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Incarnia > Proclamation > Reviews > zhay777
Incarnia - Proclamation

Proclamation - 80%

zhay777, October 22nd, 2011

I can't believe that they don't have more reviews. This is best melodic death metal release of all time! Meanwhile, this is my first melodic death metal album, I ever listened. I have listened to Arch Enemy and Norther songs before, but I was not impressed. Even more, I thought that whole genre was something, that does not need attention. But when I listened to it, I thought that my taste in music was reborn.

Main part here is keyboards. Without keyboards, guitars would be nothing. Keyboards perfectly arrange everything in almost every scale. In the end of the song ‘Festivals of Atonement’ keyboards make melody on piano sound, which is played along with bass. Also keyboards lead songs ‘Affinity’, ‘Where Fallen Apostles Assemble’, ‘Led by Tears’ and etc.

Guitars mainly play quick and rough riffs on first string, but there are some parts, when guitars play on fifth string, for example, on the chorus of the song ‘Where Fallen Apostles Assemble’. Main thing about guitars in this album that I like is that it has 100% melodic death metal technique. Many other bands tried to do this kind of technique, but usually they exceed and it became technical melodic death metal. But about Incarnia, they have enough technique. They did not exceed, which shows, that they worked on every song very much.

Here are mainly classical solos on last string. They are quick, while second guitar makes background on the first string. But also, in the song ‘Where Fallen Apostles Assemble’, we can hear calm, emotional solo on almost acoustic sound. In the song ‘Yersinia Pestis’ solo starts with one guitar playing on last string and second guitar making background on first string. Suddenly second guitar starts playing same melody on fifth string and background is made with one strum on first string.

I'm not a bassist and do not understand much about this instrument, but can say that it's not easy to play something like this. In the end of the song ‘Festivals of Atonement’ bass plays out of mix along with keyboards. Except this moment, bass almost can never be heard out of mix.

Second special thing in this album is drumming. Drummer is really master and can become one of the best metal drummers of all time, if he does not leave his career. He uses double basses and does it so quickly, that it can not be imagined; only listened. Along with double basses, sounds hihats and snare at same time. Sometimes double basses are quick and snare slow, and sometimes double basses are slow and snare is quick, which seemed most difficult to me (intro of the song ‘Festivals of Atonement’). Everything this makes music more extreme.

Also the thing I liked most at first, were vocals. Mixing up rasps and growls give diversity to the music. Also in some songs little parts of clean vocals can be heard, for example: ‘Yersinia Pestis’, ‘Carrion’ and etc.

When I heard this album, I listened to it again, again, again and again. It is impossible to stand against magic of this album. This album made me to look further in the genre, but unfortunately, I couldn't find second band like Incarnia and second album like ‘Proclamation’.