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Vorna > Menetetty > Reviews > FlaviusZeno
Vorna - Menetetty

Ethereal Folk metal album. - 79%

FlaviusZeno, August 26th, 2012

Vorna create some really decent songs on the album Menetetty. Gravelly vocals fit the intense parts of the song Forgotten Path. The lyrics are rather well thought out, based on folklore and nature, evoking images of elves or gods of some kind that have lost their way in the world. The intro is very laid back and acoustic sounding, the keyboards add an enveloping element throughout. The bass guitar fades in and out and is hard to make out well at times, but is still done with talent.

Pakanaveri has a misty autumn haze to it. This track kind of reminds me of some of the heavy prog rock bands out there such as High Tide. Drums are tempo'd to guide the songs and drive the rhythm. Words are in Finnish. Sounds of the forest are prominent with birds and the rustling of trees, taking the listener on a woodsy voyage. The riffs are distinct but can be slightly repetitve, not necessarly a bad thing as it gives a certain vibe to it. Other instrumnts are used rhythm guitar and what sounds like a Viola can be heard. Many layers of detail and passion went into this album, overall an intense, relaxing, mystical demo....

Snowcovered land sets a depressive tone, (thought provoking awe). I like this song the most.

I cant wait for the full length to come out real potential for growth and tending the true metal flame...