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Nadja > We Have Departed the Circle Blissfully > Reviews > Perplexed_Sjel
Nadja - We Have Departed the Circle Blissfully

Off The Pace. - 60%

Perplexed_Sjel, November 19th, 2007

This time it's a collaboration with Fear Falls Burning. 'We Have Departed The Circle Blissfully' is another Nadja epic. When first introduced to this band, it took some time to get used to how Nadja form their music. Long songs that seem to aimlessly go on, and on, and on for what seems like an eternity. But when you're an insomniac, like myself, you learn to appreciate Nadja's music for what it truly is. Longs songs that do go on, and on, and on.

'We Have Departed The Circle Blissfully' is a collaboration with an unknown quantity for me, Fear Falls Burning. I have no experience when it comes to the music they create, whomever they may be. So, I shall focus my efforts on seeing this as a Nadja record, pure and simple. Once you've become accustomed to Nadja and how they deal with putting their thoughts onto a disc, you learn to appreciate them more. Long songs shouldn't be viewed as a listening chore, but something you treat yourself to every once in a while.

Generally, I have to be in a certain mood to listen to Nadja. That mood would be referred to as a reflective mood. I can escape into my mind with Nadja following behind me, playing symphonies to suit my every need. They're like my own personal service and they serve me well. Generally, Nadja is mood reflecting and mood altering. Listening to this Canadian outfit is like getting a natural high. The adrenaline pumps through your veins from beginning to end as their songs usually take a similar shape. Start of slowly, build up gradually and come to a crashing crescendo at the end.

'We Have Departed The Circle Blissfully' follows that pattern that so many other Nadja records have taken. This isn't necessarily a good thing because some people will obviously tire quickly of Nadja's similar sounding pieces of music. Your patience is required yet again as these two songs on 'We Have Departed The Circle Blissfully' take a long time to build through the intricate webs that Nadja spin around their audience. The slow and low method is used a lot by Nadja, and drone bands world-wide. Slow distorted guitars accompanied by fluent keyboards. This approach is rather successful, yet again for Nadja. You never feel as if they are taking on too much, or as if their music is beginning to run away from them.

They're always in control. They're always calm. As is their music. It's mellow, yet it has a very low tuned sound. This is quite unusual and gives a refreshing feel to Nadja. There does seem to be vocals on 'We Have Departed The Circle Blissfully', but they're hard to hear. This does make me question why they're used. Perhaps they are meant to act as a third wheel? Bass isn't incredibly audible, so that takes that out of the question. We're simply dealing with a low tuned guitar, repetitive drum beats (especially on cymbal) and keyboards that aim to swirl above the mix.

'We Have Departed The Circle Blissfully' isn't one of the better Nadja full-length records. I tend to find when Nadja works alone, they create better work. Their collaborations tend to restrict their creativity, this shows on 'We Have Departed The Circle Blissfully' especially. It's far more repetitive than any other Nadja record i've heard and I think I own all of them. The repetitive style on 'We Have Departed The Circle Blissfully' isn't that appealing, to be honest. With the nature of the songs, it's not going to appeal to a wide audience, i'm afraid.

Music like this can only be listened to if you're trying to sleep, relax in the dark or if you're travelling across a vast desolate landscape. As an insomniac, I don't get much sleep. I do relax in the dark a lot, but not with this in fear of being scared shitless by the almost orgasmic riffs and living in a rural area prevents me from looking out upon a desolate landscape, unfortunately. This is the weakest Nadja record i've heard, yet.