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Dekadent > The Deliverance of the Fall > Reviews
Dekadent - The Deliverance of the Fall

Suprised? - 100%

LordWladimir, December 19th, 2008

Dekadent is in my opinion special. Maybe black metal, but very Avant-Garde and pushing the lines on and on. Their creativity has no limits and Artur is a real genius to put all this symphony togethere.

All songs were good, the drums and synths togethere created a kind of path for a guitar to create great musical feeling you get. The "Prologue" and "Epilogue" were great, the band lets the listener to really get to know them while listening. "Prologue" and "Epilogue" really gives you a look into band's creativity (with prologue's symphonical intro and epilogue's epic black metal -ish ending).

Synths - without them the music would really lost its power in this case. They've taken melody really seriously. As you can see on tracks like "The Renaissance Of Purity" or "Call Of Deliverance", the guitars would sound like nothing without synths. In Dekadent's music they create an artistic and beatiful atmosphere sourounded by heavy guitars.

My favourite song on this album is "The Hand of Truth". Artur plays the solo guitar really good and vocals are really good on this song. I haven't wrote a lot about his vocals. They are black metal of course, but deffinetly not in a more "raw" way, more low and powerful vocals. The symphonical part of "The Hand of Truth" is great. There isn't much to say about that - its pure beauty.

"Path Of Lamentation", "Last Valediction", "A Cry Of Revolt", "Covet The Encounter" and "Breaking The Wall" - These songs are seperated in two, first the more heavy songs: "Breaking The Wall" is a good example of a great song with more fast drums and thus heavy rythm. Its a great song. The less heavy songs: "Covet The Encounter" is more like an atmospheric symphonic instrumental with no guitar in it. I think, personally, that this song is one of the best, the question is how many black metal fans will ever agree with me? The song is deffinetly not heavy and DEFFINETLY does not include BM riffs (its a symphonic instrumental so this sentence I just wrote had no real sense to it...).

What I am sure I want to tell people - this album is diffrent. Special and only of its kind (discounting "Manifestation of Seasonal Bleeding", the other Dekadent album :D). Expect to be suprised while listening, if you still think of this as any normal black metal. This music is not Black Metal. Its Dekadent.