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Propagating the Abomination > Chaos Apocalypse > Reviews > RoarkTenjouin
Propagating the Abomination - Chaos Apocalypse

The Lulu of Death Metal - 5%

RoarkTenjouin, November 28th, 2014

My relationship with this website is a love-hate one - for every awesome band I discover thanks to this site (such as Persefone), I have the misfortune of discovering an abortion like this one. Normally, I don't rate album art (I will talk about album art I think is good, but I won't take into account when reviewing an album), but this one is literally one of the laziest album covers I've seen - it's a screenshot from one of the Metro games. They probably made this in MS Paint. OK, now let's talk about the "music" on this album.

The guitar riffs sound like something that, oh say, John Gallager or Terrance Hobbs wrote while simultaneously drunk and high - it's incredibly lazy. I've heard better riffs on songs by Emmure and Attack Attack! then on this album. I couldn't tell if this album even had a bassist play during the recording session - and given the fact that there is no bassist listed on the album's line-up, it's likely that this album did not have a bassist. The drums? They're obviously made by a drum machine - they sound so mechanical, so...lifeless. I mean, I LOVE Slice the Cake, and that band uses a drum machine - the main difference is that they make it sound like there's actually a human playing it. THAT is an example of what a drum machine can do if used correctly. This album is an example of what would happen if Lars Ulrich made a drum machine program - but even that is too generous of a comparison.

The vocals...are easily the worst part of this album. Mark Rawls' vocals on this album (I say this album because I haven't listened to any of the work he did before this) are easily some of the worst death metal vocals I've heard - and likely the worst I will ever hear. I would rather listen to Chris Barnes butcher AC/DC's "Back in Black" then hear Rawls' vocals on this album again. The vocals on this album are the stuff you use to force POWs to spill national secrets.

I've heard that Mark Rawls was actually in a good band before he did work on this album. So, I can make this declaration: if Illud Divinum Insanus by Morbid Angel is the St. Anger of death metal, then this is easily the Lulu of the genre. There's probably even a line on this album that's as bizarre as "I AM THE TABLE!". This album sucks more then Eiken - an OVA I wish I had never heard of that I've had the misfortune of watching - and School Days. DO NOT BUY OR EVEN LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM.