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Joined: Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:06 pm
Posts: 890
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:23 am 

So Wintersun/Jari has announced Time II is finally done: Facebook. It has even been added to the Archives. The pre-order if you want to join or just follow.

TIME II = 100% DONE. Enough said.

"This album has been the biggest challenge in my life and I'm still kinda surprised it is finally done." - Jari

“The day finally came: TIME II is done!! Couldn’t be happier!” - Jukka

"I thought this day would never arrive and when Jari sent me a message that TIME II was ready I still couldn’t understand that we were finally done after all the obstacles and challenges. I am more than happy now. Cheers!" - Kai

"Whoa, I think Jari surprised us all! I’m happy that after all these years the album is finally ready!" - Teemu

Next week a little bit more information about the album release plans... Stay tuned!

+++ Update 9 February +++

  1. Fields of Snow 4:05
  2. The Way of the Fire 10:08
  3. One with the Shadows 6:19
  4. Ominous Clouds 2:22
  5. Storm 12:15
  6. Silver Leaves 13:31

Total runtime 48:40 - Time I came in at about 40 minutes, and almost 4 minutes of hidden a capella track.


+++ Update 15 January +++

So last Friday, we dropped the biggest news and gave a Wintersun album update of a lifetime! And yes indeed, TIME II is finally done. 100% DONE! And it sounds massive!

Were you guys surprised?

Thank you to everyone for supporting and helping us to get it finally finished! We'll be dropping more information along the way about the album and how all this happened.

Now... We need just a little bit more patience from you guys while we prepare everything for the release. The album booklet (Gyula Havancsák is working on it), promo photos (we have a photoshoot soon with Onni Wiljami Kinnunen), merchandise, physical release (CD, vinyl) with Nuclear Blast, etc.

If everything goes according to plan, the album release will happen in the late summer of 2024, the latest early fall.

Before that, we will launch the second crowdfunding campaign, planned to start on March 1st, which will be a pre-order for a very big PACKAGE that will include TIME II. More information about this later, but let's just say that there are a lot more surprises we have in store for you!

+++ Below is an overview of posts leading Jari to where he is now. Will be continued... +++

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I have further delved into the archives of the internet and dug up some interesting chapters for your consideration. Enjoy reading!

More posts to follow, but there is a lot of them...

17 April 2007: Time delayed, bass, guitars, drums recorded - via Blabbermouth

WINTERSUN guitarist/vocalist Jari Mäenpää (ex-ENSIFERUM) has issued the following update:

"The mix has been cancelled and the release of [the second WINTERSUN album] 'Time' is delayed even more. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone...again, but the album is not gonna be released this year. And unfortunately Nino has the Sonic Pump Studios booked full for this year, so we might have to think of something else.

"Reason for this delay is that, I've set the bar really high on this album, but my equipment isn't even close what I need to work faster. I have to push the gear what I have to the limits to get the best out of them and I have to do a LOT of workarounds which is very time-consuming. Then all the thousand technical problems added into the mix isn't helping. Basically every piece of gear has been broken at one time or another during the making of this album, feels like there's a curse. Takes ages to solve the problems and send the stuff back and forth making the warranty changes. All this has made me very frustrated and uninspired. Hasn't helped with my stress about the deadlines either, slowing me even more. I work the best when I'm happy and lots of times I haven't been. It's been the most difficult record to make in my life. The album is very huge, I don't know if it's gonna fit even in the 74 minutes of a CD. The track count is very high, about 200 tracks per song. So it's almost like two albums in one (or three SLAYER albums :P). But I'm gonna finish this, no matter what.

"Now some update of the album progress: All the drums, bass and all guitars (rhythms, melodies, solos and acoustics) has been recorded (probably some add-ons will be recorded when the synths and vocals are done). Then I've pretty much finished with the intro, that I've decided to include on the album. Really atmospheric and huge with some magical Japanese influences. I've also started to compose and arrange the synths. I'm trying to avoid the basic (and boring) layering chord stuff and create something really cool to boost the magic of the songs into new dimensions. I haven't been able to start singing yet, because my preamp and mike 'died,' but hopefully soon I can. There's been a demand to know what is going on, so there we have it. Unfortunately, the news ain't always good.

"I wish you all a great summer! (But sadly, it's gonna be a WINTERSUN-less summer)."

5 June 2008: Time delayed again - via Blabbermouth

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WINTERSUN, the Finnish band led by former ENSIFERUM singer Jari Menp, has issued the following update:

"It's been over a year since our last update. We are very sorry for that, but there's also a good reason. We have been struggling with the new album [tentatively titled 'Time'] more than enough and the main reason in the last year has been with lots of computer problems. We had to do this album in a way that Jari finishes the album at his home studio, when the drums, bass and rhythm guitars were done at Sonic Pump Studios. We didn't predict how much problems this would bring us more. This is the first time when we work like this and were very too 'green' understanding what it takes from the computer to handle hundreds of audio and midi tracks. For fast and efficient composing of the orchestrations you need lots of horsepower from the computer. It's a must have to get as many VST instruments running realtime as possible. And for this you need lots of RAM, but there's a 4GB limit in 32bit apps, so this has been really painful for Jari. So we are hoping that the change to 64bit era will happen soon, which will put an end to this RAM limit misery. And also with more powerful processors give us the freedom to write and record albums much faster for you!

"Thank god we got Nuclear Blast to help us! We have now a new powerful computer and things seem to work much better now. Also we have to thank a lot our manager Stefan Hattinger from Rock The Nation for being so patient with us and helping all the time! Also we want to thank you fans for being so patient and understanding!

"Last year hasn't really been easy for us, but now there's some light in the end of the tunnel. We will get back to you all as soon as we know more about how things are evolving. We really don't want to disappoint everybody again by promising a release date, because we've seen how it has gone before. But we promise to do our best and get this album done as soon as the conditions let us. We will play at Metalcamp [in Slovenia] in July anyway, but that's the only show we do this summer. We will concentrate finishing the album and then go back on the road."

29 May 2012: Time split into two parts; Time I relased 2012, Time II releases 2013 - via Facebook

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Finland's WINTERSUN have released the following update regarding their long-awaited second album:

Hello friends!

Time for some album(s) news. Wintersun's Time is going to be two albums, titled TIME I & TIME II.
We made this decision simply because of few reasons:

  • All the 80min of material won't fit on a regular CD and we didn't want to cut anything out.
  • We want you to be able to hear new material sooner and not wait any longer and we want to go on tour sooner.
  • The music is very full and complex, so listening this kind of "hard listening (not easy listening)" material straight for 80 minutes is a bit too much (even for me). Both albums will be approx. nice 40 min epic packages of fireworks.
  • We like the idea of releasing two albums within one year, so the band will stay more visible longer, which is important in these "modern times." No more years of silence for us!

