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Tenebrae in Perpetuum > Tenebrae in Perpetuum > Reviews
Tenebrae in Perpetuum - Tenebrae in Perpetuum

Worth the hunt! - 90%

scovrge, March 17th, 2006

Having started with Tenebrae's full length, this is a step back into their developing history. This self-titled EP is the first release to follow "The Black Flames Age" demo cassette. One thing I've grown to appreciate about this band is their simplistic artwork. You can look at a record like this or its successor and not be able to fully link it to the work inside. Honestly, I passed these items up so many times before I finally made a purchase. Although, this EP, like their full length, does not disappoint. Tenebrae really knows how to pull that original strength from second-wave Black Metal into the 21st century. The music is eerie, haunting, aggressive and cold combined. The vocals are so drowned in reverb, they almost stand the hairs on the back of your neck. My only comlaint for this release are the moments where the percussions blast instead of scissor. This really only dominates the intro and outro of the first track. Beyond that, this EP crushes most of the shit bands talking themselves up in Black Metal right now. Tenebrae seems like an entity that doesn't need to constantly self-promote or exaggerate its purpose and ideas through countless interviews. That is an honorable trait among a storm of clones and headless projects. Tenebrae In Perpetuum is real to me and that's all I want and need from extreme metal music.