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Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2002 2:04 am
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:18 am 

sacramentum - when night surrounds me

i hesitated on reviewing this just because i know the album through and through, and generally avoid stuff i've heard before in this thread. but this, this is the fucking real shit man. this is the total package; there's those bandsaw-blade riffs, overlaid with those perfectly-crafted melodies. the sense of songmanship is strong - the song speeds up, slows down, goes soft, speeds up, slows down, has about 600 bridges, all in perfect synch with each other. when the riff slows down, the drums hit a groove, and the melodies start over the top, that's where the true perfection in this song (and album) lies. the whole thing just complements itself in every way: from the guitar tone and shape of the riffs, to the leads and raspy vocals, no-bullshit, can't-even-tell-he-fairy-taps drumming, to the fact that there's so much reverb on it i can only assume it was recorded inside a tunnel which was in turn inside that aircraft factory in the the US that's so large it gets clouds inside the building. remember the movie the abyss, and how they ended up learning to breathe underwater somehow? that's what this album feels like. it's thick and reassuring, like being able to breathe 10km underwater. and perhaps the best part of all? you can look at the fucking cover art and KNOW that is what you're about to get. complete and utter perfection. good fucking god i love this album.

also not unknown, but i was listening to it about 15min ago so eh:

Harbinger of Metal

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:37 am 

White Zombie: "Black Sunshine"

Something I haven't heard in years and years. I recently got a copy of an early White Zombie EP, back when they sounded a bit like The Cramps or something, and I found that I liked it a lot more than their chugging 90s metal stuff. The problem for me is that, despite all the samples and weird noises they throw at the listener, the music is just so plain and uneventful. It doesn't even have the swinging groove that gets me excited every time, like Helmet does, or at least did in their prime. Having said that, that is one killer drum sound, it really is, and this song benefits from being really up-tempo (for this band) and hungry sounding, as befits a tune about a fast car, I guess. The riffing, of course, makes Darkthroen and bathory sound complex, and is in itself not too memorable, but the chugging tone is kind of appealing. Sadly I can't say the same for Rob's vocals, which just babble weird stoned sounding nonsense in a distorted voice at the listener and hardly seem to let up except for the voice samples. Speaking of which, that voiceover bit about Black Sunshine sounds like it was delivered by that guy who did hundreds and hundreds of movie trailers in the 80s and 90s...maybe it was him!

Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:26 pm 

Autopsy - Destined to Fester
An utterly mouth-watering piece of old school death metal that combines both ambience and sheer headbanging ferocity. The plodding march of mammoth riffs in the intro just suck you into a kind of zombie-like hobble. But this being Autopsy, they don't settle for what is essentially a death/doom song, they manage to speed this motherfucker up, bit by bit, until all of a sudden you've got a wicked solo leading you into a bit of the old-school thrashiness. I'm talking about the type of shit you can't help but want to mosh to. This track is a true classic, be it the version on this EP or the one on Mental Funeral--a must-listen for anyone with even the slightest interest in death metal.

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In the writing of others"

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Big Cube

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:50 pm 

Opium Warlords - Mount Meru

Been meaning to check this out for a while. It begins with soft, jangling atmospherics, with some big, winding bass crawling around underneath it. A great section, and I wish it would have been stretched out a little longer. A big riff comes in, not an insanely catchy or instantly memorable riff, but one that sounds nice and crushing and does the trick well enough. For a one man band, this is definitely well executed (although it doesn't hurt that this is by a very established musician who obviously has a strong grasp on what he's doing). Didn't love the vocals, the whole raspy whisper thing definitely isn't the greatest. The clean vocals closer to the end sound kind of silly. The one thing that was most off putting about this were the drums. They sound programmed, and while don't ruin it, could be a lot better. The crash cymbal is almost ever-present and it gets kind of annoying and the bass drum has a lame tone. Nice snare sound, though. Another atmospheric section comes in at the middle, with nice snaking melodies and a dirty fucking bassline. These are definitely the best parts of the song. There are definitely some interesting ideas here, but there are definitely some flaws that stop it from being as good as it could have been. This is fourteen minutes, and while definitely the kind of thing that calls for a longer length, would have fared a lot better ending around the ten minute mark.


