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Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:24 am
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:52 pm 

Metantoine wrote:
Waltz_of_Ghouls wrote:
I would say Reverend Bizarre. Hands down my favorite Doom band ever. Their 3 albums and their EP's and splits aren't enough to satisfy me.

Check out Lord Vicar, The Puritan, Orne and Spiritus Mortis Doom over the world! But yeah, they will be missed.

I know (and love) Lord Vicar, The Puritain and Orne. But it's not the same sadly. Will check Spiritus Mortis asap!

Horace Bones
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:39 pm 

Put me down for Vinterland as well. One of the better Dissection-influenced bands that I tend to enjoy more than Dissection themselves. Welcome My Last Chapter is such an atmospheric masterpiece. Every time I play that record and the last notes of Wings of Sorrow play, I always think to myself….damn, I wish I could listen to more of these guys.

The thing is, awhile back there was news that Vinterland reunited and were going to be putting out a new album….they even did a show last year…but I haven’t heard anything since.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:46 pm 

Wormphlegm definitely, if they hadn't split up there would be no stopping them I bet.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:36 pm 

EpicSceptic wrote:
I will also add Dawn (Swe). Way too short lived.

Agree with Dawn for sure. That last album they put out was great. Really solid black metal with a bit of death metal. Also seconding Kvist. I often wonder what direction this band would have went for. "For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike" was so damn good, but I'm always mad when listening to it because I hear flashes of pure excellence that could have been expanded upon in later releases. So much potential...

Also how can I not mention Weakling!? I suppose theyre love or hate, but when "Dead as Dreams" clicks with a person, it fucking clicks. Very emotionally draining, epic and dark. I think in about 10 to 15 years a lot of people are going to realize how far ahead of its time that album was. And much like Kvist, you know they just would have blossomed into perfection had they stuck around. Every time I read this quote by John Gossard my brain and soul begins to hurt contemplating the awesomeness of what could have been:
We got to a point where we got our claws into the edge of the cliff of the best shit. We were never able to pull ourselves up to the top of it. But if you had given us time between the first album and whenver the second album would have been, we would have gone farther than the top of the cliff.

Also would like to add Spite Extreme Wing. Their final (and best album) Vltra is one of my all time favorite albums in heavy metal. The combination of punk, black metal, retro-production, and Italian/Romantic flare make it one of the most unique and beautiful creations I have ever heard. Everyone has that one obscure band where they just can't understand why the rest of the world isn't embracing them, and Spite Extreme Wing is mine.

Other foods for thought: Silencer, Repulsion, Austere, Semen Across Lips

Edit: Lifelover anyone?
My favorite Carcass album is Swansong.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:55 pm 

Not particularly original as far as genre goes, but Finnish doom metal band Minotauri went too soon as far as I'm concerned. They had two albums, 2004's self titled, which is one of my favorite doom metal albums, and 2007's II. Although I don't really like II, I would've been eager to see what would've come next; if they could've come back and made one of the same caliber as the first one.

Minotauri - Singing In the Grave

The U.S. heavy/power metal band Warlord put out 1 EP and one LP in the the early 80s, and some demos. They have since achieved cult status. They put out a reunion album in 2002 called Rising Out of the Ashes, but it was made up almost exclusively of old songs that never got released (under the Warlord name). But now they are making another comeback album, this time it's supposed to be all new material! They have posted a demo song called Night of the Fury on youtube and it's great, I'm really looking forward to this album.

Warlord - Penny For a Poor Man
Warlord - Night of the Fury

Related to Warlord is guitarist Bill Tsamis' 90s project Lordian Guard. IMO this band is even better than Warlord. They put out two albums, 1995's selft titled, and 1997's Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Both of these are fantastic specimen's of epic metal, which I've never heard another band to compare them to. What really makes them being a band to split up to early was there was a third album planned, but it never got released (I don't know if it ever got recorded).

Lordian Guard - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Their was a very original Italian doom metal band in the 80s called Black Hole. They released one album in 1985, Land of Mystery. They recorded a second album, Living Mask, in 1988, but it didn't get released until 2000. Last year, a slew of demo tracks was released on the Behind the Gravestone box set. I would've loved to hear what they would've come up with after Living Mask. A reunion probably isn't very likely, as singer/bassist/keyboardist Robert Measles gave up music after Living Mask didn't get released in 1988, and I think up to this day he hasn't played music since.

Black Hole - Bells of Death
Black Hole - Living Masks

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:26 pm 

Nocturnal fucking Graves are better than 99% of bands in this thread.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:58 pm 

Heaven And Hell and Type O Negative were the first two bands that came to mind. I know both bands had been around for a long time but they were both working on new albums when their frontmen died!
Lavaborne (Power Doom): https://lavaborne.bandcamp.com
The Skyspeakers (Heavy Psych): https://theskyspeakers.bandcamp.com/
Cloud of Souls (Experimental Doom): https://cloudofsouls.bandcamp.com/


Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:42 am
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:05 pm 

Never heard of Nocturnal fucking Graves, so they probably suck, which would explain why they didn't last that long.

