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Gore Beyond Necropsy > This Is an EP You Want > Reviews > Vaseline1980
Gore Beyond Necropsy - This Is an EP You Want

Floating Flesh - 80%

Vaseline1980, October 8th, 2023
Written based on this version: 1993, 7" vinyl, Malodorous Mangled Innards Records (Transparent green vinyl)

The early 90's brought us all sorts of underground delights when it came to extreme music. There was a virtual cornucopia of raw, heavy and aggressive delights on offer to discover by the fanatic who was willing to put in the time and effort, and I was definitely among those. The more aggressive or weird a release was, the more I had to track it down, and weird and aggressive this is for sure. Safe to say that the title of this EP hits the nail right on the head here.

Allow me to paint a picture, and imagine yourself this: a primarily fast grindcore band in the vein of old Carcass and General Surgery, with added influence from US bands such as Hemdale, Exit 13 and Excruciating Terror. With a suitably grotty and grimy sound, the band tears through short bursts of violent distorted noise, using the trademark goregrind elements such as gurgling vocals and grime encrusted down-tuned riffing, while a relentless hammering (boxy) drum computer provides the blasting ferocity, adding to the whole a touch of Mortician. For most part, the music speeds forth at break neck speed in true grindcore fashion, but the band is not afraid to veer of into slower sections either, like in the opening of "Six Dimensional Perversion". The moments where the foot goes off the accelerator don't last long, though. The band flies off into insane velocity again, before your grandfather had the chance to reach for his heart pills.

A good part of the strange and bizarre atmosphere that this EP emanates comes from the odd and sometimes pervy sound samples that pop up at the start and ending of most of the tracks. I'm not that into spoken word samples on recordings, but when these become a part of the reason why a record is what it is, then I can only congratulate the band on a job well done. And on this release, I can't imagine it existing without these weird samples, so congratulations are in order, I guess.

Add to this a very suitable rough 'n' gruff production, and you'll understand that this is a release only suited for all those who like it loud, brutal and intense. The programmed drums get pretty much snowed under by the guitars and vocals, which makes the whole sound kinda messy, but at the same time it adds heaps of underground spirit to this little platter. This is a production job that indeed sounds raw and kinda muffled, yet delivers heavy vibes and a demented atmosphere throughout as well. It's a typical early 90's underground product, and it's hard to imagine something like this sounding pristine and clear, because that would not work in any way. Because of the ferocious music and unpolished production, this EP is only suited for the true underground maniac, of course. Not that I had the delusion that they were aiming for mainstream success, anyway.

This is an offering of great death metal-flecked goregrinding early 90's underground delight, guaranteed to please the noiseniks out there who swear by raw, fast and raucous. People who are looking for fine musical nuance and frivolous niceties can turn away now, because this only deals in filth and fury.