clearly the clown of the band, as his facial expressions reach Laurel & Hardy proportions and his interaction with the audience is a pleasure to watch. Kurt on the other hand seems to have a fear of dirt and sweat, as stagedivers who want to hug him are skipped soon. Spike is the professional in the band, he wants everything to sound great, has fire in his eyes when a guitar doesn’t do as he pleases and that drummer is a whale, smiling with all stiffeners visible. After Abduction the gig seems over, but the audience clearly hasn’t had enough and Kurt is already heading back to his merch booth, so the encore is an instrumental LOL Harold drops a bass pick at I Don’t Need Society, but the fan in front has to hand it back to him as ‘I only got three left for the rest of the tour’ (some 7 dates more) but promises the fan he’d get it he’d show up in Effenaar on Wednesday. He does and gets the hand written fun list as reward. I let Ching Hue have the printed one from Spike, as I already have two 70K lists hanging. Ellen gets helped to a D.R.I. hoodie, Tom an Insanity Alert shirt, a bunch of stickers and more beer. I do get some Insanity Alert water bottle and some pictures: [removed off PB]

Time for the trip home, as Ching Hue put some more HJ into my cooling box and we’re in for some pass midnight snack. Another miss at the Delft counter, so a blackened beef bar is all what’s left. Pour in some near-melted mayo on it, ugh. Tom soon slept, so Ellen and me have a great conversation about life and/with/without metal in Holland and Denmark, reaching Westwoud near 2 AM. Tom and Ellen are in for a crazy Wednesday, as both have to work and both head out to Nijmegen for Slayer once again. I said ‘a short night doesn’t have to mean it’s not a good night to you’ and get into my metal/DRI/… dome on Friso666 again. I am exhausted, but also eager for my pictures and get to bed at least half an hour later. Still the remaining sweat had to be removed, but so be it. D.R.I. cooked Baroeg again, we witnessed a great set and a funny support act. Everybody happy, everybody crossover! Or is it still a hint metal? ;)

More on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... erdam-june

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:38 pm 

Eistnaflug.is 2017, Nordfjordurfjord Wednesday July 5th – Saturday July 8th feat. Bloodbath

Going to Iceland has been somewhat of a dream ever since I visited Norway. Of Iceland it’s said that it’s even more beautiful than Norway, even less crowded and even more expensive. I’d been talking to Daniel about this since we wanted another Bloodbath show, but Daniel chose Metal Days instead. At that time I had already set my mind on Iceland, the glaciers, the rock formations, whale safari, Reykjavik and so on, booked my own ticket when I got to hear there were some Germans willing to share a hotel during the festival. For once I booked sober (…) but still in stages: ticket: check. Flights: check. Bed and Breakfast for the week in between flights: check. Cancel one domestic flight: check. I didn’t want to spend another 800 km in a car, beautiful country or not. I’d hire a car after the festival, travel the North route in three days, visit Reykjavik and fly to Amsterdam again. That one domestic flight was only € 33, got that booked back to my CC in a matter of hours. To me it would be senseless to drive the North route to Reykjavik and head back to Egilsstadir just to catch the domestic flight.. of an hour… Having seen Bloodbath on NDF made me shiver a bit, as the band wasn’t top notch then and apart from Neurosis there wasn’t one single known band on the festival bill… Oh well, another new experience: I’d be alone for at least five days, with only a laptop, a car, a wallet and good will to accompany me. Later on some more bands got announced like Atari Teenage Riot *yay!*, The Dillinger Escape Plan *nay!* ,Max & Iggor Return to Roots *okay!* and The Monolith Deathcult *nederlanday!*