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:23 pm 

Mammoth Grinder - God is stuck in a Black Hole

Pretty original music, I like it. it starts out catchy but can get annoying fast if you don't like this type of music
The vocals are a big downside though., which ever way you choose to look at it
I also understand that a lot of people won't really dig the rhythms that can seem boring compared to other more technical genres

As I said, it can be good if you like the genre but it can also get boring depending on your tastes

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:18 am 

SEWER - Sadomasothoracic Pedofuckfeast
(name copied from youtube clip, cause *sigh*)

ha ha fuck, this is awful. not even gonna get a look-in. it's like someone took early godflesh (which i like), removed the good bits and then filled the holes with nitzer ebb. the end result being some random 3-chord uninteresting grindcore with an 8-bit synthesizer for drums and bass. vocals maybe pig squeals run through some kind of effect? doesn't matter; they're fucking shit. i have no idea where the enjoyment comes from in listening to this, where it could possibly come from. absolutely none. an acquired taste for sure, but it makes me wonder who would bother listening to enough of this that they end up enjoying it. i'm hardly a "music as artform" guy but this makes me want to scream "WHERE'S THE HEART????" because this has exactly 0 soul. and it's not soulless in the "well at least i can appreciate what they're doing" way, like i dunno... animals as leaders or something; it's just talentless, monotonous, utter shite. this is the musical incarnation of neckbeards and unclipped toenails.

(band is well-known, but this song relatively hidden and underrated)


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:21 pm 

Type O Negative - An Ode to Locksmiths
Well I certainly didn't expect a rollicking piece of traditional heavy metal by Type O. It's nice to see Steele taking a break from his usual gothic bleakness to rock out, with a few vaguely Tom G. Warrior-esque grunts set over a driving if somewhat repetitive riff. I mean if it was just that and the main guitar lick, I reckon it wouldn't be too bad of a song, but what pretty much spoils the party is the weird metal ballad-y choruses that take Steele way out of his normal range. The whole thing just seems very out of place. So instead of a tight rock n' roll type of heavy metal, we have a muddled song that kinda meanders all over the place. A rather disappointing piece of work.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:05 pm 

Amerigo wrote:

I actually own and quite like this album by Hypocrisy, the album being Abducted, as it has some crushing moments of desperation, and barely controlled frustration buried within. First off, the production is just fucking stellar - pure down-tuned heaviness in the guitar/bass section, with every instrument given enough breathing space, while simultaneously possessing a suffocating aura about it. The opening mournfully melodic lead line forms the basis for the entire tracks construction, and theme, as it will reappear from time to time helping weld all of the other parts together seamlessly. The drumming I have always though to be rather stodgy from poor old Lars Szöke, who probably could have been replaced with a drum machine, as he was never the most creative drummer, but he serves his purpose here, and I guess that counts for something, but the mastermind has always been Peter naturally, and he shines here. The song itself isn't overly complex, but it still has the necessary, and as I said earlier, desperate impetus to it, so that it never becomes boring or stolid. The whole album (of course) revolves around alien themes, with some truly frustrated, alienated (ahem) subject matter, that works well within the course of the record, so that gets a plus from me also. This album, and The Final Chapter are the last albums I have heard from Hypocrisy, as I lost interest in them, but this one is a cracker. Good stuff.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:01 pm 

Misery's Omen - A Cobbled Path

Never heard of this band, but this isn't bad at all. It has a very progressive sound to it, and even a little folky at times with how the guitars are played. There are moments where it feels like there is too much going on at once, but other than that it reallly sounds like a band I could find myself getting into. The soft-slower middle section is pretty nice, nothing new or original in this style of music, but really good break from that chaotic beginning, sounds a lot like Shining (SWE) in a way. Definitely the best part of the song IMO. The ending kinda feels like it takes too long to get to, but once again, still not a bad thing. Overall it's a good song and definitely something I can see myself getting into, but doesn't bring much new to the table.

Going to have to post one of my favorite bands at the moment now...


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:42 pm 

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i can't be bothered writing an actual review, but that vietah song just posted is amazing. hory shet.

Metel fraek

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:29 pm 

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:35 pm 

Vietah - Tajemstvy noczy

So we're treated with a sweet buzzsaw riff, that promises a balls-out serious black metal march. The song develops into the hypnotic tremolo melodies that admittedly fulfill the determined pace promised by the intro. Towards the middle of this tune we get a bit of a change of pace with a meditative guitar lick that works it's way back to the mournful version of the march we started out with. Up to this point the vocals were a bit unimpressive, but they work well over the moody high notes of minimalist guitar. Probably what's most impressive here is how well-composed the song is. There is a lot of repetition, but it's never too overt because it's tied into the song structure very elegantly. You barely notice this track is a whole fucking ten minutes.