We hope you'lll approve our new little "plan" and support us when the "Time" comes!

The track listing for TIME I looks like this:


1. When Time Fades Away

2. Sons of Winter and Stars

I Rain of Stars

II Surrounded by Darkness

III Journey Inside a Dream

IV Sons of Winter and Stars

3. Land of Snow and Sorrow

4. Darkness and Frost

5. Time

TIME I mix is set to be finished by July, mastered in the beginning of July and released in early fall of 2012! TIME II will be released in 2013. Conception of album artworks, videos, live shows incl. rehearsals will keep us busy during the summer and I'll also continue mixing TIME II meanwhile. We'll be hopefully posting some videos and teasers during summer. Also some new live show announcements soon, so stay tuned for those!

We can't wait for you guys to hear TIME I material and play it to you live! Have a great summer!

- Jari & Wintersun boys

WINTERSUN are confirmed to headline this year's edition of the so-called HEIDENFEST tour kicking off in October supported by Korpiklaani, Varg, Trollfest and Krampus, before they go on touring the world. Further infos, dates and tickets on http://www.heidenfest.eu

8 February 2013: Time II mixing starts, release delayed to 2014 - via Facebook

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Hi everyone!

After some Festival- and Summer show announcements we thought we might also give you a heads up regarding TIME II.

2012 was a really great year for us, the release of TIME I was a huge success and we did two successful tours and many sold out shows. But we are aiming even higher and take Wintersun to the next level in 2013! We have 3 official webstores up and running (Europe, Finland, North America) and we hope you guys like the available items. There´ll be constant updates and new products and we will also have interesting competitions and specials coming up on our pages, so be sure to check it all out.

We are starting the mix of TIME II and it will be released early 2014. The album will continue where TIME I left, but it will be an upgrade in production, it will be equally epic, if not more. It will contain some "fast stuff" and some guitar shredding (incl. 7 solos) like some of you metal heads and guitar wankers have been wishing for. It will also contain some of the most beautiful music ever written, that will bring a tear to your eye.

We are playing some huge summer festivals in Finland and in EU (Incl. Tuska, Nummirock, Metalfest, Beastival, Hellfest...) and for the first time going to Spain. We are also taking part in EMMA GAALA ("Finnish Grammy") in March for the nomination of "Best Metal Album of the Year". We know it´s going to be an exciting year. It is because all of you who have supported us during the years, we have been able to grow and continue to do what we love.

Thank you for all the support!

Stay tuned for some further exciting live news soon! We hope to see all of you on the road and during the festival season 2013!

- Wintersun boys

25 June 2014: I need a studio - via Facebook

Spoiler: show
Here´s the reality. TIME I & II and even couple of the next albums would have been out already, if I would have a studio. BUT I don´t have a studio. Studio is like an instrument of making music and I don´t have that instrument, so it´s pretty fucking hard to make albums, especially as complicated as the TIME albums are. TIME II is in good place mixwise, it´s sounding pretty damn spectacular, but there are still some difficult obstacles I´m battling with. Tuska Festival weekend is coming and I´m gonna get wasted! I´ve been working nonstop since January (and not just the TIME II, new material and there´s some other new things boiling under as well). So don´t come ask me at Tuska "when´s TIME II coming out?" hahah! Unless you buy me a beer!

31 July 2014: Reality Update About Crowd Funding, TIME II And Future Albums - via Facebook

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Reality Update About Crowd Funding, TIME II And Future Albums

I´m very happy to see that we have so much dedicated fans that would be willing to pledge and be a part of funding a studio for Wintersun, so I could make the next Wintersun album without it taking another 10 years again.

I´ve been thinking about this Kickstarter/Pledge crowd funding thing for a while and I´m very confident now that there is enough of you guys that would help us raise the money for the Wintersun studio! This would give me the freedom to make music efficiently and nonstop. It would eliminate lot of the problems I´ve struggled with all my life and still continue to struggle everyday. For example right now I need a studio to reamp guitars for TIME II. And not just any studio, my own studio where I can craft my sounds exactly like I want them. 3rd party studios have never worked for me and I´ve never gotten satisfactory results for the insane prices they charge.

I live in a small shitty apartment building and I have neighbors. It is very very hard to work like this. I can´t record vocals, I can´t practise my singing, I can´t record guitars, I can´t record guitars even with modelling amps, because the electricity is so bad in this shitty building so I get lots of interference, I even play and practise the electric guitar acoustically without an amp 99% of the time in my home, I can´t record drums or basically any acoustic instruments, I don´t have the room or cool space for a big computer farm which is a must for the orchestrations for the next album (the place is too small and hot even for the one computer I have), I can´t mix properly, ´cause the room is so bad and there´s always ambient noise in and outside the building. That´s why I usually turn my sleeping rhythm around and mix at nights, but that causes problems in my everyday life. I can´t do pretty much anything properly in this situation. Building a professional studio for Wintersun would erase all this and give us the freedom to make music nonstop. It would upgrade our album sound significantly and most importantly speed up the album making process significantly. This would even raise our live game. With proper preproduction, able to tweak our live sounds and setup properly we would sound pretty incredible live. We would also be able to rehearse more and that would allow us to be able to play live more often and come to places where we normally have not been able to come. The studio would allow us to have more time for everything.

But the problem is this. I have a record deal with Nuclear Blast. If I would do a Kickstarter with a downloadable album for example, they would come with lawyers and take % share (more than half) away from the money that is your money meant for the Wintersun studio and the album production. Would you even want to pledge if Wintersun didn´t get 100% of the money you´ve pledged for the album production? Then our management would take their % share away. Then there´s taxes of course. The Finnish government would take something like 40% away. This would leave me nothing. I would be totally screwed. I´ve been trying to have a discussion with Nuclear Blast about crowd funding, but they are totally freaking out. They see the crowd funding as a threat to their business and they would rather see Wintersun dead, than me doing a crowd funding. I think this would not hurt them at all, only benefit them, but they cannot see the big picture of Wintersun doing well. They actually told me point blank that I should just stop making music and they will never release Wintersun from the contract. It´s really like this, because they can´t or won´t loan me enough money to build a studio and fund an album, they don´t want other people (the fans) to fund it either… unless they get a crazy big cut of the funding (for doing absolutely nothing).

This is the way a record deal works: The label gives an advance to make an album. This is a loan and they will recoup every penny back from the record sales. The reason why TIME I&II has taken so long to make (and still is taking long to finish TIME II), is because I haven´t gotten enough advances (money) to make these complex albums. Not even close. So I´ve been struggling all these years and sacrificed everything to make these albums. I have never really made any money from Wintersun. All my money has gone to album production, but you can guess who have made tons of money from Wintersun. The point is that I need my own studio to make the future albums, but Nuclear Blast won´t be able to loan enough money to make that happen and then they won´t allow me to do a crow funding campaign either that would make it happen. And even if Nuclear Blast would be able to loan me the money for the studio, our management would take their share of that money and I would get only part of the money, but I would still have to pay back 100% to Nuclear Blast from the record sales. So I would actually lose big chunk of the album production money straight away, which makes no sense at all. And then there´s the taxes. So there´s no point of taking these “loans” either.

