I think Arx Atrata has some solid albums, but this album just isn't one of them.
The instruments: The instruments in this album have the same quality and style as used in Arx Atrata's previous albums. The quality is clear, and overall the instruments aren't too repetitive or unenjoyable to listen to, though I feel like practically all the songs use similar tempos, which can make the songs sound similar.
The lyrics: The lyrics are structured in a way that is similar to a poem (I don't know much about poetry so I don't know specifically what type, sorry). The lyrics are themed mostly about life, death and existentialism. The lyrics are presented like a story to get the point/moral across to the listener. This is interesting because not many artists put a whole story in the lyrics of a song. Plus, the lyrics are well-written, and aren't sappy, it's actually interesting and not some cringy "deep" stuff. It actually feels like they have something to say, they didn't write it just for the sake of writing it.
The vocals: I'm sorry but the vocals completely suck. They are easily the worst part and absolutely ruin the whole album. The style is so different from the rest of their albums, and the vocals really don't "feel" like black metal to me. It's literally just whispering. Not quite in a normal voice though, its sort of in a black metal style but the whispering effect completely throws it off. The vocals make it so uninteresting to listen to and the style neglects the "kick" the album needs to make it a hard-hitting and enjoyable atmospheric black metal album. Considering the sheer length of the songs and the blandness that the vocals provide, it is so hard to listen to the whole album. I'm sure that there are other artists out there that have pulled off this style very well, but Arx Atrata certainly didn't. The vocals really do bring the whole album down.
The album art: This album art is different to the rest of Arx Atrata's album arts. This is a good thing if you are sick of all those black metal albums with pictures of trees and forests for the cover. But personally, I like consistency, which meant that I didn't really like this art that much. It looks like Vincent van Gogh's starry night, and I'm not sure if that's what they were going for, but if they were, they did it well. I suppose the art is nice, it's well done and good quality, but some of the graphic design elements aren't that good. The logo placement is weird, and I think the art would've looked better without the black border, and off-white/yellow that was chosen for the text looks kind of ugly, but maybe that's a bit picky.
To conclude, this album isn't really worthwhile listening to, and the vocals really ruin the whole album. It's different, and change can be good, but this change isn't.