Metal Raign - Demo I Rating : (1 / 10) 9%
First of all, let's introduce this quintett from Germany. They have played a few gigs, and I've even saw them once live, at a youth centre near to where I live.
I think this album is complete garbage. Balls out, nothing interesting here. They call themselves thrash but as far as I'm concerned better call this "trash". This is a big old Iced Earth pussy rip-off. I got this as mp3s on a CD from the band's drummer, and I must say as soon as I inserted this into my PC I soon found out why this plastic would of been alot more useful fabricated in a toilet seat than in this CD.
Not only that, but the bassist who also does the "growling" on this album sounds like a cat stuck in a rotating ventilator who was sitting too much in an exhausting pipe. The clean vocals are pretty decent.. but that's all. Nothing special, no vibes, no charisma. And their lyrics.. "My McLeod fight before you lie, McLeod fight until you die", I mean what the fuck man, did you write this song for your Scottish uncle who bitterly has to defend his castle alone against the British? Seriously the lyrics are completely valueless, no weight, no soul, no nothing. And for the love of God.. what is that laughing at the end of the track..?? WHY!!?? NO! DON'T DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS AGAIN!!
Ok, enough about those vocals and lyrics,.. as for the guitars on this.. come on,. did you plug your amplifier in your asshole or why is the sound so incredibly lame? It's nauseous, really. They just play riffs studied before in hundreds of cliché books.
Like I've already said, there just isn't any feeling on those riffs. As for the soli, you can really guess them, they are so plain and commonplaced that even an elevenyear old could play them on YouTube.
There aren't even drums on this. They used a drumcomputer because the drummer (by the way a school comerade of mine) had no time on that day so they just vainly said that they will use a drumcomputer instead of his awesome drumming. That is really poor. How conceited must you be to use a fucking drumcomputer when you got a guy who can really kick the shit out of those drums? That's another evidence for the incredible vanity.
All in all, I have to say that you'd better stay away from this demo, maybe they'll improve themselves in the future, (which I personally doubt) but nevertheless the music here as it is, is:
- frightfully boring
- badly composed
- premature
- nerve-shattering and
- loathsome
Keep away, keep away, keep away...