This all is stressing me out very badly and it´s slowing my workflow. I´ve got enough technical problems to deal with making these albums. I just want the freedom to make music, but I guess it is what it is. Honestly, I feel like I´ve signed a deal with the devil and I´m just a slave in the system.

I´ve got probably 5 long albums worth of new insanely good material! And there´s no filler material at all! The music is much more refined, much more advanced in arrangement/composition/productionwise. It´s diverse and beautiful, heavy, chaotic and exploring different styles&themes and some new dimensions I feel no band has explored before… The stuff is simply on another level, in a different universe than the debut album and the TIME albums combined. I wrote the TIME albums around 2006 and before, that was a lifetime ago. Think of the stuff I´ve written ever since to this day! And I just keep on writing, I feel like I´m on fire. The music is just flowing out of me. I´m so excited about all this new music and I can´t wait to start recording and sharing it with you… BUT I can´t without a studio, that´s the problem…


p.s. Should have stayed working in the post office!


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I feel like I need to explain the situation more clearly as some people seem to be a bit confused. So let´s get more into the details…

Let´s get one thing clear first, I don´t live in a fantasy world. You might say I´m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to album production. Fine, I´ll give you that. But I do make compromises, lots of them. TIME I was all a huge compromise. The melody guitars are all old modelling amps (not the new Axe-FXs and whatnots which sound pretty decent actually). There simply was not enough budget to record them properly in a professional studio, so they sound pretty horrible and are very hard mix and fit in with the rest of the instruments. The vocals were all recorded in various rehearsal places just with my laptop (the reason why it took so long to record them and also because of the hundreds of vocal tracks I needed to record for these albums). They are certainly not the best quality vocal recordings. Again, another compromise for not having enough budget for a 3rd party professional studio. I also wanted some time to practise my vocals while recording, which I´ve never really done before, but you can hear the improvement. Also I do some of the vocal arrangement work and experiment with different things while recording, this would be impossible in a 3rd party studio. The rhythm guitars were actually recorded in a 3rd party studio, but I didn´t have enough time to craft the sound exactly like I want it. Rhythm guitar is the thing I´m the most perfectionist and passionate about. There´s only a handful of rhythm guitar sounds I like from the millions of heavy metal records out there, so you can imagine how hard it is for me to be able to produce the guitar sound of my dreams in few days in a 3rd party studio. Impossible. And to fit it in with hundreds of orchestration & synth instruments, to not muddy the bass, to be able to scoop the mids so the whole mix doesn't sound like a kitchen radio (I don´t like mids in metal guitars plus the orchestra instruments already eat a lot of the mids space), but still keep the upper mids smooth and not harsh, to not mask the drum overheads, but still having enough modern highs and upper mids attack to have it cut through the mix. This is almost a mission impossible, but I know I could do it in my own time in my own studio... So the time ran out from the studio´s “taximeter” and I was left with unsatisfying guitar sound and very hard to fit in the mix (still had to pay the studio bill though). I was very unhappy about this, but still released the album! The orchestrations were made with just one computer which forced me to use time consuming workarounds and was very stressful. I won´t even get into the technical problems I´ve had to deal with over the years. It took 3 years of sweat and tears to make the orchestrations the way I had to do them. This was the hardest task and it nearly burned me out. Never again this way! I would need a computer farm to do the all the orchestrations in realtime without slow workarounds.

I´ve mixed the albums in my apartment and you ask why it takes so long to mix? Well, because my room is not a professional studio ment for mixing. There´s also always some noise issues inside and outside the building, I´ve had even some scary hearing problems due to this for having to raise the volume and having to mix too loud. Never again! There´s also insane amount of tracks to mix (which is very difficult), but my computer is having hard a time handling them well. Very unstable and slow. But the main thing why the mixing takes so long is because the recorded sounds are pretty crappy due to lack of resources to record them properly. So it´s very hard to "polish a turd", if not impossible. Good sounds would mix themselves! And I won´t even get into other health problems I´ve had due to stress which has slowed the mixing process too (not mental problems, although maybe I´m a bit crazy). So again, I simply can´t afford a 3rd party studios to mix in or to record. Not even close. Nuclear Blast gave us just enough budget for only to record the drums, bass and rhythm guitars in 3rd party studio, that´s it. Which all turn out unsatisfying due to lack of time to tweak the sounds right for massive projects like the TIME albums are. That´s why I´ve been struggling with the mixing. All the rest of the instuments, vocals, orchestrations, melody guitars etc... was left up to me to record on my own however possible and getting quality recordings in a "DIY bedroom studio scenario" is not easy. Sure they gave us few additional advances, ´cause we begged them for faster computers and better gear (and all that money has been paid back already), but still not nearly enough for a task like this. The rest have been basically financed by yours truly with touring, merchandise and just simply sacrificing my own time doing lot of workarounds and recording in rehearsal places or where ever I could due to the lack of funding, but I had to make these albums a reality no matter what! But my point is, as you can see, I do make lots of compromises. TIME I is far from perfect, but still released the album! Would a perfectionist do that?

I certainly can make music renting a 3rd party studio for one month and release an album, as I have already proven that many times in the past. But I won´t do that again, that is my decision. I´ve never been happy with those albums and the results I get from 3rd party studios. Waste of money. There simply isn´t enough time (with our budgets) to craft the sounds the way I want them in unfamiliar space with unfamiliar gear, monitors and under the stress of the “studio taximeter" running. It´s usually just, let´s throw a mic there and wish for the best! “We´ll fix it in the mix... maybe!”. Making music makes me happy. The feeling you get when you first get a new idea, a riff, a melody, a vision of the song is a great feeling and you just want to make that vision come out from the speakers exactly like you hear it in your head. Releasing music that doesn't represent that vision and is compromised makes me unhappy. Why continue to do something that makes you unhappy? Those past albums were like demos to me and nothing like the TIME albums or the future material are in their complexity. I just want to get the production right for these albums! I know some people don't care about the production quality that much, but I do. I wouldn´t be able to ever do these albums in 30, 60 or 90 days in a 3rd party studio “like all the other bands do it”. Sorry, but I´m just not that skilled of a human being! I would need to rent a 3rd party studio for a year or two or even three years depending on the project and live there 24/7. But obviously who can afford that? You could invest and build your own studio with that money and make many albums until you die. The main thing that people need to understand is that the TIME albums and my future material are so much more complex to make than my previous albums were and I just can´t continue to do them like I´ve been forced to do them for the past 10 years. I think we´ve all established by now that this isn´t working. You have to also remember, I do these albums basically alone. Produce, record, engineer, sing, play, mix, master, write all the music & lyrics... Who else does that? Anyone in Finland? Anyone in the world? Well maybe Devin Townsend, but he´s fucking Devin Townsend! I´m just nobody from Konala, Helsinki.