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Metel fraek

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:00 pm 

I meant to review that, Amerigo (hence the post "placeholder"), but alright. I'll do your song then.

Accept - Too High to Get it Right

Foot-stomping rhythms, rocking riffing, delightfully present bass and a heavy metal solo kick off the song, and we're soon treated to Udo's rasping, high vocals. I always considered him to have a cool voice for the kind of rocking heavy metal that Accept plays, but it doesn't work nearly as well when he's singing more tuneful passages, such as the pre-chorus. It's much better for those AC/DC style verses with simple intervals and most of the notes in the same registre.

It's a fairly powerful 80s heavy metal song, but something about the production makes it unnecessarily soft. My favourite thing is probably the epic guitar licks in the solo that are dual-tracked with one part played an octave above. It sounds fantastic in swaggering, energetic old school metal.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:28 pm 

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Sorry wasn't paying attention when I was posting and ended up missing that.
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Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2002 2:04 am
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:18 am 

houwitser - sledgehammer redemption

this has a mean sound to it. OSDM with massive slayer influence! the guitars are tuned low and are muddy and thick, yet still clear enough to hear the melodies and riffs really well. drums are a little clicky but nothing too distracting. this is a fairly good take on the genre - none of the usual crap that turns me off (pig squeals, unnecessary amounts of white noise), just solid riffs, passing vocals, solid performances all round, and it's not overly long or drawn out. exactly what you'd want in this style, tbh. more bands need to sound like this and less like.... other modern death metal.

inspired by a thread on the first page:

Eric Olthwaite

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:32 am 

Turner wrote:
houwitser - sledgehammer redemption

this has a mean sound to it. OSDM with massive slayer influence! the guitars are tuned low and are muddy and thick, yet still clear enough to hear the melodies and riffs really well. drums are a little clicky but nothing too distracting. this is a fairly good take on the genre - none of the usual crap that turns me off (pig squeals, unnecessary amounts of white noise), just solid riffs, passing vocals, solid performances all round, and it's not overly long or drawn out. exactly what you'd want in this style, tbh. more bands need to sound like this and less like.... other modern death metal.

inspired by a thread on the first page:

Oh yes, early 1990s Sarcofago. I like this album a lot, it's their second best after INRI. I think in a lot of ways people think this is band becoming more death metal, but for me, it always sounded a lot like late 1980s Bulldozer (IX and Neurodeliri are what I'm referring to here). Obviously, there's some other influences (the other "S" band and some Pestilence, too). That thrash break could have been lifted straight from a certain 1989 Brazilian classic. It's clear, however, that Sarcofago are a lot more adventurous than their more famous countrymen and those cool keys and melodic sections are really well done. Great song.

Uncolored wrote:
non 80's wodos members are enemies of teutonic beatles hairstyle thrash

Harbinger of Metal

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:48 am 

Desaster: "Teutonic Steel"

Ah, Desaster. I've sort of lost track of this band and their last few albums. It seemed to me they were slowly losing that cool, contemplative/faux medieval guitar thing that would occasionally happen in their music in the early days and just becoming a 'normal" black/thrash band. This however is probably from the apex of there career, so says a guy who has so far missed out on their last few albums. It starts out with one of those great semi-folky melodies, which will come back to remind us of ancient German glory later on in the piece, accompanied by a rolling riff and some decisive, cracking heavy drums. THe song makes very intelligent use of tempo changes and the whole thing has this triumphant, positive aura about it, while being most definitely battle-ready. This should be the anthem for the German football team! ALthough the vocal patterns are not too special and the voice just a dry forceful rasp, that chorus is of course quite memorable. I always wondered if this band should try and incorporate more lead guitar as it always seems a sort of missing ingredient in their particular sauce, but I must admit that this song sure doesn't need any kind of soloing.

Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:09 am 

Abominatrix wrote:

That's right, it's Razor bitches!! I actually have Malicious Intent on vinyl and spin it from time to time for some rough'n'ready thrashin' attack. Sheepdog's vocals are a standout with that shrieking quality, and the necessary drawl and spite-spitting delivery. Musically you can absolutely feel the Judas Priest influences dripping of every note, BUT that doesn't make this any less cool. The opening riff that settles in after the initial rush is pretty damn sweet as it settles back into it's swagger. I never knew this was an EP though, so there you go... YT is doing it's absolute best to ruin the sound here, but considering this was probably ripped from the vinyl I can sort of forgive that. The sound is rather deliciously raw, but what do you expect from the early eighties? Especially on an early thrash/speed metal record from a young up and coming band. This to me also has that lingering hallmark of punk from the seventies, as it still has that raw aggression, just kicked into a different direction, with a little more control, flavour and finger tapping solos. The drumming is another highlight within this, great interplay with the bass too - rock solid. Armed and dangerous indeed.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:07 am 

Domains - Raped by Darkness

Yet another death metal band playing in the classic style...the question is whether it's really effective or not. Judging by this song I'd say it actually is not. This has got the usual ingredients you'd expect: a howling, harsh vocal attack (which in this case reminds me of Patrick Mameli), plenty of riffs been played on a downtuned dirty guitartone, drums that sound bombastic and whatnot. Problem is that this has been done before, and far better not to mention the riffs themselves don't really grab me here. I'm positive that these guys do all their best playing tribute to a genre they all love, but I can't say that this conjures any overpowering atmosphere I usually get out of death metal I like.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:25 pm 

Katatonia - Shades of Emerald Fields

A nice, slightly melodic and doomy death metal sound, with some catchy riffs and a nice song progression. The vocals are quite raspy and echoey, which creates a nice eerie feel to parts of the song. The rest of it has some nice, more upbeat, even slightly thrashy riffage, nice to tap your foot to. Around the four minute mark the song breaks into a softer, sort-of ambient part, which creates some nice atmosphere. Clean vocals are added, they sound alright I guess. The clean guitars add a nice feel to this section as well. Really, the whole song is pretty good, and I usually don't even like this subgenre.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:08 pm 

Hoth - The Unholy Conception

never heard of this band...but to rescue the mini review game, i'll give it a shot. Opening riff sounds very similar but can't place where i last heard it..The riff changes up at about a minute and i like it...catchy! The melody of this riff coudl be the backbone of the song, but instead comes and goes. Vocals are black metalish...and ok, nothing that stand out as spectacular. I dig the acoustic section in the middle of the song although i'm not sure how much it ties with the rest of the song, but it was still enjoyable. Overall, it was a good song. The melodious riffs are the highlight for me and i'll probably be checking out some other songs on this album

Perhaps too long?? If no takers in a couple days and i'll post something shorter
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:30 pm 

Esoteric - Cipher

One of those bands I've always heard is amazing but never checked them out since I'm not the biggest Death/Doom fan. Starts off surprisingly soft, with some nice psychedelic melodies. I really enjoy that the music stayed relatively the same when the vox kicked in, it's this sort of good and evil contrast that's one of my favorite aspects of metal. Wow, this is super pretty for how heavy it is. Dammit. Loses most of the melody about halfway through. And then the last minute is just dissonant noise, how frustrating. It started so strongly, I really wanted to love this track. To me this proves you can play this style without having to write extremely long tracks. It would have been amazing if they cut out a few unnecessary minutes.

One of my favorite songs of 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:01 pm 

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interesting...I actually quite like the second half section starting just before 5:00 (assuming that is the section you mentioned that loses its melody). I do agree the last minute of dissonant noise is not needed though
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:32 pm 

Vredehammer - Vinteroffer

So first and foremost, I thought this song was awesome. Having never heard this band before, I will certainly be checking this album out.
The song started off pretty slow and dreamy with wailing guitars leading the intro. A few notes reminded me of something David Gilmour might play. The calmness is short lived, and about a minute and 50 seconds in a great riff comes pounding in and sets the tone for what's to come. The first vocals heard are spoken groans, used to great effect. I feel as though the cover art is pretty fitting for the atmosphere while the spoken words are croaked out over the galloping metal. The harsh vocals are pretty straight forward black metal screams, albeit on the lower end. My favorite part is the ferocious riff around 7:08 in. Very heavy, very good. All in all, lot's of great riffs, more than competent drumming, and excellent pacing and songwriting for a 9+ minute black/death metal song. Thanks for sharing!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:09 pm 

Petrychor- Ceaseless White

Woah. Ok, that was really fantastic. It mixes some very different stuff but it feels very grounded in the depths of more traditional atmospheric Black Metal. The clean guitar in the intro is really great, which is rare for me to say since I am rarely a fan of clean guitar in Extreme Metal, or anything even remotely folsky. But the folksy elements are very understated here and there is no cheese to be seen. Dare I say, its very... pretty. Sad as well, but also pretty. And when it get all Proggy and psychedelic near the end... such boundless creativity and fearless songwriting. But also effective songwriting. I've listened to the song 3 times and I am really enjoying this.



