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Evil Invaders > Evil Invaders > Reviews > tomcat_ha
Evil Invaders - Evil Invaders

Speed metal you cunts! - 93%

tomcat_ha, December 6th, 2014

Before I actually heard this EP this band already was starting to make some waves in the underground. To begin with more people than you would expect for such a newcomer were wearing a t-shirts of theirs at gigs I attended. So while my interest was peaked because of such things I did initially keep on forgetting to check them out. Part of the reason why is because I kind of expected them to just be another rethrash band, something I do not really need. Eventually I did and sure did not regret it.

This EP RIPS. I can not really think of much worthwhile speed metal coming out over the last few years. However this EP makes everything about that alright. There is one simple reason why. This is speed metal to the max. There are fast killer ripping riffs all over the place, great catchy songs, and high pitched classic 80's style metal vocals. The performances of everyone on this are tight too. There is really nothing else I want on a speed metal release. The fact that they actually also slow down occasionally and play some sweet solos is like a big middle finger to all those shitty thrash bands who are just stuck in one mode. The last thing that makes them great is that they already on this EP have a fully developed own sound. So many bands do not manage to get this far in a 30 year career and they just do it casually like it is nothing. No this does not mean that this is innovative bullshit either. JUST KILLER SPEED METAL.

I love this EP and I urge you the reader to get it in some form or another. Maybe one or two of you guys might not like the classic 80's styled vocals but I do not care about you. RIFFS that is what I care about.