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Grá > Ending > Reviews
Grá - Ending

Captivating to say the least - 90%

coffinfodder666, February 21st, 2016
Written based on this version: 2015, CD, Unexploded Records (Limited edition, Digipak)

Sweden has always provided a breath of fresh air when it comes to black metal. The bands are determined and they know what to do just right. It must be something in the water there, but they manage to create an amazing atmosphere in their music. So It didn't really come as a surprise at how well rounded the releases from Grá over the past couple of years were and I was a bit pessimistic when I got my hands on the new album because they hadn't disappointed me with any of their previous releases and I wasn't sure if "Ending" would actually be the record that doesn't cut it. Boy wasn't I happy to know that was not the case.

Ending has a run time of nearly 50 minutes and is made up of 9 stellar tracks that would make your black metal loving self proud. Grá in my opinion is a band that knows their shit and does not stray far from their winning formula, which indeed is a great thing. The album features solid production elements which is coupled with the old-school sounds and traditional sounding riffs weave praiseworthy atmospheres. The riffing I would say is not the most complex but these simple yet harsh riffs along with the right sound and the constant pounding of the drums will catch you off guard. I personally like the new drum tone as opposed to the previous records because it adds more depth and blends in better with the rest of the instruments to create a god awful atmosphere. (which by the way is a good thing)

The vocals are raspy and compliments the music. No pushing the envelope or trying to stretch vocal ranges, they've kept it simple and true. You are bound to be blown away whether you are new to the band or even if you have been following their dirty musical trail over the past couple of years. Ending is an album that will make and impact. This proves that simple could you true and true could be simple. Buy it!

Originally written for Bitter Distaste