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Xasthur / Acid Enema - Xasthur / Acid Enema

The Glory of Old... - 85%

funeral_inebriate, January 15th, 2005

This was released before all the growing Xasthur hype came about. This preceded all the boring, mediocre dribble Malefic puts out now. This is an exceptional piece of work. This was also my re-introduction to Acid Enema as well.

The Xasthur material is just what you would've expected from him back in 2002: Haunting, creative, and inspired Black Metal. The eerie dissonance in the music and the tormented screams make for a very cathartic feel. The stand out track is defintely "Doomed By Howling Winds." During the course of those ten minutes, a feeling of deep trance may ensue.

I've been familiar with the off-beat, unorthodox project Acid Enema for well over six years now. Nothing Abhorrent releases ever really sounds similar. I have noticed that his releases bounce around the Black Metal and Electronic genres quite frequently. This material showcases Abhorrent's Black Metal ability. While, the material is not THAT bad, it is nothing more than mediocre. "My Dying Breath" succeeds all the other material on Acid Enema's part.

If you are seeking more of Acid Enema, the chances of finding the Black Metal material are quite slim. As the electronic material dominates the Acid Enema discography. As for Xasthur, anything pre-dating 2004 would be your best bet to check out quality material for.