In any case, the Finnish death metal band, Scum sounded like they were bursting with potential on Purple Dreams & White Poems. Full of catchy riffs and deliciously plodding drumming, I haven't found anything that sounds quite like them.
I'd also have to second Vinterland. Absolutely fantastic release, and then the band just seemed to disappear after that, reappearing a decade later with a vague promise of new material.
Shit, almost forgot, Control Denied, Chuck's last project.


Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:10 am
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:31 pm 

Thought of a couple more doom bands...

Glow, from Spain. They released Gone, But Never Forgotten in 2005, and Dive Into the Sun in 2006, both really good albums.

Glow - Godfish
Glow - Inside

Luz de Invierno from Argentina. They never got past the demo stage, but I really like their self titled 2002 demo, to me pretty original sounding.

Luz de Invierno - Serpents of the Moon


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:47 pm 

windir, brocas helm, and orchid(despite not being metal, they should have lasted longer)

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:56 pm 

I see that a few of the previous bands listed, like Morbid Saint, are listed as "active". Now are those bands not active and thereby dead and buried, or just not active enough?

Anyways, a few bands I thought of:

Dark Angel, Epidemic, and my own favorite Demolition Hammer. I listen to D.H. and wonder how another 15-20 years worth of albums akin to Tortured Existence or Epidemic of Violence would be like.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:35 pm 

No love for Flames Of Hell here? Shame.
I would've really loved another album from them, I really liked what they were doing.

Dream Death is another one, really cool sludgy doom metal.
They did a couple of albums but should've kept going or at least released some merch, I'd love to rock a Dream Death shirt.
Everything old school death metal.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:51 pm 

Man, Warlord from Los Angeles were one of those "Whatever happened to..." bands who quickly turned into a "Geez I forgot all about those guys!" band. They had a couple songs on heavy rotation on California FM rock stations around 1983-84, and I always thought of them as great progressive hard rock/heavy metal with a very distinctive flair. They were one of the first Metal Blade Records bands to get big, and I really dug em; I forgot about those guys for years after they dissappeared from the airwaves and dropped out of sight. Dang, that was a great #^%$& band right there.

Flames of Hell from Reykjavik- that was a great album, and it was wierd they never did anything after that. They apparently never gave interviews or anything, they just went in and recorded the thing, and that was that.

There are definatly a couple early death/thrash metal bands I would add to the list; Possessed, Necrovore from fucking Texas, Unsane (the thrash metal one) from New Jersey, and traditional metal band Mortician from Austraila. (not the "tune to fucking low G" crap-death metal one everyone knows) Necrovore in particular were very influential and should have been much bigger than they were. Heck, the first time I heard Carcass, I thought it was Necrovore- I had never heard anything else that heavy!

I see plenty of long-dead bands being listed as "active" on this site because they re-unite for a re-union show once every few years, but I'm not sure you could really consider them as "active." To me, "Active" means a band that is still writing and recording new material and still plays regular shows. Thats a whole nother issue though.

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:53 am 

BaloroftheEvilEye wrote:
Never heard of Nocturnal fucking Graves, so they probably suck, which would explain why they didn't last that long.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:57 am 

BaloroftheEvilEye wrote:
Never heard of Nocturnal fucking Graves, so they probably suck, which would explain why they didn't last that long..

What! This is a very shitty comment, yeah, all the successful bands are great and all and the ones you don't know are bad. BTW, Nocturnal Graves probably released one of the best Australian black/thrash album. Your loss.
caspian about CHAIRTHROWER wrote:

Metantoine's Magickal Realm

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:09 am 

Metantoine wrote:
BaloroftheEvilEye wrote:
Never heard of Nocturnal fucking Graves, so they probably suck, which would explain why they didn't last that long..

What! This is a very shitty comment, yeah, all the successful bands are great and all and the ones you don't know are bad. BTW, Nocturnal Graves probably released one of the best Australian black/thrash album. Your loss.


Satan's Cross is a classic of the death thrash genre. One hell of a album. The whole NG discography is great though.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:41 am 

Metantoine wrote:
BaloroftheEvilEye wrote:
Never heard of Nocturnal fucking Graves, so they probably suck, which would explain why they didn't last that long..

What! This is a very shitty comment, yeah, all the successful bands are great and all and the ones you don't know are bad. BTW, Nocturnal Graves probably released one of the best Australian black/thrash album. Your loss.

They're average run of the mill black/thrash with no redeemable qualities, which is a shame considering they come from the same place as Bestial Warlust and Destroyer 666.
Malignanthrone wrote:

Thing is, Suicide Silence actually are more sonically massive than a good 95% of all the death metal bands in the Archives! Not metal, sure, but definitely a lot more brutal.

