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Mock > Vinterlandet > Reviews
Mock - Vinterlandet

Vinterlandet - 100%

Heimir, January 24th, 2022
Written based on this version: 1995, CD, Hammerheart Records

Hailing from the halcyon days of folk metal, back when the genre's extreme roots could still show through, Mock unleashed in just twelve minutes what may well be the best EP I have ever heard.

The eponymous intro track already sets up the sheer majesty of the record; the duality of the spoken and screamed vocals coupled with the beautifully written and arranged guitars and keys show much more care than the average 90-second ambient keyboard piece that many bands in the idiom will kick off releases with. Indeed, "Vinterlandet" is a fully-realized song, complete with drums and bass and a hypnotic, repeating riff that sets the necessary mood for the EP.

That mood is one that vacillates from epic and heroic to vicious and evil, and sounds completely sincere no mater where on that spectrum it falls. The blast beats, trem riffs and high-range shrieks expected in black metal are here in full force, but they're tempered by nostalgic chord progressions and powerful keyboards which evoke that undisputed classic Hammerheart while laying the foundation for future black/folk masterworks like Magni Blandinn ok Megintiri. "Call Thy Eternal Winter" is doubtless the strongest track here, but "Thy Sorrow Of Ã…sgard" isn't far behind, allowing its more metallic roots to show through and closing with some truly pained and emotive screams.

I wish it were easier to find decent bands that sound like this, because when done right this is surely the most compelling and memorable style to come from the storied 90s black metal scene. As it is, Vinterlandet is a document of a band perfectly in sync with their vision, and a vision perfectly in sync with the pagan barbarity of true black metal.

Hail Atavistic Black Folk Metal!