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Nightwish > Made in Hong Kong (and in Various Other Places) > Reviews > Kalelfromkrypton
Nightwish - Made in Hong Kong (and in Various Other Places)

Made in a hurry - 50%

Kalelfromkrypton, January 12th, 2010

I definitely agree with the other guy in regards to the aspects of this recording. In the first place there is nothing to criticize about Annete’s voice since she has (whether on studio or live) a beautiful tone. It is soft, mellow, powerful when needed and she can provide quite emotion through her pipes.

On the other hand there is nothing to criticize about the instrumentalists. Certainly, up to this day I still consider Emppu a terrible guitar player while Marco does not yet reach his potential since the bass lines are too simplistic and do not stand out with textures (even being the music has been enriched through the years) so he is not taking advantage of the big pile of influences Nightwish throw into the mix to enrich the bass performance. Jukka is a regular drummer who does the job. Although I like his style he is not technical whatsoever. He is there to play for fun and no other reason. Not that it is a bad thing but the music can be played by any other beginner and you wouldn’t notice the difference. Without a question Thuomas is the best musician here since he carries the largest part of Nightwish’s music alive on his shoulders but that is out of discussion.

Moving to the set list it is quite bad (as appointed by the other guy) they don’t play (or included) some other songs. In the DVD documentary you can see glimpses of ‘Wishmaster’ sung by Annete, so why not including it here? I mean, what we all want, apart from see Annete’s capabilities live, is to see her singing the old songs. This is not to be mean and comparing her to Tarja since her styles are completely different but those songs are part of Nightwish history. Take Helloween for example, certainly I am bored to see Eagle Fly Free, Sr. Stein, etc being sung over and over by Andi Deris when I rarely have seen in a live album songs from Better than Raw but at least they include them, even I want out, so Nightwish foolishly didn’t included anthemic songs like Wishmaster, Kingslayer, The Siren, Deep Silence Complete, Faraoh Sails to Orion, etc. so that definitely takes away a big pile of points.

This seems to be just an album (EP whatever) made in a rush or by the actual contract with the record label, which makes then sense when it is said Nightwish has sold their soul to the devil (markets and money alright). A decent product would’ve have included a good, carefully chosen set list and not this joke for the fans. I say this, especially because Dark Passion Play brought a lot of new fans to the table and since it was a success there should’ve been a well designed and prepared package, even with videos with Tarja, so the fans can become interested in the entire career. Maybe I am too picky, but I love the band so I tend to expect good things from them, even though I know bands produce bad things, they just happen.

The DVD is even worst, apart from the 3 video clips which can be compared to even Avril Lavigne, Gwen Stephanie or any other idiotic punk-iesh radio friendly girl there is nothing interesting whatsoever. I mean, seeing the guys playing ONE and getting drunk is not exactly my idea of a fun DVD to watch. It is pure stupid shit. The other problem I see (which happens with Epica too) is that if they are trying to reach bigger markets, how can they be so stupid to speak, comment, etc in their native language which is not common to all countries in the world. I mean, use English which is pretty much standard even for Spanish countries like the one I am from.

Some aspects of the songs played live are cool since you get some glimpses of the current performance but not including at least one song entirely is just another flaw.

One more thing and this is perhaps really stupid, but it is laughable and really naïve when Thuomas says that everything he does is for the fans and that sometimes the burden of the band is too much but when he recalls what the band ‘’mean’’ to too many people he believes he must continue. Of course Thoumas, when you are at the top of the mountain you must thank everyone. Let’s see if you say the same once the band see its decline and band struggles begin to affect the members and fame and money get in the way. Not to mention the record company press and press because they only thing they care is: money. No more than that my friend so don’t be naïve and don’t try to insult the intellect of the people. This is the DVD you are going to watch with nonsense crap that is not worthy at all.

I bought it and I enjoy for the sole purpose of listening to Annete live and the obvious good songs from DPP and the video clip for ‘The Islander’, but that is it. The rest is utter shit and no worth of your money. Too bad, they could’ve taken a good opportunity to put out a good package.