This is a split album between two of the newer wave of unblack metal's (christian black metal - CBM, white metal, etc.) most well-known projects. I would think for those unknowing of the whole scene, this split album is a good place to start. It shows the fact that there are CBM projects that can hold their own against their secular counterparts.
Both projects display a very raw and brutal approach to black metal, but also taking a moment to stop off into more experimental territory on occasion. First up on the split is the CBM project known as Flaskavsae. Flaskavsae is most well-known for his forays into the more experimental realms of blackened metal. On this split, he is found performing a style much more akin to his first two releases. Raw, straight-up and blasting black metal that would be well fit alongside early Darkthrone, Beherit and Burzum. While his last track on the split
ventures into the more experimental realm, even then it is a bit more restricted than later offerings. The last track is a fitting end to his half of the split, it ends
it on a bizarre twisted finale.
Which then steps into the second half of the split, which is performed by Light Shall Prevail. Right off of the bat we are met with unrelenting aggression; buzzing, swarm of bees in a bucket guitars and hyper-speed drum programming. Then come in the vocals; a bizarre, anguished howl that lies somewhere in between early Burzum, Attila-era Mayhem and Wrest from Leviathan. Which speaking of Wrest, the LSP portion of the split seriously reminds me of some of Leviathan's more straight-forward material. Angry, emotional and super aggressive black metal. This trend is pretty prevalent until the end of the split, when during the last track (...To Never Speak Again) reaches out into super atmospheric territory. Weird drones, guitar effects and more blasting rage end the disc on a high note.
I also have to mention the amazing artwork. A gorgeous foldout, super glossy digipack. A seriously amazing presentation for this album. Top notch.
An amazing split that I would highly recommend to anyone who appreciates scathing black metal with flirtations on the experimental side.