During these years I´ve been already acquiring studio gear and started doing most of the stuff myself and I love it! I´ve gotta pretty good DAW and monitor setup, so basically I got most of the studio gear already. But there´s still one major thing that is missing and that is the studio space. A place to work without interruptions, where I can crank up guitar amps 24/7, 365 days a year without the neighbors calling the cops, to record and practise my singing everyday, to record drums and so on… Having everything always set up ready to record and to mix night or day in a good mixing room would speed up the whole process immensely. It would be also great for the whole band, ´cause we´d have our own rehearsal room for the first time, sort of “Wintersun headquarters”. This would really free us to make albums much faster with better quality and able us to tour more often, which then would open the possibilities financially to other things like upgrading our live shows, doing ten minute music videos for our long songs, a live DVD maybe even with a real orchestra...

It is a fact that without Nuclear Blast I couldn´t have gotten where I am today and I'm certainly grateful of that, but they have really made the most money of Wintersun. What have I made? Well I´ve gotten some better equipments to do my job which is nice, but I´m still struggling and I´m missing the main pieze of the puzzle, the actual "work place”, which is a huge roadblock to continue forwards. I´m in a dead end. All my money has always gone straight to the album productions. I don´t go on vacations, I don´t have a car or anything fancy, which I´m totally fine with! I work and do these albums basically for free and that would be actually fine with me, if I could do my work at least in good conditions. I´ve been struggling and I´ve sacrificed everything for over 10 years and gotten pretty much nothing out of it, except the love and support of the fans, which I appreciate very much!

But to continue to make more albums, I need my own studio. I´ve had enough making albums in rehearsal places and in a bedroom studios, it just doesn´t work. Enough is enough. I´ve reached the breaking point. I don´t owe Nuclear Blast or anyone anything. I don´t have to make or release albums. I don´t have to release TIME II, if I´m not happy with it. I can make music (demos) just for myself for fun and just show them to my closest friends. Or I can do something else, for example teaching like Kai and Teemu... doing anything else I would actually earn some money. I will continue to always make music like I did before any record deals, but whether I will release the music depends totally whether I can record and mix it properly. I´ve made piece with myself that if I won´t be able to ever release another album again and I have to take my songs to the grave, that is ok with me, but I do not wish it. Nuclear Blast and everyone around me has made profits of Wintersun and all my debts are paid. So no harm done. Where to go from here? The future is unknow.
I must point out that our manager is a really good guy. Always has our best interest at heart, he actually gave me a big personal loan to finish TIME I. I couldn´t have done it without him! He actually renegotiated a better Nuclear Blast deal for me after the TIME I release. I´m actually ok with the new deal. Except for the fact that I can´t make albums, because they won´t fund them enough for me to actually be able to make them and at the same time they are denying me doing a Wintersun crowd funding which probably would finance the studio. So they are really holding us hostage. Our manager actually renounced himself from the crowd funding and won´t have any part in it unless I want his help. He wants to see Wintersun succeed. The problem is still the same though, without enough funding there won´t be Wintersun albums. And I´m pretty sure I would not be able to gather enough finances on my own with just “Jari Mäenpää´s studio crowd funding” without any meaningful perk like TIME II high quality album download for example. It would have to be a big Wintersun campaign with a team of people helping me to realise this dream. But I will try to figure something out, I´m not giving up!

TIME II is now in a good place mixwise. I´m pretty happy with the drums, bass & the orchestrations. The whole thing is sounding so much more powerful and clear than TIME I. Really proud of what I´ve been able to achieve with these “not so perfect" recordings and with the intense orchestra layers. It´s so difficult to mix stuff like this, especially with my mixing conditions. But I won´t ruin the hard work I´ve done so far by throwing a crappy guitar sound on top ruining the whole mix. That´s one compromise I won´t make anymore. And I won´t be spending anymore money for 3rd party studios either. I will save and invest every penny for my own studio. Actually for those who complained not hearing the guitars enough on TIME I, the guitars were left purposely little bit back in the mix, because they were so crappy. Or those who critized the production otherwise, now you know the reason why it wasn´t top notch quality. No money = demo quality. And for those who doubted me having written already 5 albums worth of new material, I´ve written actually more. That was just a conservative estimate.

Bottom line, if people want me to make music and release Wintersun albums, I need enough funding for my personal studio where I can craft my music, record and produce my sounds in piece. It is as simple as that. I can´t make this complex music any other way anymore. I am just one man with limited resources and limited skills. I can´t magically pull albums from thin air. Maybe other bands can do their albums “the usual way” renting a 3rd party studio for one month and are happy with the results, I certainly respect that! I´ve been there, done that. I know that many metal bands have all got their own hardships and I am not certainly underrating anyone´s situation. But every situation is unique and mine certainly is. I´ve seen some comments saying that “You don´t deserve your own studio, because other bands don´t get to have their own studio either and you should just do your music like everyone else does it!”. Would it be somehow bad for the other bands if I would build my own studio? Would it somehow hurt the other bands, if I could make more Wintersun albums in my own way? Or are these comments just based on jealousy or something? “What makes you so special to get your own studio?” Nothing and maybe I don´t deserve it, but that is for the fans & financiers to decide and I know there´s lots of dedicated fans that want to support us! It really isn´t about who deserves what. I´m just saying what I can and can´t do. I have my own way of doing things. Sorry, if my previous update sounded like whining or somehow entitled for some of you, it wasn’t ment to be. I am just trying to illustrate the difficult situation I´m in. I definitely understand the realities of life. The crowd funding was actually suggested and brought to my attention by the fans. In fact people have been wanting donate to us since the debut album, but we don't feel very good about it. We always would like to give something back. That's why we make merchandise for example. I admit that I´m a little bit frustrated with the situation, but I´m fine with whatever outcome. But if someone finds it offensive that I´m looking for funding for my studio project and for the Wintersun albums, then they got some personal problems. Most of the comments have been really encouraging, supportive and positive though and I appreciate that!

Currently I´m negotiating with Nuclear Blast and our manager how we could make this work for all parties… We´ll see if we can work this out.

I certainly hope that we´ll find a solution, so we can release more Wintersun albums and share them with the world. It is my dream and passion to make music and it makes me happy to see that so many people care about Wintersun. I´m very grateful!!! All your supportive posts have given me lot of hope and I´m certainly not quitting the fight!

