My latest experience with Cerebral Turbulency was probably the Impenetrable album from 2001. And so when the opening track Tearmeinto starts off this album, I instantly think that they sure have changed their sound. But even though the opening track is some form of atmospheric death metal, this is certainly a grindcore album.
Crash test has one of the weirdest booklets I’ve ever seen; it’s just a fold-out booklet, but inside it you’ll find a smaller booklet that’s just about half the normal size, and in there you’ll find the lyrics. Cool. But the music’s really what’s important, isn’t it. And as I said the opening track differs from the remainder of the album, the grindcore offered here is definitely not ordinary. As it flirts with death metal it can just as well lean towards hardcore as it can induce a buttload of Malignant Tumour mincing. The tempo and song structure of Vašekino is at a start very metalcore-vibed, as it later turns into a Agathocles type of song, with riffing typical for said band. The tempo can be really slow for grindcore, just as it can blast as hell.
You never know what to expect, what the next riff will bring around the corner. It can be just about anything, and it’s that cluelessness you’re forced into that makes this a very unorthodox album. And with a full and heavy production there’s not a whole lot stopping them, unless you’re super-afraid of change. Included on the CD is also tons of photos and flyers, plus some video clips of live action and recording of the album. I have no idea what they’re saying on the video’s, but it’s still cool.
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