According to the layout, "This stuff was recorded 25 July 2000", and "this stuff" was probably done so on very crued equipment. The band consisted of Belial Wolf SS (all vocals), and Lady Ewa (all music) with additional song writing credits to "Necro", and "Seth".
After the intro drops out, its just like, "what the fuck?", this is horrible. Its sorta like old Graveland (Epilogue era), but a little worse (well I actually liked that era Graveland), and less creative. The guitars are damn near inaudible for most parts, the drums sound like a really cheap, cheap drum machine, and the keyboards are basically the whole rythm. Vocals aint bad, actually probably the stand out portion of the album, and the singer actually had some talent to his craft, albeit possibly pretty generic.
The music attempts to be epic in parts, and I guess tries to be aggressive, but just cant cause the production is so weak. Some clean vocals are used well, and there are a couple pretty cool riffs, but due to equipment constraints this is inevitably pretty damn boring. The song writers had some (well some, as in a little) talent, and are able to construct a song decently, but with generally a slightly generic feel as far as the riffing goes. Also because the equipment sucked they were unable to do much of worth here.
Overall, don't get this. Well, don't get this if you are looking for good music. If you just get a hard on every time your collection of obscure Black Metal tapes grows, than by all means, cause I'm sure you'll be of the few who can properly appreciate this.