Thank you and thanks for listening!

p.s. Everyone enjoying their popcorn?

1 October 2014: The sauna revealed! - via Facebook

Spoiler: show
WINTERSUN STUDIO & TIME II CROWD FUNDING SURVEY (Please read first before liking!)

Good news guys! We have reached an agreement with Nuclear Blast. We gotta give them big props for coming through for us! But first, we need to do a little survey to estimate if we could actually reach our crowd funding goal (which is pretty damn high) before we rush into it. We need to estimate carefully our goal, what is possible and what is not before we can move forward with our plans. This is sort of a test run, but this will hopefully determine approximately how much support we would have. We also want to be clear that the crowd funding is not a charity, we are not asking for donations or anything for free. You would totally get your monies worth!

So we would like to know... If we did this crowd funding project, how many of you guys would be willing to pre-order a TIME II High Quality download package? Stem mixes and many other killer goodies would be included in the perk. All details will be revealed later, but this package would be huge, something never done before! Here´s a little taster what the package would include:

- High quality full album download (wav 24bit, 44.1kHz), exactly the way the album was recorded, mixed and mastered
- Includes all tracks (Fields of Snow, The Way of the Fire, One with the Shadows, Ominous Clouds, Storm, Silver Leaves)
- Beautiful PDF extended digital booklet with all crowd funding backer names included (optional)

- Separated mix tracks for all Drums, Bass, Rhythm Guitars, Melody Guitars & Solos, Vocals, Orchestrations of all songs
- Make your own mix, adjust the levels for your own liking, listen all the main instruments separately, discover and learn all the secrets inside the mix layers

But that´s just for starters, this package would include many other items and surprises. We feel very confident about this and trust that you all would go crazy about it! And this package is just the first perk on the list. But this would be our main focus for the campaign.
The price would be very affordable and with the guarantee that 100% of the raised money would go for the funding of our studio and Wintersun´s album productions. This would be your chance of a lifetime to support us directly and get an insane TIME II package for your money at the same time (pun intended!). So win-win! All we want you to do for now is...

Please LIKE this post if you would buy and support us.

Please DO NOT click the LIKE if you would not buy.

AND PLEASE SHARE THIS POST TO EVERYONE!!! Because it's important that all our potential supporters see this post and we get some idea whether there's a chance to reach our goal.


- Wintersun boys


2015 - nothing noteworthy relating to the crowdfunding, new records or anything. Lots of shows.

27 July 2016 through 27 September 2016 - news of negotiations with record label Nuclear Blast on the release of The Forest Seasons - via Facebook 27/7, 11/9, 13/9, 27/9

Spoiler: show
When I announced last week that "it is done", I did not mean that IT is done. I meant that IT is done!

But seriously, after almost two years of insane amount of work (not to mention a lifetime of practicing and developing music composing, lyric writing, playing, singing, production and engineering skills etc.), something big and amazing that will blow your mind has finally been completely finished, 100%! We thought (and I'm sure you did too) that this day would never come, but it's finally here. I feel I did the impossible! Feeling very proud and happy!

The question now though is, will it ever be released? Well it will be sooner or later, but that is yet to be determined. I have sent a long email to Nuclear Blast and we are now in negotiations with them. That's all I can tell you right now. Keep your fingers crossed!

Spoiler: show
Apparently tomorrow on Monday the 12th we are going to get some kind of an answer from Nuclear Blast, whether we can release IT or not. Only been waiting since July...

Spoiler: show
Got an answer. The answer wasn't either no or yes, but something else. I guess the negotiations are just starting...

Spoiler: show
Very productive phone meeting with Nuclear Blast just now. Everything might still work after all... Still need to confirm the details "on paper".

9 January 2017 - on the recording and mixing of Time II (recorded at same time as Time I, but impossible to mix), and the announcement of the "easier to make" The Forest Seasons" - via Facebook

Spoiler: show

Little addendum to clear some confusion about TIME II...

TIME II was already recorded the same time as TIME I, but the mixing of TIME II came to a halt in 2014 when I realised that I could not finish the album with my resources. The album is just too big and I will not compromise and release it prematurely like I had to do with TIME I. TIME I and TIME II are huge and just insane projects. They are big budget albums that I should have not probably even started working on at that point in my career. But at that time, I had a vision for those albums and that was the only music I wanted to make. So despite the lack of funding, I wanted to challenge myself and I started working on those albums with what I had...

There were lots of technical problems and other obstacles along the way and those problems could have been solved or avoided with proper resources. Somehow I still managed to pull off at least something close to my vision for TIME I. I had to "use time" to compensate for the lack of funding and overcome the technical issues. You can literally buy money with time and buy time with money. Money = time = money. I wasn´t 100% happy with the result, but the pressure was just too high to release TIME I and get the ball rolling. That won´t happen again. TIME II will not be finished until I have the proper resources for it, but hopefully soon that's about to change!


Instead I´ve been working on... wait for it.... you know it already... a new album!!! That´s right, not a single or an EP... a full blown album with over 53 minutes of killer material and no separate intro tracks! It will be the Wintersun's 3rd full length album. And like we stated last week it´s 100% done and ready to be released! This album was something a bit "easier to make" than the TIME albums and something that was possible to do with my current resources, but as you might have guessed it turned out to be much bigger production, like it always happens with my work! Apparently I just can´t do anything "easy". I guess it´s against my nature! My motto has actually always been "if you can´t do something properly, don´t do it at all" although I´ve had to break that motto and compromise a lot, but no more I say!

I did one song first and was really happy how the song and the production came together perfectly! Then I came up with some other killer ideas for other songs and before I knew it, I had a concept of a full album and I wanted to create it fully and here we are finally! IT IS DONE!

This stuff turned out to be just as good, if not even better in some ways! I'm 100% proud and happy about this album and the production! It's actually the first album in my lifetime that I'm 100% happy with! It is something new and different, but still totally Wintersun!

Stay tuned for more big updates soon!

25 January 2017 - The Forest Seasons crowdfunding is announced - via Facebook

Spoiler: show

During last autumn we had long and productive negotiations with our record label Nuclear Blast and we finalized it in November 2016. We came to a good solution, a win-win deal that will benefit everyone - Wintersun, Nuclear Blast and especially the fans! This means that we will do the crowdfunding and it will include our NEW album THE FOREST SEASONS!

The purpose of this crowdfunding is to build the WINTERSUN HEADQUARTERS studio. As some of you may know this has been in the plans for a long time. It is our long time goal and dream. Building the studio is absolutely essential in order to finish TIME II and produce our future albums as fast as possible and with the best production. All the money we raise will go directly to Wintersun 100%, which we will use for building the Wintersun Headquarters.

