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Kaevum > Natur > Reviews > Tzeench
Kaevum - Natur

A Piece of True Norwegian Hate – TNBM Isn’t De - 90%

Tzeench, March 24th, 2013

Until now, I wasn’t sure if Norway has still got it since the mayhem and the band name itself all died down since the mid-1990s with most of the bands “growing up,” calling it quits or “retiring,” or selling out. Albeit a few legendary bands have re-activated again (Immortal has been consistently rudimentary since 2006), I began to stop bothering to look or watch for any new and up-coming black metal bands coming from Norway.

I admit though, it’s sometimes nice when I’m wrong…since I stumbled upon this dark, foreboding outfit known as Kaevum. Hailing from Tromsø, relatively new to the scene, I discovered this band on a blogspot. Having never heard of them until now (literally just tonight writing this review!) I downloaded their full-length ‘Natur’ and gave it a listen. I was blown away by dusty, cold war winds! The sound truly has an old-school early 90s feel with a very raw, coarse production without being too “Transylvanian Hunger meets Nattens Madrigal.” It also gives an edge of a war metal-esque feel – again mainly induced by the atmosphere through the production.

The production, I have to admit, was the most attractive foundation to this album’s sound. It kind of reminds me of the Svest/Inkisitor split meets Behexen’s ‘From the Devil’s Chalice’ album, meets Satanic Warmaster’s ‘Revelation’ EP, but clearer and sharper than the first two with the treble of the guitars, vocals and cymbals. It truly gives the base for this album’s violence.

All six tracks make no delay or hesitation in pulling you into the fire that freezes like liquid nitrogen. Veering between blast-beats and double bass grooves and skank beats, the songs are direct and to the point. The third track, “Medlidenhetens Konge” is definitely a stick-out track that gets me revved up before kicking into higher tempo for going over the top and charging straight into battle armed to the teeth! Other songs give some room for change in tempo and dynamic without sounding montonously slow and sluggish or speeding like "norsecore." The closing track, "Evige Spor" really does a fantastic job of melody and slow to mid-paced riffing and various drum beats buliding up to summon in the end before disappearing into the fog of war and frost.

The vocals are consistent and raspy…again, I emphasize “to the point” or even “poignant” here. The tracks never seem too monotonous or tiring. With the additional effects of the clean vocals singing in an echoing choir surprisingly adds a small dash of “light to be extinguished” from the dark – reminding us that this is also a band quintessentially anti-religious as black metal in general should always be, and always WILL be.

The cover art depicts a black and white photo of a young blond woman – possibly German or Scandinavian which also gives way to guess if this a NSBM band or borderline NSBM band. If so, it’s refreshing to hear one incidentally from Norway that executes something raw and grim and consistent. If I’m wrong, it doesn’t matter, because this overall is quality black metal I haven’t heard from Norway anew in at least a few years.

After hearing this album, I most definitely have this new discovery marked on my wish list as a “must have” to my collection. A refreshing, yet horrifying breath of fresh grim air from Norway, Kaevum is definitely a newer band to reckon and keep your eyes and ears peeled for in the future. Norway has still got it, and Norway isn’t dead yet! Horns and hails!