Under_Starmere wrote:
Manowar aren't the Kings of Metal. They're pretenders to a throne that doesn't exist.!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:19 am 


Fucking Amesoeurs!

They split up soon after releasing their full length, and it's one of my favorite records of all time! I like them better than Alcest, and wish they had continued writing albums. The future may hold surprises on this front, however. One can only hope.

Thergothon. I would kill to see a true follow up to Streams from the Heavens. However, even the optimist in me doesn't see this ever happening because the key members don't even make metal anymore.

Abyssmal Sorrow is listed as split up. I hope this isn't the case, perhaps a surprise return might occur? I hope they pull a Monolithe and release something completely out of the blue.

I second Wormphlegm but I'm not so certain they are done for good. They could come back. Maybe in 10 years though, but who knows? Aren't they the same guys as the ones in Tyranny? Tyranny is still active, not sure when a new release is coming... hopefully soon! I checked out Corpsessed and asked on their facebook if Tyranny is still active and Matti responded that they were.
Unashamedly colorful

And they'll tell you black is really white - The moon is just the sun at night - And when you walk in golden halls - You get to keep the gold that falls - It's Heaven and Hell

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:46 am 

Veracs wrote:
They're average run of the mill black/thrash with no redeemable qualities, which is a shame considering they come from the same place as Bestial Warlust and Destroyer 666.

Really? Defiance was better you think?

Not a shame in any way. Satan's Cross continues the tradition of savage Aussie metal, had great riffage all over the place! I'd put it next to Cruel Force and Ketzer releases which are pretty much the best in recent times.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:38 am 

Veracs wrote:
They're average run of the mill black/thrash with no redeemable qualities, which is a shame considering they come from the same place as Bestial Warlust and Destroyer 666.

Your opinion does not equal truth. Only Onward To Golgotha is real etc blah blah blah...

I think Bestial Warlust ended too soon. Would have liked a third album. I also would have liked to have seen a Zyklon - B full length, in the same destructive vein as the ep.
Not for mercy does the evolution of I progress...

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:22 am 

Dehumanized, IMO, were pretty unique at that time in the brutaldeathmetal scene. Had they carried on, who knows...we could've gotten more epic releases like their debut.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:31 am 

The awesome German Prog bands Night Sun and Sieges Even!

Night Sun only released one album titled Mournin way back in the '70's. But what an album it was - Deep Purple-esque shifting rhythms over a wall of organ sounds with proto thrash moments and a meaty guitar attack.

Sieges Even was one of the truly innovative Prog metal bands that took time to develop their music aesthetically and texturally and not just lay down odd rhythms. They released probably about six full lengths before calling it quits in 2008. Alex Holzwarth, drummer, is of course known for his work in Rhapsody of Fire, Avantasia, Blind Guardian and so on but he never sounded as good as in Sieges Even.

Last edited by SleightOfVickonomy on Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:36 am 

Planet AIDS, a very original and frightening blend of funeral doom, drone, noise and industrial. They have only released a 30-minute song before disbanding, which is one of the finest doom releases.
Also, Goatsblood, only 2 albums released, their latest album Drull was amazing.
And Woods of Belial.


Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:10 am
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:50 am 

SleightOfVickonomy wrote:
The awesome German Prog bands Night Sun and Sieges Even!

Night Sun only released one album titled Mournin way banck in the '70's. But what an album it was - Deep Purple-esque shifting rhythms over a wall of organ sounds with proto thrsah moments and a meaty guitar attack.

Sieges Even was one of the truly innovative Prog metal bands that took time to develop their music aesthetically and texturally and not just lay down odd rhythms. They released probably about six full lengths before calling it quits in 2008. Alex Holzwarth, drummer, is of course known for his work in Rhapsody of Fire, Avantasia, Blind Guardian and so on but he never sounded as good as in Sieges Even.

Good call on Night Sun, I hope to eventually buy Mournin on CD.

Eric Olthwaite

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:52 am 

Isen Torr's a big one for me. There were several EPs planned, but it never came to happen. I know they had problems with the rhythm section, but obviously, Tony Taylor's death was the ultimate spanner in the works. Oh well, they've got 2 songs are they're both really bloody good. :)

I wish Eucharist had done more, too, those 2 albums are very special for that style.
Uncolored wrote:
non 80's wodos members are enemies of teutonic beatles hairstyle thrash

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:52 am 

Flames, the German (originally Greek) band hasn't released an album since 1996's "In Agony Rise".
Their album "Merciless Slaughter" still kicks my ass;

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:52 am 

Nagelfar. After their third awesometastic atmo BM album they just said they were out of ideas for the band. What a shame, but better than writing music for the sake of writing music.
Under_Starmere wrote:
iHumanism: Philosophy phoned in.
Metantoine wrote:
If Summoning is the sugar of fantasy metal, is Manowar the bacon?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:00 am 

Goatfangs wrote:
I second Wormphlegm but I'm not so certain they are done for good. They could come back. Maybe in 10 years though, but who knows? Aren't they the same guys as the ones in Tyranny? Tyranny is still active, not sure when a new release is coming... hopefully soon! I checked out Corpsessed and asked on their facebook if Tyranny is still active and Matti responded that they were.

