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Nadja > Corrasion > Reviews > Perplexed_Sjel
Nadja - Corrasion

Unleash Your Dark Side With Nadja. - 90%

Perplexed_Sjel, December 4th, 2007

Nadja have become my midnight treat. Whenever I feel stressed, or I cannot sleep, I tune into Nadja and let them take me away from the day-to-day running of life. Nadja have some of the most picturesque music I have ever heard. To some, especially those who have never heard what Nadja are all about, may find that weird, even hard to believe. The very notion that something that had to be heard can sound picturesque is quite an odd thing for a lot of people. Nadja are one of those 'special' bands. The kind of bands that can paint a picture with sound. The kind of band who has the ability to take your mind away from where ever it is to where ever they want you to go. Nadja are exquisite when it comes to creating sonic soundscapes that dwell in a persons mind for a long time.

Like the image the music portrays, the music itself has the ability to linger. As i'm sure i've said one hundred times before about Nadja, their music is slow. Downright slow. Again, I must reiterate the fact that you need a fair amount of patience to be able to appreciate this obscure Canadian act. Their music is long and in no rush to get anywhere. Nadja remind me of a long journey. You gaze out of the window at all of the landscapes, the further you travel, the more different things become. Well, the same can be applied to Nadja's music. Like a long journey, things take time to progress. 'Corrasion' is just another fine example, in a long list of examples, that indicates to everyone that Nadja are worthy of your patience. Nadja are no longer just a band, but they're life itself. Which each minute that passes, you feel like you've gained a year's worth of life experience. This experience is pivotal in understanding Nadja. The complexity that lies underneath the scarred surface.

If you peel away the facade of this delicate band, you'll find a vast array of emotions at the core of Nadja. Nadja is a living, breathing entity. It feels all the emotions any human could possible feel and 'Corrasion' is just another outward show of Nadja's ability to be able to connect to their audience. By far and away the most pleasurable thing about 'Corrasion' is it's ability to connect with me, with who I am and what I feel. It's deep and dark emotions steadily rise to the surface as each song slowly progresses. 'Corrasion' to me, is possibly the darkest Nadja release so far. It's simply amazing how much emotion is packed into such little variation. An element that makes Nadja one of the leading drone bands out there. As previously stated in the other review, this is solely riff-driven. The ambience we've come to expect from Nadja still exists, but to a much lesser extent. However, unlike the previous reviewer, i've actually come to like this aspect of Nadja. It's different. The riff-driven Nadja has just as much to offer as the Nadja which bases it's sound entirely around ambience.

As I touched on before, 'Corrasion' is possibly the darkest sounding Nadja release yet. The vocals, which aren't usually a factor in Nadja releases, are incredibly distant and eerie. The vocals have never played much of a part for Nadja, but here they do. They enhance that dark depressed feeling tenfold. They are a glorious addition to the new face of Nadja. Despite the hallow production, Nadja manages to weave their soul around the instruments and grasp on tightly. To me, the somewhat hazy feel is perfect to the atmospheric tendencies of 'Corrasion'. The production gives off a disturbing feel, much like most of the other elements that are involved here. 'Corrasion', at this point in time, is possibly my favourite Nadja release.