This will be the biggest crowdfunding you've ever seen in the metal scene! It will be a different kind of crowdfunding than usually. We are not going to offer dozens of different items from guitar picks to used socks for a thousand bucks. We're gonna cut all the crap and only going to offer one very valuable perk! That's right! It will be a massive Wintersun Crowdfunding Package called the FOREST PACKAGE and it will have lots of great Wintersun content including our new album THE FOREST SEASONS. You will be blown away!

The FOREST PACKAGE is huge and otherwise it would be very expensive, but we are going to offer it with a very affordable price in our crowdfunding. So you guys will get great value for your money and enjoy the new album like it should be experienced, with the absolutely BEST quality! The best thing is that all of the content is 100% done, so you don't have to wait for many months. It will be basically a pre-order for our new album.

This way you get the NEW Wintersun album the easiest way, with the best quality and with the best price and you'll help us get to the next level, so we can produce albums for YOU guys faster and with the best production! So this is a WIN-WIN for everyone!

The crowdfunding will take place on INDIEGOGO between March 1st - 31st. It will last only ONE MONTH, so you guys need to be prepared! Get those credit cards and PayPal accounts ready!

Thank you!

- Jari, Jukka, Kai, Teemu

1 March 2017 through 30 April 2017 - crowfunding is live. 9,330 backers put down €464,330

Spoiler: show
Budget for Wintersun Headquarters

  • The property 100.000 €
  • The building 250.000 €
  • Construction of the studio 150.000 €
  • Additional costs: Finnish taxes (& Indiegogo platform fee 5% + credit card fee 3%) 250.000 €
  • Total: 750.000 €

To raise all this funding we are planning to do three massive crowdfunding campaigns like this first one. Each one with a different massive 50 € package. We hope to reach 5000 loyal Wintersun fans per each campaign, which is the ideal goal. (The future campaigns will be planned and scheduled according to the result of this first campaign).

5000 funders x 50 € = 250.000 € IDEAL GOAL!!! (Reached in 9 days!)

But we are setting a safe goal to 3000 funders to secure the album release and get started even if we don't reach the ideal goal:
3000 funders x 50 € = 150.000 €

(Reached in 20 hours!)

21 July 2017 - The Forest Seasons releases worldwide via Nuclear Blast

In the years after this, little was said about new music, the studio and all that.

6 August 2020 - working on four new albums - via Facebook

Spoiler: show

There's been many requests for updates on what's been happening. We have been updating and answering questions, but apparently people are not seeing these updates because of the Facebook algorithms. We hope that this update would reach as many people as possible, so there would be less confusion about what's going on with Wintersun. In order to reach many people, please do share this post, comment and like! This will kick the algorithms ass!

Since the release of The Forest Seasons we have been dealing with the aftermath of our crowdfunding and we've been on touring mode for almost 3 years. The touring period was also quite the challenge with lot of big changes going on in the band: Introducing a new guitar player to the band (Asim), Jari dropping the live guitar, finding a new live crew, new live gear setups, rehearsing with new members, creating and dealing with new merch, all the tour arrangements and logistics etc.

Also we had to find session players to cover for Kai, since he has been very busy with Nightwish. We were very lucky to have such great drummers like Timo, Rolf and Heikki to help us out! Also we were lucky to find amazing people for our live crew. So with a lot of "moving parts" the three years were a big challenge and the busiest we've ever been, but luckily in the end everything went quite smoothly, so we are very thankful!
I've been dealing with a lot of big life changes too. One of them has been moving to a new place where I am currently building a temporary "semi studio" and also building a whole new DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) setup from scratch in order to make albums more efficiently. The "semi studio" and the new DAW are almost finished and hopefully won't take too much time anymore. There will be more updates on this when everything is finished.


You want the good news or the bad news first? Ok, let's go with the bad first...

So right now the music making is just starting after the long and intensive touring period. I have still worked on music every chance I've gotten (which hasn't been a lot unfortunately). Right now I'm working on four new albums. Yes, one of the four albums is TIME II. I've tried to work on it with the new Mac Pro and I was really hoping that the new Mac Pro would solve the issue of lack of CPU power, but even the new 16-core Mac Pro can't really handle these huge projects very well. Which was a huge disappointment. The projects open with 90% CPU usage without even plugins in the projects yet. So the projects already are very slow and once I start to add plugins in order to mix the CPU starts to spike, so I don't know what to tell you. I don't want to compromise to mix it only with couple of light plugins, like I had to mix TIME I. Also I haven't found a proper kick, snare and rhythm guitar sound for this album yet and I've been looking like crazy! So I'm not really excited at all to start mixing TIME II until I find these essential sounds and have more CPU to mix. And without a proper studio (a proper mixing room with proper acoustic treatment) it is incredible difficult to mix this kinda heavily layered stuff anyways.

Here's the good news...

There are also three other new albums that I'm working on and I'm very excited about these projects. One is the "space metal" project that I've already talked about a little bit. One is a more "traditional Wintersun" style album, kinda mix between the debut and TIME albums, but also with lots of new dimensions and some of the best melodies I've ever written! The third album style I want to keep a secret for now, gotta have some mystery! But it's probably the one that I'm the most excited about currently and the one that has been progressing the fastest. I've got a whole concept for it (a whole new "Wintersun world") and I've already written a lot of lyrics for it as well, but I don't know yet if it will be the next one. I'm working on all these albums in turns, because I get bored and "foggy" if I work on the same project / same songs for too long. But right now this project already has a killer mix going, it has the RIGHT sounds. Which is great, because that's always the hardest part for me making an album (especially finding a good kick, snare and the rhythm guitar sound).

Now, I don't know when any of these albums will be finished or released, THERE IS NO PROMISES! I'm just starting out after a long chaotic period. A new Wintersun album might come sooner or later or it might not ever come! You'll never know the future! I want to make these albums without too much pressure and enjoy the process, so there won't be compromises like there always have been in the past, which have left me in huge disappointments and taken away some of the enthusiasm to make music.

I can say this though... Thanks to our crowdfunding and the amazing support from you guys, things have been progressing much more nicely than ever before. I'm really having goosebumps again and chills working on new music and having fun with it! Being able to build this "semi studio" is helping me and the process a lot! It's not a full on studio yet, but parts of this "semi studio" is already a dream come true for me! So thank you! You guys are the best!

Once any of these albums is finished, we will start updating more about the release and the new crowdfunding. So please stay patient for now. There will be more updates here and there about the progress.
So stay EverTuned!


30 March 2021 - update on new music - via Facebook

Spoiler: show

Hi guys!


Since the summer of 2020 Jari finished building his new semi-studio and DAW setup and he has been working tirelessly on new music. On the last update Jari mentioned that he has four new albums in the works and he is working on all of them at the same time until one of them will start taking the lead. Well one of them has... Jari has been focusing on one of these albums and it looks strongly that this album will be the next one!