Yeah I was aware of Tyranny, it's a great band for sure but I hope they'll re-activate Wormphlegm at one point, that demo and album are flawless!


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:23 am 

Aethyrvorous really should have kept going. Their demo was massively heavy and showed a lot of promise.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:40 am 

I really wish Splatterhouse would have put out more stuff before going on an infinite hiatus or whatever. Funerot shouldn't have broken up, especially with how shitty Christian Mistress ended up being, that one's a real shame. Insect Warfare gets an obvious mention as does Repulsion. I wish the real Terrorizer line up would have put out more... no Pintado = no Terrorizer.
SPEWTILATOR - Play Fast // Smoke Grass
'Goathrower' and 'Inhale Awaits' EP's out on Boris Records!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:56 am 

I wish Murphy could finish the second Disincarnate album.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:46 pm 

Metantoine wrote:
BaloroftheEvilEye wrote:
Never heard of Nocturnal fucking Graves, so they probably suck, which would explain why they didn't last that long..

What! This is a very shitty comment, yeah, all the successful bands are great and all and the ones you don't know are bad. BTW, Nocturnal Graves probably released one of the best Australian black/thrash album. Your loss.

I assumed no-one take that seriously, considering how faulty the logic was, and I went on to lament about a reasonably obscure band myself...

Beer Baron

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:14 pm 

STORMM wrote:
Im sure alot of metal heads on here would have liked to see Timeghoul stick round for a bit longer, they only managed to release two demos but still became an underground hit.

I will also add Lykathea Aflame, 1 release (before name change) and 19 reviews on this very site with an average score of 96%, enough said.

Agree with this post and since you've mentioned Lykathea Aflame, i'll add Apalling Spawn.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:13 pm 

Visceral Evisceration - They released one album and it was fucking awesome.

Frightmare - Bringing Back the Bloodshed is one of my all time favorite metal albums, and it really sucks that they disbanded. Much better than Blood Freak in my opinion. I keep hoping they come back.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:30 pm 

Sun of the Sleepless. Although technically it was only a side project anyway. But i really love all 3 cd's they released.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:30 pm 

lennonlikesmetal wrote:
Nocturnal fucking Graves are better than 99% of bands in this thread.

Just listened to some of their songs, and while I do not exactly agree with the latter part of your posting, I must admit this is killer stuff.

The following bands mostly had some albums in their discography, but I think they disappeared just when they were getting really interesting:

Ordo Draconis - the Camera Obscura albums seemed like a promising start into a bright future of trippy musical and lyrical adventures, especially when you consider Part II and songs like "Sirius Fever" or "The Dancefloor Clinic".

Quo Vadis - got better with every album and had a distinct sound.

Anorexia Nervosa - all their albums were high-quality stuff, but "Redemption Process" was so epic, would have been interesting to have this one topped.

Apotheosis - considering the professionalism of this debut, it's a shame nothing new came out afterwards.

The Hidden Hand - their last album is still one of my favourites in the genre, profiting from a superb production.

Kadenzza - had interesting themes and I loved the way the orchestral elements were integrated into the songs.

Magister Dixit - just to have another album with an awesome name like "My Anger Is an Eternal Field of Demonized Mercenaries" it would be great if these guys were still active.

Rebaelliun - they could have put some more albums with exact the same sound from "Annihilation" and I would have bought them all.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:00 pm 

I find the lack of Anata in this thread a bit disturbing. I suppose you could throw them into the boat of bands that have yet to get out of development hell, though. I enjoyed all of their albums, and even their split with their Bethzaida... they just kept getting better and better with each album. The Conductor's departure was absolutely brilliant, and I can only wonder what they'd come up with next.

I don't know how many people know them around here, but I'd love to see a Carnagoth full-length. They put out one awesome slab of death metal in the form of their demo, then fall off the face of the earth. Sad, it is.

Also seconding the Dawn and Bathory love.

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:03 pm 

Necrovore... One of the greatest tragedies of metal that they never released an album!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:11 pm 

I forgot about Messiah from Switzerland. They were just hitting their peak when they decided to call it quits. Choir of Horrors is a great death/thrash album, and quite underated.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:16 pm 

Foxx wrote:
Aethyrvorous really should have kept going. Their demo was massively heavy and showed a lot of promise.

Yes a very talented young band. I'm lucky enough to have a demo.

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