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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:19 pm 

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I'm glad you dug that Petrychor track. They have a tendency to not be a lot of people's cup of tea, but I really appreciate the guy's songwriting and his ability to seamlessly incorporate a lot of strange influences that you'd never expect to mix so well with atmospheric black metal. He has a great talent for making experimentation work....

On another note, I am very glad that I checked out your track. Holy shit, this album from Dephosphorus is probably one of the heaviest and highest quality pieces of unrelenting metal I have heard all year. In over a day I have become completely enamored by Ravenous Solemnity. So many good riffs in every single song.
My favorite Carcass album is Swansong.


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:22 am 

HeySharpshooter wrote:

Dephosphorus - Ancient Drone

Well this is interesting. The band name/logo had me expecting something either in the catacombic death realm or war metallish stuff. It starts off sounding more like High On Fire with weird vocals. That vibe doesn't last too long before they shift into high gear and let loose a little. I'm not completely taken with the song but I'm impressed that they aren't what I expected and also that they pack quite a bit of different ideas into such a short song without it sounding like a complete fucking debacle. My favorite part BY FAR is that stiff downpicked riff that comes swaggering in towards the end. Very cool release of tension after they groove for a few seconds. This sounds far more punk informed than I was expecting, almost reminds me of a band like Catheter without the completely over the top guitar tone. It seems like this band would get people moving in a circle live. It's not exactly my thing but I would definitely recommend it to...someone... They get bonus points for the cheesy laser sound effect smack in the middle of the song. Totally unexpected and quite rad.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:37 pm 

^ Mercyful Fate- "Mission: Destroy Aliens".

I can't say I ever listened to the "Return of the Vampire" compilation before, but I might give it a shot. Basically your typical earlier Mercyful Fate goodness. There's a snazzy start made of acoustics and melodic guitar howling before diving into typical if entertaining speed metal licks. Lousy quality, but hey it is only a demo song in 240p on youtube. Diamond's vox still sound good even without studio interference, though he does sound kinda funny. Maybe he's a little drunk?

Revivalist thrash: either you love it or hate it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIZ_Mq0-6hY

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:53 pm 

Phew, way better than I was expecting by the titles!

The acoustic intro is pretty simple but cool and builds up the tension as intended. Not sure how well it fits with the mood of rest of the song though.

Kicking off with classic style thrash metal, the song has good production and energy to it but falls within the mass of thrash metal as bringing not much new elements/lacks originality.

The length is perfect and actually as a single track this works out pretty well. Overall rating: 6,5/10

- - - -

For modern taste, mixing atmospheric, melodic and progressive elements, Edge Of Haze from Finland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXYmN895UPA


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:00 pm 

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That was never a Mercyful Fate song even though it was included on the Return of the Vampire compilation. That song was a demo recorded under the name Danger Zone, which was a band Michael Denner put together right when Mercyful Fate was forming. It was when King lent his vocal talents to that project that it was determined that Michael Denner would be added to the Mercyful Fate line up.
Diamhea wrote:
TrooperEd wrote:
Edit: fuck it this whole thing is bait anyway.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:12 pm 

Oh, ok. Did not know that.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:47 pm 

Edge Of Haze - Crushed

you know...half the problem to this game isn't the reviewing but thinking of a song to suggest that isn't too common for everyone...anyways, to the song:

tone isn't what i was expecting based on MA description but nonetheless, has some good riffs and some subtle melodic accoustic elements which are quite cool. The harsh vocals don't sound anything special to me and the clean vocals...kind the same feeling, meh. This is not to say they are that bad but really don't stand out to me either. I thought the bridge section at 3:30 was nice....seemed like the tempo increased and the few melodic leads were ok, Having said that, it seemed like that section could have been used to showcase some variance in riffs as I feel like the guys are holding back and playing stuff that sounds simple...i dunno, they remind me abit like In Vain but not executed as well.

