This is one of the finest suicidal black metal albums ever made, along with Life is Pain's Bloody Melancholy, and Veins or Kold by Hypothermia...
The album is consisting of one track, and that’s all that’s needed to have you reaching for that razorblade. About 31 minutes long, almost the same guitar riff over and over again, along with Rh- playing the same ambient passage all through the song. For about 3 minutes Rh- plays this ambient passage that gives you no idea how the rest of the song will turn out. Then Hetre’s tortured screaming comes in, not just one scream at a time, but layers and layers of screaming, making you think your in an asylum or something. This screaming continues on for almost the whole song, forcing you to either panic, or just break into tears. Trance inducing, yet soul crushing at the same time...It is hard to believe an album with so little variation could keep my interest for so long, but it did, and it is one of my favourite albums of all time.
Having contact with RH- is just proof to me that this album is dead serious. This album is proof that time will not heal some wounds, however some wounds become even sweeter than they were before as time passes. The more I listen to this album, the more I love it...
This is highly recommended to anyone that is sick of this world of Burzum clones trying to pass themselves off as suicidal black metal...This is quite an original album.
Fans of this may also like Hypothermia, Trist (Trist was on this release, he did all the instruments, other than ambience and vocals), and Life is Pain...