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Warhead > Raping of Angels > Reviews > Stipple
Warhead - Raping of Angels

Raping Of Angels indeed! - 90%

Stipple, March 11th, 2018
Written based on this version: 1998, CD, Elegy Records

Warhead plays blackened death metal, but also incorporates some thrash style guitar riffing. It works incredibly well over the entire 44 minutes. The album blasts right out of the gate with the track “Black Dawn” with very catchy tremolo picking and fast drumming reminiscent of Deicide as well as a dual vocal attack with unhallowed lows and satanic highs much like Glen Benton (although not to the point of sounding like a copy). Most of the songs follow a similar pattern with very past parts mixed in with slower sections and just the right amount of sinister clean guitar passages and melodic soloing to add variety and keep it interesting. The guitars alternate between a black metal tremolo picking style, dark death metal chords, and thrashy riffing. One of the highlights is track 3, “Carnal Mutilations,” which starts off with some headbanging riffs and drum work. The song pummels as it alternates between blasts and mid-paced drumming until it goes into an absolutely killer slow part around the 2:07 mark. It’s super simple, but so damn brutal and catchy. Warhead also throws in an atmospheric track in spot 7 which is one of the best ones you’re likely to find on a death metal album. Somber keyboards with samples of an escalating argument that eventually turns into screaming. This is so well done I feel depressed after listening to it.

The production is somewhat clean and clear, but still very brutal. I particularly like the drum sound which is punchy and the playing is very busy with interesting fills and a variety of tempos. The guitars are powerful enough without being too thick or muddy. The bass is just underneath the guitars and jabs through the mix once and while. Warhead masters the art of creating a very morose atmosphere and the album cover is a very good representation of the music. It makes you feel like you are at the very center of hell! This is the only album by this band which is a shame. I would have been interested to hear a follow-up to this sick blackened/death debut. I’m sure they would have crushed it.

Favorite Tracks: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 (untitled & extremely creepy keyboard instrumental with tortured voices)