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Graceless > Shadowlands > Reviews
Graceless - Shadowlands

Beware of the tenth freak - 78%

Felix 1666, November 3rd, 2021

Re-releases are often a pain and only serve to make a quick buck. But for sleepyheads like me they can also be a blessing. Anyway, I was glad that the debut disc of Graceless, which I first became aware of thanks to "Where Vultures Know Your Name", was reissued. Even with a bonus track, but that's just by the way. The real highlights can be found among the tracks of the regular album. But first a few words about the general style of the record. Yes, as if so often the case, a Bolt Thrower influence is unmistakable here as well. Nevertheless, the Dutchmen stick less closely to their idols than, for example, Just Before Dawn. The songs are often tough and thick, but there are definitely own characteristics. By this I mean less the production of the bonus song, which sounds much more American (and more modern) than the rest. Instead, I am speaking of some musical features. The pulsating opener (and title track) delivers one of them.

At first I thought it is a typical mid-tempo banger with some melancholic chords that complement the brutal approach, but the instrumental part after the second verse told me I am wrong. Graceless create an outstanding, massive and increasingly intensive melody line that crowns this devastating attack. Doubtlessly, this song is one of the best they have ever written up to now and despite all the merits that Bolt Thrower deserve, I do not know a similar part on one of their works. Either they never delivered something of this kind or I am just getting old and oblivious. Or both, it does not matter here. Of greater importance is that this song is not the only one that raises its musty head above those of the millions of comparable genre tunes. “Iron Tears”, surprisingly not a cover of Flotsam and Jetsam (stupid joke, I know), has a perfect flow, a very nice level of aggression and one of these fatal melodies that ennoble a death metal track without diluting it. A fantastic number, no more, no less.

The other tracks provide an officially certified portion of death metal. There are some morbid tones, for example at the beginning of “Sumerian Flames”, a lot of mega-heavy riffs, an adventurous double bass that wants to expose its big balls and, naturally, a lead vocalist who sees no sense in treating his throat with care. Of course, the band is not totally immune against typical, only moderately exciting parts from time to time. The deadly subgenre has strict guidelines and they make it difficult to pull something completely new out of the hat. On the other hand, the four-piece has not recorded any throwaway track and this is no matter of course for newcomers. Moreover, the dudes do not copy the great names of their local scene. Okay, it’s true - Asphyx, Thanatos and others shimmer through the songs of Graceless, but only because of the fact that all these combat units play more or less the same style and not due to specific characteristics. Given all these facts, I am sure that nine out of ten death metal supporters will enjoy this solidly and densely produced record of a really competent horde. And the tenth freak is just a poser who thought to be cool when calling himself a death metal fan. Boy, you’re not.

Graceless truly worship the riff - 88%

Mailman__, February 23rd, 2018

Just last year, Graceless debuted with "Shadowlands" - a doomed death metal album that clearly worships the riff.  Yes, the riffs on this thing are hot, the solos are fierce, and the production is thick yet raw at the same time.  It's a great deal of heaviness, doom, and melody in one 45-minute release.

Let's start with the album artwork.  I love this artwork.  It looks like a refined old school death metal album cover, especially with that super old school-style logo in the upper left hand corner.  It has very modern coloration but still very old school themes and I love it.

Now that I've given the artwork a quick shoutout, let's look at the music and the album as a whole.  So on top of killer artwork and an overall old school feel, the whole album has a very doom metal feeling to it as well.  Make sense, right?  It's doomed death metal.  But I really hate doomed death metal.  I like faster death metal like brutal death metal or technical death metal.  Maybe it's the multi-layered songs or the heavy sludge on this album that makes me enjoy it.  No, it's definitely those two aspects of the album.

Wow, this stuff is layered.  It's got the main riffage of psychedelic doom metal and the sludge resounding from those riffs, but they don't just keep hammering down on the same notes over and over for like eight minutes like your normal doomed death metal band.  No, they actually switch it up.  They'll add a guitar solo or a bass solo to compliment the chaotic atmosphere (a great example is in "Sumerian Flames").

As far as structure goes, the album has an amazing layout.  It starts with "Shadowlands" and you can hear the vocalist at the end of the first or second verse say "Welcome to the Shadowlands!" and it's one of the coolest things ever.  The opening riff is a perfect intro to the album, as it shows the riff style that this band participates in.  But the main verse riff is not my favorite, as it is fairly predictable.  I mean, it's not bad.  I know I give a lot of bands a lot of heat for giving predictable, unoriginal riffs, but Graceless seems to pull these off here.  I may have the next note playing in my head before it even gets strummed, but it doesn't mean it sounds bad.  This is because Graceless is actually able to differentiate their riffs and add cool elements like a double guitar attack that doesn't consist of both guitars playing the same damn thing. This is evident in the rest of their album, especially "Sumerian Flames," my favorite track off the album.

So, overall, it's a pretty solid release.  I don't have a lot to say about it other thank it's got the riffs and atmosphere to be called doom and the ferocity, melody, and diversity to be death metal.  It's a great debut, and I look forward to another release.  Like, normally I wouldn't be interested, but this is a very promising release.  Good job, Graceless.  Can't wait for the encore.

Overall Rating: 88%

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