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Koldbrann > Nekrotisk inkvisition > Reviews > Kristenhat666
Koldbrann - Nekrotisk inkvisition

The Return of Norwegian Black Metal! - 93%

Kristenhat666, September 20th, 2007

Most people think of Norway as soon as Black Metal is mentioned. This is obviously due to the fact that it was in Norway that it all started. Those of us who know enough about BM history, however, are aware of how temporary Norwegian supremacy was with regard to this music style. I personally had stopped hoping I'd ever see the day when a band from the aforementioned country would impress me again, until I got hold of KOLDBRANN's "NEKROTISK INKVISITION". And impressed I was, I can tell you!

What KOLDBRANN deliver on this release is utter fury! "NEKROTISK INKVISITION" is an incredibly fast-paced album, which, in spite of including some slower passages, accelerates to breathtaking speed at times. However, it does not solely rely on frenetic pace, as most bands nowadays do, but displays guitarwork that captivates the listener from the very first tones. The drums are definitely the most standout instrument here. Except for the typical BM drumming one would expect on a release like this, one finds numerous elements that have not been heard elsewhere. Some examples are track number one, where the drums sound like a machine-gun (!!!) at times, and song number eight, where both guitars and drums slow down from a hammering rythm to a pace that I would personally label "audial slow-motion"! I doubt I have heard anything this original in years. I also feel the vocals are as close to perfection as they could ever be, being not only aggressive and intense, but immensely passionate in the emotions they express. Simply awesome!

What keeps me from giving this album more than 93 percent is that while some songs deserve a perfect rating, others are not as ingenious, though they are indeed very good! Whatever the case, this is Norwegian BM as it should always have been. The CD itself, with the booklet and inlays, is a feast to any blacker's eyes, and the music does not fail any such listener's expectations. So if it's a "necro" experience you seek, KOLDBRANN's "NEKROTISK INKVISITION" is more than a good choice of album!