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Pest Productions

Nanchang, Jiangxi Province
Phone number:
Black Metal, Post-Rock, Shoegaze, Neofolk
Founding date :
May 2006
Archaische Gesänge, Mañjusaka Series
Online shopping:

Pest Productions Website    moc/liamtoh//orp/tsep

Band Genre Country
Band Genre Country #
Band Album Type Year Catalog Format Description


Owned by Deng.

Previously had a sub-label called as Autumn Floods Productions, later the label became independent.

Current sublabels/imprints/series:
-Mañjusaka Series (depressive rock-focused) [No releases since 2012]
-Self-Destruction (DSBM) [No releases since 2008]
-Owltree Series (dark and forest folk)
-Ashes Series (dark post-rock)
-Weary Bird Records (Post-rock / sadcore)
-Midnight-Productions/Midnight Records (dark ambient / industrial) [No releases since 2011]


Chinese name: 瘟疫唱片

Missing catalog numbers:

PEST 006 Líam - Journey... Two Years and a Fragment (non-metal)
PEST 007 In the Abyss - The Frosty Heart in Snowstorm (non-metal)
PEST 008 Morose - Autumn Poetry (cancelled)
PEST 009 Vergissmeinnicht - Whispering Solitude (non-metal)
PEST 011 Secretly in Pain - Secretly in Pain (cancelled)
PEST 012 Cerberus - Cerberus (not released yet)
PEST 026 Dernier Martyr - [no title] (not released yet)
PEST 030 V.A. - Depression and Hatred of 3 Years
PEST 033 Skendöd - Vanskapt (not released yet)
PEST 036 V.A. - Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer
PEST 038 The Last Days - When The Tomorrow Is A Grey Day (non-metal)
PEST 040 Vergissmeinnicht - His Own Strange Songs (non-metal)
PEST 049 Be Persecuted - [no title] (not released yet)
PEST 053 From Chaos - Phobia About Life/Black Romance [compilation] (not released yet)
PEST 061 In It - None of That Matters (non-metal)
PEST 062 Raflum - Forgotten Woods in Autumn's Silence (non-metal)
PEST 069 Shrou of Distress/Silent Thoughts - Farewell (not released yet)
PEST 073 Need to Cnt l- Need to Cntl (not released yet)
PEST 075 Stroszek - A Break In The Day (non-metal)
PEST 077 Apocynthion - Sidereus Nuncius (non-metal)
PEST 079 Aves - Feathers (non-metal)
PEST 081 Tormental - Il Perpetuo Sconcerto Per La Realtà In Cui Mi Sveglio Ogni Giorno (non-metal)
PEST 082 The Phantom Carriage - Falls (non-metal)
PEST 089 V.A. - Songs from the Spirit of Roots
PEST 090 Varuna - The Epical Trilogy of Vorlaufen I: Night Master (re-release) (not released yet)
PEST 093 Essene - Demo (non-metal)
PEST 099 Ambiguïté - Light & Shade
PEST 100 MSW - Cloud
PEST 102 Sorae - Sorae (non-metal)
PEST 106 Zuriaake - Gu Yan EP 12" vinyl (not yet released?)
PEST 111 Zaliva-D - E.V.I.L.
PEST 113 Dara - Dreptarul Viselor (non-metal)
PEST 115 Violet Cold - Desperate Dreams (non-metal)
PEST 126 Thy Light - No Morrow Shall Dawn [Vinyl]​ (not released yet)
PEST 130 The Mortal World - The Mortal World (not released yet)

PEST X02 V.A. - Pest Productions 2006-2016 (Hate and Elegy for 10 Years) [Commemorative 10-year compilation, includes one track from every Pest Production release and unreleased tracks]
PEST X03 Procreation Garden - Procreation Garden
PEST X04 Asthenia - Aplastic​/​Malebolge
PEST X05 V.A. - Death Kult Over Black Congregation (Chinese black metal compilation; 150 CDs given out as bonuses with online orders).
PEST X05 Dark Fount - Become the Soul of Mist
PEST X07 V.A. - Death Kult Over Black Congregation II
PEST X09 Nagar - I
PEST X10 V.A. - Death Kult Over Black Congregation III
PEST X11 Haktkuligida - Demo (2018​-​2021)

Added by: waldmystiker Modified by: Kanaklux3000
Added on: 2011-04-09 03:50:15 Last modified on: 2023-03-25 09:39:28
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