The album structure, the riffs, melodies, basic drums beats... the "skeleton" so to speak is about 75% done. Also the lyrics are about 75% done. All the songs have names and the album has a really cool title and a concept. There's a Wision also for the album cover! In other words the album already has a very strong identity. In general we might say that the whole album is about 50% done or close to it. The album is massive as well, so there will be a LOT of new music released at once. This will be the biggest Wintersun album launch ever!

There is still a lot to be done though... Finishing drum arrangements, vocal arrangements, solos etc. and then recording it all. And of course mixing and mastering, although it is very close being already mixed and mastered and it sounds huge! Best sounding Wintersun album easily! Composing and arranging the synths and orchestrations are always the hardest part, especially dealing with the lack of computer power. The songs have been built now to a point that the computer's CPU screams and spikes 99% all the time in all the song projects (with the highest buffer). So working on the album will get more difficult going forward. Jari can't work freely in realtime anymore and cannot add any more instruments without having to bounce or freeze tracks back and forth repeatedly, which makes the process much slower.

In the meantime please stay patient, it's been only just roughly 9 months of album making and very good progress has been made in that time. Which wouldn't have been even possible without our great crowdfunders and everyone who has supported Wintersun in any way throughout the years, which has enabled Jari to build his new "semi-studio" to speed up the process. The Forest Seasons album was actually made in just 9 months from start to finish, but this new album is a whole different BEAST! It is once again way more bigger project. It's not as big and insane as the TIME albums are, but it's very close up there. We will continue to fight this battle so throw some encouragement and positivity in our direction!

We hope you guys appreciate this news as we appreciate you! Let's make things more positive as there are a lot of good things to look forward to! Have a nice week and stay tuned for the videos coming shortly! And remember to subscribe to our Youtube channels! Thank you.

- Wintersun boys

Album updates:
5 October 2022
Spoiler: show
Album 1 70% done (currently working on)
Album 2 60% done
Album 3 60% done
Album 4 20% done
TIME II 90 % done

10 March 2023 - new song Warning, not on Spotify or any album - via Facebook

And so we arrive in 2024 at the announcement of Time II.
My band - Ython: FB / Spotify

Last edited by Lord_Lexy on Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:53 am, edited 12 times in total.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:55 am 

I don't believe you.

Ever-Opening Flower

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:27 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:13 am 

If this isn't real, which I suspect it isn't - well, what do we expect from this total clown of a hack at this point right.

If this somehow is real - well, that's unfortunate, I wish he'd just stop. Like I want to say 'prove my suspicions wrong and release it', but I'd rather this guy's career just keel over, genuinely.

Don't get me wrong, I know this is (or was) a very highly anticipated album, but man I genuinely don't think there's any way it can't be a disappointment even for fans of it. The insane wait time implies a protracted and troubled birth which often can affect an album's quality, it led to insane anticipation (even if it's died off a bit) that I don't think any album could live up to, and honestly so much time has passed that the style of the first album sounds really dated now, so hearing something similar to that in 2024 will uh, especially not work.

Me, in my review for The Forest Seasons wrote:
If we get another album after this, that's how you know we live in the bad timeline.
All we love, we leave behind.

Ivan Drago
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:18 am 

He's been so full of bullshit about it I won't be surprised if he announces another kickstarter to actually release it now

Plus if he does put it out, are the other members going to give up their gigs in much more successful bands to go back to Wintersun for touring it?

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Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:57 am
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:26 am 

Not looking forward to it by all means, but I'll keep an eye on them. And if it turns out shit I'll have a good laugh.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:43 am 

Eh. Not sure how much I care anymore tbh. It's probably never going to live up to the hype anyway.

Also, I don't get why he hyped this announcement for a week just to say its done, and then next week we get more info. I mean, I get it. He wants to build hype and shit, but this album has already been talked about for years at this point. What more is there to add? Just announce it will all the info: release dates, etc. We've waited long enough. If this was any other artist it wouldn't bother me, but with Jari, it wouldn't surprise me if it was more stalling. Or another kickstarter is on the horizon. And then... oops, I dropped the files in my sauna by accident.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2021 2:26 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:59 am 

TBQH, I don't doubt the quality of this album. The Way of the Fire and Storm were both performed live numerous times, The Way of the Fire more so, and they both sound phenomenal. What I do doubt is the actions that Jari is going to take between now and releasing the album. I also find it odd that they discarded the plans to do the 2nd crowdfunding campaign that they supposedly needed to do in order to build the studio that they *supposedly* needed. I wonder if Jari is going to use Time II as the album for the 2nd crowdfunding campaign for the studio that he allegedly needed in order to finish Time II to begin with. Or is he just going to hope that everyone has forgotten about that ordeal by now?

Worse than Stalin

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:07 am 

ngl I hope this album fucking rules just because it would be the funniest way to shut me up
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:08 am 

I wouldn’t be surprises if he uses Time II for crowdfunding. There are enough fans still to cash out the money he needs, especially if it’s the long awaited new record.

I do wonder what would happen if this turns out to be the most “okay” record of 2024. Just good, and nothing more.
My band - Ython: FB / Spotify

Metal newbie

Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:19 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:38 am 

Truly the Star Citizen of bands. I'll believe it when I see it. I wouldn't be shocked if Time II ends up being a teaser for Time III.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:52 am 

Chinese Democracy - Metal Edition. Even if it does get released, who fucking cares at this point? And it will be surely underwhelming.
I wish Jari just stopped trying so hard to embarass himself and the rest of the band any longer.
And, as someone else pointed out, the other guys are part of more successful, consistent bands right now. It would be especially awkward for Teemu to be a part of this, since he was just recently recruited for Megadeth.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 11:08 am 

No audio, no album art, no release date, no label. Cool story, Jari.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 11:10 am 

I am passed the point where I give a shit. Hell, my disappointment in "Time I" already made me not care much, and that was about 12 years ago now. The utter bore that was "The Forest Seasons" made me care even less, not to mention the Jari clown show.

Mallcore Kid

Joined: Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:18 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 11:31 am 

Fucking finally... if it even gets released soon
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Metal freak

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:14 pm 

Even if it ends up being good or decent, there is nothing really drawing me to this band anymore. There is quality music being released all the time by musicians who are not con artists, so I prefer to focus my attention on them rather then Jari.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:19 pm 

Wow, Jari really took his TIME II on this. :)
"That's it.. Go ahead and run.. Run home and cry to mama!"

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:32 pm 

BastardHead wrote:
ngl I hope this album fucking rules just because it would be the funniest way to shut me up

Same, but we all know it's probably gonna be a mid album with like one godly track all the fans will jerk it to for the next 45 years.
... just the bare bones of a name, all rock and ice and storm and abyss. It makes no attempt to sound human. It is atoms and stars.

