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Nadja / Black Boned Angel > Nadja / Black Boned Angel > Reviews > caspian
Nadja / Black Boned Angel - Nadja / Black Boned Angel

very very good - 95%

caspian, December 25th, 2009

Take note Fear Falls Burning, Atavist- this is how you do a freakin' collab with the Nadj. None of that "put some random fx, wank over Nadja's usual stuff" crap, just straight forward power drone/ambient that's like every Tim Hecker release being played at the same time. With some drums and crap. This is very near perfect and if you like big, grainy walls of sound you will likely do a sex wee the instant the first riff comes on.

Seeing as the two bands live on the exact opposite side of the world I imagine this was an email/megaupload sending collab, but you wouldn't tell from the organic, sprawling mess that's this album. If this wasn't done through some serious jamming, I don't know what would be. Structure wise this is as simple as you'll get- 50 or so minutes, one riff that goes on for a little while in the first track before pedals get kicked in, things get really sadistic and noise rains down like fire.

The one riff we get is good but it's the noise, the glorious, haunting noise, that really makes this such a stunning collab. The attention to detail is stunning; the tones on here are some of the most intricate, perfect noise sculptures I've ever heard. It sounds like a thousand distorted harps getting played at the same time, or, I dunno, lots of buzzsaws. Or (as I said earlier) every Tim Hecker song getting played at the same time. It's huge and while things of this hugeness rarely hold over such a long time (there's a good 30+ minutes of very loud noisemaking, completely non stop), this works and works perfectly.

Draining, devastating, triumphant, and completely and utterly exhausting. A triumph for everyone involved; here's hoping the next Nadja + BBA collab will be sooner rather then later. If you like distorted things you should get this album.