Kathe had heard I’d go to Iceland and instantly put me in connection to Jasmin and Dirk, who’d be happy to share a hotel during the festival! Cool! It seems I know Jasmin a lot better than I expected, as we’d met at 70K and on RockHard! Great! But, packing stuff, arranging transport from airport to hotel to festival, I noticed something I had not expected nor seen before: I’d fly from Amsterdam to Kevlavik (international airport) and then from Reykjavik DOM (‘Domestic’ ;) ) to Egilsstadir! There’s 50 km in between! How the fffk do I get from one airport to the other? That turned out to be less of a problem than expected, as Icelanders are used to travel. A bus was already waiting. But the bus wasn’t the end at at all. Two drivers kept squabbling about who’d take me and my postal bag, I had pushed it in and out at least four times; leaving others waiting in wonder. The domestic airport was an ieniemienie one, even smaller than Lelykstad but the first beer was shed (Gull) and fried cod was tasty. Oh yeah, beer is bjór in Icelandic. On both flights I sat in chair 16A :) . From Egilsstadir to Lyngás Guesthouse was only a five minute drive, but the (old) doof clearly hadn’t had coffee the following morning and drove to some idiot hotel halfway the bush! 47 km into Iceland! Costs of the taxi not a mere 1,400 ISK, but reaching 13,000 ISK. It took until the actual hotel to make him understand I needed to be at Egilsstadir Airport! :( At 9 AM! :( He charged me 5,000 ISK… The bus ride to Neskaupstadur couldn’t be more smooth after that ^^. The bus driver even invited me to a little festival of his own on Friday, having 5 bands in his father in law’s house. He said he couldn’t tell the name of the biggest band, as it seemed to be one of Iceland’s most popular bands, it had to be a surprise.

Coming to the hotel gave another frightening sight: the room where I was supposed to sleep, doesn’t get dark! At all! At the hotel lobby they cursed their own climate, so to say, but I still don’t get sleep. I had a rotten night to begin with, even though the Víking beer was pretty good. Talk about expensive beers… 1,100 ISK for a pint, that’s nearly € 11. But no worries. ‘I am herrieman, the metalhead that doesn’t care about his hard earned cash. At all’ I noticed two of my pockets on both a denim and a pair of shorts were no longer shutting properly, so the first thing in Neskaupstadur I bought was a bunch of needles, thread and two buttons and the first round of beers for the company. Needle & thread, how metal ;) First drinks are on me again :) What I didn’t know, was that the Egils beer is considered the worst beer on Iceland, but so be it. We’d meet on the terrain, I left the key at the reception and wandered through the pittoresk village, enjoying the sun the mountains and the gathering of the first metalheads near the wrist band office. The doof behind the counter had not noticed she’d already scanned my ticket, so I had to grumble something like ‘I didn’t travel a day a half not to get entered’ and got the band. The Boli beer was a lot better, the first band would appear in some half hour… World Narcosis plays atmospheric black metal, dividing vocals between four members, all shouting as hard as they can. The female bass player had the most vile vocal parts of the band ;) Within half an hour I’d had it, but no worries. Cult of Lilith came soon, they can’t choose between metalcore and black metal. Let’s eat, the combination sausage – rice – goo was pretty good! Eating I met German Pestilence-fans Fabian and Daniel, had I not seen Daniel in a band once? Yeah, he does, he’s in Hailstone and I get a CD as thank you for showing up in Munich. Munich? Yeah, Fabian had seen me too, inviting me to the next edition of Dark Easter Metal Meeting, as he lives near Backstage! More cheers and beers followed, as an Icelandic man named Thor *cool* showed me a picture of him with Infidel Ed Amsterdam, instantly FB’ing him and getting the marvelous comment: ‘Herman the Legend’ :lol: We ended up at Fabian’s camper, sharing Austrian and Munich beers until Fabian’s favorite band of the day got to stage: ONI. I liked the first songs, but seeing Fabian’s face tempered that quite a lot. He said he was disappointed, the band could do a lot better, sharper, whatever. Nice to see Johnny Hedlund has a bass playing brother, Chuck Schuldiner has a guitar player as son, but after a while they bored me. More Austrian beers, we headed back to the camper, just to be sure we’d see Anaal Nathrakh. I can’t help it, this band is pure noise to me, even though it’s great to see the audience do appreciate it. I waited for Neurosis anyway, as I’d been to quite some festivals with this band on it, but never got to see them. Cause: booze. Probably. I won’t do much effort to get to see them again, as the drone – keys – stoner – death pissed me off. First day of the festival is over, but as there’s 23 hours of sunlight these days, I’m confused and can’t find the hotel. When I did, I found the door locked and I slept outside until Jasmin found me… Cold but happy I duck under my blanket and pass out.

