Here are a bunch of statistics regarding the site's database, just for fun. Updated daily.
Stats as of September 9th, 2024, 3:02 pm EDT
There is a total of 181616 approved bands. 100633 are active, 3909 are on hold, 54759 are split-up, 7222 changed name, and the rest (15064 bands) are unknown.
There is a total of 128943 approved reviews, for 63247 unique albums.
There is a total of 46003 labels. 21650 are active, 13651 are closed, 438 changed name, and the rest (10040 labels) are unknown.
There is a total of 902317 artists. 750403 are still playing. 151914 quit playing music / metal. 8972 are deceased. 66014 are female, 824225 are male, 355 are non-binary, 1048 are non-gendered entities (companies, orchestras, etc.), and 10652 are unknown.
There are 1700782 active members, 784207 inactive members for a total of 2484989 registered members.
There is a total of 598506 albums and 3900161 songs.