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Aoratos > Gods Without Name > Reviews > SilentSlaughter97
Aoratos - Gods Without Name

Nightmarish black metal masterpiece! - 98%

SilentSlaughter97, June 23rd, 2019

Kyle Spanswick, or better know as Naas Alcameth, has struck again. Now with his latest black metal project, Aoratos. He is well-known for his other bands and projects, for example Nightbringer and Akhyls. His lyrical content is usually filled with occultism and symbolism. His music is usually delivered by eerie guitar play and screeching black metal vocals howling though to the listerner, without forgetting the intense precision of the drumplay. Now, Naas Alcameth returns with another masterful piece of black metal beauty. This time, even more horrifying than ever.

The name of the project, Aoratos, translates from Hellenic to English as 'invisible'. Gods Without Name is the first released full length record for Aoratos. The album clocks in at 44 minute mark and it does use the time it consumes, very well. Gods Without Name is without doubt by far the greatest black metal release this year has offered. Simply because of the genuine feeling it triggers in its listener. The combination of the intelligently placed guitar and keyboard work really build up the atmosphere to its max. The guitars especially give in so much to the atmosphere, as it's supposed to sound as thrilling and intense as it can be. Also the keyboards add a lot to the horror-side of things. The vocals as well bring in so much to the table, as they screech through in almost every song. Right from the very beginning, you get the goosebumps-type of feeling. 'Parallax pt. 1' is a cool goddamn intro for such a wicked album. From there it continues without any warnings to the next song called 'Holy Mother of Terror' through there to 'Of Harvest, Scythe and Sickle Moon' which literaly blast every chruch into utter flames in a 10 kilometer radius as the intense drumming and vocals unleash the absolute terror.

This is the kind of music that you'll need to experience while the sun has set, curtains are closed, headphones or proper speakers are well plugged in and you yourself are ready to step into the realm of horrors that await as you listen to the album. To me, this is definitely not an album you can fully enjoy nor should you enjoy, as background music. This album deserves its own place and time, as it has been crafted to be held that way. I personally prefer to listen to the album and take a good look at the album cover, which elevates one's mind into a state where you shouldn't feel too much at ease.

To me this records is a must buy for fans of black metal. I'm a huge fan of symphonic and avant-garde black metal, and I definitely see those sub-genres as huge influences to the sound of this album. To me, this jumps right at the top of my list as the album of the year. It simply lacks nothing and there's nothing else I'd hope more of the album.