The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:35 pm 

I think listening to any of this band's bullshit is more embarrassing than listening to nu metal even.
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Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:12 pm 

This will unite the world.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:22 pm 

It’s a 100% done, they just need to crowdfund 50k euro to release it, because y’know, it’s not like their miserly little label Nuclear Blast would help out in any way.

What else could “stay tuned next week for more details!” mean?


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:30 pm 

I'm being told this is the album cover they're going with.

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Disembodied wrote:
Try asking a community of Buddhist monks if Left Hand Path is a masterpiece. Or even polling a large cross-section of K-pop fans.


Joined: Fri May 22, 2015 6:38 am
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:38 pm 

I'll be sure to ignore it like I've willfully ignored everything this band has ever done. But I'll be here for the comments cause y'all never disappoint for some laughs.
HelluvaGuy wrote:
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Did the hex work?
Did you need a protection amulet?

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:13 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:37 pm 

Listening to their previous stuff, I fail to see what the big deal with this guy is.


Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:35 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:48 pm 

Wrldeatr wrote:
Listening to their previous stuff, I fail to see what the big deal with this guy is.

At this point the attention has nothing to do with the quality of his work, it's just about how much of a grifter he is.
Disembodied wrote:
Try asking a community of Buddhist monks if Left Hand Path is a masterpiece. Or even polling a large cross-section of K-pop fans.

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:15 pm 

Metal_On_The_Ascendant wrote:
I'll be sure to ignore it like I've willfully ignored everything this band has ever done. But I'll be here for the comments cause y'all never disappoint for some laughs.

Man, I rememer the time (lol) when Jari was supposed to be the next big thing in metal. He had contributed to some great quality epic folk with Ensiferum on their debut and sophomore releases, and a few months after the release of Ensiferum's 2nd album, he released Wintersun's debut, an album that made a lot of waves in the melodic death metal scene. At the time, I couldn't wait to hear more of Jari's material, and the hype was 100% deserved if you ask me.

But damn... how the mighty have fallen...

Dude's one of the worst con artists and grifter of the entire metal community.

Ivan Drago
Metal newbie

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:10 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:26 pm 

I love the first two albums, Forest Seasons is a bit crap, and I remember spending a year or two after Time was released really looking forward to the second part

At this point though I don't really give a shit. I'll probably pick it up if I see it going cheap, but between the length if time it's taken and Jari's constant grifting any hype about it has long disappeared


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:26 pm 

Wrldeatr wrote:
Listening to their previous stuff, I fail to see what the big deal with this guy is.

You kinda had to be there. The Wintersun debut was an absolute phenomenon when it was released, and it came out right when music was moving online and metal was having a huge resurgence. Most American metalheads weren't familiar with Children of Bodom, Kalmah, Ensiferum, etc. so for a lot of people it was unlike anything they had ever heard.
US Metal Fests

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:20 pm 

narsilianshard wrote:
Wrldeatr wrote:
Listening to their previous stuff, I fail to see what the big deal with this guy is.

You kinda had to be there. The Wintersun debut was an absolute phenomenon when it was released, and it came out right when music was moving online and metal was having a huge resurgence. Most American metalheads weren't familiar with Children of Bodom, Kalmah, Ensiferum, etc. so for a lot of people it was unlike anything they had ever heard.

Man! These were crazy times! When I was a teenager, my friends and I loved the whole melodic death metal scene from Finland. Children of Bodom, Kalmah, Ensiferum, Wintersun, Norther, Eternal Tears of Sorrow. You're right, Wintersun's debut was nothing short of a phenomenon. It was like a massive Earthquake for the scene. The fact that it has 31 reviews also is a testament to how much of an impact it had, and how divise it was.

Eric Olthwaite

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:57 pm 

Do you not have to justify your dole money in Finland?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:55 pm 

As one of the few apologists on here for Wintersun's music, all I'm going to say is that my only interest is in whatever music is actually released, I haven't bothered with the drama surrounding Jari for over 10 years. My former band mate got me into them back when we first formed Frost Giant in 2005 and The Harlot Star was basically our attempt at a partial homage to Wintersun's debut, though it turned into its own disaster in the end that almost mirrored Jari's nonsense. But I digress, if Time II proves to be an amazing album, I'll look past all of the nonsense as I have done in the past, but if it sucks, I'll trash it accordingly and move on to whatever Omnium Gatherum or Insomnium is doing.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 6:20 pm 

To be honest I hope it turns out great. At the end of the day, all Jari has done in the last 10 years is embarrass himself, which doesn't affect me negatively in any way. I didn't contribute to any crowdfunding and I've had plenty of other bands to listen to while I wait.
I see a lot of talk from a lot of people who act like the first two Wintersun albums weren't fantastic. They absolutely were great and were received very positively at the time. Whenever I've seen Wintersun play live, the band sounded great and the crowd was loving it. Hopefully we can get back to something similar to that soon. If not, I'll just have to find a way to carry on.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 6:52 pm 

I assume they still need to mix, master and print it, plus design and manufacture all the merch, and build the perfect concert hall and hire a symphony orchestra for the debut performance, soooooo... coming 2046?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:07 pm 

Will it be released as the soundtrack for Half Life 3?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:12 pm 

Empyreal wrote:
I think listening to any of this band's bullshit is more embarrassing than listening to nu metal even.

Vastly, man. Nu metal bands at least understood that drenching your music in a billion layers of shitty processed digital synth doesn't make it better.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:31 pm 

Napalm_Satan wrote:
Empyreal wrote:
I think listening to any of this band's bullshit is more embarrassing than listening to nu metal even.

Vastly, man. Nu metal bands at least understood that drenching your music in a billion layers of shitty processed digital synth doesn't make it better.

It's all the musical equivalent of jangling keys in a baby's face.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:39 pm 

Even if we were to assume that Jari is being 100% honest that the album is done, it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up delaying the release for stupid reasons like "tHe aLbUm cOvEr iSn't cOmPlEtElY CeNtErEd oN AlL StReAmInG PlAtFoRmS On tHe pLaNeT!!!!11" :facepalm:
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:03 pm 

luxul wrote:
Wow, Jari really took his TIME II on this. :)


Wintersun blows.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:08 pm 

When I saw there was "big news" coming I was expecting something along the lines of a one-track instrumental single that lasts 3 minutes. Time II being finished almost seems too good to be true after the long wait, so let's just hope the album will be good.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:19 pm 

Missed the perfect opportunity just to surprise drop it
Ultraboris wrote:
dunno who the fuckhead is who gave the Master of Puppets a zero but damn I'd kick him in the jawnuts any day.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:36 pm 

Not believing this until I'm actually hearing it.
Metal_On_The_Ascendant wrote:

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