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Arckanum > Boka vm Kaos > Reviews > puynruymer
Arckanum - Boka vm Kaos

Agios O Bafomet! Agios O Bafomet! - 95%

puynruymer, June 4th, 2006

Since this release only contains two songs this review will also be short.
Shamaatae has always been one of my favourite composers in black metal. His melodic guitar riffs and overall midtempo drumming combined with the lyrics about nature and his Chao-Gnostic beliefs are super.
The first song, 'Bafomet', contains some great riffs; melodic, melancholic and in a certain way even cheerful. This song has a real chorus (which you don't see very often in black metal) which invites the listener to cheer along. Since all of the lyrics of Arckanum are in Old-Swedish I will give a short translation...
"Love me in the black oceans of Chaos! Agios O Bafomet! Agios O Bafomet!
Reach me your hand my beloved! Agios O Bafomet! Agios O Bafomet!"
Bafomet is an idol or image of uncertain provenance, depicting a being of heretical worship. This fits with Shamaatae's Chao-Gnostic beliefs.
The second song, 'Vm kaos, gatum ok kosmos', is in the same tempo as Bafomet, but more dark, black metal.
Overall, this EP has only two songs, but both are terrific! Arckanum is a name in the Swedish black metal scene which is widely underestimated, even until this time. The recordings are raw, the guitar riffs are melodic and melancholic at the same time.