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Decent NSBM Split - 70%

Vega360, August 30th, 2007

NSBM has always interested me, not for the ideology behind it, but for the sheer underground feel it has. This split is by far pretty unique, a lot of underground tapes have that unique cult feel. You would solely purchase this for that specific cult value.

Aryan Blood

For an underground black metal band of any means the guitar work is impressive, not for a skill standpoint (I don’t play guitar so I don’t know what falls under the line of “impressive”) but from a production standpoint, the riffs are present and the guitar sound remains constant through there entire song, it isn’t just a sound wall of constant buzzing. The drumming is mixed too high and sounds badly programmed. Any bass guitar sounds buried, it comes through in a couple spots but even then it sounds fuzzy. The vocals are alright, they are pretty standard black metal affair. Final score: 75


I am reminded of Nocternity by these guys. There vocals are buried, not nearly as deep as on Onyx mind you but still pretty hard to hear. The drumming is much better than on the Aryan Blood piece, however still seems kind of lacking. The guitar production is a mess, there at least presented in a relevant manner, but the dreaded “sound wall” production setup is there, the entire guitar work for the Evil track is just a buzzing jumble of guitar noise. Final score: 65

This split is average everything suffers from poor production and both bands could do for improvement in some areas. If your looking for an introduction to either band or this tape is cheap you could keep yourself entertained for 10 minutes, but beyond that you could save your money for bigger things.