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Enforcer > Into the Night > Reviews > Starkweather222000
Enforcer - Into the Night

So good, so what? - 70%

Starkweather222000, February 19th, 2009

Well there ain't much philosophy about this one, you see, and that's the point. Typical early 80's heavy metal played in the 00's, clear production though I'd like the guitars a bit higher in the mix and a screamer vocalist-though I'd like someone a tad more distinctive. Fast songs, great riffs, oohh oooh sing along sections, blazing solos, denim and leather, "Denim And Leather", "Killers", "Lightning To The Nations", some thrash rhythms, nothing here is new but that's exactly the spirit. And, nowadays, it's much harder to stick to the old fashioned heavy metal-and do it good, not like Seven Witches and the rest. These guys really got the spirit of what they are trying to play, and that's what makes this album so fun, they're feeling it. I mean, heeeey, the intro on "Black Angel" is actually the main riff played by the bass! How 80's is this?

You like heavy metal, plain, simple, Accept-like? Get your hands on this, 'cos the guys are more than decent, and their debut album is tight, honest, well played, high school heavy metal. Loud and proud. Good work fellas.