These guys were in a recent thread...liked this album quite a bit
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:11 am 

yikes...4th page, should i pick a new song?
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:57 pm 

I'll bite! Slugdge - Salters of Madness

I've been meaning to check out these guys, glad I came across it here so I can properly dissect it. Love the idea behind the band, basically Cannabis Corpse but replace weed with slugs. Fucking hilarious. Recently I've been trying to bone up on my Death Metal collection and after this track I can tell this album is a must buy. They perfectly blend OSDM influence with a modern DM sound/production, paying close attention to melody and creative riffs - somewhere between Bloodbath and Dead Congregation. The solo/bridge halfway through is gorgeous, love the acoustic guitars before thundering back into the heaviness. Damn, then the last two minutes they switch it up with some new ideas and it gets even better. This is what great death metal should sound like, wouldn't change a thing about this song.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:37 am 

Akercocke - The Dark Inside

Classic album from these guys. Everything is on point here, great riffing and production. Drumming is nice quick and varied. The song has a LOT of variation in general, including a weird electronica style part mid song but the riffs don't let up when they are playing.

Vocals in general are pretty good, particular the growls, cleans are passable but not incredible.



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PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:47 am 

I_Am_Vengeance wrote:

Haha Powerwolf... I always have a quiet chuckle to myself about these guys, as I'm sure their over the top image and antics are rather tongue in cheek (and cheeky). That being said though, there is something that catches the ear with these guys. They are certainly no slouches musically, and that wins them a great number of (good) points, and their compositions are designed to have your fist pumping in the air and singing wildly along with their HUGE choruses, and you can tell the band loves what they do. Attila's vocals own the show here, as they soar with all the manly confidence you would expect from male werewolf. Song wise these guys know how to rock it, and their live shows would, admittedly, kick ass, and would be a shit ton of metallic fun. It's all pretty punchy stuff too, with ample heaviness to carry themselves, and the quasi operatic segments actually work really well, to accompany the slick riff-work. I think I'm actually talking myself into buying a couple of their albums to be honest, as I've sampled quite a number of their tracks on YT over the last year or so, and I believe I've been somewhat swept up in their pomp and circumstance. They have a rather amusing film clip for their Amen & Attack track off the Preachers Of The Night album, which is rather cool in a (purposely?) cheesy way. Solid stuff overall, and if you want heaviness, cool vocals, riffs and to the point song craft, you could do a lot worse than these guys.

Cannot wait for this to hit my mailbox.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:51 am 

funerary pit - charnel chasms

solid OSDM, swedish style! drawing a lot of comparisons to the first necrophobic album in the melodies - there's a lot of tremolo picking stuff in there that owes itself to early necrophobic and dissection rather than the more obvious dismember, entombed etc. singer is more or less your average growler doing an akerfeldt-in-bloodbath thing, drumming standard DM drumming. the melodies are where this stands out, and the bridge towards the end. i assume this is a new band, if you're waiting for it to turn up in the mail? good to know there are bands putting out albums in this vein in 2014.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:11 am 

Spoiler: show
Yeah it's solid, legit stuff alright... They have been around for a while, but the only previous thing they have released was an EP, Winds Of Hell way back in 2006, and that kicked ass as well. This is the first new thing they've done since then, and it fuckin' slays - big fan of them.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:17 pm 

Grand Magus - I the Jury,
good, solid traditional song, but it falls flat a bit towards the middle. The vocals seem like they should falsetto, but they don't, which kinda makes me a tad disappointed. It feels a mite buttrocky towards the end, but it channels a classic metal vibe in a very accurate manner.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7vVVolO4oY (8 minutes)

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:24 pm 

Manilla Road-The Books of Skelos

Ah Manilla Road! A band I've been meaning to check out but have yet to, so this is as good of a starting place as any. Anyways, the track starts out with a melodic, arpeggiated guitar riff that's pure classic metal… before what is possibly the weirdest voice in traditional metal soars over it…

Its not bad…. its actually really fun, and the ridiculousness of his voice actually complements the ridiculousness of the lyrics, which are about some sort of mystical books with magic power, really well. But man its weird. So, its basically a traditional metal delivery but the much "thinner" for lack of a better term, with a really thick accent and an exaggerated, barely- in- key vibrato that you have to hear to believe.

A tasteful guitar solo transitions the song from the classic metal ballad setting to thrash metal-esque riffs, occasionally complemented by quick, blistering guitar leads. The song ends rather abruptly with a simple reprise of the thrash riff that gets played throughout most of the second half of the song. All in all its a cool track, and I will definitely be looking more into this band in the future. What a voice!


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