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Autophagia > Postmortem Human Offal > Reviews
Autophagia - Postmortem Human Offal

amateur drumming and constant belching - 20%

DuskLord, May 18th, 2004

Dude. You put the album in your player, and after about five minutes of very fast and lowtuned blastbeat filled grind, with so low grunting you barely hear it, you start to think that "I've heard this before".

Monotonous, as nearly all grindcore-"bands". Humorous, well yes. These vocals sound like the man is belching and/or farting repeatedly. No way you could figure out one word out of all these 27 tracks (including 4 intros!). I guess that's the spirit of gore/grind/death metal nowadays.

As grindcore is supposed to, this release has tedious non-changing guitar riffs tuned very low, bass isn't well audible (I don't think we'll miss anything grand), vocals remind me of farts/belching, and the drums are constant blasting non-professionally. But somehow I managed to listen this whole album in one session. It's got some kind of brutal atmosphere after you've managed to change your pants when you piss yourself laughing so hard at the vocals. Nevertheless, this is not worth more than 20 points. Oh, and the last and very important point : Autophagia does not use stupid samples from movies/tv-series, excluding those 4 intros.

Noteworthy tracks : they all sound the same, except for the intros. If you're into very simplified blasting grind, buy this.