A dreamless night followed and the breakfast is welcome. I had a head like a spanner was bashed in, but the Icelandic bread and cheese do wonders to my body. We tried some of the Icelandic bands through YT, but with these names it’s hard to recall. We got some more groceries and tried, each on his/her own tempo, to get to the venue. First band I got to see was Kælan Mikla, a three-woman piece of shit without drums, without guitars, without talent, without precision and without any reaction from us. If you try to imitate Melt Banana, you’d better bring in some energy. Happily, Une Misère was on next. They resemble Chimaira in their best days, coupled with some stoner sound and VOLUME!!! Holy fffk, what was that loud. Daniel and Fabian freaked out, there was some two man pit as well, but Fabian soon knew those last bands were not of my liking ;) . So, Austrian beers again. On my way to an ATM I got past the second venue called The Bait Shack, pizzeria with a truck as second stage. I got Exile, heavy, cool, loud, stoner and seventies-like rock. I hung around for a great Gamba pizza and wandered back. Coming to the festival area I heard Ways to the Grave… uhm, is there a Bloodbath cover being played? NO, IT IS BLOODBATH!!! With those strange long days I’d totally forgotten about what band was going to play where, so I only got about half a Bloodbath show. It was amazing. Period. Nick Holmes didn’t screw up, the band was brutal as ever, tight as a guillotine, hitting like the falling axe through everybody’s necks like butter. I got these songs:
- Ways to the Grave
- Cancer of the Soul
- Anne
- Eaten
What a beautiful revenge for that PartySan show! It was great! It was cool! It was loud as a concrete mixer without lubricants :evil:
That is a fact worth mentioning, as I found out one day later. I’d missed quite a few bands all week, but not by ignoring the volume. For a fact, I think I’ve seen/heard the heaviest, loudest, blinding show ever the following morning. The band? The Monolith Deathcult. The Dutch Transformers-influenced intro-laden death metal hurt to the ears and the guts, as it was so loud, including some (to me) unwanted peaks in an already loud set that I had to hold myself to the bars to keep standing. Oh yeah, back to tonight, after Bloodbath there was some two more bands, but I can’t find the correct symbols to display the band (both Icelandic) and having gotten a key of my own, I got in nice and safely and totally forgot to write anything. OK, Friday started with a delicious Dory-prepared *blush* chili and The Monolith Deathcult. I am not easily scared by volume, but this was ridiculous. Later on I talked to their bass player Robin and guitarist Michiel, they just smiled at my remark of fear I was bummed a bit for cutting short the delicious chili but with only one Dutch band on a festival, I had to Dutch Denimize myself of course. ;) So, again, thanks Dory! On my way back to the hotel I spotted the third stage, of which the bus driver had told me. I think I will never know how the band was called, but it was a happy Icelandic punk rock invasion, garden style. Garden as in
- shed in the garden
- garden equipment for airguitaring
- garden full of unknown or unknowing visitors
The weather was so beautiful I got back to the hotel for my sunglasses and shirt-changeover. I returned to the venue for 200,000 Naglbìtar as we’d checked on YT. YT was OK, live they’re a Kindergarten Green Day Imitation, Icelandic lyrics and all. Some three girls freaked out, I didn’t even last one entire song. I got back to the hotel again, thinking of women in metal and beyond, I needed to empty my head a bit and did the dishes. Thanks for this great tip dad! Super Cor.

