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Konflict > Third World C.O.N.T.R.O.L. > Reviews > ColdJustice
Konflict - Third World C.O.N.T.R.O.L.

Noise that pretends to be metal. - 0%

ColdJustice, September 4th, 2024

Konflict is an attention grabbing band from the get go. Just look at the cover, its interesting and makes you think about what the album might sound like. My first thoughts upon seeing it made me think it was going to be some well thought out war themed death metal or even some muddy yet fun blackened death metal. I was incredibly wrong though, the album had completely deceived me.

Let's start with the most ridiculous aspect of this album. The drums are absolutely obnoxious, due to being a drum machine. If they had any sense of song writing, they would have at least programmed some interesting segments. But its just grating blast beats and snare abuse for the entire album. It is absolutely horribly mixed as well, being so loud that drowns out literally everything else. The drums are half the reason why this is mindless noise instead of metal, but removing them would do nothing to the album. It would still be zero percent in my book for being horribly mixed and absurd as a whole. The drums just add to this recipe of noise.

I would like to address the vocals next on this album. They are monotonous and goofy sounding. The vocalist is just making random noises with effects that make him sound muddy and gurgled. It does not help the album in the slightest, through all of the chaotic instrumentation and mixing, you hear a guy sounding like a literal frog. I thought this was blackened grindcore, not toad metal. There are no lyrics alongside the stupid vocals, which isn't surprising. No themes or storytelling is expressed on this album outside of it being presumably being the sounds of war.

The guitars and bass are completely buried, you can barely hear the riffs over programmed drums and pitch shifted vocals. The bass is practically inaudible though. But when you can hear a riff, its just as muddy as everything else. You can't hear a single note, it just sounds like static. The only thing that makes the songs sound different from each other is the goofy industrial samples that appear every once in a while.The sample found on track three is just a guy puking.

This is a silly album that's labelled as metal, but its really just noise. But you like noise with little thought put into it, then I guess I can recommend this album. Otherwise stay away, there is far better chaotic war themed music in extreme metal.