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Flotsam and Jetsam > Dreams of Death > Reviews > opes
Flotsam and Jetsam - Dreams of Death

Parasychic, Paranoid - 90%

opes, September 14th, 2007

I think it's a bit unfair that such an interesting band goes unnoticed after their first two albums which are absolute classics. Flotsam and Jetsam has shown many faces during all those years throughout 9 albums and on this little comeback album (as far as I remember, they split up for a while between "My God" and "Dreams Of Death") there is, let's say, some facelift done. They have never invented anything what hadn't been played before, but evertime I take their CDs I'm glad it's something new. This time is no different.

To be honest I expected something more in the venue of My God, nevertheless they didn't leave me dissappointed with this album. It's still some kind of original heavy metal (I can't think of any truly similar band) with recognizable voice of Eric A.K.. I always thought that he's the distinguishing mark of F&J, so it's good he returned and did some good job behind the mic. Anyway, it's hard for me to describe the music on this release because they have never played like that. I mean don't expect a milestone music or glam rock. This is Flotsam And Jetsam, so you will of course hear some good thrashing riffs (Straight To Hell or Parasychic, Paranoid) and great solo work of Ed Carlson. But there is also a lot of some dark, anxious vibe here, which fills the whole album. First it starts with schizophrenic intro and turns into two "paranoid" thrashy songs. Then it becomes more calmer... maybe "calmer" is wrong epithet, because the whole atmposhere is rather not peaceful. More like fearful and kind of paranoid. It makes the last track "Out of Mind" fit perfectly in the tune of album.

I'm not much into heavy metal, but as they were once great thrashing machine I started to appreciate more their 90s work. Maybe that's why I find this as a great peace of music. Highly recommended for those who are bored with current heavy metal. I hope it wasn't their last word.