I was replenished and headed out to the Bait Shack again. I thought I could use some Deströyer 666 but got blues instead! The band played a well powered Neil Young song and one Jimi Hendrix tune and they’re finished already. The band did get an Angus-on-Brian’s shoulder thank you from the guys from At Breakpoint. Later I found out the band name was Premium. I'd missed At Breakpoint but I kept running int the band members all festival :) .Within minutes Alcoholia got to the truck stage and they’re in for a party! No talent, just fun and great covers: War Pigs, The Trooper, Helter Skelter, Bomber, Seek & Destroy and Killed by Death. The line up of the performing band changed every song, even Dory comforted me. Had I known then what I know now, I would never have fallen for her drunken gibberish… so there’s the full head again… But, I got thanked by other band members for being their back up vocalist :lol: .I went to the main stage for Max & Iggor Return to Roots. I am prejudiced of course, but having Schizophrenia as favorite Sepultura album when the Roots setting is played is plain dumb. I couldn’t enjoy it and left after two or three songs. Jasmin later showed me it WAS fun after all, Iceland totally freaked out when the band played Ace of Spades and, of course, Roots Bloody Roots. I also missed Skàlmöld, as I’ve missed more than 25 bands all weekend. Skàlmöld is the main attraction for the Icelanders, seeing how many shirts of the Official Fan Club were around all fest. I got back in when Atari Teenage Riot tried to fire up Neskaupstadur. I kept comparing it to Melt Banana, which I liked a great deal more. Now Dory got me angry, simply walking away with another man. Like said, I should have known better, story of my life. Bed time… [what I later heard I will not duplicate, as Dory and me talked just before entering the bus to Egilsstadir. Noted.]

The last day of the festival started with a knot in my guts, a feeling of hunger or despair so I kept to coffee for longer than I expected. What I got was some boring as fuck too funny Icelandic punkrock at the Bait Shack. I was more lucky in the main venue, where Asyllex got to stage. This was MY band of the festival, as the first song was powerful thrash metal, exactly halfway Persecution Mania and Eternal Ban!! \m/ Bang your head MOFU! Their second song was started by the best sounding piece of baritone bass and it was a wonderful song called Child of War. The latter songs bore a bit of a speedrock feel. I should have bought the CD, but was a bit pranky about the price: Icelandic price for a CD is 2,500 ISK and for a demo-like CD I thought that was too much. Fool herrieman!! Last song was Civilization in Peril, also thrashy as fffk!

Next band today was Future Figment, but that didn’t last long. The band played some doom/sto ner like music, but with metalcore-ish vocals. Ughhh. Back to the hotel, have a nice metal chat with Dirk, Christine and Jasmin; Lemmy all around :) in both ways ;) . Dory was asleep, I had heard her come to the hotel near 8 AM… First people I ran into were the men from The Monolith Deathcult. On stage they might appear to have some ego/arrogance, but off stage it’s plain fun. Singer Robin soon found out I do write about people I meet, sometimes fishing for quotes, doing it exactly my wrong way: he spotted a man with an overtly sharp line in his hair and said ‘With that haircut you look like Hitler’, of which the man responded “And proud of it” *shock* . I got to thank the Asyllex guys but still haven’t bought the CD.. The first three bands I spotted afterwards were all a joke in their own way. Icelandic bands Ham and Dimma both have played at least five times on Eistnaflug, but none of my liking. The third joke was The Dillinger Escape Plan. Nuff said. Of these three bands I conclude, in different ways to each band:
- false singing
- guitars wrongly tuned
- too much or too little bass
- sound kut.
I was getting fed up with all the non-metal stuff this festival had, but wanted to see why Sòlstafir was on so many shirts and denims: the Icelandic folk metallers made a little party, got a great sound and a thankful crowd. I backed out and will state here: Iceland is beautiful, but I won’t return to Eistnaflug. Not bothered by the fact I missed some 40 bands these four days, I simply need more metal in my festival and not the Icelandic way of ‘having fun on stage’ apart from a few really fun bands that I got to see. In hindsight I think I ordered too soon, Bloodbath did deliver, Asyllex was worth it. The rest: too much mediocrity, apart from TMDC of course.
Still, it wasn’t all bull. I met some great guys, being invited to the next edition of Dark Easter Metal Meeting was great and I got even to Dory. No harm done, nothing personal left.

