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Regurgitated Entrails > Demo 2022 > Reviews
Regurgitated Entrails - Demo 2022

Modern brutal death metal greatness - 90%

Traumawillalwayslinger, June 19th, 2024
Written based on this version: 2023, CD, Independent

Regurgitated Entrails is a band that has been growing rapidly in the underground slam/brutal death metal scene. They’re in the category of this new wave of modern brutal death metal that has been coming out in New Standard Elite. Think of bands/albums like Submerged, Limbless, the new Despondency record, and Nuclear Remains. Regurgitated Entrails is a band that has been a personal favorite of mine in that collection of bands. They seem to do that 2000s style of slam and brutal death metal to a tee. And this demo is a short but sweet punch to the face.

This demo only contains 3 tracks that run for about 10 minutes. And in that short amount of time, Regurgitated Entrails welcomes you to some great and engaging brutal death metal tunes. Each track is extremely intense and has very hooky slams and riffs. They don’t overstay their welcome and pack a very gnarly punch. It’s also got some technical flares but mostly it’s a straightforward groove assault.

Let’s talk about the gnarly vocals on this demo. Erik Rincon has a very sick and twisted range of squeals and low gurgles that he bellows out. His vocals flow splendidly with the grooves and gut-punching beats the music delivers. You can hear the gravelly undertone of his gutturals at times as well, specifically in the longer growls. He reminds me a lot of what you would hear vocally in a Cerebral Effusion record. Especially in the more gurgling snarls he delivers. Other than that I can’t exactly make any other comparisons to other bands in terms of how he performs his vocals. He’s got a very distinct and unique style of gutturals. And I love them.

One thing I love about this demo is the production. The production is fucking perfect for what Regurgitated Entrails are going for. It’s got a very gnarly and retro 2000s brutal death metal sound. The guitars are fuzzy and punchy, the bass and vocals sound fantastic as well, and my god that damn snare sound is perfection. It’s got the perfect pingy sound to it that makes everything pop and flare up with energy. The kick drums sound disgusting as well. Overall this is the best sound to go for if you wanna play brutal death metal. A very raw yet transparent and clear mix and production.

Now onto the guitars and overall approach this demo takes. This demo has a very simple yet effective style and approach. That makes everything sound so damn fresh and enjoyable. Each track is filled with extraordinarily well-crafted grooves and hooky riffs. There are tons of technical riffing and usage of pinch harmonics that also get thrown into the mix as well. But one thing I respect and enjoy about this is that they throw in some old-school death metal tremolos here and there. It spices things up and gets the head banging.

Along with the tasty guitar work you have the drums. Which are just as bombastic and intense as the guitars as well. You get tons of blasting, pummeling double bass, and nice cymbal work on this demo. The snare once again dominates the overall performance and bombastic nature of the music. This demo also contains a lot of nasty slams and breakdowns. They ride those slams occasionally for more than 2 repetitions. Which makes everything all the more groovy.

To sum everything up these guys do brutal death metal/slam extremely well. I can definitely see these guys becoming bigger and bigger as time goes on. Especially with their new full-length being released on New Standard Elite just a month ago. So jam these motherfuckers. Buy a CD, get a shirt, and see them live if you get the chance. Because these guys are doing something right

FFO: Devourment, Cerebral Effusion, Submerged, Cephalotripsy, and Deeds of Flesh