We take the 2 PM bus to Egilsstadir and our journeys go different paths. After a while I will post the rest of the trip, solitude or not ;)

Added: X5452: Everything you're describing in this review is what I was dreading, not enough metal, weird vibe (guy being grateful to be called hitler) and food mostly consisting of fish.
If I ever go to Iceland it'll be for Reykjavik Deathfest or a vacation without any metal.

But Ive found theres a Bangcock Deathfest, purposely written that way. I wanna explore Asia a lot more than Nordic countries.

Herrie: so far I'd only had cod on Egilsstadir airport ;) , Dory's chili was vegatarian, though. The rest is going haywire due to one stupid logistic problem. The check in for the kro in Akureyri was from some 11 AM to 7 PM, but I missed that due to the shuttle bus. Had I just got up at 8 and had the 8.15 bus I'd never have a mess like now. The 14.15 bus was too late too. Add weird circumstances renting the car (normally you can have a car in some 10 minutes, now it took an hour). Add a detour to the village Dimmuborgir which was double the distance I had calculated, I got to Akureyri around 10 in the evening, no kro reception to be found. So I started calling (should have started way before, of course, but I had no idea how long it would take from Dimmuborgir to Akureyri) I think I left my phone on the car and hit the throttle. I got to some eleven hotels, appartments or B&B's, all full for one: the worst one was a pricetag of half a million ISK (!) even without breakfast. I decided to try to find a bit of a hidden spot to park in the shades, as there's no 23 hour sunlight a day, but still 24... I felt never safe to park or it wasn't even permitted, so I hit the route and headed out for Keflavik, see how far I'd get. At first the damned Garmin GPS wouldn't add Keflavik, then the street wasn't found, then the number didn't match... I stopped four times, trying to relax or to sleep, none. Driving through Iceland is a beautiful ride, but as the road swerves you can't see it all of course. It was the middle of the night, but even then I found tractors and harvesters driving the main road 1, so you can't drive everything on cruise control. It was 5 in the morning when I got to one cool vent though: a 24/7 Sub! Ahh, need to remember that. I did sleep some 3 hours before I could enter the B&B and finally shower. I just had no head in it on Sunday, so I was dead tired, dirty ànd thirsty. The B&B lady was as friendly as she could/should be, she explained whale watch boat trips to be just outsided the corner. I then noticed I'd probably lost my beloved Nokia 6310i and started to freak out. I got to the whale watch boat, new pair of rain jacket added, but now I couldn't find my camera. I AM NOT GOING TO DO THE WHALE TOUR WITHOUT CAMERA, so here's my stress again. I decided to skip the 13.00 boat, head out tonight then. If I can find the address, there's a punk museum in Reykjavik, only 51 km away. So, the adventure continues. As is my stress. But I don't complain. In Holland we have some hills, but no eternal snow. I've seen tons of eternal snow, lonely mountains, ridges, paths to oblivion, depths of insanity and that sight of the moon next to one particulary cool shaped mountain is a memory of a lifetime, as I thought my mother would have killed to see those colours once in her life. At that time I had The Shavers - Gulle Dijen on speakers, I had to stop, completely overwhelmed. But happy as a slice of grilled bacon in a lovely BLTC. My holidays are not over, oh no.
X5451: Nature is beautiful, just rent a camper next time or bring a tent. Going from B&B to hostel to hotel and finding everything booked sucks.
Herrie: Renting a camper beforehand, that is. Iceland has some majority in (mostly elder) people with campers, see what they charge, fine. But if I do return, it won't be alone. I know, I needed some time alone, and I did, and I loved it, but with someone to talk to it would not have been such a mess all together. Even some Belgian motor-travelling company told me what I suspected: Icelanders are somewhat alienated to other people, in the weirdest way of talking. I recognised that. Icelanders tend to do their own thing, nothing else. One big exception: Dagmar from Svitan Guesthouse, Tùrgata 10 Keflavik. What a great host! Lovely! TAKK!

the rest of the trip is on http://metal-tavern.proboards.com/threa ... -bloodbath

Last edited by herrieman72 on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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